Just when we though we had Mullet under control... World Cup Finals has been a battle!
Just so you guys know if you spend $75 or more on http://summitracing.com use code CLEETUS at checkout for a free ticket to the 2.4 Hours of LeMullets PPV!
Purchase ALL Freedom Factory tickets here!!!: https://tickets.thefoat.com/FreedomFactory
PPV Tickets and all Cleeter Merch is available here!!: http://baldeagle.com
-November 19th, 2021 2.4 Hours of LeMullets
-November 20th, 2021 Cleetus and Cars Championship
Our 2021 Sponsors:
Check out our schedule for 2021 here - https://www.cleetusmcfarland.com/year2020/
Cleetus2 Channel - https://goo.gl/Ph2wyo
Holley's channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeQfJXzg0gnfuM4tgmagCCw
**Social Media:
Instagram - https://goo.gl/LZvy5e
Facebook - https://goo.gl/gdwhh1
Just so you guys know if you spend $75 or more on http://summitracing.com use code CLEETUS at checkout for a free ticket to the 2.4 Hours of LeMullets PPV!
Purchase ALL Freedom Factory tickets here!!!: https://tickets.thefoat.com/FreedomFactory
PPV Tickets and all Cleeter Merch is available here!!: http://baldeagle.com
-November 19th, 2021 2.4 Hours of LeMullets
-November 20th, 2021 Cleetus and Cars Championship
Our 2021 Sponsors:
Check out our schedule for 2021 here - https://www.cleetusmcfarland.com/year2020/
Cleetus2 Channel - https://goo.gl/Ph2wyo
Holley's channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeQfJXzg0gnfuM4tgmagCCw
**Social Media:
Instagram - https://goo.gl/LZvy5e
Facebook - https://goo.gl/gdwhh1
What's up guys, it is almost time for the 2.4 hours of late bullets here at the freedom factory. If you guys want to watch the pay-per-view on baldyville.com, you can actually watch it for free. If you spend over 75 on summitracing.com and use code cletus at checkout, they give you a pay-per-view ticket for free that only lasts till the end of this week. I know you guys are already buying your normal car parts from summer racing.
So if you're spending over 75 bucks plug in that code cletus and get a free pay-per-view ticket emailed to you, so you can watch the freedom factory's 2.4 hours delay mullets presented by summer racing all right. Let's get to the world cup content, hell yeah brother you're! On the policeman for on youtube channel good morning, oh wait wait. What do i say hold on hold on? Oh man? Oh, it was cold. This morning showed 40 degrees on the water.
Earlier we got to warm it up now got ta get some oil temp in it and uh fuel it up we're almost up because last night, when they canceled the qualifying, we were almost up. So let them meet up how's it going everybody. So it's gon na be a fun day, really hoping to make some good qualifier, rips and uh shoot. Do our thing man, the bullets got ta.
Do we got all that testing in last night? This will be ready to roll all right guys a little status update. It's been about five hours since we started the car out this morning we still haven't ran. We think we have a really good tune-up, so just got ta go up there and make it happen geared up ready to roll boy 24 hours later. Making our second rip better really need this to be a good one.
Are you sure you got heat in the motor, so you could do a burn out when you get here all right. We're laying down here on the star line here for our all right. Muller gets the first pass all the fresh spray, the most important qualifier pads of his life right now. We need a good, clean hair right here.
Oh everybody's firing up for this baby wow, so i don't know if that was enough. Boys transmission did not like that. That was me feathering. The throttle like the tires were spinning, but the transmission was internally.
Spinning, looks like we're. Gon na have to put kevin's transmission in if we qualify you're leaking. I don't know if it's water or oil from where it's right here is it bad? I mean it's dripping and they got it on the quarter mile. Okay, now we're leaking transmission fluid.
That's good! Welcome to warning leaving oil on the track. I heard yeah 777 and we got a warning for oil on the track. Damn dude, i don't know if we're gon na qualify with that guys. I hate to break it to you.
