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We've been pushing Leroy to the absolute limit to get into the 6's... today he finally made a pass that looked like the one, but it just wasn't it!!!
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Let's get to the live action. Hell yeah, brother, you're on the please before on YouTube channel. All right guys. here we are in the drag strip again with our 7-0 car Leroy The Savage But today we hope that this is a six second car.

We've had this ongoing issue where the car spins on the 1-2 shift and we've done lots of phone calls, lots of research, lots of moving things to try and sort this out. I Guess the first thing would be we think we had low pressure in our shock canisters. The second would be we think we had a bar angle that's not exactly ideal for stick shift. So it's hard because stick shift stuff.

there's not a ton of guys that run it. Yeah, so some guys are like oh, run way less bar angle. Oh, you need way more. So we've kind of been in between.

but um, when we had a lot of bar angle in it, a lot of anti-swap we weren't having issues with Tire spin. Yeah, and ever since we dropped it, it's just been progressively getting worse. So okay. and then we also have the traction control box from Shannon Davis on this car that we never used and I was sitting in bed the other night just thinking I was like, why don't we have the traction control on It's kind of a Band-Aid but we're going to turn all that on.

We made a bunch of major changes and hopefully today we can get through that one two shift under power. Obviously we can do it slower, you know and go with 706, but we need to go through that smoothly and the car will go way way faster. so we shouldn't be on the Ragged edge of spinning the tire. Just to go with six, it should be able to go 670s.

You know those things Something feels right about today. It feels great outside. we're all not bundled in code. It's a good day.

It's gonna be a good day. Sun's out beautiful. Skies Sam's wiping down Leroy and see where we're going this morning for the good run. So we should be in good shape guys.
Well Radley Roy baby. here we go. Leroy First hit of the state? Yeah, Big burnout? Yes sir. here we go.

Leroy All right feeling good about this one. Oh oh, all right, 114 60 foot looks really good. You gotta read your data. All right.

So fairly slowly he lifted uh, right around the 330. but when 114 to the 60 foot and 319 to the 330, rolled to a 503 at 112. nice. Now we got hey, hey, now we got something to work with.

It's a start. It was not too bad. We hit the Boost cut. the Boost ramped in so slow it shot up at the Boost cut.

foreign, slow 319. well oh yeah, that is pretty slow. Yeah yeah, but dude it looked good I don't know. it didn't feel very good.

it was kind of bouncing. it sounded very flat. Well, I had the Boost turned way down because I wanted to get some uh I want to get some data on the traction control? Yeah, so now we have that, but it kind of was bouncing I think the Boost ramped in so hard to hit the booth. Safety: Oh okay, what you said it like 42.

so that's pretty spicy spiced up. The bounce is back, buddy. The bounce is back. Okay guys, it looks like we got into the rear shock travels so hard we topped out the back shocks.

That's why it was just bouncing. Maybe it's our Theory So we're gonna, uh, try and slow down the rear end so it doesn't get all the way up to the top. There that sucker was topped out went from one inch of travel at the bottom when it was sitting on the starting line all the way up to eight inches maxed out. so that's pretty spicy.

When we added that pressure in the canister, that naturally gave us more shaft exposure so we have less actual travel. Oh okay, so what we can do is we can turn the shock down and get the car back where it was. Again, okay I just didn't want to make too many adjustments so we're just totally fresh. So all right.

Cool. all right. Mo boost and tighter shocks. That's our Theory Here we go Leroy Nice spicy burnout.

Oh 749 at 146. dang dude, he was on a mission there. We're back on par 111 of the 63.08 to the 330, 466 at 148 to the 8th. it's down a few mile an hour from last time out to the eighth.

Also a little bit slower. then they lifted about a thousand foot rolled to a 749 146. nice 308. making progress.

Actual progress to be to do what we wanted to do but now. but it felt like it's just see I way prefer pulling up like this when we went down. You know what I mean it's just a way better feeling. way better feeling than 1160.308 330, 466 Brother: that's so much less horsepower than I've had in it to go forward.

Something? Yeah, whatever it is horsepower and make that number than what we've had. All right, All right guys, everything looks great in the data log. You know we were making some pretty serious boost. 40 pounds of boost in second gear.
We came out of first gear at 22 pounds of boost. Made it through the shift which we're really happy about, but we have this problem where the rear end is just topped out. so this blue line is the rear shock extension. It's just getting to the very top of the shock and running out.

so we got to change the bar angle a little bit. It's too aggressive which might really take us back a few steps, but it might. but overall it's what we're here for. We gotta know exactly where it's got to be so far.

