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The Bald Eagle Machine needs to get fixed.. it's been sitting around doing nothing! Time to track down some problems!
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Let's get to the live action. Hell yeah brother you're, on the policeman. Far on youtube channel well, boys i sold the mini squirt was short-lived, but uh. This thing has just been kind of sitting around because obviously we got the mini jet and the the jet stream, so she's been sitting around such a good little boat.

I didn't want to see it rot away so got her sold. She is uh heading to tennessee. Hopefully, you guys will see it out sometime, i'm sure the new owner will make some videos on youtube and stuff, but uh been a good little boat, all right there. She goes until next time.

Squirt we'll see you around. What's the deal with this puppy, i heard uh y'all did some wastegate welding? Oh oh yeah, oh dang, just kind of welded, the v-band to the v-band. I see that ain't no need i see. Ty might have helped on that deal.

Oh yeah jack stand. Did the back one look what he did with his wire? Where oh got me good classic jack stand move classic, so this is ready to go. So maybe we test it today, while we're doing some drifting yeah, it doesn't have any uh reference lines. So it's just a little boost leak.

Ah rodney, don't put it on wastegate dude. Let's see what it'll make all right cool. Looking good dude roll rodney's gon na be back today. You cannot wait fire me up.

You got some burners on it all right, cool ready to rip all right so guys during my time with the rona. I was at my house power cleaning and i found a total lawn mower in my yard, a mower deck, so much crap, laying around there's side by sides everywhere parked all over the yard, a roof. To a van i mean, there's literally crap everywhere, there's tires floating in the pond and i just went on a freaking cleaning spree cleaning things up. We just have so much crap laying around and it's not that we need to sell stuff.
It's just that. There's things that are rotting out in the florida sun, so i am trying to just get rid of stuff, including the squirt we're getting rid of the squirt, i'm getting rid of the mud truck. I mean there's just there's junk everywhere and it's not that i don't want it or don't like it just i don't want to see it rot because we have so much other stuff going on and other things that we're using. So at this point, if it's not running, we need to get running and if it is running and we have no use for it, i think we need to get rid of it.

I don't want to just collect stuff and have it sit, so i got the dale truck up and running this weekend. I got the c7 going. What you're going to see in this video stuff? That's all just been sitting around it's time to get it going. Dude.

Our trees, absolutely cook got ta update our trees, the marauder good to go. We even got chief fixed, so i'm just trying to get everything top-notch dialed in and actually usable. You know what i mean. We need some usable things and then i also got to get the totorhome going this week.

I got ta make sure everything's good with that. We have like six events in a row that the toterhome's gon na have to go to so that thing's about to get some miles put on it. I don't know when you're supposed to change oil on a brand new freightliner, but i got ta look into that too. All right guys, so georgie and i went to my house to grab a c7.

It's been having some problems the other day it uh the other day. I was driving it from the shop in clearwater and it overheated and oil got really hot and the oil pressure was really low, so not an ideal situation. I was just cruising literally cruising over the bridge and just like started getting hot. It was like 250 degree water temp, so i pulled over.

Let it cool down and then uh drove it home, and it was just not the greatest oil pressure. Okay, so really hoping. I didn't hurt it or nothing, but we'll see it was fine for a while and started having issues. The oil pressure is pretty good right now cruising, but it's also still a little cold.

So we'll just cut open the oil filter and see what's going on, but this thing's dirty so we're gon na get it washed up real, quick, get it cleaned up. Hold the new shop. Tell you what still pulls hard. I don't know hard to say.

Boys sounds all right: it didn't get hot on this drive. The mud diver got on my throttle body. They went right through the vents. You think about that.

All right cool i mean it is a billboard. Oh really, i kind of like the mud dopper nest on the throttle body clear coat. It leave it yeah. Well, let's get this sucker lifted up in the air.
I want to cut this filter open, make sure these bearings are good. I saw some not so great oil pressure there today. You know what i'm saying when i overheated it not good, not a drop of oil on my finger. They say it couldn't be done.

