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Georgie new shirt for you buddy, that's you! That's your new shirt dialed in dude, oh fresh off the steamer dang, how you feel about that georgie good! So good! Look at the ls george logo, freaking logo fire available. Now, let's see the new jack stands sure come on jack stand jimmy call it a comeback because we're going back to the wheels he's gon na say it all, but you guys get the gist. You know the deal 240 of the sx on there lieutenant dan, the 240 of the sx wheelies and win lights, jackson and jimmy's shirt. Look at that look at us now! I'm here boys i got a shirt dude, pretty good huh.

Why is your shirt on backwards? Uh, when we are dumping all this stuff in the merch room, we were hitting the practice tree and i was just too quick at 11th owl in the box. Oh you rattling red lips and i got ta wear my shirt inside out. I was double three green. So he's got a shirt inside out yeah all right, easy way to say it all right place yet all right, real, quick middle of the parking lot merch plug hit me with the first one.

Oh i'm wearing this one, all right new hell, yeah brother, turbo shirt check that out. Dude got it in black now. Is it white before, but this is one of my favorite shirts. We brought out black for you guys put her on the table next up parker.

This is a special for you. This is my shirt if it's leaking, it's got oil, the new cletus logo on the front that we're using on the motion products. So second, black shirt dude got a lot of black shirts in this merch drop. Next up dude maddie's shirt, so maddie really wanted to do her own shirt.

Look at the little cute, matty logo, yeah those colors and it says - support your car guy. So this is for all the car girls out there that get dragged to the racetrack maddie wanted to do something special for you guys, so she added a shirt to the collection. Oh up, next jack stands shirt. You guys already saw this wheelies and when lights jack stand, jimmy t-shirt up next jh diesel has a new shirt that you guys are gon na love.

If you drive a diesel truck, you've been blocked at a diesel pump guaranteed in your life. So we got the jh diesel. I bet your boyfriend blocks, the diesel pump t-shirt. It's one of the most frustrating things in the world you're trying to get diesel.

The only pump is blocked by some dude and prius. Really pisses me off, and i know it pisses. You guys off too so we came up with this shirt. I figured you'd love it jh diesel logo on the front, yep jhd's the logo on the front there she is and on the back up next, we got george's new shirt.

So george very highly anticipated george blazer warning danger to manifold t-shirt because uh, not only did he completely explode the plastic intake on the first rendition of the blazer. He shot a four foot fireball out the last intake manifold, so the one that's on it now. Luckily survived and as always guys, we restock some of our super popular shirts. This shirt always crushes it late nights and check into lights with the cletus logo on the front and then guys because it's holiday season, we got some bundles set up for you.
So if you're buying a present for someone, it comes with a couple options for this bundle. You get a cletus hoodie, along with your option of our three beanies, so we got the mcfarland racing cletus flag and the freedom factory beanie, that's a bundle. We got another bundle. Oh this is the jack stand.

Jimmy bundle comes with a jackson, jimmy hat a sticker and then shop's choice of one of these three t-shirts. So you either get the spray and prey shirt. The jimmy's turbo nova shirt get a bunch of items for a lower rate per for the holiday seasons and we also have a cleater bundle: american flag, snapback cletus hat one of my favorite hats of all time. It's probably the hat.

I wear the most in all the videos, and that comes with the cletus stand back. I built this myself t-shirt and then another bundle and that'll come with the jh diesel, finish your lift shirt or the jh diesel, this side up, shirt, a hat and a sticker and that's jh's bundle and then, last but not least, let's flip through some of the New stickers, we got wheelies and wind lights. Jh diesel, jackson, jamie speed, demon garage, that's 20 horsepower! You put that on your car warning danger to manifold. That's negative! 20 horsepower! You might blow your intake manifold! Put that on your car jackson, jimmy hell, yeah brother, that's plus 100 horsepower, and then the warning stand back and build the ship myself sticker.

