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Sick Week started strong for McFarland Racing, but it sure did end badly!!! We tore up some engines... that's not a cheap week of racing!
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Let's get to the live action all right guys! I Got packages to drop off? I'll see you later. Hell yeah brother, you're on the Policeman YouTube channel Good morning everyone! Sick week Day three, we're doing a little valve lashing on our boy mullet Pete's in there I Had to teach Pete how to lash valves yeah for this week so now he's up to date on how to do that. But anyway, we're here in South Georgia we're going to South Georgia Motorsports Park So we gotta get these valves lashed by this thing up. Go switch the car over, make some ribs.

All right. So guys Pete was pretty amped up that he just hit 30 000 subscribers on his YouTube channel which is real good at doing stuff is the name of his channel I Thought it'd be funny if I didn't tell him anything I Just put in the beginning of this video to tell all of you to go subscribe so we can like try to jump him to 50 000 subscribers in a day and he won't see it coming. but it'll be awesome. So go check out Real good at doing stuff and subscribe.

I Will surprise this man with a lot of subscribers. Our turbo there but they'll spin it ready beat. Let's do it all right guys! South Georgia Motorsports Park We are here. let's see if we can make something happen.

Try and beat that 675 we've been locked in on good. Yeah, we're good. Good morning. Okay guys here we are.

Round one: The green Mustang is beating us. just spun but we make a good pass. Oh, that'd be awesome. Foreign.

all right, we got more out here. South Georgia Day number three: Trying to get a good clean lick right off the rip here. Consistent. Force Power Right here baby Turbo Big block Elk Grove Maine Oh Nelly We are done.
The engine just blew up. Just blow the engine guys. Oh no. we were on a ramp and we blew it up.

I got some oil under the tires too I Think that could have been bad? I'm just glad you're all right Mullet. I'm glad you're all right buddy I Thought it was maybe hitting boost cut or something so I kind of stayed in it for a split second. All of a sudden a lot of bad sounds I don't know Peter's down. everything's good.

yeah I think he's just checking out more to see if anything I wonder if he's tripping or anything like that. Oh my gosh, dude, that was insane. That was scary dude. Holy crap damn man.

dude spent that money getting it refreshed. The block must have let go or something because the rods and everything inside is better built in the block. So damn guys, this will be the first Dragon Drive that Mullet has ever not completed and this is gonna be our first one to ever have a six second average. Did poor decisions were made there.

But I mean it's like what do you do? It was a great run. You try to try and save every run in this type of event. Luckily we've got a catch band on it. Well how fast did we go I think it was a 97 or 98 697.

it's blowing up brother. Yeah it puffed a little bit even early, you know? yeah? I don't know. Tore up the motor though. for sure.

Let me bump the starter for for Good Times Sake that don't sound too good? Yeah, wonder if the uh like cylinder let go or what? Who knows, it sucks. Yeah, yeah for sure. Well Pete we made the day. three.

Hey dude, that was my first time ever having a six second average on the first. you know, blowing up. So yeah, yeah, three sixes in a row. Steve did tell us we were leaning on it running.

you know, 45 pounds of boost every run. He kind of originally told me 35 was around the max. but you know I it ran so good last season I thought we could just keep sending it maybe but uh, it said no. yeah.

had perfect oil pressure and everything. you know so tune-ups all the same. Yeah everything's same. Something got ticked off something just got a little ticked off.

One of them was like I'm out of here I'll see you later dude it's oh it could have been a piston I mean we don't really know but there is an oil leaks so something exit at the engine. Yeah, we're kind of in this balloon but like I said just a minute ago and all fairness Steve told us 35 pounds is like where he's comfortable and we're 45. So I mean we're leaning on it and like everyone's like oh, the old engine lasted so long. Yeah, but we ran the old engine at 30 pounds of boost basically until the end of the season when we started hanging out with Pete and then we turned the thing way up.
Dude, you were flying. That was a great rift exactly. Well this is a very unfortunate situation here. We got mullet being towed home.

Well guys, this is a good time to mention that we're giving away this Tahoe and an Lt4 supercharger rated for towing apparently. Now if you got to tell your El Camino back to your pits this Tahoe could be perfect for you every five bucks back Please from Get you an entry brother I Don't see any winner baby. Yeah I Don't know. there's just oil.

It emptied its oil into the pan so maybe it just shot something through the pan Huh Tough break we'll have to eat something on Monday Yeah, a little. uh yeah. we need to make a decision because if we're gonna lean on it like this constantly I mean these things aren't going to hold up are they no? I mean yeah, we already know we're exceeding what these are ever intending to do. I mean yeah.

Next step is you gotta go SMX yeah. what's the price difference like on that roughly double? I Don't know. We'll have to figure it out. Let's make a deal.

dude. let's make a deal. We'll make some kind of deal. Okay, okay, all right.

what's that? We'll get it figured out. Yeah, let's get it figured out. All right. We'll do that.

All right buddy. I'll talk to you Monday when this is all done, you're out too, right? I know I'm out too look at when it poops right about 400 foot poof. Screw it. Whoa.

Yeah Nice hey guys. moment of silence for Mullet's engine. moment of silence. She was a good engine.

She did lots of fast things and good horse talks and one. World Cup I Feel like we just have yeah McFlurries engine you know I was thinking everything's looking really bad right now, but if you look on the bright side, perfectly good running for charge. Tahoe we sure do that. You could actually win and uh I'm worried about the Total Homes engine now.

dude. Yeah, we're done for it. We're gonna be racing RC cars for the rest of the season only. RC Playing content guys.

