A HUGE thank you to the Acme Aero guys for helping us out in today's video! Check out their page here - https://acmeaerofab.com
We had a blast upgrading the Carbon Cub and seeing what a huge difference it made on landings!
If you want to come watch the live action visit https://www.bristolmotorspeedway.com/events/danger-ranger-on-dirt/
If you want to race your ranger visit - https://tickets.thefoat.com/FreedomFactory/Bristol+Danger+Ranger+on+Dirt+Competitor+Signup/tickets/id-Lwe_XV742b_d/
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Skim the Splash Zone Hell yeah brother, you're on the police before on YouTube channel. All right boys, we're over here at the Flying Fields We got the carving Cub tied up. We're untying it today. We're going to be doing some work on this thing.

If you guys remember like in the first video when I bounced the plane on Yeah, that happens if you have a bad landing. If you have a perfect Landing the plane won't bounce at all. but you can also upgrade your suspension. That helps with that a ton.

The stock suspension is good, but if you kind of smack it down, just bounces right back up. It's like upgrading the suspension on a car. Today we're going to be upgrading the suspension on our carbon. Cub Oh brother brother, we got airplanes coming in.

Dude, what the heck? the damn air show out here? Very lying. This is awesome. All these guys are so all these guys are at uh Sun and Fun doing the short takeoff and Landing competition and they came down here to do this today so they're experts. In short, Landings Oh so we got the pros out here.

Yeah, yeah, we got some. Some guys will probably put us to shame. That's okay. You know that's how you learn.

Yeah I was like Yeah The Field's about 600 feet. They're like oh oh why'd you even tell us I was like I thought it was tight Oh that one's a race rig. You see that I think it was polished out she's Chrome yeah I Better see some fine technique here. Nice! What a unit there that only took about 200 feet.

Oh you know he's on camera I Better butter it. Oh see, mine would have bounced so hard right there. Did you see how that thing's stuck? stuck so he's hightailing? fellow yellow Cub Enthusiasts see dude. Mine would have bounced another five feet into the air.

maybe. You know none of these guys are really like struggling with this field at all. They make it look so freaking easy. Yeah I mean they're speeding up across the field I'm over there.

This guy looks like a pro I'm not gonna lie. yeah, see that was that was smooth too. That was some butter right there. Gonna be sketch when James has a uh airplane like this and we're sitting out here and we hear like knock, knock, knock knock knock knock because the plane flies over.

It's fine, it doesn't inverted. let the plan spray to the ground. I'm gonna have to start with those like man-powered gliders that they drop like off another plane to. just get good at coming down with that motor.

Yeah, training from the stars and not having it. Yeah, not needle. Oh yeah. Oh Pottery Oh dude.

that thing is sick. Golly it's guys hightailing. He's like I know my plane. Holy.

Toledo Oh my gosh, that's a damn assistant. 185 Dude. Oh okay, we're out here sporting it. Look at all he's playing.

Hey lying dude. Did not take as long to find airplane friends. One video dude here. we are all right.

This is the guy who set this up. It's Matt from Acme Arrow How's it going Matt Hey man, how are you? We're gonna get rid of my bounce today. Is that the goal? Damn right? something? No more worried. Yep, good to meet you.
This is James and Jordan We thought this field might be a little small for you guys, but luckily you guys took care of it. This is Jay let's be playing Champions Eric That was a cool place. Yeah this is Alan Owner: how are you guys Seinfield hey yo my One's Gonna Come in yelling this is private property Trash bag full of shirts. yeah you like it all right? I'm gonna pick this up.

you have to pull it out of the top. Oh he's got a carbon fiber helmet Dude? Yeah, wait, why don't we wear helmets? You'll have one when we're done. I Feel like we should probably need one look at that box full of Parts probably in the USA Watch out for that red ant piles. Oh yeah, these guys are the ones that did the suspension on that Red Bull plane that landed on the top of the freaking building.

So I got confident in their parts already. The old car won't come out here about to get a lift kit. Well, not really a lift kit, but some upgrades. Holy Toledo Double adjustable Dude, Look at the difference.

Double adjustables? look at the difference. Oh yeah. Wow. So you got a whole lot more gas back in that too.

So what do we got? What are we changing out today? Yeah Man, so we're uh, we're hooking you up with the Pro Series suspension I'll let Eric give you the lowdown on on the down and dirty on them man. Oh sweet. So this is a this is a mechanically sprung shot. There's actually two mechanical Springs inside the shock.

We have a separator piston here and oil here nitrogen here. So essentially it is, uh, all the oil is what we use for damping. Um, the two Springs gives you a dual rate to where initially when you when you stack dissimilar Springs on top of each other, initially, it diminishes their rate. so you have one rate until one spring coil bonds.