This is just classic guys huge merch shop, tons of new shirts and we have a ton of them in stock. So we're hoping to just rip through them, this holiday season, get yourself christmas present, get something for your girlfriend for your boyfriend, husband, wife friend, cousin brother nephew, niece, uncle aunt, grandma, grandpa, great grandma, great grandpa. Second, cousin doctor stepsister dentist stepsister, your dog, your cat, your neighbor, your neighbor, the squirrel in your backyard. I don't care, all you got to do, is visit or please doesn't matter, get some merch.

Let's get to the freaking. Live action. Hell yeah brother you're. On the policeman for on youtube channel and buenos dias, hey everybody welcome back here's the situation.

We got a blown up. Engine leroy, as you guys saw wow. This 100 sensor was the cause of this madness. We have never ever had one fail before moral story.

Is we didn't, have our boost safeties set up tight enough, so i had a little bit of a delay in the boost safety because stick cars tend to spike the boost on the shift, and so the delay gave the car enough time to make 60 pounds boost And we're pretty sure it folded the rods the connecting rods inside the engine and today we're going to tear it apart, show you guys the carnage before the engine goes back to tech, speed and performance. I also want to say this is the first time i've ever completely blown up a tech speed motor. As you guys know, we've tweaked rods a little bit melted. Some piston tops just from tuning stuff, but i have never ever been able to completely break one to where it was just locked up hard.
You know obviously can't start so add that to my list of accomplishments, we are the ultimate part testers for texas, feed and uh. Now they know what happens if a car makes six fights boost or get this pulled out. We'll show you guys carnage here in a little bit, whoa guys careful! You don't want to drop anything on one of those that could damage the engine. Don't want to bend a rod, this one's beyond compromise, yeah, that's good yep, all right guys, georgie and james are jamming motor out of this sucker, and we will be able to pull the heads off here shortly, all right so guys while we're taking leroy's engine apart.

You know the hard way, because it's a corvette we've concluded that this will be the last time that this car goes back together with the transmission that sits in the back of the car. We're gon na leave it at stay tuned. We've uh been down this road and said next time. It's a part, we're gon na.

Do that probably five times we decided that this is the time it's overdue. It's overdue. This is the last time. You'll see this area without a transmission in it i mean we got, we got pickup trucks out there and stick shift on seven o's.

I know so we're way behind it's time to make. How long was the old engine in the car for two years? How long was this one in the cardboard two weeks? I think it was like three months rip and we should have never refreshed it. We should have kept the old bent rod unit. It would have never broke you all compromised here, yeah dude, it would have let all 60 pounds of boost to shed right out the valves.

Yeah last race of the season is over cleaning out the trailer get all our stuff out of it. So we can give it a good old hibernation cleanup before she goes down for the winter shoe buddy all cleaned up check this thing out: dude, buddy cola, precise detail: does such a killer job cleaning this thing up, making sure she's looking good. All the time looks freaking killer, dude a little wet in here. Still fire me up.

This thing has 20 000 miles on it now like 20 300, and we just got it about a year ago and i got the toter and then we got the trailer about 10 months ago, 20, 000 miles on this thing. So far, i almost want to do a more formal review of it, maybe throw it on the second channel. For anyone who wonders you know, there's a lot of things that go into running a motorhome there's a lot of little quirks and issues they can have. But this thing's been solid man.

We've had a couple problems here and there, like. We have an ac unit down on the renegade right now and those are apparently back ordered to the moon. One blown tire. You know it's been pretty good, though man like when i bought this thing, i was really hoping it was going to be just a solid, reliable truck that does its job hauls four cars, and it's done exactly that.
You guys have seen video after video of this thing, traveling across the country. You know in just no time at all because it can go so far on one tank of fuel. We still have nine people in it at maryland, international raceway, it's an incredible machine. I mean absolutely 100 worth the investment within the first year because you think about it.

