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Sick Week has begun!!! The Elco, Ruby, and the Marauder are prepped and ready for a LONG journey around Florida! Tons of racing to come, and we're so ready for that 6 second run!
To enter for a chance to win our Ultimate Sleeper MARAUDER GIVEAWAY visit http://cleetusmcfarland.com! We have tons of new merch ready to rip for you guys!
*ULTIMATE SLEEPER GIVEAWAY. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. Open to residents of the 48 contiguous United States and the District of Columbia (excluding AK, HI), who are age of majority & licensed drivers. Void in AK, HI, and where prohibited. Begins 2/5/2022 and ends 11:59:59 PM ET on 2/26/2022. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. See Official Rules at http://cleetusmcfarland.com for complete details.
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Hey, what's going on guys, today's video is sponsored by ship station now for those of you, who've been following the channel for a while know that i started our macron merchandise store from my bedroom. I've personally tried all sorts of shipping softwares and the very shipping software that clevelandfalling.com uses is shipstation. Obviously you can see behind me right now. We are stocked up.

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I think you'll like it. Well, that's it for now guys: let's get to the live action. Hell yeah brother you're on the please confirm youtube channel dang boy: you look at this guy he's got a wiring harness on his back. You never know.

That is a great call, because i have everything about the wiring. Every connector could possibly dude team, dr pepper over here, zach and parker, and your boy jackson didn't show up for registration day. Tough break he's done already. Look at this elko is looking dialed in look at that sitting a little low in the back.

We got a lot of weight in the trailer, so hopefully our hitch doesn't snap off looking good sam, looking good, fresh haircut on sam and got the broader, looking good put it on the brakes on the right racing, baby, mcflurry racing, oh dude, we're not mcfarland racing Anymore, we're mcflurry racing, i'm just taking the whole bag. All right. Look at all these race cars guys we've been in line for four hours now, but we are to the front we pretty much passed tech. We just got our decals put on and we will then we'll be released for the day ready to rip tomorrow.

All right guys, look at that. Look at that marauder all right, guys we're having a little free party at the freedom factory right now with the race makers, so a bunch of race week, cars pulling in that'll be sweet good morning good morning. It's finally, stick weekday, we're a little late, so we're heading over the track. Now george isn't here yet so you got ta hit it for him.

One time big point on diaz here we are guys brand new motorsports park is the first stop of stick week. How convenient so got ruby, dr pepper, elko sam, is on his way with the marauder sam also made us some cookies, which these are like the best cookies of all time. Sam makes these things like every couple weeks made them for race week to get us dialed in i'm so excited. Here we go dude first pass of sick week, 6.98 yeah you're, a wild man.
Did you turn it up a little bit? You said you wanted to go six. I want to go sixes bro. You said today. If we break it, we got ta, take something else: let's go we're gon na break it today, yeah we're here we're at home.

We might as well send it the first day because if we don't run sixes we're not going to win we're not going to be close to winning, so we got to go, we got to go hard. You got a spicy food all right. That's all! We need to say: let's try it damn ready ready to roll, so sam you're in the dial, your own class, so you got to set your own average for the week and try and get as close to that as you can. That is our goal.

For the week's tools right there on top of that yeah - probably like a 10 80. Something like that, we'll see what your first pass looks like we're. Gon na do we'll have fun. Oh it's gon na be a great day, yeah, all right, so ruby.

Obviously, you guys saw that we tested her so she's in the 8-5 class. All james has to do is run as close to 8.5 seconds as possible without going faster, so an 849 doesn't count ready, run them 850s boys come on and then over here we got the elko. The elko is in the modified class. It's like a high six.

Second, car class there's about 18 cars with us and, as you guys know, on a race week, basically we're gon na be racing at five different track days and they average our time together from each day along the route. So we have to run as fast as we can to keep our average as low as we can if we have one bad day and turn in a 10 second time slip. Well, that'll really hurt our average, so we got to run hard. We got to be consistent and that's how we will take home a trophy but there's some really fast cars, so we got to be dialed in all right, we're doing a quick, uh trans break test, wow sure dude, that how many pounds was it 11..

Perfect. I love how they let the fast cars run. First, at this event, that is so smart. We got one hour too, it's not like.

