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COULD WE BE ANY CLOSER???? Technically... yes, but we're going to force Leroy into the 6's whether he likes it or not!!!
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Guys hair loss stops with Keeps and if you guys want a special offer, visit Cletus that's slash Cletus Make sure you use my link and thanks to Keeps for sponsoring today's video, let's get to the live action. Hell yeah, brother, you're on the please before on YouTube channel. All right. Here's the deal guys.

this may or may not be the last time you ever see Leroy Okay, found a guy that'll pay at least fifty dollars for it if it doesn't go with six today. So you know, end of the day 50 bucks better than a seven second car. but I didn't even post a video about it because it was just such a junk day of testing. But we went to the track the other day and I broke second gear in the transmission wheel hopping the car foreign.

We didn't get any progress done. We fought the clutch all day, but we finally think we have it to a point where we figured out some issues. Zach's clutch part. some stuff was out of whack.

It's back together now we're heading to Bradenton Motorsports Park We got great weather and we are confident that today will be Leroy's first six second pass. We just got to be nice to him. No shifting if it's wheel hopping. no being idiots, We got to get down this track.

We got to get our six second run today. Brother: Some fresh man. nothing like a good old. Tuesday Morning Take a sip of that methanol dude.

Get your day right? Come on. Leroy How you feeling Succession fella? I Think we have to I Think we have. It's a little cold out here for our boy jacket, freezing. All right guys.

this first pass is gonna look really tame because I turned the car down I Just want it to work. No wheel hop, none of that crap. we just need to get down. then we can build.
Oh there's the limelon clicking. Oh it's hot. Yeah, it's stuck on. all right.

let's go. Leroy Foreign foreign I know. but I wanted to go down through there. don't win a 490 so you gotta get back to that 450 though.

Wanted to see the car do something you know let off at the eighth when I ate two. so it's like. one thing that's important to note is I still want a 119 60 foot so that's a good soft tune for batch. Yeah.

laid out yeah. I know where you can go. it's a good day. We're on to something boys.

We made a full Eighth Mile Hit first. That's more than we can say for the last two test sessions. Left on 4.4 pounds. We were leaving on almost 10 the other day.

First gear made nine pounds, second gear made 24, Third gear made 21. dude chilling. dude. Not bad.

Okay guys. a little bit more boost off the line, but a decent bit more down track, you know? I I was really conservative on that first tune, so this should be a little bit more pep the whole way, but a lot more kind of once it's further out. like six pounds more, so let's hope it just goes down smoothly again. Foreign Gotta Have It A little early when 8 36 at 1 14.

Oh man. I think we had a boost Safety: Yeah I Can believe this. What hit the booth Safety: Oh dude I turned those off. Who uses those? We don't need those where we're going Brother: I'm shutting them off I definitely hit the Boost guy and it reverted the gate pressure.

Oh is that what that was? Yeah, 114 60 foot but it hit the Boost cut in second, right at the top and so third is just all like 10 pounds. Oh okay, but I was thinking you short shifted but maybe not. No, we're good. let's just pull the car off, cool it off, turn it up a little bit.

Yeah The boot safety. Oh same thing, it never hurt. uh, we ain't gonna hear about her anymore. That boost was Rising hard in second gear and it just nipped 35 PSI which if you go over to our boost safeties chart is right here.

you see at 35 pounds of boost revert to wastegate pressure. Oh frick. Oh I know that guy. So anyway, we're gonna turn these up a little bit.

I think 38 PSI would be safe and we'll go from there. So one thing I'm noticing with the way we're running the clutch now which is much tighter off the line instantly, is that we're getting a lot less. G's right. So we were pulling like 2.65 before an hour 2.3 but it's holding it longer so the car is not going out, locking up the clutch and pulling 2.6 G's like that for just an instant, which is going to prevent us from twisting our input shaft so we're not snatching down on the transmission as hard this way.

but the car is still going equally as fast. So I'm pretty happy with that I just need to get that boost a little bit under control and I want to bring in the boots a little bit earlier so we're gonna work on that too. All right, I Think this run will put us close to where we were with that 708 and if this works then I'll feel comfortable to turn it up. Try and run for that six buddy.
What a big shoe buddy moment! Oh my goodness. Dude. Oh 709 at 192. so close Dude.