Don't worry today, boy, oh it's hot dang! Oh look at that! Oh, i got a little bit. Yeah i mean it doesn't look. Stellar probably should have changed it a little earlier. You know a little sooner, but you know i feel like parker mitchell on race week.

I've always been a fan of these doohickeys because they tell you what you need to know, but also they can really deliver some bad news. You know what i'm saying all of a sudden you're having a good day you're like i'm gon na cut open this filter, and the next thing you know, you're not having so good of a day, really hoping. This goes the right way for me. Today, george, it's gon na go one way or the other.

I mean boys there's a little bit of something, but i mean i've seen an engine with toro bearings. I don't think i don't think this is it. I mean see that little bit of stuff but like this was like the first big couple of drives was on this filter. Oh dude, look we're in the green dude.

I'd say we're about 90 in the green in florida. That thing is what you call clean as a whistle. I think she just got a little hot, but we'll show you why. So this is the oil cooler right here.

Big dog weighs 30 pounds. We had it right here and then this was covering the cooler. Wasn't working out so oil was getting hot going's getting hot we're gon na try and move some stuff around. Maybe just ditch like see this crap.

These rubber things we're gon na. Take these out. Take this top shroud out, because basically i mean only the only open part of this is down here and that's this tube for the intercooler. So all around didn't do a great job.

Designing our cooling on the c7 i mean chevy did, but then we ruined it. That's what redesigning is for i mean really. I think we can leave the oil cooler there. I think we just need to open all this crap up and not limit it.

I mean it's just like a heat sink and then we should go rip. It see you later nerd - oh, oh, my god, that's just wrong dude! Why these one of these silly little flying creatures have to do this to a c7. All right, george is putting some air in the tires. We got her oiled up, we're going to let it rip all right, so airflow is still not really optimal, but you can see the radiator now, which is an actual upgrade.

So i still got some bugs on the front of this thing, but we'll get it cleaned up a little more we're going to take it out for rip see if it overheats go for a quick rip. You never been the bald eagle machine. Have you jordy not unless you weren't at the shops, oh stole it after hours, all right, let's go! Try this sucker out. We got a fire going here, a lot of brush out here at the new.
That's a shop one yeah! That's a spicy one right! Next to the trees. Well i mean it's just rain, so hopefully the trees don't burn. I got this one going too dude. I know i'm gon na come.

Do those boxes later, all right! Let's go warm this thing up. Ah, this road, pretty rough, we really got ta read through the road coming into the shop guys el camino, scrape city g7, not that bad, actually yeah yeah, that's kind of weird. Can you feel it? No it's just i mean i can turn it off, but turn off trash control spill drag all that we don't know whoa flash like crazy. I don't know what that is.

There must be a short i don't know if it has anything to do with the tires. So far, sometimes it does that you know it just shuts off yeah, i feel like we got ta. We really got ta get this thing done. Oil pressure is really good, though hey rips, i mean it rips, but did you feel like that? Was my foot to the floor? Yeah yeah shot right up to him.

It feels good. I mean it's fast, but then did you hear it breaking up a little bit? Yeah, whatever you ever see, oh yeah, the lights on oil pressure is still chilling. I mean for 1400, it's rpm, it's not bad, my yeah, but it didn't get. You should just like unreasonable turbo on it.

That's not a bad idea, not an unreasonable idea, but i'm gon na go ahead and put on record that the supercharger is not the problem here. No, but we can dive in and look for stuff, though figure it out. Then, just it's not getting that hot though i mean 200, is that hot? Well, it's the fact that it's going over and we're like at least 40 50 mile an hour it's coming back down. Now, though, i mean the oil taps 210, which is that's a little hot, that might be the placement of the actual cooler.

There goes the car now she's back. It's like, i don't know what the hell is going on dude, but i don't want to take you to dinner we're just going to freaking. Let me down like what am i supposed to just not drive on the hot days, be even getting that off. I know.

