Let's see how fast this Blazer will go.. more nitrous, more gear, what could go wrong??
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Oh we're rolling hell, yeah brother you're on the policeman for on youtube channel. Oh dude, i already know you're fired up about all this dude. That's a fresh powder coat job. I just did a parking lot.

Fresh rally. Can powder coat dude rattle cannon torch? You know pretty much pretty much oven baked. I know you've been waiting for this day, a little nine inch action going under the blazer 35 spline. We got 389 gear in this puppy gon na put some pep in her step ready.

What did it go? I mean what gear did it have before, probably like a 342 or something yeah dude. This is going to pepper up, it might do a bigger wheel, stand just oh 100 because of the gear ratio, and i put a relay on the nitrous. So as soon as i let off the brake, yeah yeah zach sent me a video of that all right zach. Why don't you uh give us a little rundown on the new nitrous setup, all right, so george was a little delayed on on hitting the nitrous button.

Here coming off the line and we were getting a power wheelie, what about 15 foot out yeah when it came on and then sometimes he was a little premature and blew up intake manifolds for sure. Now it's going to be instant, so you got the trans brake right here and you got your nitrous so now, if the trans brakes on you can hold the nitrous and just let go oh dang, so we're going to get an extreme shot out the hole. What is this thing filled up at? What's it sitting at right now, i think we're at a 225 shot, but that's nothing. Gon na be pretty spicy.

If it doesn't blow the intake off, it's gon na go real fast. Well, just swap her in. Are you ready to do some wheelies? Oh 100 percent? Oh yeah, you've been a weird you've been acting weird. Ever since you started doing wheelies freaking cars broke down.

Finally got a race car get to go fast. Now, here i am, how are you doing jack stand? Dude little rollover in the ranger dude, probably riverside. Now we're going racing. Yeah recovered, quick dude, i'm not gon na lie you're out here, just yeah.

It was just that everyone's like, oh, my god, i'm like dude. It's not that bad. You brace yourself for impact you're good danger. Ranger dude come on start letting your arms do this.

It might have been bad hold on to that wheel. You're good all right boys we're gon na get this swapped in the blazer, we'll be back with you in a little bit, got ta, get it powder coated dude. That is a real cable. His tie makes stuff fit so good, not even fully on there buddy dang ty that looks pretty sick yeah.

That's gon na work out nicely, so you guys remember the bumper that we had built for neighbor forever ago. We built one for toast so that we can wall tap it and hopefully not destroy the back of the car like we did in australia. That'll that'll be nice yeah, a little uh safety insurance yeah a little little insurance uh up here. Everything on the engine is good.

We kind of went through all the good stuff. You know we figured out that we had a venting issue with the blower, so lost a lot of blower fluid through the seals, but it seems like the seals are all right. Fresh oil filter we're gon na do an oil change and then ty fixed up. Some of the header pipes and we're actually gon na connect them under the car so that they don't rattle around so much and other than that toast will be ready to go what you got going over here on this thing hold on.
I saw the video of the new nitrous button, so that's that's going to be a spicy situation. Man, yeah yeah. I got her wired up real good um. I had to up the size of the solenoid just in case a lot of soil.

Probably don't need it, but i'd rather have it not needed to need it and not have it. It's a stock engine, dude yeah, but you know i cut this unit out, so we got some nice fresh, cold air yeah. I see that we got some cold air intake. We got uh nine inch rear end.

We got a brand new drive shaft from pst that one shot yeah. This one got grooved up real bad yeah when it broke one more launch on that unit. A couple dents in it yeah so not gon na work out wheel, spacers, yeah dude! What's up with you stealing my wheels? Can we talk about this? These are supposed to be for toast, dude. What i mean dude went ahead and mounted them.

While you were gone because now it's done yeah, that's really! That was really nice for you to mount. While i was gone, yeah shocks, hopefully, that'll get rid of the uh, the wheel hops in the burnout box of smidge, so going on the other bracket to uh. Get just axle mounted yep, there's the bottom tab there and um be ready to go racing tonight. Boys tbm brakes on the way i know james neighbor came over and uh did some love on the blazers paint.

Look what he did to ruby. I know even ruby's. Getting loved that one's in the fire, i was like. Okay, oh guys, ruby is chilling because we're just waiting on ty to knock out some stuff on toast and then he's going to be building a new turf ski kit.

For this thing, one that is a tie grade, i won't crack. I agree with that. High grade tie grade. We had so many problems with the kraken.

Now we need the real deal yeah. We need to put an actual turbo mount on it, so it's not floating off in the air yeah holding like a 65 pound turbo off the side of the car. I couldn't believe how long it lasted like that. It's impressive small turbo, i know had two v-van clamps holding up for what years years and then over here, leroy you're gon na have to probably touch up these welds.

