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Good morning guys! Today we are at the Manatee County Administrative Office to oppose an application to convert 2 700 Acres next to the Premium Factory and rated in Motorsports Park to allow three homes per acre to literally be built surrounding our race tracks. Today is going to be interesting. We've invited all of you guys out to the county office today and we go in front of the Board of Commissioners in just a couple hours to oppose the application. If it goes through, they're basically going to change zoning the land and send out the application to the state.

We need to stop it at a county level. So today if we can get a win, that'd be Huge. we don't have High Hopes because you know we're just a couple guys on the racetrack and we've got a lot of supporters coming. We've already got one here.

We're in Freedom back to be sure he just got off a full night shift. It's just the American people trying to fight back for what's right. We go into this today with our heads up, hopefully get a win, but if not, we're going to leave with our heads up and uh, work on another solution. So let's do it.

Today is going to be not so fun, but I think we can maybe come out ahead here we go. Any shirts? Can we? uh request a cavity? Did you win? Did you drive your purse? Of course? Now where's the 1905. Dude we got guys here from Phoenix Arizona People flew in last night I Want them to think I'm Underground Yeah. Got the whole gang out of the lobby.

we got a filled up room in here. We're getting back to it. Good afternoon guys! I'm Gary Mitchell Like I said and I own the Freedom Factory which is the speedway on 64. it's been the Freedom Factory for three years.

The drag strip is named Bradenton Motorsports Park Right now there's 15 000 people on the live feed for Manatee County's live feed which is a number of emails, exciting and uh, you know, look at all these people here. like look at all these people in opposition of what's trying to be passed today. I'm thankful though, that we have the opportunity to speak before you today and express our opposition to this application. These are no highways like uh Kyle said the sound study was based on.

I'm going to show this photo on the overhead. We pull that up there real quick. All right. this is the project here in the X Stout area.

This is our race track. This line right here signifies the typical place that I knocked the head gasket out of my engine without making a pass, causing a loud explosion that every house in this community is going to here. Whether there's a 20-foot fence or a 80 foot wide berm, we're very lucky to have two of the most successful race tracks in the county right here in. Manatee County Unfortunately, homes being built next to racetracks is a classic way.

They fail. The homeowners complain until the race tracks are overrun in local government. Having future homeowners sign a disclosure that the track is not that the track is there is not enough. And it goes without saying a 20 foot tall fence is probably not enough to stop the sound of a screw blown bald eagle breathing.
V8 The solutions the applicants are proposing will not work and that's why we all want this completely denied. no transmittal. Let's keep in mind these racetracks operate more than 180 days a year and as an owner of the track, I Simply cannot let these dense neighborhoods get any closer than they are. I Think we all know that if this application is transmitted today, there's likely No Going Back The state doesn't know the area like you guys do.

They don't know the families at the track. They don't see the packed restaurants after a race night. They don't see the booked up hotels. This application needs to stop right here today.

This rezoning could significantly impact Manatee County forever. I Ask you this as I close this out because it seems like my time just went so fast. If I came to you Commissioners today and asked you to rezone some of my land to build two massive loud race tracks right next to 4 500 homes that stood there for 50 years. Would you approve it? And if the answer to that is no then this is not a compatible use of the land.

That is all. I Have to say I Want my son to own this racetrack one day? Don't let my racetrack die again. Thank you Sir Foreign Guys I Encourage you to go check out the live feed. you can see my speech Victor The owner of the Drag Strip of Speech Mike uh, the owner right Trailers who really helped us out with a 10-minute technical speech George spoke Sam spoke and inevitably this rezoning was voted on and we lost five to two.

So the land is now going to the state level to be decided upon whether they will rezone it to three homes per acre. Basically, at the state level, there's nothing we can do. it's going to get approved now. I See everybody offering ideas on how to create a solution that'll work for both parties.

But you have to understand in battles like this, you have to go into the battle asking for the exact opposite of what the opposing party wants so that you can hopefully land somewhere in the middle. Yes, it was probably a little bit unrealistic of us to try and get this completely shut down, but yes, we're going to try and by showing up today in Math Force and sending 50 18 000 plus emails which is just an estimate I guarantee you it's more than that. We crashed the Manatee County server today. We were able to get every single commissioner to say on record that they will protect our racetrack at basically all costs.

Some of them said it on several occasions, but here's a shot of them pretty much each saying at one time. the In: Any complaints by homeowners are going to be at the acknowledgment that they bought a home next to a racetrack and that's something we're going to do before it gets here. So I would encourage you to look into that when you do your general development plan because there's going to be a race track in that location for all of our lives and we're gonna and we're gonna make sure of it. I I Also want to make sure that this racetrack in the future is not hindered in any way for growth and I know you said that they have other activities that they can do I get it? But I want to make sure they're totally covered so that nowhere in the no way in the future aboard can come along and change anything it needs to be written in stone.
I Want to ensure that this track is always going to be protected no matter what? So I'm not going to vote against the project. However, I Am going to partner with Commissioner Cruz in ensuring that protections are put in place. An ideal situation. We're looking for homes next to homes, businesses next to businesses.