Yeah, that's that is good. 91. now it just won. 709 192.

it was ripping all right. Wow. Oh snap. I'm going fast.

Oh live action. Holy crap Dude. I Pulled the parachute so early. What the hell was that? I Pulled the parachute so freaking early.

What an idiot. I Felt the parachute come out just before the line. Solid. You ain't there yet I Know it's close though.

709 Boys, we're right there close. We're right there. 301 to the 3. 30.

457 at 155 in the 8th, 709 at 192. we're right there guys right there. That feels good to be back in that spot. We're right there boys right there.

How about we try and just throw some more bass at it? I mean it picked up and I'll go to three. Let's go to three turns of Base it picked up. No denying that. Oh, it definitely picked up.

They like that base. We'll throw some more bass in it. Yeah. I Tried telling you it's all about the bank.

Get it out of here did you eater? Yeah yeah. Parachute came out at 687. so that was an idiot move. and then look at the Boost in third.

It's like way down in the early part of third. Six pounds off and then and then it dips at the top of second real hard too. like in third. it.

oh you know. I got her all up 35 pounds. but it's like almost third gear to get there. No normally a third's flat.

so but I'm saying it did down and it took all of them. Yeah, back that six pounds. So we we got a couple things we need to dial in. but yeah, six, two.

what was it? Six eights? Yeah. approaching them all. I Mean it probably just dropped at a couple mile an hour. I don't think it would have gone six, but uh, doesn't help less than an ideal.

I Did text Pete and I sent him this data which is the first time he's ever seen Leroy data and I was like bro, what can you do to help me with this weird boost stuff? He's gonna give me a call in a minute I'm gonna say shut the gate yeah I mean I don't I don't see why we can't run 40 pounds I don't know. Okay, no reason why I can I feel like it might be fine? it's too small deal on nothing. it might be fine. No, it doesn't have a ton of timing.

so Zach we're tightening it up even more. Even so, I got Pete involved I was like brother, we're really close. where am I missing some time here? He's like, you know, there's some fueling issues here and there which I don't really look at the fuel trims too often so he looked into some stuff like that which is you know, good to always check and uh, he sent me back some stuff I added some stuff. we tightened the clutch a little bit on the base side which is like right at the starting line and uh, you might be really close here.
we might be uh, right on that 6.99 Mark We'll see here we go later on there we go. Second pass right here. Come on baby! All right All right Gosh Foreign 706 and 192. Oh if I wouldn't have had that little stutter.

oh boy oh man that didn't tire off, That was it. Yeah, that one. two. Yeah.

706 with a tire. Shake with a tire shake. It did that. I mean it literally bounced in the air on the one.

two came down and did that. We're there. I think we just pull a smidge of timing right where it spun there same tune up six times. did you go in a third short on that? Although I blacked out like two three like the time you're in two, three to four, it sounded real short.

Yeah, it's not like you're in fourth gear forever. Yeah I know I think I did shortship one of the gears 457 with a tired Shake Guys, we're right there. 302 so a little bit slower than 330 because of that tire. Shake I bet it was on a 296.

I Got it. I Got it. We're gonna take it out right here. Done deal.

six. Second run. Next pass. You heard it here.

First, take it to the bank first. Damn boys. Leroy made 39.1 pounds of boost this freaking area right here. Okay, so it took the tire off the ground in first gear.

top of first. We gotta pull a little bit more timing out to get that out of there just a little bit earlier. I Think wow that is a freaking ripping guys. So 2.48 G's that was actually less G's than the past prior because I think we added the base and it got the G's in earlier.

Oh I just need some more boost and we're there. It's a little more boost as we prepare to go. Six is Sam is going to give a speech. Oh bam.

Take it from here. All right we are. We waited for this moment for a long time. It's not getting ready to happen right now.

