The MONTH OF FREEDOM IS HERE!!! Hope you guys are buckled up for everyday action and content! We're going to have a blast!
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Thank you foreign guys! Don't know if you noticed, but it's May 1st That means daily videos coming right up the entire month of May Today is the first official day of these. Hell yeah, brother, you're on the please before on YouTube channel. Ladies and gentlemen, the Month of Freedom is a very serious month around here, so we have to have a very serious promotion. What I'm about to show you is the spiciest giveaway I think we've ever done.

And the way this giveaway works is you can buy just a single sticker or a hat or a t-shirt or 10 stickers and 10 hats. All that matters is if you made a purchase today or whatever day during this month, one person from each day is getting a freaking big old Turvsky thrown in their order. We didn't just do 31 76 millimeter turbos like last year. we got 88s, we got 76s, we got 64s.

So if you're feeling spicy we got a Billet wheel ball bearing 64s. this is the original turbos Leroy had on him and then Leroy had a set of 76's just like these right here also Ruby yeah Stock 45 3 Journey one of these it's good for yeah. Easy thousand horsepower. This puppy over here.

you're talking 15 1600 horsepower on one of these puppies. He had this. this was our first 88 on Ruby right here this turbo and we made uh we went seven months. Yeah we went seven.

It's like deep sevens and it went uh we had like what 14 and change 15. So basically if you place an order on today for anything, it could be a sticker. It could be a hat t-shirt Before all of today's orders go out, a random order will be be chosen. We will be given the phone number we're gonna call and we will be putting a freaking bad to the bone turbo and someone's order every day.

the entire month of freedom. And to top all that off, we got a bunch of fresh merch unless George blue and black hat Cletus snapbacks Dude we got the Khaki we got the black one I'm wearing right now and we got the American flag red, white and blue new Cletus logo new jack stand get the toolbox shirt bringing more boost. More problems. Whatever wins these Turbos, they're gonna have this this problem.

They ain't wrong. This is a true shirt in real life. Mr Sam Shine Shop Shirt new McFarland Fabrication tasher. So about stacking bonds ties in your shirts? Sick.

Brought back the Cletus Giraffe racing T-shirts One of our all-time favorites. Had to bring it back new LS George Shirt safety's almost as important as horsepower. Very true. Almost new.

Hell yeah. Mother shirts Maddie shirt right there Mother's Day Coming up we got: Dr tutum all new shirt Route 69 We got the flying Holly women's tank top also looks good on men as we know. Yeah, hate about a HOA Dr Parker shirt in stock Oh this is a freshie dude. this is a freshie new mullet and Leroy t-shirt who doesn't love bullet and Leroy McFarland Racing brand new unit that is sick JH Diesel Ron Burgundy Shirts in stock baby Cletus Hats we got stickers new moonshine sticker new jack stands sticker new tie sticker new George sticker we got the speakers in stock cleats silky silk Car Wash back in stock with a genuine Golden Retriever wash mitt as soft as a golden Retreat same Spray Wax Best Spray wax and Abyss back in stock And yeah, you could buy a t-shirt but you could easily just buy one of these keychains and have the same odds at winning one of these Turf skis.
So make sure you put in all your information at your order, put in your phone number. if you don't put in your phone number and you win, we can't call you and those days you know they're just not as exciting. Last but not least, brought it back Your guys's favorite James Tall nitrous oxide service T-Shirt Hell Yeah, all right guys, let's get to the first video of the month of Freedom Don't forget for an opportunity at one of these awesome turbos is a really exciting promotion for us to do with you guys. That's enough talking.

Let's get into the live action all right! George is riding this electric bike that I got for my birthday and I got it turned all the way down I'm about to turn it all the way up. Oh here I think I'll do no 80. Okay, it's so fast you can turn it up and down see if George lays it out. that torque is wild nuts.

you just roll into it just Power Wheels have a helmet on you really should. Insane dude. that's pretty sick. Yeah.

extremely powerful all right guys. First official day of the month of: Freedom We got a real special idea that we wanted to run. I've always wanted to put a car on Jack Stands and see how many miles we can rack up on it. and since Crown Vic toughest car ever built.

