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Finally, Leroy and Ruby are coming around, but let's see if Leroy can get down with this new clutch.. looks like a lot is riding on tomorrow's final runs at Race Week 2021 2.0!!
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Hell yeah brother you're on the policeman for on youtube channel all right boys big. Why now cs race? Week day? Oh, i got some tough news. Leroy has a major issue. It's a vibration in the car from the clutch last night i felt so defeated.

Got home. Edited whatever got three hours of sleep, just felt rough right like super defeated, uh, so brent, and i got up and hit the vending machine and i swear. We got a sign from the race week. Gods, we just wanted anything to drink and all the vending machine had that we liked is dr pepper, so bring it to dr pepper.

I clicked dr pepper and there's not even mountain dew, available on the machine and dr pepper comes and a mountain dew falls with it. They don't even sell mountain dew in this machine we literally died laughing funniest thing. I've ever seen has to be a sign. So i'm gon na crack it open with you guys, take a little step.

You know someone's trying to poison me, or that was a sign, so we're gon na get this car fixed. I believe we can fix it. We might just have to take it all the way back apart again, but the reason it took us eight hours yesterday and probably the reason why we messed up putting the clutch in somewhere, because we were doing it on the ground. We were rushing uh, the portable lift guy is here and we are allowed to use him before competition, so we're about to slap libra on the lift and see.

What's going on what a struggle this race week has been a tough one boys, but let's get on the lift and get to work. So probably the best thing ever right now is that we have the portable car hoist guy here he's setting up. He goes on all the race weeks. You guys saw us work on uh james nova in vegas on this thing.

This is gon na save our lives today and we are going to uh fix leroy, hopefully well, we'll see what happens here in a minute find out everything we need to know right now, all right, i'm gon na show you guys something really quick all right. So i have to put it in here see the problem. Yeah look at the pressure plate, how much of uh the swing it's got and it's it's not set down right, yeah! That's the problem holy crap! That's what we kind of thought, damn dude! All right! I mean we have to, we have to say, call cardboard, yeah get to it. Hmm all right! You, mother effort, all right! Look at this wobble guys ready for the wobble.

Are we clear you see any wires holding on that clutch? Oh, we got something somewhere all right. I got a really nice set of china plastic micrometers, we're going to measure all these shims make sure they're. Even we had something uneven, as you can tell, the disc looks totally fine, which is good. So, oh yeah, it was a hot spot for sure, so that spot was too low, which actually tells me right where i need to look because i've got a marking on this alrighty.

Look at this guys measured every shim set all point six one of an inch except for this one, a little high point, six four and this one a little low point, five four: that is what caused all of this junk and we were there together, which is The best part, because one washer fell and runs like, i think this one i'm like. I think it's this one and we collectively decided to put it somewhere and it was wrong. It was wrong here we are yep all right. Well, at least we got some food.
We hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday, so this is nice to eat. It is great. Listen to this idea. I just had we'll just go on portable car hoist buy one of these and tow behind leroy next year.

Here we go done kneel now. Theoretically, we should be able to hit this switch. It should not move the torque tube uh. Let me leave it in okay.

It shouldn't wobble, that's the trick. Here i got a little, i think. That's just what's in the flex plate, we got ta put it back together; no, no clutch has perfect no like deformity or anything. So i think we're good.

It's just scary, to see a little bit still it's how they are yeah how's, the srt10 life. Treating you great going into day four how's the gas mileage been because i advertise as the worst gas mileage vehicle ever offered. Oh you're, talking 9.1 in the city 16 on interstate yeah, but she got a big tank right. Big tank got about 300 first day, going 300 miles, all the towns and stuff.

It's pretty good. With the ac kicking hey on give her a rev dude. Let me hear the little vpn action thanks for taking good care of her. Oh yeah, nice you to wake up dude.

How you been you guys could have called me. I would have watched a little earlier all right. Oh all, right guys! So it's 1 30.. We got 180 miles to drive to get to the track, make a hit get.

First place back we're in second place that sucks got ta, go, earn it back all right, so we just rolled 21 000 miles in the srt. I love this truck. If i could enter in for it, i would trucks doing really good got. Let's see what we got here, 16.5 miles per gallon on the interstate doing 60 miles an hour, she's thirsty, but you got all these horse torques under the hood first checkpoint yeah, that's pretty cool we're gon na keep rolling and now we're in stanfield traffic.