This thing hauls our merchandise to events and we can haul a bunch of merchandise. We can also haul a bunch of cars, which means more videos, and you know this being our foundation of how we travel has upped our game. So much i mean it's just made it a whole different level, and so i'm really pumped on it. So we're putting it away for the year.

It's all cleaned up and we'll see it in a couple of months. It'll be out here chilling. Obviously, but it's clean and it's all polished up and it'll have to probably get clean in a couple months, but should be good being that it's under our awning at the shop. So i just want to thank you guys.

You know you guys supporting us is the reason that we were able to buy this incredible machine and it was not cheap. I was scared to do it at first, but now so confident in it and its ability to take us wherever we need to go. It's amazing, so thank you guys there she is one last shot. I got ta get a new center cap.

The center cap came off kind of sets, but solid machine. The time has come old, trusty old, trusty dude. I hope the block is okay, because this block has been in the car for years, we kind of bummed if we had to lose it. The other thing i see is got a pretty oil soaked cylinder on the exhaust side, not a good sign dude, not a good sign.

Let me kill the fan. Imagine we pop this off and there's just a piston in there and says buenos dias. It says where was the heat in your motor sir yep? There's oil on that spark plug? That means uh oil, squeezing on through there didn't bend any push rods boy it was making that boost like it was nothing crazy because either fin boys. I know 80 wall guys it'd, be nice if the heads weren't damaged too bad this one's a pretty new one.

I know this well, this one got dropped. This is the one that replaced the drop one. It is what it is. Damn i'm not ready for this brand new head, gaskets too, not old, i wouldn't call it old, head gasket newest part.

Oh, that sucker is bent son cranked sideways in there. That thing is turned. Oh, oh, so is this one? So is this one probably that one that one's looking all right all right, so you guys see how this piston is actually tilted over kind of a similar thing. We just saw in mullet when we moon boosted that, but this is our this - isn't bad.
This one's kind of bad, this one is the reason why the engine locked up so that one made it all the way down you see here, then it won't go back up. Oh, this one's like up yeah mullet, was like 20 30 thou on the hole this one's like half inch in the hole, that's way in the hole, let's see the head, they might have broke the pistons. The head looks solid. Oh nice, that's good news.

Good good news, none of the valves look bent. Nothing looks too crazy. It's definitely got to get a surface just to make sure yeah, it's flat all right bog, this other side off number two brother, all right little girl we're hoping you're all right too lifters. Are you know they're? Probably fine? Oh ah, those two look all right.

This one looks maybe a little bit off looks like this yeah this. This one's definitely tweaked this one's. Looking a little tweaked this one's tweaked and this one is yeah. It's compromised.

So we're down looks like we got about six bent rods here, so six bent rocks will indeed block earth yo. We got this this one and uh all right. You know what guys bringing the count up to seven bent rods, we'll just call it this whole bank and some bonus ones on this looks like this one's fine, but we got about seven bent rods. All in all, you can see this.

One is too all right. Let's roll it over and uh take a gander in the oil pan and see these bent rods, maybe slide a few out solid news that we're working with here is that there is not a giant dent coming outward. This is from that same road. You broke ruby's oil pan on because i hit it too.

What i'm like? Look at the dude look at it, the metal yeah. Look on top of there. That's a lot of live action right there son i mean you got. It was 8 000 rpm when it bent seven rods.

So there's a lot of stuff scraping against themselves. Yep! It's good! Oh! Look at that! One! Oh look at this one! Oh! No, that sucker's bad dude! Hey! Look at that! One that one's almost straight as an arrow man - you know we're laughing about this now. Oh look at that one, this one's touching the crane! That's why there's so much metal too! You know look at that yeah! This one was shaving itself down on this on the crank. You know: listen, i'm no professional, but i would say that that's not good.

I think you're right. They uh bend so much tyler. Look at this. It bent so much.

