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The C7 hit the FF to try and do some drifting!!! Sounds freakin awesome, but I was having a super hard time keeping it from spinning! That ProCharger kicks in the boost and the tires just light on this thing! Still running perfect tho!
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In today's episode, adam l zedd scratches my door, the c7 releases the bald eagles, and we test out the clutch kickers layouts for 2022. well nervous. I know dude, i'm not serious. What's going on guys, today's video is sponsored by ship station.

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Let's get to the lie back hell, yeah brother you're on the please confirm youtube channel all right guys. We took the drag radials off the c7. Put the burnout tires back on, they don't have a ton of life, but we're gon na try and drift this puppy today. I think it'll do it.

It's got enough power to break them loose just just enough. Just enough, oh yeah, oh i missed the gear. I missed it stand by oh, oh dang, it that was close, doesn't count. You got ta hit the concrete at least oh success.

By far one of the best sounding cars in the fleet - oh yeah, especially yeah, bouncing off the walls. It looks pretty difficult. It's like really touchy and weird figuring it out, need a handbrake. I hate driving my wire cars dude, nothing better than a cable from your foot to the droplet for sure.

Oh yeah, it's a little toasty 212 210, already cooling down c7 dude out here. Just doing c7 things, the power is a little bit harder to control on this car, but it is a lot of fun. Okay, guys we had a spill on aisle. Three catch cannon overfilled turns out a lot of engine oil.

In this thing it's still reading over full, so i think that might have been part of the issue better than no oil better than none. Is this a similar one? Look at this dude. We got ta drink technology out here with these drawings. How long take you to draw that about 10 minutes, wow, all right guys so beautiful day, we're gon na do some drifting.

We have the clutch kickers guys in town, because if you didn't know, we landed a deal to run all of the rounds of clutch kickers, which is basically the biggest grassroots drifting event in the country or maybe in the world right here at the freedom factory all Year long, so we're gon na have a bunch of events here with the clutch kickers. But these guys want to come out and test out some layouts, because every round of clutch kickers we're gon na change the layout, because there's so many possibilities here at the freedom factory. So we got taylor ray a bunch of other guys who are pretty high level. Drifters here and you'll see their cars in a minute they're all out here, we're going to test out some layouts have some fun run some tandems and uh we're going to show you guys the whole way.
I also want to note that this is the first time we've let outside promoters in the freedom factory to run an event, and i love to see that they're working hard they're out here. You know months before their first event, which the tickets are already on sale for on the phone.com, and they are, you know doing their due diligence. Setting up some layouts testing them make sure they work for their drivers, and so we put on a good show for you guys. So if you guys want to come out watch these guys compete for a hundred thousand dollars i'll be competing too.

You guys can grab your tickets and come see it yourselves. So it's gon na be amazing. Dude, i'm excited to rip donnie hang out with these dudes and uh. Let her rip so guys.

I actually shattered the rack and donnie when i had that crash a couple months ago, but we're getting him geared up. We welded the rack, ty welded it. We need to give donnie some love. You know he's still got some battle wounds, but should be just fine for testing out here today.

How's this bad girl, doing good, believe it's dude clutch kickers at the freedom factory dude, i'm so excited i am so pumped it's gon na, be so fun. Let's do it yeah buddy! Here we go first layout. Oh, look at the fancy real cones out here, uh, let's that one i go. It was too small, but it's pretty fun.

I thought it was gon na be super slow, but it's actually not that bad. It's usable it's a little like it's, not as it's not as exciting, but it's usable yeah. Let's i'd say: let's swap layouts. Oh, i didn't think i was gon na get to drive with you, but my flight got cancelled.

Everything happens. We're good! I'm still out here see some tandy's dude. We got a pretty good squad, yeah dude! If you take that door clean off, we'll be good. I've been meaning to replace it.

I heard a little clunk as she rolled up little dog box action nowadays, she's ready for you. Looking good. I heard you. It's got a ls7 super high, revving ls steel.