All right! Wonderful, so we're outside of the road radiator fan still working time to get the power probe out. Look at that! That's dropping. We popped in our spare relay that we just so happened to get from summit. Brandon was like we should get a relay.

We got two spare relays popped. It in fans kicked on we're good. Thank god. Well, well guys to add to the mess we just missed the turn by about 20 miles, all right boys.

Another item on the list we're driving down the road car, stops being able to turn left the steering. U joint down here is locked up, so we're gon na try and feed it down the shaft a little more, but the car will like kind of get stuck when i'm turning. We came into this left hander up here had to force it through the turn. It was a little sketch see the shaft sticking out in the middle, so it's hitting itself, you can fix, we said slide it up, not down like we just did yeah dang hell yeah.
We thought our usual was bad and we were like damn. How are we gon na drive all right guys? Next checkpoint is kicker, audios hq and, as you can see, there's no race weakers around, because everyone else is at the track, but we're here and we're just zooming right on through where's, our last checkpoint, gassing. This sucker up: what do we got like 100 miles to go still yeah? How have we made some slow progress today? We were transmission in by one and then i think every stop sign in the country is located here. Yeah, the the budget for this town, where these few checkpoints are for stop signs has to be incredible.

I mean i've, never seen so many stop signs. I wish we could have daylight how many times i push the clutch in. We are definitely breaking in the clutch guys. We honestly don't know if we're on the right route or not, but we're on a gravel road, but we have to idle.

So we don't get. We lost a filter for the the left turbo, so we don't want to go fast. You know rocking it. This is crazy, dude right what is happening all right guys.

You know the deal another cell service, car wash and otherwise keep it cool. Whatever you see on what you think about that georgie yeah, so you want to keep it cool while you put one but run in the ac, got some oil leaks, not the pan, though so we're just going to clean it up, get it cooled off in this Car wash and get the oil leaks fixed we're about 25 minutes out from the track and uh. Well, we got to make an eight hour today, a little weird but uh we're gon na. Have this thing turned up cranked up! Do a personal best, eighth mile today! So we can have a back half from our slip yesterday to get closer to that 750 goal.

Get this thing looking right get a lot of the oil out of the interface. So this way it doesn't drip on the track and they shut me down. That's the big thing you don't want to do is: have it dripping on you? So get this thing all cleaned up, show you the after last checkpoint. There we go hey how about that drive dude.

It wasn't bad. We just took about 45 minute nap after we watched it, you did yeah, there's a cheeseburger, you guys you sleep in the car, you know well that sounds really nice boys glad. Would you guys sleep in till noon too? Yeah dang, what a luxurious day for team ruby. Did you get stuff kind of drive past the fire stairs? I was blown open.

No, oh you got lucky because it would have happened. Hold on. You are wrecked right now, bro we've been working on this piece of crap all day, i'm so sick of this car. I'm gon na ride the hey.

That's you know, that's just very sweet. You know dude we're driving on the road steering just locks, we're like driving off the road. I'm like this is fantastic. This is great overheating in the middle of the interstate, like just so much bs.
That's why i love leroy. He definitely keeps things exciting, but you sleep a lot less. When he's around that uh oil filter we put on yesterday created a small leak. So we after we washed it, we got ta just filter.

You know yeah yeah, mid american dragway brother. All right here, hey the sun. Look. The sun is still up just slightly so, but guys.

We did just hear that, because this track is so short and the cars are so fast that they're only running the cars that are faster than nine seconds to the eighth mile, so we will only be doing eight miles. I don't know how they do. The back. Half of the slip, though so guys we just found out they're using our quarter mile back half from yesterday, which sucks for us, because we turned it into nine and six yesterday, but at least the back half was decent yesterday.

So it probably won't be that big of a deal i'll look it up really quick, but ideally we would have used the 811. You know what i mean that back half is probably ripping this one. How are we going to do this tune? We got a brand new clutch. We have no idea not a clue what to expect, but we need a decent number.

How about we go? Well, we. I was thinking 42.50 4250, but no boost in first gear, like maybe we're three pounds: two or three okay, two or three pounds of dome pressure on the boost controller and then just leave the rest alone, like it was making like 15 pounds in second. Third and fourth yeah - and if you know we don't get the first liquid, we'll make a second okay yeah, but let's try and try and get done anything under a 5 40. I think we can take home yeah, all right, cool all right.