We understand there have to be areas of transition between the two. Um, you know, but this is doesn't seem like that. I Would like to see what you know what our plan is to protect things in the future before we make this vote. And I do think that that's um, one of the reasons that that we need to make sure that the track is protected and now before the applicant goes back before.

Manatee County they've got to work with us. They've got to make some stuff work for both teams. Do I Still worry a little bit that in 10 years when there's perhaps some snowflakes running the board that our track could get shut down Yes, Is the risk now increased for that? Absolutely all right guys. Well, we just wrapped up the median there all day thing and uh, we were trying to deny the application for the rezoning of the land and after hours and hours and hours of people talking on our behalf over 15 000 emails, we were told 15 000 people on the live feed they still went through with the zoning change.

We didn't show up today. who knows if the racetracks would have even been mentioned. However, because we were here in such four, first, every single commissioner said there has to be action taken to protect the racetracks to the highest level. In fact, several of them said the racetracks must be protected at all costs over the neighborhood.

So now that the zoning has been approved, this group has to bring a site plan to. The site plan says where all the homes will be, where the ponds will be, what the buffers will look like in between the homes and the racetrack, and we'll have to be at that meeting before that meeting. we're going to be meeting with the developers to hopefully we're across. Solution which: I Just talked to the owner of the entire development and he said how cool would it be if we transformed the northeast corner surrounding the racetrack into a Racers Village which I never thought possible and I don't know you know if he'll actually do that, but if we can convert the whole northeast corner into a Racers Village and then put a wall behind that, maybe we will have enough of a buffer for these homeowners.
But if you put homes right next to that racetrack, what happens all around the country is going to happen in our race track. so you know I'll keep you guys updated on this. Hopefully we can set up a meeting with the developers ASAP and then before they turn the site plan into the county, we can maybe make some changes that'll help us out in the long run. The freedom Factory in Bradenton Motorsports Park in the short term will be just fine.

This stuff is going to start affecting us five six years from now, but if we make the right actions over the next couple months, we may be able to save ourselves some headaches or even having the track shut down. So although we did not win today fully to what we wanted which was to deny this all together we put you know ourselves on the map and really showed the Commissioners our force and I hope that they truly follow through with their word of protecting the racetracks indefinitely. So we'll just have to wait and see you guys. But that's it for now.

Thanks for watching news freaking see you later Foreign.

By Cleetus

15 thoughts on “Will this be the end for the freedom factory…”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DRIVEHARDER says:

    Buy the land before they build on it

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arthur Kuwar says:

    Build the homes and let gear heads own them, bring in all the racing enthusiast

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dzama Dzama_Llama says:

    If you guys end up winning this gives me HUGE hope for all the Karting tracks that are facing this same issue. However some confidence for you guys is a place called the Original Speedway Park won this case against the villages in Leesburg Fl. Keep in mind the villages is the biggest retirement development in the world.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe H says:

    Gary Mitchell how about helping out a friend…
    Poor Joe an ๐Ÿ‘ช…..u loaded with fortune an very fortunate….I just need lots of money's ๐Ÿ’ฐ you a good hearted man.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fire Storm says:

    Whatever money you put into that track from this point on , is wasted money my friend.. They WILL screw you in the next few years.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tara says:

    I mean I'd love to live next to the freedom factory smell of burning tyres and the sound of a rumbling V8 in the morning sounds perfect.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DareToBeDeviant says:

    As much as we want that housing plan to fail, it likely won't. This was such a scumbag move on their part. Pick a different abandoned lot to build trashy homes!
    If some yuppies came into my area then start complaining about a little noise, I'd intentionally mod my car to be as loud and obnoxious as possible.
    Preferably a diesel. Aggressive cam, straight pipe exhaust, tune reflash, and anything to increase pressure by a few thousand psi.

    The track is a wonderful venue for the community. He's said it many times ~ it brings people in from around the world. They have a good time and stimulate the area with money.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregory Jones says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gfs videos says:

    I'd think your property, and it's usage would be grandfathered in. Besides, you were there first!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The_1st_60ft_Videos says:

    Any Update? Thanks

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Johnstone says:

    Maybe consider buying the land from the developer. Possible self managed 401k investment.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RhinoDino7 says:

    This doesn't just happen in america it's pretty crap happens alot in Australia, look up Wakefield park that place closed so damn suddenly due to noise restrictions and they had way more buffer then your going too.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sanramondrift says:

    Racer housing ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™ if you get many peoole that support the track to live next to it. They will have votes in the future.!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sanramondrift says:

    "If you are for freedom, then the track must be protected. Fredomfactory forever

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars *Working Title* says:

    Good on you for going to the county meeting and taking a stand. Not sure if these ideas were suggested but you can start a petition and with enough signatures you can go straight to the state assembly to give your concerns. Another idea is working out a deal with the developer to buy enough "buffer" land to hopefully keep the noise at a tolerable level. You can also show how them much money the race tracks bring in and how much you pay in taxes; you know the saying "money talks, bullsh*t walk". Hopefully you this helpful, keep fighting the good fight, and remember you are not alone in this.

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