It's gon na be close. We're gon na be racing the fastest guy. If we didn't yeah, i saw qualify going up towards the rev limiter, so i just kind of like came off the throttle and it seemed to just stay right there. It was still falling a little bit.
Okay, i mean 777 better than 10 seconds, so yeah we're in the show, but i'm hoping we get one more, but even if we do get one more. I want to get that converter from here, and i want to look at the converter pressure data and put my transmission in the problem. Let's put your trans-am converter in it, then we know we have something solid. The only thing is kevin's gear set is different, so we're gon na have to like lay on it on the starting line, a lot harder just because the gear ratios yeah, but i think with how good the track is and how it dialed the suspension he'll. Take it yeah, we'll just like, send it to the moon at six tenths. We also got a. Let me get the cliff, no version. Are we changing transmissions we're changing transmission? Are we changing torque converters changing torque, so this is going to be a big job? Ah, it's not too bad on this thing, plus we got kevin who built it so i mean so you and i grab some milkshakes another new converter, who this moment yeah the converter we have and it's either too loose or that transmission is already hurt or a Combination of the two kevin's buddy has a real tight converter that should be like the old one and then kevin's transmission.
We know he's good. He just pulled out his car and we're gon na see. If we can break those teamwork makes the dream work. We got ta clean your bob doodle pop in here.
Taking the panel out how's it going buddy, it's going, fantastic couldn't have thought of any better answer. It's going to go really good. I get the hard stuff done for the boys and take the dash panel out 10 or 15 minutes. They'll grab us a couple milkshakes and they they should be able to handle it all right guys.
So we're down here now and see. There's fluid everywhere turns out, that is engine oil. That is not transmission, fluid. We thought it'd be transition, fluid, let's see if those transmission failed, but it's not so there's engine oil everywhere under here we're thinking we might have uh blown our rear main seal out.
So that's just another thing to fix all right guys, so we're looking at mullet 724 pass and you can see here the engine pressure, so the crankcase pressure is climbing through the whole run, and what we found here on the new engine is that it's doing the Same thing and it climbed so high that about as high as when i went to 724, but this time it actually blew the seal out of the back of the engine. So we got pressure in the crankcase. So we don't know why. But it's two different engines same problem, so we think our engine is still healthy.
We just need to figure out. Is it the alcohol being too rich or the methanol could potentially be causing this? That's a harbor freight unit, dude solid, filling aluminum promotion. Racers can't do it so we got this and we're going to weld on. Have you heard the plan? I haven't heard anything.
We got some problems pressure ever since we went to methanol and we never realized blew the remain out. So we're going to make the oil fill cap events using the inner cooler lines. Where he's intercooler line it's going to vent into the intercooler tank yeah there you go go find a welder brother. Okay, you about got the trans all unbolted about to drop her down. Now go ahead. Parker here she comes, got everything disconnected slow and steady yeah we're good we're good good, oh yeah, all right satisfying! You got it all right, guys, some fellow racers lent us that drill and now they're landing us our welder and we got ty on the job. Don't try damn ty laying down the freaking dive, no matter where he is in the wind. Those are pretty good forever.
All right guys check it out. We got kevin's transmission, all dialed in and we got new rear main seal on the motor engine's good. We found some junk in the breather system, so we're pretty sure it was clogged up and not letting the engine breathe and that's why it blew out the rear main. So uh we'll slap this transmission in and see what we got where's bobo at.
Oh, the people's champs. Yes, sir, look at that beautiful people's champ dude. How are you doing? You got the people's champ sweatshirt on oh come on? Where is it at okay? We do how you been bro. We haven't seen you in years, man how you been good.
You know work only the original world cup people will remember this guy from the videos. So, as you'll see, everything is dark and the trailer is dark. Let me turn on some lights. That is because we have been waiting for several hours to find a small adapter that aligns the new torque converter.
We have with our crank, so this is a different type of torque converter than the one we had, so it requires this adapter and we finally just found one so now. George ty and parker are driving an hour to get this adapter from a fan of the page, and then we will put the transmission back in the car all right so guys. What's gon na work is we'll put our cap back in with our new addition and then we're gon na take this and her cooler line, put it on there and then we're gon na leave the intercooler tank open, so it can breathe and that'll vent. Even more pressure out of the engine, along with the thing we found, there's a line clogged underneath the thing so yeah that might have been it.
