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It's getting SO CLOSE to the 2.4 Hours of LeMullets!!! We gotta pick a layout so we can let our drivers know! What do you guys think?
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-November 19th, 2021 2.4 Hours of LeMullets
-November 20th, 2021 Cleetus and Cars Championship
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It's getting SO CLOSE to the 2.4 Hours of LeMullets!!! We gotta pick a layout so we can let our drivers know! What do you guys think?
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PPV Tickets and all Cleeter Merch is available here!!:
Just so you guys know if you spend $75 or more on use code CLEETUS at checkout for a free ticket to the 2.4 Hours of LeMullets PPV!
-November 19th, 2021 2.4 Hours of LeMullets
-November 20th, 2021 Cleetus and Cars Championship
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Hell yeah brother you're on the please confirm youtube channel all right, guys we're sprucing up the freedom factory on friday. As you know, we have the 2.4 hours delay moles, presented by summer racing. We got kurt busch coming. We got alex bowman haley deegan, brian deegan.
We got the diesel brothers just a freaking epic list of drivers and the whole goal is to have really good racing. I don't want this race to be a demolition derby. This one is going to be about really good racing and that's why we're actually considering changing the layout even to make it even more fun more of a driver's race. You guys suggested that we did this a while ago.
We didn't do it for the freedom 500, but now it's 2.4 hours only mullets we might as well spice up a little bit. So i called alex belvin from nascar. I said what do you think about this kidney layout, where basically, in turn, two you dive down onto the burnout pad and come back out on turn three. That would add a lot more turning and driver skill to the game.
James and i are gon na run. It really quick here's what a normal lap looks like. I chose a random car and i got george's. This thing is stout dude, listen to this holy crap yeah come on now come on now, not quick enough see.
The normal layout is so fast, oh wow. Okay, so now we're switching all right now, here's what the kidney lap looks like it's definitely a lot more wear on the brakes than the front right tires, but i think we got enough brakes and tire to make it through dude burnout pad is slick. Oh that's! Great, i think you need the wide approach. Jackson.
Oh, let me try without james my wood. Oh dude! That's that's pretty crazy! Like that man, that's a lot more driving versus just doing the oval. That's a lot more driving versus the oval hello guys. What do you think is this too much? Should we just keep it the normal competitive scratch all right? I don't want to beat up their car anymore.
That is spicy. That's a driver's route right there boy see, part of me wants to do half and half, and then we just tell everyone. If you want the easy half you go first, if you want the hardcore half you go. Second, i don't know, but at the same time i feel, like that's gon na cause, a lot of accidents that you know, which is something to think about something to think about.
Dude this car, george and brian, have a freaking great car. You guys got to decide. Do you want to see us do the kidney layout you want to see us do the normal layout, since it's the 2.4 hours delay mullets, the drivers actually switch halfway through the race, so we can do normal oval during the first half of the race kidney on The second half or kidney the whole way or normal the whole way, i'm up for anything. I think it'd be kind of fun to change the layout.
It's playing bullets, we got ta, send it. So let me let us know what you guys think in the comments below look at all of these completed race cars guys race cars. Let me pop door on this. One check that out racing seats, race grip, seat belts, nitrous equipped window net good to go. I tell you what that layout is crazy. That's a game changer for sure i do. I know that that worries me on many levels, but it was also really fun on a lot of levels. It's a blast, the burnout pad being so slick so like slippery.
I don't know dude i mean it. Definitely it makes it a driver's race yeah. What do you think about that? That's pretty spicy yeah your average is like 23 24., so it has about three or four seconds yeah, not bad though i mean it's, it looks cool. It looks awesome, yeah feels awesome, you're sliding around it's going to get risky.
The grass is going to take a beating i'll guarantee you that just cut the check out - it's okay, we'll add it to the expense sheet finishing up crown. Vicks got ta, get the inertia switch unhooked, because when we're into the first race you get hit and all of a sudden, your crown vic loses fuel pump. So they are finishing up the cars guys. Ty went ahead and designed these custom seat brackets for each car and we'll be running racing seats in all the cars this year, because the stock crown big seats, kind of sucked and everyone kept complaining about it.
So we're like all right, we'll put some seats in the car this year and the nitrous is done just got to clean up the cars. You know. Take the stickers off the windows. We got logos that we put on the cars all that stuff and we'll have freaking 20 of these things racing on friday, you're doing an oil change on this dude.
Why are you doing an oil change? What kind of what is it? What did it do to deserve this? It gets one about every other fleet of cars. Well, it did beat george's truck, so i guess it kind of deserves six cylinders. I found two burnt burn. Not just boots burn clean through this spark plug just take out two wires put my uh collectors back together, tacked them up.
So this way so nice full zoomy, not just seven zoomy hell yeah back in action. Oh brother, these turned out great better than expected. Dude new motion, race works, side by side steering wheels or any off-roading type of steering wheel, dude, look at that quality handmade, and then we got the drag wheel, the buttons with the sliders dude. This is the light.