So our back half yesterday was like 3.1 seconds yeah. So if we run a 540, that's like an 85 yeah, so that'd be faster than that. Then he can run. I think i don't think he's ran faster than 85 540 is our goal or faster or a 490..

He goes to 490. That's like a seven freaking 50.. So you know they're taking our back house from yesterday. So if you wanted a perfect 750 you'd have to run a 482 tonight, which would be the fastest she's ever gone she's going fast.

I see it because you're crashing out of the car, but i got a tin up in it right now. It leaves and takes the hit. I saw the video there's about 40 foot and power. We lose a little bit and then comes down yeah you were like.

Did it pull the tire i was asking because i could feel it george is like i don't know, i've been focusing on filming so yeah yeah. It's got a little power, wheelie too well, we'll see what happens and i'm going seven anything if you're a high 480 or 490. I mean you're freaking out new clutch big moment big moment right here, really open this works. Yeah me too me too.

We only make one run and we roll out and go that would be nice, but sleep tonight dude. That would be too easy. I know leroy's probably gon na i mean the way things are going. Tonight's probably ruby's turn for an all-nighter, but you know maybe it's just driving at least sleep in the car.
I need to sleep. Dude yeah, you look like you look like you need some sleep, terrible dog. No, no! Okay! Yeah! You look right. You look like you got hit by a kansas tornado.

I'm just kidding brent. On the other hand, look like a million bucks. Let's go whoa molly. This guy is a madman.

Let's go leroy, let's go leroy see if this thing will do what it used to a lot of power in that unit right there track just cannot take it. Today we brought too much horsepower. We should just turn it down all right. Let's just turn it down and get to the past done so guys we're gon na try and get up there when there's better prep, we went with all the junk we went after all.

The street cars and uh didn't work out for us all right guys. So look at the data log, the clutch hooked up the new clutch hooked up so hard. I mean instead of it normally flashing up to like 7000 rpm and locked up at 5500. So at that point the car started making a bunch of boost.

Eight pounds shook the tires off, which track just couldn't hold it so uh. What i'm thinking is we just turned down first gear. We got to get this thing up into the higher gears and we'll be good baby, a to b baby. Finally, back into staging lanes.

Lucky pebble baby ain't screwing this up, no more! That's right! Let's do his thing. 480.. The right way, all right dude. It was falling again like you did at ls fest holy crap, but i miss the first shift, the one two most important shifts of them.

All. All right back here try again uh knock a little bit of some power out of the tune where it was a little too spicy also gave it a little bit of a took a little bit of power on starting like two and make it just get on Down now, all right all right stopped it that's good! That's good! All! Right 495 at 150., solid rip, good rip, uh, not as fast as i was hoping, but i don't think we're going to get another one tonight. I think that's going to be it for the night. Well, then it bogged so bad dude.

You were high tailing up. I freaking missed the one two yeah and then dude when i put it in second third, like it finally felt like that first pass. I i made an lss rip: it dude. It looked like when it was when you were up there.

It was i was like toledo, but it felt so good, but because i screwed up everything else with enough power, so just dude. It's so risky, though, with the track. What what? What was that spin nope? I don't know you don't know where you went to the eighth yeah. You can't see it.

He went to 818, though yeah off the throttle. I thought yeah, so he had been going pretty good. Well, that's exciting! It looked like a good one. It looked like a good rail yeah.
So now i got a leader thanks so much: okay, okay, that'll! Do it right there son that works? They don't call him jackson's, lucky pebble, dude, all right guys, so we pulled back up that pass it bogged so badly. Then i missed the one-two ship. So it's a super slow, 60 foot combined with a bad chimp, and it's thick though so we threw a lot of rpm at the leave. We should leave it a lot more up, but hopefully not enough to where it strikes the tires.

This is the old rpm. We used to launch at when this clutch was in the car, but the clutch seemed super tight like it locked up and went rip it on the last run. So, let's see what happens, one last shot, luckily, luckily dude otherwise we're gon na throw the sink out tomorrow. Yeah you ain't lying.

You don't do this. You better run a six tomorrow, son! Let's go! Let's go: let's go, let's go leeroy, not perfect, but god leroy's an animal yeah 6-1 that sucks dude still we're going to second well, it's just spinning, so basically, basically we're turning in like a 9-2, i think 9-3. That's gon na hurt our average pretty good. I mean if we have any hopes of getting back into first tomorrow.