I don't know it goes to 8 600. It makes like five of this 580 or something like that. Yeah, that's, not that's, not what i'm making nice this thing is so cool. I love this color, i'm stoked to like have the off season to redo it.
Yeah, oh really yeah. This is this. Is it's tested? We were going to rip it apart, like i want to leave it together. Yeah we got to figure out this clutch kicker layout, it's fun dude! I'm excited to be out here.

I know all year. I know i bet you won't hit my door. How about the bang, not on the bank on here on the inside light around chip? No, oh yeah! Let's go with my boy: let's go right on the ff logo. Dude nice! I love that layout.

That's pretty fun! That's a really fun one! You just need to fix the um when you come off the bank yeah hit that enter in the outside yeah. They got to pick one or the other. It's a little weird. I think they should do the outside, hey donnie's, looking good out there.

You know what i mean: oh yeah he's looking good our boy, donny hangs in there with everybody, yeah he's just the old ripper there boy. Oh, oh boys, keep the lights worth the money, damn that's a hard one. So we got ta hit that hairpin there. Ah yeah, i think, it'd be like cool for like a like a half time.

Definitely it's too. I think a lot of drivers are gon na, be hitting there and spinning it's not very smooth, all right, hey, it's all right, okay, guys! So to end off this video, i wanted to tell you that we tried about 10 different layouts and i don't want to ruin some of the best ones, because it's kind of a surprise. So i showed you a couple of my favorites, but there was plenty of other ones that we tried that were amazing and every round of clutch kickers will be different, which in the other layout at their old facility. It was always the same.

So this will be really fun a different layout, each round to keep the excitement up. We have some smaller routes that are inside the track and that's for the lower horsepower cars and then there's layouts that are on the bank for the big horsepower cars so trying to be even for all the competition. That's how clutch kickers has always been ran, but this is going to be incredible. 20.

000 around the tickets for round one are already up so come on out check out what the layout will be late april coming up fast. Well, that's it for now guys, thanks for watching, do it for now we'll freakin see you later, you.

By Cleetus

15 thoughts on “Tried drifting the c7 and apparently i cannot handle the freedoms… 1000hp procharged stingray”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dwarf365 says:

    Cleet is going to get smashed if he can't get out of second gear. Just going to be left behind.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john somethin says:

    needs the FDF mini angle kit for the c7. still street but adds enough to slide around.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freedom Fox says:

    Enjoying the heck out of the c7 content lately it's what made me find your channel years ago and I'm so glad I did

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freedom Fox says:

    Is it actually Garrett answering our comments or do you think his team is taking care of it since he's so busy?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jvepps says:

    Klutch Kickers on the same track for a whole year season…..again. BORING. Better get more than a few layouts.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Kildea says:

    This is message number 36 of "I want Cleetus to by George a new truck" campaign.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lindenbum says:

    When I bought a new house I shipped my bed. That went well so I shipped my drawers and latter shipped my pants.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chloe Hennessey says:

    If he scratched the original Cleeter Machine than we are going to be throwin hands, no cap.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ron Burden says:

    It’s a good job you put ship station on the screen for a Second I thought I heard you say shit station 😂😂😂.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Popovich says:

    Love seeing the c7 back on channel and being the ripper we know she is! Thing looks and sounds so damn good!!!! Also has me so excited to see Leroy and his new motor and tranny setup to see what he’s going to be able to do know been missing him lol

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr.TeloniousB says:

    I'm interested in how much money Cleet is saving now that he switched over to led lights. I could imagine he's spending less for more lighting.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chance Moore says:

    Living the dream 🇺🇸!

    When I retire in 2042 can I come work at the FF.? I'll work for peanuts.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Burton says:

    My fave c series vette. C7 with the pro charger man. Vrrrmmm chhhhhee vrrrmmm che vrrrmmmd d d d cha.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Freedom Seeds says:

    Need to get the 316 Speed guys to pave the whole track now Cleet. This thing has come along so far since you bought it. Amazing to see it come together.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cleetus McFarland says:

    I'm really falling back in love with the C7!!! It's so dialed I'm enjoying the heck out of it again.

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