Who knows so we're draining the water out of the intercooler tank right now, they're so cold. We don't need that intercooler anyway, what's going on homie we're learning, yeah, we'll drain the tank and then we'll get all this dialed back in when we get home, but at least this will work for now. Okay guys, so we took the intercooler lines off. We blew the intercooler water out.
We also blew out the lines and now we're gon na run. That line right here to the cap, which goes to our normal water tank, which we're gon na end up with a little bit of oil on the water tank. Probably, but that's no big deal i mean we put some degreaser in there and it'll just cycle itself out we're doing the thing. Yeah and they'll be back with the converter adapter soon and we'll have this thing ready for tomorrow. Obviously we didn't get a hit. The last qualifier at least we're in the racer tomorrow we're racing, a super fast car off the rip like a 7-0 or 7-1 car. I don't know for sure yet, but we're gon na have to go fast and we got the new gear set, which is going to make our starting line ratio totally different shot in the dark. Oh yeah, complete shot in the darkness.
At least we know the suspension is working so we'll leave that alone, just send it check it out guys. Transmissions in adapter worked space in the converter. Now tying everything in we'll be really up here shortly. We're gon na be one of those guys who does late night two-step testing.
It seems like the thing to do. I've always wanted to do that world cup everyone just does i mean you, got ta, wait till 3 4 a.m and test your two steps. That's how it works here, so yeah we're good everything's up. We got the gear vendor filled.
We got ta, put transmission fluid in belly pans on dude hell, yeah brother. Hopefully my translates. I know: hey nate, yeah, sorry, dude we're doing a shifter adjustments. Just you guys know there is nine people sleeping in freedom force one this weekend pretty crazy.
Are you guys ready well right through the years real, quick i moved? I can already tell this. Converter is tighter for sure converter. Oh yeah, like i, give it a little bit of throttle and it starts. It starts going yeah that long first gear is gon na be weird too.
Let's rip. Hopefully it goes kind of good for tomorrow, yeah uh, we turned the leave boost up to 12 pounds. So we try it out um, twelve. Oh, how much boost did that make 11..
Is that what we're gon na leave with tomorrow, i don't know we need a general consensus here. I'd go 12.. 12.. Let's, let's go left to go eight! You want to go 12..
So we've got a little of that 20. i'll, put it to 15 and get my board to scramble hit that shoot at 60 foot i'll just! Is that what you do all right, guys we're gon na hand out the video to get some sleep and uh hit it tomorrow? We have like the fastest car in the class first round, so we're gon na send it and give the guy a run for his money, we're here for a good time, not a long time. That's right! All righty guys we are draining some trans fluid out of mullet big buenos diaz eliminations day. We pulled all that water out of the intercooler tank, and now the car is going to be a little bit lighter than it was and we have to scale in.
We have to be 3 500 pounds. We were 35 15 yesterday, so i'm gon na go hit the scales and make sure the car is still of race weight. We could do all this and then lose because we didn't weigh enough, but we could always put some stuff in the car and make it way more. So we uh got ta, go do that, but how's that tune-up looking spicy looks a little spicy. It's not as spicy as last night, we're just gon na simmer it this little bit, so it doesn't strike the tire okay. Hopefully it goes down sounds good to me all right guys. Well, we are 3510 pounds. 35.
10.. That's gotten it pretty close! If we come up and we burn a bunch of fuel, we might be less so i think we're gon na have to put four or five gallons of fuel in the car and then we'll be good hi guys we are pulling up. Let's do this: oh man, i'm getting fired up. We are up in the lanes racing a gt500 race car pro charger deal, dude, look at that wheel, spindle! I know dude nice, nice mustang thanks bad to the bone and uh.