When that happens, the other spring gets its true rate back. so then it ramps up significantly. Okay, so the last inch and a quarter of the traveling, this shot is a significant rate increase. So if you really bang it down, it has something to catch it.

you drop it. you I mean it's really party time. Let's go one more big shot guys for race cars. but you know this is a whole new ball game.

Yeah, so so our shocks are our own proprietary uh design. It's not interchangeable with any of the other shock manufacturers. we make everything in-house in. Charlotte North Carolina And uh.

cool. Oh, we make our own Schrader valves. Man, it's nice we take really Pride everything being made in New York You're saying it's going to stick Like Glue Like Glue Man, all right, let's do it. So it's just us two bolts and that's it.

That's it man. we'll uh, we'll get some tools. What do you got for uh, the tail wheel too, right? Yeah, so this is our Stinger um, oh dang, we got a shock on the tail. Yeah, yeah.
so what this says, it replaces the leaf spring. What's really cool about this unit and the reason we designed this is because um, you know about 18 feet from the center line to the rear pivot, there's a there's a little bitty tubes in the rear of the airplane and and over time these things just twist and move. It's inheritant. There's nothing you're going to do.

The the shimmy that you get from the tail wheel we found over time is not from a Caster angle. it is. your Caster angle has to be right. But we designed this because the camber.

When the camber is off and you're tracking, this is a extreme example. It's wanting to find its way home, but over time you can always check and adjust this. If this is mounted to the airplane, this is dissimilar so you can. Oh, you can actually change you can.

You can change the angle and it's all on mono ball So even what your rear frame is doing it doesn't matter. Your rear a arm can be adjusted to, uh to take the angle and track. straight and true what you think about that. Yeah, there you go.

put it on. you got your horse and buggy back there. Yeah, yeah. so we just have this leaf spring down here.

We're gonna change that out. Really. Step it up it up. James Check this out.

Three blade prop. He's got limited discs on there too. Just look back here though. brother.

Look back here. He's got the spray on this thing. How big of a shot are you running? 70 . 70 wet and is it 180 horse engines off the bottle? Oh wow, yeah you got it hopped up.

it's it's well massaged. and how much does the plane weigh 1106 as it sits? Okay, Wow. very cool man. That's it.

That's faster than a Freedom Factory Yeah they just picked up the wing and changed the freaking strut in 10 seconds. Can we put nitrous on this one? Why haven't we? Well, you know I mean we've only had the plane for a couple weeks I Just haven't had the opportunity to throw a Nitrous system on. All right. Just like that, dude, it already looks cooler now it doesn't look stock.

I mean it's better modified exactly? you know he's talking about I only had it for a week. shoot every truck I Got a mug. got the muffins cut off every time. a bunch of other things blowing up in a week.

That's true. What's the optimal height in the lift to do as you can? High as you can. All right, so you feel over there. Jordan All right, so well tell us what we're doing here.

Bud. This is a factory tail wheel Drop test. Drop Test: Are you ready? Yep. right there.

That's good. Not bad. Okay, all right. all right now.

we need something to prop it up with. Push it back this way. Ready for a drop test Drop test: I'm ready. Drop it like you mean it All right.

Drop Test: Oh I didn't even bounce. Whoa dude, that's for that really bad landing. dude. What Heck yeah guys benching on it.
Acme Arrow Thanks to Matt here and his crew, you want to fly it here one time and land just to get the feel of it first. I said I Think it's a difference. It's a different feel. you kind of.

You need to do maybe one or two. Yeah, but if you really honk on it, it'll You want it behind the power curve a little bit. Get behind the power curve three feet off the ground. chop the power and that's so crazy.

Yeah, all right. land it like you mean it all right. I'm gonna land it like I did the other day. Basically what they're saying is drive it like it's a Crown Vic Say no more in the body shop after this.

But all right. First test. new suspension in the Cubsky Doodle Magneto test. Here we go.

Oh butter, Oh it just sticks. All right. Let's really stick it on this time. Oh yeah, like nothing dude.

he slammed her down. She just took it like a champ. No way that is sick and I know for sure if I hit that hard I would have got it right back. That's a night and day.

I told you stickers at Daytona versus two-year-olds 70 lap scums. Yeah, that feels like a brand new sticker tires out there brother. All right, let's go dude. So like if you're behind the power crew which was what he was talking about, it's like you get your throttle in too late, you know.

And if you're say you're drifting right? That's like when you're straightening out and you don't get your throttle in soon enough to bring the car back around. Same deal. if you don't get your power in early enough, the plane just starts falling and once you're too close to the ground, you're just going to go down and bang on. They're telling me to do that.