200, just chilling no thermostat, i think it's all the crap. We got all stacked up and the ieds are like super hot. It's ripping hot air out of there. I really don't know what to think, but i mean look at that.

The radiator is literally blowing like 200 degree air right back into the engine. That might be a little bit of an issue there. So on the dyno you know when we're tuning it, it might seem fine. Then, once the car gets hot while we're cruising.

It's like this endless cycle of heat yeah. I mean it ain't, cooling off it's still at 200.. I don't know man, oil, temps, 210, water, temps, 200, it's not like outrageous, but not good. So what do we do? I mean i say for starters: we move that.

Put an intake elbow on it yeah for sure, so the filter is getting some decent air, i mean. Maybe we could even uh try and get a fresh air pick up over here. That might be about half our problem right there. What do you think? I think the other half is the radiator being blocked yeah.
But what do we do? Where do we put the condenser, the oil cooler again well, condenser's got to stay, i'm thinking the old cooler kind of over in the corner, what you said yeah and then the um heat exchanger, like maybe lay it down flat, maybe slap a fan on it. Even yeah that might be the trick all right. Well, guys, c7, you know we're gon na have to make some uh. We have to make some changes to this puppy, something right.

It's basically undrivable over. You know a long distance or if it's a cool night i mean it has no issues, but if i'm driving it like 20 30 minutes on a hot florida summer day, it's just as hell no brother and just starts overheating. You.

By Cleetus

9 thoughts on “Trying to Fix the FREAKING Bald Eagle Machine Finally… + Sold One of the Jet Boats :(”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnny Burley says:

    โ€œOil temp is 210 which is a little hotโ€
    Meanwhile the n54 runs at like 245ยฐF stock and will hit 280ยฐF in track before going into limp mode if you donโ€™t modify it. Gotta love BMWs.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gimmebackmyname says:

    Hopefully Garrett will see this… I was watching a Streetspeed video recently where the shop that is working on his ZR-1 is installing what they called an "interchiller" that works off the car's AC system to bring IAT down to literally almost freezing temps. This seems like it might be the perfect thing for the Bald Eagle Machine's overheating issues.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grant Hollingsworth says:

    You need to get a fan shroud on that thing, even if itโ€™s super thin. The fan you have on there is only pulling air through probably less than half of the surface area of that radiator.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Im_olgreg says:

    On GM cars, there are other systems that are tied into the Stabilitrak error system. Like I'm my 2008 GM car, I had the Stabilitrak light trigger twice and checked it as soon as the light came on. It turned out it was first the crankshaft position sensor failing and then it was the original EGR valve going out. Replaced both and the light went away both times

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RedneckRebelzRacing says:

    Elbow for the blower for sure. Maybe alky system to cool charge air (or nitrous ๐Ÿ˜‰) Move oil cooler off to side maybe increase size of radiator as well. Supercharged cars generate a shit ton of heat, trick is to cool the charge enough to compensate. The alky system will do wonders, as will increasing methanol content in fuel. However I'm sure u would rather fill up at the pump sometimes.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrSlowestD16 says:

    I don't know what year or trim this is and what-not, but isn't this exactly what Chevy addressed with the C7 Z06 recall? I mean it was same exact situation, they added the supercharger for the Z06 and it started overheating. Then they added the aux radiator via recall to compensate.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francis Aiello says:

    You need to put some serious big elelctric air movers on your ride also what type fluids are you using your mixs may be wrong since your space is limited you must use every inch of heat exchange wisely

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert M says:

    So sketchy for you to take money from these guys. Just as bad as when the shitty Kardashians endorsed something like this that ended up costing their fans so much money. Just read the fine print in their contracts, so many hidden fees and hoops to get the "free" overdraft protection. I think you are really being a scum bag doing a commercial for them. Shows you have no respect for your fans.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cleetus McFarland says:

    In before everyone freaks out that I'm selling stuff…. Gotta make moves these days or we're gonna have a freaking graveyard of stuff. It's worth money right now!

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