We're gon na have to run this thing to the moon. We have to go seven, probably all right guys. Well, i had to turn in a 9.18 or something like that. So now our average is 889 to an 874..

Someone do the math we're gon na have to go real, fast catch him, and it also depends on what he runs tomorrow, so that sucks james is in a comfortable spot. In second he's not close to the guy. In first and he's also not close to the guy in third - so that's not bad parker you're in third i'm in third, but i'm really close to the guy in fourth, oh really close to the guy in fourth real, close, better get that thing figured out tomorrow. Dude, i know so right now we got ta switch cars back over at street mode and get on the road uh, sir sir, if you get out of our pits, please what me yeah dude, i thought i could figure this out.

Wait is this: is this one of them supercharged cars yeah? This is a it's an electric turbo. I knew it looked like a tesla tesla, all right, guys, we're gon na knock down some miles tonight. Now we get to the track a little bit earlier tomorrow and not end up. Only getting a couple runs because we're gon na need a lot of runs.

We want to dial this thing back into a seven second car, we're moving all right, guys, we're calling it today, thanks for watching new video, we'll freakin see you later, you.

By Cleetus

8 thoughts on “RACE WEEK 2.0 Day 4 – We Found the Problem With Leroy’s Severe Vibration… (One Small Mistake)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bighunterman77 says:

    ole cleeter mcskeeter gonna grow up one day and put a glide in leroy, and maybe like an 85 aero coupe monte carlo nascar body on it

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hot_Pink_Bitch _ says:

    So somehow Garrett ended up with footage driving down the main road through my neighborhood. Which is funny because I’m nowhere near uh Florida.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zymmer4 says:

    having said that, I like your wife in the mini jet boat episodes. She has screen presence and she is smart as a whip on a sweaty back side.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Lock says:

    Man if I win the SRT10 Ram I’m taking that spoiler off and putting a camper top on it!

    Throw a full-size mattress in the bed and GO!

    I’ll take off 2 weeks next year and run a drag week somewhere with my wife or son!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Summers says:

    I want to build a AWD electric motor driven hybrid with a bad-ass engine driving a huge rectified three phase alternator directly linked to them all via a big bank of caps. No battery bank, no transmission, but with wheel prox(s) for traction control. A blend using the best of both technologies. Whadaya think?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Architect says:

    My brother is president of a multi-billion dollar international health/skin company and I’m tellin ya, getting Brent to be a spokesman would increase revenues like crazy!!! Dudes so damn positive!!!
    That sucks tho, I think it sucks that they decided randomly to take 1/4 and 1/8th mile times separately. I think a 1/4 mile endurance stretch should be all 1/4 mile, throwing back half 1/8ths in and first 8ths and not telling anyone or deciding after the fact screws it all up, thst ready, guys that got lucky and had a killer 1/8 before knowing it was happening end up with a huge advantage. Regardless should have run full 1/4’a or at least hve a bonus half day where u can make up that 1/8 time. I’m not about that. Rough, but again Brents jsut smilin ans being positive!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Architect says:

    I picked up my Vararam Industries “Snakecharmer” c6 Corvette in 2006 at a parking garage at the Chicago airport and drove straight thru to Utah in January , in Nebraska I started falling asleep so I pulled over at a motel and climbed in the back , laid the seats forward and 6’-1” slept with the car running gor the heater becasue it was 5 degrees outside and the hotel was booked solid , slept in the back with a blanket diagonally and honestly , swear on my life slept amazingly!!!! I locked the doors cracked the window incase there was some CO issue and crashed lol. I woke up and had. A note on my car that said “my wife came out this morning at 5am to a black corvette running withi no one in it,…oh wait shoes on the back of the seat but couldn’t see half your body, she waited for a half hour will she saw your feet move as you dreamt corvette dreams and we felt ok to leave at 5:30 am. Happy trails Mr. corvette.” Lolol I’ve kept that note all these years, but oddly some of the best sleep I’ve had , still remember my dream that night and the girl that was in it. Lol never underestimate sleeping in a Corvette.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Chris Davis says:

    He said let's get to it we have to basically take the whole car apart the lift guy was like damn it man only getting money from one person today

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