Period. we got this beautiful one here that's already survived Freedom 500 won the freedom 500 one in Bristol or Indy no one in Indy and race Bristol This car Absolute unit. This is Brian Deegan's old car and uh, we're gonna put it on Jack Stands right now and run it at hopefully well over 100 miles an hour for the entire month of Freedom. So this thing's gonna have to run until the end of May That's the theory.

And to top things off on the Cleatus 2 Channel we'll be running a live feed the entire month. It's just cheering on the month of Freedom we're just gonna rack on Miles Let's see how fast we can get it going. We're gonna put on Jack stands right now. And the way we're doing this guys, because a month of run time, we're parking it right next to the fuel pump because then we can just pump fuel in it as the month goes on.

I Know our genius just amazes you guys. I'm sure. Thank you. She makes plenty of power.

We got a brand new 25 foot hose for our gas pump here that you know we better. We better make sure we're less than 25 feet. Everybody, make sure we're less than 25 feet too. Bub would be a real shame if our 25 foot hose comes and we're 26 foot away.

That looks like 30 feet. Thus good. Solid 20 feet right there if you ain't shutting off until June We got about 18 people. literally.
Nausea. All right. Well, hopefully it doesn't have any bad vibrations way up in the speeds. Jackson Getting her up on the Jack stand.

Jack stand. The Jack stand man. We got a nice six ton jack stands. Hopefully they don't wiggle their way into the earth, falls off the jack stands on the live feed, and just creams the car up there.

I Was thinking we could just put it on rims and chain it to a block that way if it follows it down. No, it's too safe. Yeah, she's good. Oh yeah, a lot of vibrations.

Oh dude, you got her little gaps. All right. We need a cruise control car. Yeah, it's like we do.

Yeah, all right, we got us a car with cruise control and interior. Look at this. This one does not have a fresh oil change. Oh, this is pretty sure this is fresher.

Oh yeah. oh look how clean that is. Perfect. Dude.

Oh, look at all these service records here. Dude. Oh, this is the perfect one. Perfect car.

But all right. Bud Do the honors I Really hope the crews work. Oh, she's chilling. Oh, it's working.

Perfect. Whoa. She definitely rocks forward on that one throttle. It's pouring it.

That's 100 102. Well, oh, what's the mileage? What's the mileage? Right now? we are at 161 458. 161 458 miles. We could hit the tripodometer thing.

Oh yeah, look at that trip. dude. rolling probably already put a mile on it. Oh yeah.

put a fan in front of this bad boy and just leave it. Oh, he's fine. yeah. one month dude.

what's our? Uh yeah? wow. Smooth in here. It seems pretty happy. That's good.

Well, we've already got three miles on it. It's going fast. I Mean someone do the math. 100 some miles an hour.

for 31 days. It's gonna be a lot of miles making some noise. It may rattle itself to death. I Can't think of a single thing he's worried about.

That gas bill is what it is. In one month there's 744 hours, so she's gonna go something about 75 000 miles if she goes a whole lot of gas. Yep, well, that's another gas mileage. I Mean this thing's at quarter throttle I Can't wait to see what it's at the end of the day.

This is crazy I Mean technically it's gonna be something like 800 miles. Have a little safety car? What are you gonna have thousands of miles on it? I've only started all right Everyone back to work. I guess I Think the Crown Vic is going to have zero issues and make it the full month. No problem at all.