I Try it. The plane hits the ground, soaks it up, and then doesn't bounce. so that's that's exactly what we're trying to fix today. It's going to make me look a lot better in the videos, You know that first video where I landed I Freaking bounced three times I Think that's why they called me.

They saw that they're like we can't have that. So all right. Well, we're gonna go head out to the river. we're doing a debrief where we're all going to talk about our plan to fly out there safely in a group and then we're gonna go tear it up.

have some fun. All right. So I guess these guys has got like the best news. Uh I mean I've never seen someone the past four years.

Four years. Yeah, a million dollars. Yeah. Now the parts that we just put on the plane are certified certified to go on your certified airplanes.

We've got our STC for our stinger and our black cop shocks. so that was literally one minute ago. Yeah, that's awesome Breaking news. Here 's the happiest day of his life.

Yeah, yeah, we got the witness es they can only put these parts on experimental planes. Is that right? That's right now. now. They can put it on any regular plane.

You know that's just normally certified. That's a huge deal. It basically takes you from a market this size to a market. It took us four years.
Massive. Market Yeah, we've been. We've been testing and retesting and material studies and all for four years. And uh, stamp an hour ago, it's not gonna be drop testing material testing.

They saw our drop test video. Yeah, congrats. All right. Thanks man.

Appreciate it. Like if you're going on the river, always be on the right side. All right. Number one's going.

Three's rolling. Oh hey crap. this is so freaking awesome. Food: I Feel like I'm in? Top Gun right now.

How cool is the look out of the window dude! it's absolutely incredible for you. Don't look out cause you need to stay left 100 feet above you and 200 yards behind you bro. This is the most incredible thing in my whole life. at least top five bro.

He's just been chilling right there the whole time I Like being in a position where all I have to worry about is the speed now. All right number One's On The Sandbar are you stand there or what you doing I'm gonna eyeball if I can cross here real quick. Yeah the water is not too deep. Number one's cross on the river now bro that suspension Huskies glue.

That was the coolest thing ever. Let's go. We are out here on the river, brother on the river, planted on that sandbar and then we just taxied right through this water. The Cubs looking good.

stuck The Landing with that new suspension. pretty good. Oh let's go Dude. Holy crap Oh that was nice brother.

Stinger is waterproof right there you go clean. It's a lot of fun dude. I'm so sick. just sick I Didn't know we had an airport.

What's up? Where's your airport right? This is a airport. Twisted Tea Take off at Landing Competition so they're all in that event going on right now sounding fun. Oh okay, yeah, it's literally competition planes all these places. Well guys a huge thank you to Matt and the guys at Acme Arrow for getting the carbon cup all set up I'd love to tell you we have some more flying content coming up, but we got to get all these Rangers ready for danger Ranger on dirt at Bristol April 22nd.

We got a little bit of work to do on these cars. We also have the engine coming out of mullet so I got a bunch of Automotive updates for you coming later this week, but that's it for now. Thanks for watching. Do it! Prevail We will freaking see you later! Foreign.

By Cleetus

17 thoughts on “Our carbon cub gets a whole new competition suspension and the landings are insane!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheColtaniumWonder says:

    Cleeter!! when we getting the F22?!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Howley says:

    Thats awesome Cleet, excited for the new content!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DIRTY-17 says:

    when's the carbon cub givaway?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 95coupe says:

    "Why dont we wear helmets?!" that had me rolling.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Bond says:

    Cleetus and his put put plane, Cleetus sitting at the red light at the drag strip forgets to push the right button flip the right switch and would I get into his plane sure if I have a death wish. The video of the tail section with all the wire cables and my mind flashes to cable clamps, cleetus did you guys put loctite one the cable clamps, gee boss I think I did. LOL LOL LOL Cleetus has a bad habit of not changing spark plugs one day his plane will go put put put silences and Cleetus butt cheeks will tighten.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars a name says:

    Looking for spongy ice, soft and non habit building. My favorite smooth velvet solf ice….sincerely

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dustin Wiechman says:

    Never been so excited to watch aviation before now. What a great video

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars customsoundnlighting says:

    Man that is awesome. Living the dream!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian "Mad Gun" Mangham says:

    Beautiful bird

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Roach says:

    Well i be damned. A plane with nitrous

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amorton94 says:

    People in Florida were wondering if we were being invaded that day ๐Ÿ˜‚

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Genie_5oh says:

    Went from cruising with the boys in cars to planes, so sick ๐Ÿคฃ

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Didier Neefe RC says:

    Dude this is so awesome!!! makes me wanna take flying lessons in a cub!!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dennis Mitchell says:

    Give them a ride in the El camino

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kerry DeSpain says:

    Cleetus gives me so much motivation, awesome content!!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jake Hill says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cleetus McFarland says:

    Just a heads up guys we reached the Tahoe winner and will be announcing them in the next video ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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