We're gonna do us a good lengthy burnout. The good thing John Force is out here. Then we're going to grab right around the 699 and come back and say nothing to it. It's what's going to be.

So get ready here. It comes right. Another 6.99 you've been waiting for Getting ready to do it right now. Damn right.

Oh damn right. You can't let him down. No I can't after a speech like that I Have no choice but to go Six out here under Old Glory We got us a ripper tuna. a ripper.

Leroy There he is. He's gonna be epic. Oh my goodness. Oh man.

Come get that laptop. That's what I'm talking about. A laptop. Where's that unit? There it is.

You just gotta pull a little bit out. All right guys. Looking at that data log. the car was overall a lot slower through the whole pass.

We got 11 minutes to make one more run. we were so we're really, really close. It could happen in the last 10 minutes. 706 there's six hundredths of a second.

It's always that last little say that takes a long time. It's always that last little bit. So we're just kind of looking at this stuff. We don't really understand why the car pulled less.
G's with the same but more power so it's actually making a little bit more boost higher RPM but less g-forces so the car was moving slower. It doesn't really make a ton of sense to me, so we're trying to analyze this data and make one last grip. All right now. we're never.

this. Is it done. Turned up the Basin the clutch a little bit and turns out the powers in the motor. a little bit.

A lot of gas in it. Yep. got the Boost to sit in. it got all the power.

Still got eight piercings. Let's go. Oh my gosh, 115 to the 60. look at that.

I Think the clutch needs to be re-zeroed because we're adding base to it and the 60 foot slowing down. So we just we made so many runs today that we just wore it out. So 1 15, 60 foot. Yeah, it was just slowing down.

As we're adding power, the car is slowing down. granted the tire Shake too on the one two like we were going right. We're going in the right direction all day and then it started going in the wrong direction. so just got to keep our heads up.

We'll come in tomorrow. We'll Uh we did make a new PB Yeah we got a new PB 706 200 faster. We're six hundreds away from a six so we'll come in Zach can re-zero the clutch which it seems like he desperately needs and uh, we'll try again guys. it's all we can do.

It's such a stupid thing that every time we get to it's like the car will not work in our favor anymore. We went 7, 67, 57, 37, 27 I was like it was nothing and now we're just stuck. But we will. We'll Prevail McFarland Racing will get it.

That's right, a couple more tries guys, that's it for now. Thanks for watching new for now. We'll freaking see you later! Foreign.

By Cleetus

15 thoughts on “Leroy’s new fastest run!!! all the boost he’s got going for 6’s!!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Brennan says:

    100% could hear the clutch slipping more the last few passes

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Taylor McCarthy says:

    It seems like a suspension issue, this car barrrelly picks up the front tire, but will shake the tires loose no problem, can you not have more rear suspension squat to apply more pressure to the rear wheels until it picks up more mph?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Redenbaugh says:

    does the clock start on the Green light or when he leaves the line? I see green light and he's just sitting there..what am I missing?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mr.nastytim3 says:

    Leroy is about to hurt feelings with the A1 sauce

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Kelley says:

    Love the a1 steak sauce

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TigerGaming9095 says:

    He is on 1320video channel too on YouTube

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr.Harless says:

    Time to graduate 👨‍🎓 from a BBC…

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wire Fire says:

    How much time are they losing without any aerodynamic bodywork?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thecoolice says:

    I am happy that you did not lose the race tack

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NJ MXJunkie says:

    Did a1 pay you for that sponsorship????? Lol I feel like that was a sneak advertising lol

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Legendary_Lemon11 says:

    Leroy does the most pussy burnouts like cmon man bring it up a little

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Anderson says:

    helmet cam and earphones are the way to watch!! like sitting on cleetus

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LSRx71 says:

    What starter are you running on Leroy now?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Elms says:

    Its so funny to me that i get so frustrated and/or excited with you!! Especially in the ride along pov! I love it! Keep up the rad runs peeps!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RaceTube says:

    Next Leroy video will be a 6

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