Change and do it Dude, we gotta do. this engine's running great I Gotta say shout out to our boys at Texas Speed She's taking 40 pounds of boots like it ain't no thing. Clutch report the best it's ever looked I Mean it's not Dusty The measure. the adjustments and bass pressure are staying relative right there.

What did we change? Why is it just being so good? I Guess is the bar change Getting it out the hole faster? Yeah, it could be the tune, the bar change and the clutch all together. and the weather. The stars are just a lot. I Told you it was a good day.

All right. Well let's uh. let's make it work boys. All right? All right brother.

here's the deal. We got a fresh traction control tune. We got a bar angle chains. what's the bar looking like? it's looking better than it was.

So dangle. Yeah, bar angle is so aggressive is making the back end get way up under the car trying to slow that down someplace. But it's kind of a guess because you changed the bar angle geometry and that changes the speed at which it travels and then you got to change the shock. So you know a lot of science.

A lot of changes. Clutch is the same, tune is spicier. Let's do it all right. Yeah, Finally! Leroy Doing good burnouts again.

We got tail lights back. Dude, it's like a brand new car All right. Leroy Well do what you used to do when he was. brand new.

Track: Go fast. Oh 111 60 foot safety. Damn it. The food safety all right.

So we slowed down a little bit down through there a good bit. lost a good bit of mile an hour. So I'm pulling some data see what will happen buddy. Oh got the boot safety again it is.

Yeah, turn that off that 45 pounds yeah I don't want to go out All right boys I Called Pete we chatted thank you. See that that that's what we're working with. Was he drinking the Mountain Dew when he made this tune? yeah well he he actually made one that wasn't this spicy and I called him I said brother Spice I want to go six instead I think he was gonna get. he'll probably get us to a 6.99 because that's how Pete is.

he makes it happen. but I'm like I kind of want to go to 691 first rip you know I'm sorry bury that we're gonna try this. it might not work and then we'll put Pete's tune in it which I have in here so you bring the laptop. oh this is it Sam right here.
Tell us something. All right. Let me tell you guys. we've waited forever for this right here.

But right now here it is right here. This is the big news of the day. Getting ready to happen right now so you're getting ready to see it run it. We've not done yet until right now.

Matter of fact, it might even be that rat now. R-a-t right now right now. Go up here and do it Right now. Here we go.

Oh yeah again, let's get all them boost this is. Come on. Leroy Oh my gosh, there he goes. Thank you! Seven Ten at 192.

good run. let's see what we got. What we got there didn't pick up none. so we're 111.5 303 a little better.

it's a 330 but still not enough to get it there. Yeah, 459 it's been a 56 150 I think it's been 154. So through the middle is where we've all set up top. But you know it's not bad to be able to go with 710 A to B deal.

Yep, it had the same 60 foot 111. Wish it would have picked up a little bit there, but that's going to be close. Dude. Bottom seven boy knows his car.

That's for sure 7 10. Yeah, that's what it felt like. 459. Man, that 330 is ripping three out of three.

All right, we gotta knocks him off to 60 foot. We'll be there. Let's cool it down. let's cool it down.

We're gonna make you guys cool down. fuel it up. No no oh no no no, she's good dude. I mean he I think I accidentally cleared the traction control log.

But all right. Oh okay. Seven Ten Guys Seven Ten we're there I can knock it tenth of it just when I thought it couldn't get any spicier. Yeah, so now what have you done? We're adding 200 more RPM to launch, tighten the clutch.

two more pounds of boost. We're gonna run 47 pounds of Dome out of the back which should be about 45 pounds of boost. Holy Toledo is Leroy rated for that kind of power? No, that's got to be over 2 000 horses is definitely not rated for this. We are on the Ragged edge of of making this happen.

How many horses would you estimate that would be about? You heard of your version? good thing you don't have corn in it. Yeah, all right. Well I did see him. save this as the Ghost Pepper tune.