If this keeps going the way it is, you see this pumping here. Yeah, that's where we're down at home. it's a loss. Number seven? Yeah, right right there because I stayed in it.

It broke it. No, no it, that's when it did it. probably. Oh okay.

and then me getting back in it probably didn't help me. Yeah, but it was already. Damn dude. All right.

so guys, obviously this is a huge Point your finger situation for YouTube commenters. So I figured I'd get in here and just justify a few things for Steve and Pete because obviously Steve builds a great engine lasted all last year. But I want you guys to keep in mind that last year we ran the car on 25 pounds of boost and then we creeped up the 30 pounds of boost and then at the very end of the season we're running. You know, 35 pounds of boost to win FL 2K And then we were all out a World Cup running 45 pounds of boost the engine originally Steve told me you know 35 is pushing it running probably another 800 horsepower over what he was basically telling me is the limit and we only did that for the end of the season.
So now with the fresh and up engine, we're trying to run 45 pounds of boost and put you know, five, six hundred miles on the car. Definitely a different ball game. So so I don't think there's any blaming Steve you know he told us we were past the limits and then on top of that, you guys saw that I started the engine without engine oil in it which I did that probably two or three times on last year's engine because I've done it just. it happens at least once a race week where I drain all the oil, then I get excited and start it up I feel like it's necessary to note that the engine had 76 pounds of oil pressure when it let go.

It's hard for me to blame that situation as the cause of all this, which I know a lot of people will, but whatever had a lot of oil pressure almost 80 pounds when it did blow up. But anyway, you know we had the engine start without oil and then we raced that Bradenton Everything was good. We did hit boost cut one time at 50 psi which is the most boost cars ever made. Steve was thinking maybe the block split and then on our drive from Bradenton to Georgia Maybe it kind of was killing some bearings because I was texting him and I was like Hey the oil pressure is a little bit low in this thing and he said and it's probably fine, just keep an eye on it.

Car drove absolutely perfect and then we made that first pass and Kaboom and then on the peat side of things you know I'm telling him to turn it up this high in no way. shape or form is Pete responsible for this. It's not like he's like Cletus come on, turn it up another five PSI I'm like Pete I want to go at 6 30. and he's like okay so it's not like he's in any way shape or form responsible for this.

So then the next thing is when we went to clean up I drained my oil pan because I do an oil change on the car every day and in the bottom of the pan there's little pieces of berry which I was like damn if I would have just checked the bottom of that I would realize something was up but it's not my normal procedure to drain that before we go make our first run. so that was a mistake on my part. probably could have caught it there. anyway.

it all sucks because it's like taking you know of giant sum of money and just Chuck it in a fire. But if you were to look over the past year, the money we've saved by owning that engine and not maintaining it every freaking week. we've done pretty damn good on top of the 30 some thousand dollars that it won for us last year. She really paid for herself not spending labor for the guys to work on it, not missing races.

The car was incredible last year. so all in all I can't be upset at all about this situation. It does suck, but we just got to move on. It was an epic sick week.
We started strong, ended badly on all accounts. Pretty expensive drag and drive event this one but you know what? You guys watching the videos supporting the merch and everything like that keeps us going so we're good. We'll be fine, we'll get everything fixed because we got Streetcar Takeover Bradenton and Tx2k coming up. so we need to get these race cars back up and going.

but that's it for now. Thanks for watching. Do it for! Dale We will freaking see you later here we go. No winch on the wedge saving us again Dude, this is an absolute Cruiser We don't want to tell you guys how good I had it I think we're going 87 right now.

It's so quiet and smooth you're gonna look down like if you're not paying attention. Thank you.

By Cleetus

17 thoughts on “Sick week day 3 – mullet’s 3000 horsepower big block finally blew up… it was a scary run!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arron Benton-Fife says:

    blew up but still did a 6.447

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris V says:

    real good at doing stuff should hit 100k today

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth Coogler says:

    You are one honest dude..hats off to you man.. definitely a role model..

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kapt Krunch says:

    Went from looking forward to a packed week of action, to nadda. Damn…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fred Younger says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Taggert says:

    Ouchโ€ฆfeel your pain. Starting without oil is a big oneโ€ฆadjusting valves is also really important, so might want only one person dedicated to that

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Goodman Boat Transport says:

    Situation sucks, but it's racing, this is part of pushing the limits

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars william pankratz says:

    Everyone just loves to see that Big Dollar engine blow up
    These engines are doomed to blow from their first bolt torque , its just a matter of when

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BoprahRL says:

    Went to subscribe at real good and heโ€™s at 98k!!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Goodman Boat Transport says:

    If it wasn't this time, it would have been the next time, so lifting wouldn't have made a difference

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrsockyman says:

    Ah that's a shame! Sure this kind of stuff happens when you're at the top performing level, hope there's something to improve to handle all the future freedoms!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars djay4487 deved says:

    just relised the car that was side by side was a 77 pontiac firebird transam… nice.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stormy Rain says:

    Garrett, I would consider using a different engine. The ls is nice and all. However is it strong enough to handle what you're doing?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Outragous Bob says:

    Love to see Cleetus in a Pro Mod!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I am Blondie !!! says:

    Found On Road Dancing ! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Cull says:

    Pete was at almost 100k a day later!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cleetus McFarland says:

    RC Airplane content sure is cheap lol

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