It'll laugh again. It's my prediction. Okay, it's gonna go many miles on those jack stands, but something's going to happen. Yeah, it's either gonna break or it's going to break boss man's wallet because that fuel bill for the 1200 gallons of gas he said to burn his motor.

it's gonna be pretty epic. Motor solid I Think dude, that rear end and the alternator? All right. I think the two weak points that I've noticed working on. so that alternator makes it and that rear end makes it I Mean it's already got 20 bucks I Don't know.
Dude, that's a lot of miles non-stop 75 000 no oil change. It's fine, the oils is gonna be hurting, it's overfilled I Feel like water. So you think rear end and alternator are going to give up? huh? I Hope they don't but if anything goes I think that's what it's going to be. okay.

So I'm just shooting for say next week I Think that's about as far as we're gonna make. As long as we can keep it filled, it's probably gonna take four tanks a day. I mean I Just I Don't know I think a raccoon or something can get caught up in it first and that's going to shut it down I don't think anything's going near that much noise as it's making. Well the Ford guy in me said yeah, it's going to do it no problem, but the realest in me says we're probably gonna forget to fill it up or it's gonna run out of oil I'm gonna give it I'll give it three weeks.

three out of four weeks, three out of four. Zach said A week and a half he gave it three weeks. That's a real name I think if it makes it through the day, it's making it I mean we'll see. The hard part is we're rolling a lot of mileage real quick.

So I think we're probably going to be filling this thing up the fuel a lot more often than we thought. Oh wow. but I mean we're looking at like 50 000 miles on one oil change and you're supposed to go 75 000 miles? 75. Yeah, Yeah, so you know we're only gonna go 72 Thousand Miles Overdue on an oil change.

So but under no load, that might not be bad. I Don't know. It's hard to say it makes it half the day. it'll driving the winning car from the Freedom 500 didn't latch the hood, it blew over and broke my windshield.

All right. Anyways, guys, we got the Indy 800 presented by Heatwave Visual next weekend at Indy Raceway Park We got all the Crown Vics ready we got George Racing Cleveland Brown Tyron Parker from teeth and turbos Nick Zeus from side by side blog Zach Walker Kyle from Booster Boys Brent from P5 Speed Cooper Bagetti joining the race Matt from Demolition Ranch joining the race Jackson Jimmy Brad The Birdie Roman Atwood joining the race in Indy Kevin Ksr JH diesel Justin from Heatwave Visual Derek from Vice Grip garage and then we have one to be determined driver. but all the crown decks are lined backed up fixed up. It was not a small task.

Let's get these cars ready for Indy but we feel pretty good about it. Let's go, let's head in the shop because all chaos is broken loose trying to get these cars ready. They gotta leave now to make it there in a week, you know? Big race coming up 80 laps around Indianapolis raceway Park All right so some of you guys might have heard we had couple of drivers burn their feet at the Freedom 500 specifically Derek from Vice Grip Garage and Brent from PFI Speed, our two oldest drivers. You know what I mean.
So so we gotta take care of the boys. What is that? That's your logo? Oh here, look at that Cletus logo on there. So the good people over at: Dei They sell a lot of amazing heat shielding products, sent us a bunch of stuff. Zach's gonna tell you exactly how we're gonna prevent the floorboards from overheating in the cars again and actually burning people's feet.

So basically we can actually walk over to my car conveniently and you can see. so the heat shield right here is Factory and this is exactly where drivers were burning their foot. so this will actually sit directly on top of the cat which I've got this clamp on here but it'll sit and create another cushion of air. a big cushion, a big cushion and this is reflective up to 2000 degrees so it will, you know.

Point there down. We already actually tested it and our floorboards went from one was it Dave 170.37 yeah to 137 with these. So we got cool tape, a bunch of other stuff and then we actually have these heel things that can go on the driver's foot. because I think the problem is is some of the guys are wearing a really thin driving shoes and those aren't meant for heat.

There's a drag racing shoes. These puppies go around your foot. I Mean you're not gonna burn your foot if you got that on. So big shout out to Dei for helping us save the beautiful feet on our beautiful drivers.