We get one pass right now, an hour, that's how it should be, though let the fast guys run the good friend yeah. Let him shoot because we take the longest to get to the next destination too. We should go first. I love how this event is doing already.

It's already good. Looking up, you guys know the deal we're here in ruby, we're coming to win turn on wind lights. Try to one and done it every day we've got the hometown advantage. We got everything working in our favor got a strong running car got great air a great facility.
The only thing that can happen is a wind light, so uh we'll see what we can do. Like always we're running that uh 850 class, so it won't be an all-out pass furby, but it will be a good run guys. The first two cars down went: oh my god. We got jackson jimmy up here at the wheel, all by himself he's managing to take care of the car.

Take air we're about to make a path. First, half of the week we got a 860 at 164. 860 with the one not where he wanted to be, but on the right side of things, it's easier to speed it up than it is to slow it down. So uh go back.

Look at the data log and see uh what we can do got the elko up, pretty spicy right off the uh right off the rip this time. So i think we're going for 30 pounds on the top end: 7, 35 and 188 holy crap wow. 7. A 476 in the 188 mile an hour chilling, so i ended up about 20 pounds of boost.

It was 20 yeah, 23 pounds. Last week we were 26, but it should have been going for 30 dude, that's what i was shooting for. I had 52 on the dome and it didn't. This is a little more yeah.

Well, we went from 38 to 52, it didn't pick up, we don't have a back pressure. Actually we have something. So i don't know if it may be up this leak or something. Oh interesting, okay, all right i'll, take a look all right guys! Well, we were gon na try and get another hit, but it turns out the air system is not turning on, so we didn't have any pressure in the boost controller tank and that's why the car didn't make the boost that we commanded really a lost amount of Hours running really hard and then it's like ran out of air pressure for the boost, solenoid and then kind of box start run.

So we're heading back to the pit right now to figure that out looks like the air compressor or something with the electronics. So we have no time we have five minutes. The lanes are gon na be closed, so we're trying we're just jumper in the compressor to get the tank full and then we'll go make another rip. All right, so got ruby all filled up with fuel back around.

In the lanes to make another pass uh not to change the tune up, yet what i'm going to do is i'm going to stage my corner, i'm going to pump it in so i can build the boost i need to build and then be able to. Let it creep just a little bit, so it picks up short track short track was down and that's where the e.t went. I'm also going to rev it out like normal shift it like normal. Do everything like we would do on that 47 pass and see what it picks up, looks like a 853 at 163, really close, solid 853 with the six um? Definitely going a step in the right direction.

With this program, i'm gon na go ahead and uh maybe put a half a degree or degree of timing back in it, and uh go from there see what it does. Uh stay still early. We got two passes in in our first hour of running tinker with the tune-up, put a little bit more power back in ruby and see if we can go 8-5-0 all right. We got to clean this up for pass number two all right here we go.
Damn boy: let's go second pass 853. First day 853 of the six i mean you're, close you're gon na run it again yeah i'm gon na um. So how long is that eight five? Oh, that was duplicating the pass. I went to 47 and driving the same way um so just going to maybe put a half a degree or degree in it up top and see what it does all right: cool but yeah 853 to 6..

Let's go yeah just leave the boost line, throw a little time alone, because that's all we did. We slowed it down one time, yeah, we'll speed it back. I left a little cell block in it. That's just dropped three degrees out, so you might just add a little to that one spot yeah one to that.

Yeah nate and i are a hot mess. We botched two runs. We have an air compressor problem. The car won't bump all right.

So you can't say: boston the first one went down: oh yeah, we didn't go with 735. I mean that's. Why we're on the same boost as the other day, yeah 20 pounds yeah. If we can get the boost into it, it should go fast, but all right guys.

We got a problem. After a little bit of research, we did not spin the tires. We actually lost crank signal because our new crank trigger wheel hit the sensor, so we got to back the sensor out. I thought it's fun, you were planning and going.

You could see it in the video, but you look right here, 200 miles an hour with all that and yeah see where it dropped out. Oh yeah, i mean, if you look right here where the rpm is all right, open up the gap a little bit. We got the air compressor fixed so on our way to making a good run about time, dude ever how much traffic have you been in six hours? You know 1000 six o'clock, it is hey. I don't care, i don't care what you have to say.