What do you think that weighs less than a pound? What that is insane that one's kind of heavier i mean that's like a normal steering wheel. That's nothing. Can we put one of these on sam's buffer that cleaner level on there available right now on got the demo on that's the first one dude and then look at the felt texture guys. This is legit stuff, one of every option: perforated leather, buddy, suede clean, dotted, leather.
It's like raised dots. I know it's so grippy and it's got the thumb holes. The thumbnails are really nice, so sick. All right guys we're going to test out toast a little bit. We got cleansing cars on saturday, obviously, so we want to make sure this thing's running right. It was sounding a little weird. As you guys know, the headers shook loose in houston because they weren't quite mounted so great, so those shook loose and we're hoping it didn't burn up a valve or something so we're going to make it like a 10 or 15 second rip check the egt's make Sure everything seems okay, so that we can run this thing on saturday, full fledge and blow off some tires for people see how it does all right guys. I really hope toast is running good.
It's freaking crazy! How well warburg, you know, would just do burnout after burnout without any service, but we'll get this thing ironed out. Hopefully, today it runs good. Here we go so sounded insane holy crap. We have a leak, though okay, the dash is for sure, reading wrong.
I didn't know in houston because i thought it might have blacked out dash is not reading right. It's reading, half the rpm, so we got ta change the settings on that. There's it's like pouring out all right, so we've determined it's not the rear main seal. It's actually the intake leaking a little bit, so it might be the distributor to where it went in, but it's it's all puddled on the top.
Oh biscuits quite a bit of fluid. Well, that sucks, you think it might maybe coming out of the distributor like it's not sat in all the way. Maybe that's yeah! Ah hey! Well, that's better than some other options. It could be all right guys.
The egt's are good they're, all within about 10 of each other, except for cylinder. Four was dead before the burnout started, which may have happened on the way over here, something like that. So that was seven cylinders. Uh after about five seconds, doesn't look like the headers came loose.
I don't see any residue, that's good yeah cause when we were idling in the shop number. Five was freaking. Dude number five is colder than number six and it's dead, even with number seven colder than number eight. So i'm telling you it's just things got ta be running hard to get the egts to even out.
Overall, i give this test run a 7.3 out of 10.. We have a problem to fix, but we are probably on the right track to run this thing good on saturday, yeah, i'd, say you're, definitely on to something saying that that's the leak yeah, it's like all puddled right on top of the bell housing, if it's remaining It can't get through, i think, you're, probably right, really good driver. You know yeah, that's a great one. I was thinking about just turning into my daily.
I think you should it keeps you busy. You won't be able to text and drive if you got to drive this, i mean you're managing the fuel things about to blow up the whole time: fuel shifter, steering brake it's running away. It's fantastic great combo, all right, we're crack-a-lacking on this puppy gon na pull it all apart, get down to business figure out why it's leaking all right. So now we're disassembled! What we're thinking is correct. Yeah. It definitely was all wet around the distributor. So you think we're gon na just throw a new gasket on it and hope it doesn't leak. Yeah double up on the gas get some clear, silicone make sure it's getting sealed yep.
Hopefully it doesn't pressurize the valley too much and push past that gasket yep. That's a problem so who knows how many times that sucker was in and out of there, so a fresh gasket might do the trick. Learn that pop the blower back on and let it rip chip foreign.
Yep use the kidney layout…also you guys should run slicks, as well as add some upgraded brakes, steering suspension, plus tune the engines..
I think it will make for better racing, but you can kiss your grass goodbye. All that fancy sod is gonna get WRECKED!
Make the drivers vote for it.
I’mma be honest, I wasn’t even considering watching the 2.4 Hours of LeMullets when it was an oval track, but now you have my attention, haha.
Do it like a joker lane like the monster energy cup! Both drivers on each team have to do at least one kidney lap, they can do it at any point during the race, and then if you skip it or forget it then it puts you a lap down. It involves some strategy because you can get it out of the way at the start or you can save it for the end or do it in the middle or whenever
Do the hard track will make for some good wrecks that’s what I’d do fuck the oval lol been done to many times do the kidney the whole way makes it way more of a challenge
Just a reminder, what makes a great track layout is possible overtaking zones. I feel this is purely reliant on others crashing out to make passes (of which I feel there will be a whole load)
You have to watch out for that l light pole when coming back onto the track and cars maybe rolling hitting the grass and then hitting the pavement
Why not do like European Rally Cross: you have the banker lap. This means you need to take the alternative route one time and you can decide when yourself. This will embed some tactical thinking to the race.
Half oval half kidney.
It’s a bit slick on tha burnoutt pad to where it’s really best to let the more inexperienced drivers have the opportunity to take the less aggressive of the two routes
Not sure if anyone said it yet but if you do the kidney layout, maybe put down a heavy coat of traction compound down on part of the burnout pad
The kidney will cause a lot of accidents. Even with all the experienced drivers. Grass will be torn and shredded. It'll be way more entertaining, yes. But from a driver's standpoint, it's too risky.