What are you going qualifying? 7? 10.. Oh well, we're gon na really have to rip it, but uh at least we're here. We qualified, i think it's a conventional big, big pro charger paint driven deal hell yeah. Let's do it yeah this race is spicy boys we're in the lanes.
We're almost up all right. Baby first round of eliminations here comes mullet. Looking good running good, all she has to do is crazy. Good, come on buddy all right make it count.
Oh man. I'm sorry guys, i don't want to let you down, but it didn't sound good, so i just got out of it. It was breaking up and doing all making all kinds of noise, so i just opted to let out that guy was way out in front of us, so we went at 7 13.. You know what, though, for running on a bunch of broken crap that we caused.
We made it to fall by and we made a hit in the race. I wish i uh wish i could wish we could have made it further, but it is what it is boys. It was just popping in banging and riding riding the converter, and i was just like damn we're out we're done no point in blowing it up, while losing we got all pressure, so go home with that got gapped what happened uh. It was just blowing through the converter.
I was like we're getting gapped anyway. I might as well not blow it up trying to change that guy down. You know he went 7-1, but i mean we gave it a shot. It happens, it happens, hey we made the call to see if it made uh crankcase pressure with the new vent, we're going to be going system this weekend, but we go back, get the new trans that we ordered in it and yep make something maybe a hole Or two all right come on guys.
Do a pity. Applause for mullet come on. Let's hear it! Mullet did all right, it doesn't have a blown engine or anything. So that's good, hey! We did still go 122.
60 foot 5-0. In the eighth. I think i might have lifted right before the 8th. It was nothing crazy, yeah, look at the rpm dude, oh geez, a bunch of boots, but it was just rising yeah, that's pretty ugly! Oh we got grub worm coming in.
Is that tasty dude miles an hour? All right guys, so, as you can tell i'm already back in florida, we drove through the night. Last night after racing and uh, we were just freaking, worn out sucks having parts failures. Man, it's like you, can only prepare so much and then parts failures. So i ordered the nastiest turbo 400 you can get, it is literally a pro mod transmission, it will go and mullet and it will be bulletproof and we will go sixes this weekend did not go the way i wanted. I want to be so ready for all the races next year. I want to show up to tx2k the first race of the year and streetcar takeover and all those events and just be dialed in i'm over it. I'm getting the good parts and we're going to run it hard. Cars is too heavy and making too much steam for the setup that we started with, which happens so we'll upgrade it's all good, but i want to say the suspension is working.
Incredible now has not spun and since we changed it and that's exciting, so that's it for now guys, thanks for watching, do it for dale, we'll freakin see you later. You.
The clips of you in the stands just enjoying the sport you love is enough. Those few seconds of watching you watching it made the whole video. Thanks for no clickbait, no fake front, and for building a baller team to back you up.
Thatโs one hell of a wake up call in the morning? Iโd like to have that two step sound as a alarm.
Honest question cause I Truly do not know. I noticed Cletus says that if hes the slowest qualifying car he will have to race the fastest car 1st. Can somebody please explain this as to why And what purpose that has.
He keeps saying how heavy the car is but it's almost exactly at minimum weight. So what is going on with these transmissions?
Ey. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and get the expensive stuff. It hurts but its worth it in the long run.
I know I say this every race video BUT…PUT UR GOD DANG VISOR DOWN SON. You might need your eyeballs later, what if an alcohol fireball shoots into the cab?
Car: blows through converter
Cleeter: "We'll put a taller gear in it and leave on 12 pounds"
..Eh, sure
Cleetus you will stop having transmission issues if you switch to a Rossler transmission.
Excited to see this thing upgraded! It's a project! Time for 6s and make sure to drain your coolant before your first 6 for the fans!
All part of trail and error and once you get everything to work it's a golden ticket ๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค
Just keep diggin got my luck canโt have anything nice everything breaks but it all comes back around at least the motor is still โgoodโ right
the world of drag racing … from a 16 second pass to a 3 second pass… every pass you try to improve and spend a dash more money to get there … love it
Try, fail, learn, try again with beast parts = conquer all? Can't wait for the new trans action. Cry havoc and loose the dogs of war!!!๐