It's all spiced up all the way. spiced up all right. Well, you know how to hear this thing when it gets past 60 foot goes all right Here we go All right. Leroy with the hot ghost pepper tune-up in it.

got the Carolina Reaper tuning this baby. Oh okay. still lights are shining, turbos are spooling. Oh buddy, this is Leroy's man.

We've been attempting it so long I don't even know how I would react if he just ran six seconds today. Gosh oh my gosh dude. 701 at 193. dude Leroy was going so fast.

foreign me food that very well could have been a six second run. This thing was on a ramp. That was definitely that was definitely a lot faster than the one before a tenth of a second. I Just don't know man.

I can't call that one from here. Oh please give it to me. Please give us the six brother. Oh my gosh Seven Oh no one.
I'm 10 with a four 2.99 454 at 153 701 with a four I won it was 194 mile an hour. Golly what a rip dude. Get her cooled down driver straight boy. she get down through there.

Six nine nine nine nine yeah he was way less engine sounds a little rough. foreign engine. oh no no no 701. she's not happy.

Oh I don't know, it's not. It's not as bad as it could be. Put it. Listen to that.

Yeah, it's Gotta I call that the Blazer bump 110 60 foot, 299, 330 454. at 153 in the eighth, 701 at 193. it looked like you were going a thousand miles an hour. Dude I felt like I was doing 500.

Yeah, make sure it's got oil pressure and everything down there. I mean I Does that sound bad enough to not run it? Hopefully we see something. Funny thing is this is like no different than the OG Leroy engine. Well this is slightly different than OG We random but similar rods and pistons not that special.

It's got a decent block, but it's the same heads asking. A lot of the old girls are obviously taking an absolute beat down. We're having an 8400 on the ship thousand I Remember this type of heat I think the guys at Texas Speed would want us to do this. 7.0 What's the difference between 7.0 and 6.99 That's nothing on top of that.

One is the most frustrating number like Leroy Why do you have to hold up on the point zero? Does it have to be like this? Does it have to be like this? Leroy right? You're done. But you're done all right. I'll just take a fat tune-up in it. It's either gonna do something worthy if it feels like a turtle to get out of it.

Yeah, All right. almost. How is there another day gone? dude. You get closer each.

Town though 708 and then 706 now 701. hardest Milestone we've ever had to break through. stick car in the sixes. Who the hell thought this was a good idea? We used to think this one yeah I mean I mean it was your idea bud I Know this guy.

Actually the engine's fine. it's making plans still making I Can't say I'm not a little bummed on this one. Yeah, it's really close I mean more the closer you get. but hey yeah.

60 foot I just how many times can we go 7-0 so far about 57. We will have to return to the track soon enough to try and bust into the sixes with Leroy The freaking Savage What a ridiculous process this is. This is a heartbreaker and I'm I Thought we had it, thought we really had it. So we'll enter off there.

We'll be back as soon as we can to go for that six. But for now guys, thanks for watching. Do it for now. we'll freak in and see you later.

Sov SLB The Savage there he is.

By Cleetus

11 thoughts on “You’re not going to believe this!!! leroy 2.0’s new best pass!!! why leroy… why”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WolfeWerx says:

    Ty knows a lot about suspension

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Southbound says:

    Another one with wreck less operation George

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 18wheels13speeds says:

    I've thought this since 2.0. everyone in the shop was surprised by how light Leroy was. Has ANYONE thought about a softer coil spring on the rear. Cleetus has complained about it bouncing since v2.0 was finished. I can only think the coils are way to stiff for the rear end

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon J says:

    Not going to lie I think Leroy should get a Steve morris engine like mullets after this just imagine the possibilities

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ced@home says:

    How fast you want to go mister?… depends how much time and money you got ๐Ÿ”ง๐Ÿ‘

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Bennion says:

    Big block in Leroy!?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Brown says:

    Hey, I aint here to assume Leroyettes gender…

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vabeachkevin says:

    Time for a SMX engine!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ben blackwell says:

    Jackstand is hilarious lol , turn that shit off ๐Ÿคฃ

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Brown says:

    Rat meow

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Risker says:

    I think Mr Sam deserves a nice raise!!!this man is constantly working and if he's not taking something apart fixing it then he's keeping the cars looking good!!!give this man a raise!!!I'm sure cleeter is taking care of him but I feel he deserves more recognition he's one of the hardest working older men I've ever seen ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ keep killing it Mr Sam

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