These are from race week or we can just see how long they last yeah. I was thinking about putting like a little plate, brace on the back side of it. Okay, the problem is, is now that it's got mig weld on it. I know i can't really just go in and weld over the mig wall and i'd have to cut that section out: yeah toughness, getting a nikon throttle body yeah, we're doing the motion, throttle body and change up a couple, little things on it, get ready for world Cup, we're taking the uh front, cooling system off and we're heading to world cup, hoping to make some mid to low seven second passes with lee right.
We got the spare transmission out getting fixed and then we have the suspension off, because we kind of made the verdict that leroy's suspension was in pretty rough shape, a couple years of towing trailers on race week and stuff. They were just really really beat up. So we got the suspension, pulled off a leroy, that's sent out, and then we just got ta dial in that clutch. Do some testing finding uh binds in this thing left and right go ahead and try to move that ana roll bar right? Now? Oh yes, just give it a roll.

Oh that's pretty tight yeah! If you stand on it, your whole body weight it'll move a little bit, but why is that? It's probably just worn out like these are little bushings. Oh, we probably never grease those yeah break. Hey leroy i'll be back better than ever in no time and then over here old jack stand has the 240 on the dyno and they had some problems. Last night i just got back in town.

I had to run out and do something - and i don't know what the status is on this, but we'll talk to jackson when he gets here. Look at all these crown vics rolling up boy dude, some nice colors. We got going here. Look at all these colors.

Just like that, dude pst, like that in the house coming in clutch dude freaking couple days, they knocked out a drive shaft for us. Once we got the rear end in and measured carbon fiber huh see that yeah not blazer doesn't need carbon fiber. Yet a couple thousand more horsepower and we'll get there still buddy. That's a nice nine inch dude! So nice, though oh yeah, probably ripping boy race car got the ac out of here.

This is like a real race. What's known about putting them on that ac! Oh yeah dude that seal really leaks up in the back of here. Oh that's, mine, dude. I think it's tight dude.

I can't believe this dude. I thought this blazer was supposed to be a little project. We're working on now, yeah full blown race truck by the end of the week need a rear brakes. I know dude them.

Tbms clean brother come on now. Chrome gets her home, can't rush perfection, hell yeah. How much horsepower oh at least 20 at least enough to make it to a wheelie all right guys, wheels, are on drive shaft's in everything's, ready to go we're about to back it out. Do some dry hops on the concrete pad? Just no nitrous, though, we'll save that for the track, yeah ready, damn boy all right back this thing out: oh we'll, pull it out, blazers feeling light dude feels like you really dropped some pounds all right.

All right. Let's get some dry hops going dude the rear end is like 30 pounds lighter yeah, no hood, the hood's 30 pounds. Oh we're rolling, oh yeah! That day is pearling. Just breaking the rear end with a nice brake launch, yeah double transmit launches.
That's how you break them in looking good single headlight, because george mod, they won't tune this thing anymore, because it's too close to blowing up do a little burnout. There. You go get a little burnout going. He loves this thing, dude yeah! It's got a lot more gear.

All right boys, we're heading over to the drag strip tune back in to see the blazer run a oh. I got a torque twist. What do you think it's gon na run? Hopefully 11. If we run a 1090, i will be fired up.

It's gon na need some more jets, all right all right guys, thanks for watching dude for the label. Freakin see you later. You.

By Cleetus

6 thoughts on “Our LS Swapped Blazer RETURNS… Will This Be Too Much Nitrous?? (Major Upgrades)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SupermotoJohn says:

    I don't know why, but when Cleeter said "you've been acting weird ever since you started doing wheelies" I just started laughing my ass off….. wheelies just do that to people! In fact, after this video, I'm going out to ride my KTM all over town like a maniac on the back wheel, just 'cuz.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zackary Fritschie says:

    James is right about being prepared for impact, I rolled a car (7 rolls) and if I wasn't braced and ready for it, I think it would've turned out much worse

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Buster Kincaid says:

    Ya'll better put a Cage and Harness in that Blazer before getting it more "spicy" or going any further… George is NOT a Racecar Driver and as we've already seen he goes into a White Knuckle Tunnel Vision Trance at the line and doesn't snap out until half track, so ya'll need to make damn sure he has ALL the proper Safety Equipment and Gear before letting him jump out there and start racing… SAFETY FIRST~! ;~)

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kidwave1 says:

    Cleetus, youve really rounded out the crew nicely. Of course, bringing George on board was a no brainer and a "must have" addition to the channel, but the few new guys youve added since acquiring the new shop, all seem like good guys, with a good amount of skills and knowledge, and just the right amount of character. After watching you build up Leroy, buy the freedom factory, get the new shop, and put this new crew together, I'd say youre pretty darn well set up for the future! Lucky US! I dont think Ive missed more than a handful of uploads in the last 4-5 years.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nowr2run says:

    That 225 SHOT OF NITROUS IS GOING TOO BLOW THAT ENGINE TOO HELL. Should start at 50 & work your way up but that's not the way you guys do things. IT'S EITHER GO OR BLOW.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alexrex20 says:

    i bet the Blazer ends up being one of the fastest cars on the channel. i love how everything started off as "junk" and now runs 9s or better haha

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