There's one thing i need to hear from you right now: hey mcflurry racing, mcflurry racing baby come on come on there we go mr sam pulling on through oh yeah, looking clean sam. How are you feeling that's great see what you got sam? Let's go he's on the bulb already: what a g damn sam 10.94 1090 brother, hell, yeah how'd - that feel, let's see the slip, can we see the slippers all right? 183. 60. Foot 102 in the eighth got your average for the week brother.

I think you're in a good spot, because you can definitely foot break it harder. If you need to go faster yeah and then you can always, you know, go a little slower. Okay, a little higher, all right cool sweet! Well, there you go hold on to that same, not here mile an hour harder than the roll racing all right, so guys we lost our fuel pump belt. We got a new one on there.

We think it's riding too far back so we're gon na move. These spacers around a little bit to try and get the uh teeth in the right orientation. I found my broken belt on the track, but luckily this motion race works, sick week. Support trailer is right here, so we're dialed.
Look at that dude supporting the racers most raceworks. You know the deal all right. You ready, i'm ready, bro all right guys, the last pass of the day. So we made some suspension changes.

The car is still turned up to the moon. So may spin don't care. We got a 7-3 to turn in we're here to go sixes. No other mission.

We made it back in the lanes before they closed for the day. We're gon na take one more shot at trying to go see if we can't make it happen. They'll go ready to make a rip now son, let's go cleat! Oh, what's a guy like me supposed to do in this situation. The track has cooled down and we have been sitting for a very long time, but i feel, like mullet, really wants to run a six right now and we need to eat it for ruby.

We had the lucky pebble right here: jackson rubbed it we're good whoa. Some 862 for ruby, 761 at 152 for the oco looks like he. I don't know he kind of looked like he pulled the shoot way. Early looks like he's going to be turning in that 740 and looks like we're going to be turning into that 853.

holy crap that was so fast i had to lift engine was making a crazy noise. I had to lift boys, it didn't sound right. I had to lift i'm sorry it's a long week. I could have legged it out and potentially hurt the engine so i lifted.

Oh, it was sounding it felt so fast, oh, but i had to live with the super lame yeah, i'm not happy about it. My car's still running 7. 61.. Actually, i don't know what happened.

It was surging. Okay, that's i thought i heard it, and so i was scared that something was going to get hurt. While you look at the daylight i'll get the car ready on the road. We'll have a freaking ripper tune up for tomorrow, the other day, not that, i don't think it was that i think i'm curious if the wheelie sensor freaked out, remember you turned it on or something something freaked out it sounded like.

It was a timing table going crazy, hopefully not cooling pressure, all right, so we're turning in at 7 35, you guys are turning in uh, 854, 854 853 hey solid day. That pass was just a little bit faster down low and i was like it feels too fast. I like blurbed it once yeah. That's such a big turbo.

It probably doesn't like getting blurbed dude 110 miles. I was expecting 800 miles. This is so easy, so orlando tomorrow, don't have a crazy drive, but we got to get the car switched over still so better get it done breeze right there. Yes, sir, so is our coolant pressure huh yep.

So i wonder if that's because we don't have a steam port kit, that's kind of what i'm thinking. But it's not i'm not concerned with it, because when you're sitting there just idling it was 40. and then it's just. I think it just has another air pocket in it, because it was literally right in the edge of the sensor.

It was like yeah, it wasn't like, oh well. If it really lifted the head, it would be like just skyrocketing just riding it like that. You can just see the rpm the whole time like immediately that for it doing that it's on 34 pounds yeah, you pulled the chute way early went 760 and it was doing that the entire run. It came up a little bit.
It was like i'm just pulling a ton of timing, yeah back and forth, like 12 degrees, not healthy, not good, but no bueno. Dude don't want to do that. I'm not worried about it. We got o-ring heads, so we had big hopes for today.

Dude we were like okay, we're going sixes and i'm glad you got humbled by a dragon driving dude yeah. I knew i was literally like two minutes after i said that i was like eating my words, i'm like dude. I should not have said that i just jinxed this like yeah, it's all good bro. If it would have had co2 dude, it would have.

Oh, my god that was it. That was our shot, and after that it was just everything. We're good we're gon na run at six this week. We got this the rest of the week.