It was beating the bottoms of the pistons look at the bottom of the piston, see where it was touching off on something oh yeah, damn like on the counterweight. Maybe all right, let's see if we can slide some of these out coming right out, get a shot down there. George he's popping right out, can't wait to hear the satisfying, oh all right. So here's what we do now in these situations, guys what you got to do is find your best advice.

Yeah get over here. Yeah tell me when we're good, all right, a little bit more yeah, pretty straight yep! Put it back in now. Let me see your side, you know i will say the pistons held up good, had great fuel for the job. The fuel system said we got this yeah no cracks all right so that one's ready to go back in.
Let's get some more out that qriket. It is you push the rod to the side. Oh, what was that that looked alright dude, look at that yeah james! That's what you're talking about yeah! It was smacking the crank like half of it's gone, only that where we're going what's the crank looks like incredibly good dude, that's not as bad as i was thinking. It was gon na be stick that device dude it'll, be fine.

You think you can straighten that out for me, james buffer, say i'm bringing that buffer over here we're trying to buff this out, yeah get the real heavy cut. Well, what do you say we'll leave the rest of them in there for texas speed to take apart and yeah she'll spin over now that that one's not touching the crankshaft, i will figure it when you do something you do it up right now i tried to Make you proud guys we're going to send back this uh old 427, detect speed performance and we'll have an engine back for leroy in probably a couple months, and we will uh go ahead and start working on leroy 2.0 moving the transmission to the front? Finally, and then doing something cool through your end and we'll be back, but that's it for now, thanks for watching see you later, you.

By Cleetus

16 thoughts on “This is what happens when an engine designed for 40psi gets 61psi of boost complete carnage”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars that1carkid says:

    Do some mods to Freedom Force One to make it the ULTIMATE ultimate racing set up

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dod dod says:

    Its time for leroy to get into the big boys room??? Twin tubskies supercharged nitrous 500??

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars REDBIRD95 says:

    Epic Carnage😲 Texas Speed sees the damage: "Yep, Cleetus was here!" 😆😆😆😆

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Warren's Adventures says:

    DUDE! I am pumped to see the upcoming version of Leroy! Leroy 2.0! Let see this sucker consistently tick off low 7's!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brendan Casey says:

    If you have a problem with birds pooing on the toterhome and the cars in that covered area you have, get some fake snakes and/or fake predatory birds and put them in the frame work up in the roof and it should prevent most birds from going in there.

    My dad did it to his shed on the farm cause he had a problem with Sparrows pooing on everything in there, but after he got 2 toy snakes and a fake Magpie the Sparrows don't even fly through the shed.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Buck Early says:

    You made "Spaghetti" out of those rods!!! Tampa Boy laughing in NC!!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Schmidt says:

    Holy carp that was the best merch drop I've ever seen! Glad I didn't fast forward this one. Lololol

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andban92 says:

    I don't usually like to watch youtubers talking about their merch and stuff,but Cleet makes it soo hilariously and interesting that i just cannot skip.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Mcc says:

    Taylor ray is doing same with his drift vette the trans fits decently in the tunnel

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Larry McCandless says:

    Brother, I didn't know that Texas Speed supplied those new 'self-clearancing' con rods… I'll have to look some of those up…

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Stonehocker says:

    So glad to see you still have plans for old Leroy figured it was out the door with the elco

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Hopkins says:

    Finally gonna 4 link that pig! They needed this to try to get stick shift world record.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Petrich says:

    Yo dude you need to make a sticker pack so we can have all of em. Instead of buying individually

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carson Greenert says:

    Just bought a shirt and a lanyard to do my part in helping cleet recoupe his losses from this motor😂🤙

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars W says:

    Your positive attitude is remarkable. It's got to be $50k every time a racing engine goes back for a rebuild. And you view it as an opportunity to build it better. Good on you.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andban92 says:

    Seeing Georgy being all hyped is something else man.
    I'm happy for him that he got his LS car for these goofy stuff.

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