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This Ripsaw is something else!!! Fast and capable of going anywhere off road.... and it's super luxurious! Music, heat/AC, nice seats, and a lot of power!
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Yeah pepperoni, oh i got cheese pizza must be the wrong guy. All right i'll wait for the next one hell yeah brother you're, on the policeman for on youtube channel. Oh rip saw this skeeter mcfarland dude. We came all the way to tell you happy birthday.

How are you doing birthday present ever man holy crap? This thing is so cool. Is it amazing in the snow it's wild? Oh, my god, i'm so excited to drive this thing. It's gon na be a weekend. Uh right, cody's already got.

I think he's buried a snowmobile he's very a ranger he's got two buried at least, and then he went to bed at six. Let's go it's gon na, be so fun. They're hopping this tank, we got ta go up to our cabin holy crap. This is cool, of course.

It's souped up. What is life right now, i'm riding on the back of a freaking tank. Oh, my god he's ripping it dude holy crap, oh sweet, honey, barbecue live action right now. This is not a casual tank ride to me.

Standing on the back wow, this thing rides really good. Taking these bumps, it looks amazing. You got a florida man back here. Are you driving that back? Do you have anything nice yeah? I mean it's cold yeah.

Why don't you guys close your doors back in the heat i'll be up here really getting at the thick of it now this might be the coolest thing i've ever done in my life. Here's the thing, though, 99 honestly, i can't think of a single thing that could go wrong right now. I'm still ready thanks for letting us borrow your tank, we'll bring it back in one piece. Hopefully, all right holy all right systems on thrusters activated, boosters activated rocket sequence, initiated wow click, click click see you in an hour.

Hey it's just later homies one hour, butterfly doors, man, uh yeah. It is you just going straight up this thing. Yeah i mean we could try. I don't even know, what's behind us, we're just trying all that right now try to ask him or just rip it, i'm going up it.

Okay did not make it up. We didn't make it very far guys. Oh, my goodness, we're gon na be fine. I honestly think this is going really well.

I was kind of thinking. Maybe we won't get stuck, but after that whole episode, there's a decent chance that we're gon na get stuck all right. This is sick, though i mean we are driving tanks. So i'm pretty excited about that.

You know i can't deny the fact that that's pretty awesome third gear and a tank just got to remember where we're at yeah, where we're going. I saw these on top here when i was a kid. Oh yeah, just going out at night just got here yeah my floor. Flooring did it.

It actually starts cutting through this dude. I can't wait to see this thing in the like daylight yeah flying around. It seems all right should i go up in here, we're taking it right now, so badass holy crap, i got ta, be honest dude. I just run it up the trail, so bad back there.

I don't know if we're gon na make it back through dude. You dug four foot right there just right here. I think we screwed ourselves. I mean, i think i screwed the whole situation is.
We could go straight up to the left around that evergreen tree we're gon na have to bomb it dude. All right here hold up we're gon na have to vomit i'm telling you like. I had lost all my momentum instantly going up the hill. Did you see that i was almost stuck over there? Could you tell oh yeah, i saw the track.

Sliding got ta, keep the momentum alive. She's got it. Oh you really dug it up. Come on was drifting off to the side.

I think we can go back hook to the left or to the right of that tree. More, i feel like going straight, gives us a good opportunity. Video doesn't do justice, how steep that is ready, we're getting there we're getting over to the tree. You know what dude, i think i might be giving it too much throttle just let it crawl look at the most run, just hit that same spot.

Yeah just go in the same tracks, and if this doesn't work, then try that other got her got it keep going come on baby got it. Yeah, like the front where it starts to curve, is like four or five inches like this one yeah. Oh, you know what look. It's got all the snow in the wheel.

It's probably like ice now, oh it's! Oh yeah, they're. All pretty much like that! Yeah that'll! Maybe thaw out the track's not torn up, though all right guys. We did not mess up the track. There's just snow in the wheels all right we're taking this thing back before we get in any more trouble, we uh we got really lucky.

We got out, we yeah it dude we got in some stuff that was intense. This thing's hard to drive it's hard to drive home super touchy. How did it do uh? We had to make a run at that hill like five times, and we were just straight vomiting yeah. This thing is awesome, narrow tracks, don't like the heavy snow yeah, that's its only downfall, everything else.

It runs so good. Have you gotten off the camera at all yeah yeah, i mean i had no choice. I was like dude dave, said 99 chance we're getting stuck. We're not getting stuck.

There was like three times where we had to go like reverse and forward that this thing like it reverses out of it, though you got ta think about driving it yeah. It reverses great yeah, all right guys. Here's this bad girl in the daylight i want to let you see it real, quick, we're about to go riding going on a long ride up here in utah check out the scenery. It's amazing shout out to dave sparks for having us out all right.

What happened? I got pitted brother, oh oh, my gosh running hard brother, so i'll wait for the next one. Hmm man, this one's gon na be hard to get out. Look at that thanks for helping me get unstuck boys, hey guys back in the good old. Warm state of florida got a bunch of race car content coming for you this week we took a red eye last night to get back here, wanted to take a second to give a big shout out to dave sparks for all of his hospitality.
That guy, you know, he's a very generous dude and invited us out there just to have fun. We ripped his tank. We had a ton of fun, you're gon na see someone got hit by the tank while i was driving it actually. So let me rephrase that someone hit the tank while i was driving it.

Luckily, no one got hurt, but you'll be surprised by the video. It is very sketchy. Looking and that'll be coming out on someone's channel very soon had a ton of fun, though, and i'm actually going back to utah in like a week to do some other stuff and just filming a ton of race car content. This week we got some really good stuff, so it's exciting man killing it having a lot of fun doing these videos.

That is it for now, thanks for watching do. For now, we will freakin, see you later bye.

By Cleetus

13 thoughts on “The best vehicle ever… first time driving a ripsaw personal luxury tank!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cosine Squared says:

    I was wondering when cleeter was going to go to snow country. Hell yeah brother!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 808 G8GT says:

    I bet cleetus will have one of these at his shop very soon.
    And soon after that, twin turbo LSX swapped.
    Better yet, put Toast Blown BBC engine in that thing!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Kitner says:

    I'm amazed the Florida Boys didn't freeze to death, they complain when it hits 70 and show up at the track in arctic gear….

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aussie RC says:

    Hope cleet does something special for his 1k vid that's next!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GAMERS UPDATES & COMPLAINTS says:

    I didn't know Americans watched top gear ๐Ÿ˜‚ please tell me I'm not alone on thinking it was just uk tv top gear was on

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr Olsen says:

    "got to remember where we come from"
    Like there's so many other Ripsaw track out there so you can't follow your own back home…๐Ÿ˜‚

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Diaman D says:

    definitely something a real floridaman should own. ya know , when the waters are low.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! TKING2724 says:

    "The best vehicle ever." This is not a Sherp. That thing is not nearly as capable as a Sherp off road.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Johnson says:

    One of the tension wheels on the driver side (last one) is not rolling. 13 minutes and 40 seconds in

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars spyder 4351 says:

    The utah content is absolutly amazing. Cant wait for some more. Ripsaw looked amazing

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Albertson says:

    I remember the first time I saw one of these. So cool ! Hate to get one really stuck though. They look heavy.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Obsidian762 says:

    Next episode: Florida man drives turbocharged tank through local Taco Bell drive-thru.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cleetus McFarland says:

    Wait until you guys see what happened yesterday in this thing… I imagine it'll be posted tonight or tomorrow on Whistlin's channel.

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