I know it's a long week, dude honestly, i said we can't do it until we come back here. Oh we're going to try it everywhere. Honestly, though, turning in a 7-3 that's the fastest slip, i've ever turned in on dragon drive events, i'm pumped about that, and the car's still running all right. Let's hit the road ruby with our on the glow.

Look, it's all cute, damn ricer all right boys we're hopping on the road all right, guys so far we're running great frozen, no problems. We got transmission. The lock temperature is working so good, so the lock up is on during cruising keeps the rpms a little bit lower than normal transcends, would love it we're killing it along. We got ruby back there, one of many fuel ups.

One of many good news is they're. All going to be right here in the great state of florida. Yes, sir, only the finest diesel right here. This is non-sulfur right.

All righty checkpoint number, one we're at the depot museum in avon park. We made it first checkpoint. Complete marauder is doing good. How is it dialed how's it doing? Sam? Oh, this guy's doing a burnout, hell yeah! Oh my god.

I guess that's for us wow all right guys rolling up on our second checkpoint small life. Here we are second checkpoint, made it to the old town and uh. We're probably gon na grab some food. We have not eaten all day so get some food hang out.

Hey mustang boy. I don't know what it is for me, but i just love underglow, like the inner ricer in me. Just comes out. Whenever i see your guys lights, it looks so good driving down the road, it's so cool.

I love it he's like oh construction zone. We got ta blink, orange yeah, they're, probably breaking so many logs. All right boys. First mission accomplished good, take a piece yeah.

Take it please take a piece bender rod and i are in third place in our class. You guys are in second. What about you guys and sam and ty won't have a position until after day, two yeah, so guys, tomorrow's racing is cancelled. Getting some weather in orlando tomorrow we still got ta drive through it and then we got ta go to gainesville, but they already cancelled the track day.
I guess the weather's gon na be pretty gnarly tomorrow, so we're gon na drive right through it. Hopefully, no issues make it to gainesville tomorrow and we'll update you, then so that's it for now, thanks for watching dude, for today, we'll freakin see you later shhh you.

By Cleetus

18 thoughts on “Sick drag week day 1: we turned mullet way up, but problems arose… ruby runs nearly perfect!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trashman0 says:

    Gotta skip 6.90s because mamma didn't raise no bitch

    I hope someone knows what I'm referencing

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Cassidy says:

    Sam gettin to rip is awesome! Good on you clete! Manโ€™s living the dream

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky Spanish says:

    Dude Sam is content gold. Get him a whip and make him part of the team!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ugga Dougie says:

    Sam is so excited ๐Ÿ˜Š man that's so cool you let Sam race the "stock" marauder lol

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darius Boykin says:

    Best way to start the morning off watching this before I go to my interview haha

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marley Nugent says:

    Been refreshing praying for this upload before I go to bed! ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Allen Lord says:

    Fay 2 rained out but I'm waiting on you all to gonk be for raceday 3 let's goooooo

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis Hargiss says:

    I got my entries for the marauder. Man it would be a cool way to get into burnouts and budget drag racing.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aussie guy says:

    Hell yeah excellent and smart addition having Nate ride along for the journey having your tuner on hand all the time is a bis ass advantage ๐Ÿ‘ŒโœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘Š

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johnnieโ€™s Motorized Bicycles says:

    Coverage on Sam has been great so far from all the other YouTube channels. Also I can't wait to see the 6's out of mullet.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LSX Gavin says:

    Starting the day off with a fantastic buenos dias ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ made my day 110% better ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julian Patsey says:

    Wearing my cleetus shirt watching cleetus on a wendsday with Sam makes my day. Let's go!!!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Landan Caldwell says:

    Love ur vids! I stopped watching for some reason and started again!! Love to see ur still posting

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Shuler says:

    After seeing Kevin's vid and yours never came out I knew something had to have happened…imma watch now and hope for the best.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Owens says:

    Hell yeah brother new video one of the first to comment ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel House says:

    a cleeter video before 9am!!!! gonna be a great day!!! BEUNOS DIAS!!!!! SICK WEEK!!!!!!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Hunt says:

    Hell yeah brother on vacation right now with shit wifi but still making it ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cleetus McFarland says:

    We made it to Gainesville and are gearing up to race! Fingers crossed we get down and run a 6 ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

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