A Beautiful feet I Don't know if that's right. words so big. Yeah, we'll go with it all right? So this is just 40 laps at the Freedom 500, but we have to make sure we have brand new front rights and brand new rear rides for the Indy 800 because that track is a flat oval and it destroys the outside tires. So over here we got a big old stack of brand new Nitto Mp555 G2s from the one and only Nitto Tire Great! Tire We use them on Donnie To Drift Car We use them on our street cars.

We use them on everything. They're an incredible Tire the also since we have so much going on over at the Freedom Factory Now with all this automobile repair, the guys at Box though set us up with a toolbox for the Freedom. Factory So I'm pretty excited. All the guys been using Boxo quite a bit now.

We love it! We got the trailer stacked with it, we got the race shop stacked with it and if you guys ever want you bought those stuff that code Cletus all caps is always live and that's 20 off voxo stuff so check that out! I Think this will just this whole box will raise up off of this. oh it tricked us dude. I was all fired up. Oh Freedom Factory Blue Hat Unit oh that is sick.

Oh look at the top. Oh my goodness. Definitely gonna get strong man. You know what? Look at that.

Look at that dude. Shout out to the guys in the box. So oh, you know the deal. That's amazing.

Two stacks. Oh here we go. All right guys. You gotta take care of this.

Please look at this. Hold on. Hold on. there we go.
That's just beautiful. This is a great kit from Boxer. Everything you need. There's your impact stuff.

Oh yeah. Handy dandy hammers, chisels here. let me check, that's your getter done. Oh oh, they're all 10 millimeters.

Oh my. God That's pretty funny. Shout out the box though. Coming in Club: Honestly, we got a lot happening over at the Freedom Factory between keeping up with Crown Vics Rangers and actually putting on races and events.

These guys are busy, so we got a toolbox that we can just roll into the event trailer and take with us courtesy of Boxo. All right guys, Our new long distance hose worked perfect. We just put in 14 hours miles we got on the trip. Yeah, look about 783 right now.

783 miles this morning and you know it might not have been fully topped off so that's pretty solid. Won't be able to get sure math until later, but we're worried about the axles. They're making some noise. Yeah.

I Mean you think there's a lot of cooling? You know, the air. What's going on over there? Oh my gosh, Yeah, that one's in the sun. Obviously everything looks pretty normal. It's a crown big if that fan dies.

we're done. so we're seven hours, 15 on the cylinder. Heads down, that ain't too bad. Fourth gear? Yeah, no that's good man hunting.

Three mile an hour. Oh let's go brother making it happen. This wheel bearing's a little noisier than I like it to be, but that's what it is. Loudness all day? All right guys.

First day of the month of Freedom complete. We kind of had a ton of random stuff happen today, but we got through the first day. Oh man, I'm already fired up about this. It's gonna be a lot of fun.

Here's to 30 more days. That's it for now. Thanks for watching New for Dale Wolf! Freaking See you later. Foreign, foreign.

By Cleetus

10 thoughts on “This crown vic is going to run at full speed for a month… let’s begin”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Javier Chávez says:

    What size heat shield is that?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars allothernamesbutthis says:

    how donnie is not cleets number one car i will never know.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CHANCEY FLEX JR. says:

    Might as well throw stuff at the tires while they’re spinning that fast

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Mackey says:

    Nice. Please keep track of the miles per gallon… it's probably really good mileage like that.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Trudeau-Adams says:

    Trophy truck racing @freedom factory

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Robinson says:

    I dont pay 5 dollars a month for advertisements

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John R says:

    Will probably over heat running at 100mph and another car blocking the grill/radiator…

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars N1C G3ORG3 says:

    get this man a Milwaukee fast back

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeramie Bentley says:

    I thought July was the month of freedom. Mandela effect strikes again.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cgenthe79 says:

    Stop destroying all those crown vics!!!!!!!!! Our kids and grandkids will know nothing of an American v8 powered sedan

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