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This was one heck of an opportunity to race Can Ams at Nitro Rally Cross!!! Pro athletes in a bunch of SxS's and one giraffe thrown in the mix... what could go wrong??
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All right, what's up guys today, you're going to see some side-by-side content and to start that off we've got the drag strip ripping in the background, to start that off, i have an exciting announcement. We just released motion side-by-side motion. Raceworks now has its own line of side-by-side parts. The line is not huge yet, but we're just getting started guys.

I know a lot of you guys ripped side by sides and race cars so check it out. We got some parts right here on my canon. Amx 3.: let's take a look: we got the new back bumpers rock solid bumper check that out, that's our motion side-by-side load and then it's kind of fitted to the center exhaust on an x3. So these are pretty sweet, never had a back bumper before feeling good about that.

Probably my favorite item of the day check out the new motion: raceworks mpi off-road steering wheel. So these are a super nice textured mpi off-road wheel with the american flag and the clevis logo, and you got motion raceworks over on the side. So these things came out. Amazing.

You can buy the mpi hub to go right onto your side side-by-side. Last but not least guys we have the motion raceworks x3 front. Bumper, you can see, it's got the winch mounts everything you need to run a winch. Obviously the xmr comes the winch.

I am missing my nose cone. Don't bother that, but on my old bumper, the stock bumper, i bent that in maybe owning the x3 for a week, yeah guys so the front end of my x3 is kind of crushed in ever since i rolled it and smashed the front here, we're gon na Be replacing that, with this here motion side side-by-side bumper made from pure freedom in america and powder coated green, so this is a much much stronger bumper. It's got hook points which is really nice for tying your x3 down on the trailer towing yourself out of a mud, hole whatever it may be, and you got that nice motion side by side logo on there. As you can see, these things came out amazing.

So if you guys head over to motion, you can see our bumpers for our x3s our steering wheels, but also we have parts for polaris head on over there after the video. But let's get to the side-by-side content. We went straight ribbon today. Hell yeah brother you're on the please confront youtube channel dude.

What is what is happening right now, we're at a great place. I have no idea what we have gotten ourselves into so guys we're here at nitro, rallycross haley. Do you have any idea? What's going on right? No, i can't find anyone, i don't know any schedule. I don't even really know where, like the joker is on the show, we're racing side by side yeah - and we have this handy dandy map - never done this before, but uh.

I've never raced side by side competitively. I know i know i know i haven't raced side by side in like six years, so we're gon na go figure it out and we'll show you the track in a minute. But this looks pretty amazing. All right guys.

We're here with cody martin who's lending me a can-am x3 for this race. How are you worried about this uh? Absolutely, okay. I also want to tell you the last time i was on this property. I rolled my x3, so i've seen it he's, got experience rolling.
So we're good! So now i should. I know what not to do yeah. Yours looks pretty sad. This is what i'm driving right here.

Yep yep there, let's go scope it out. Man here are your tires. Oh done got some nice yokohamas on there dude all right. So, look at this dust off a little bit.

Let me see this look. We got clay sand, gravel, pavement, air land, sea sea. I got it all mapped out, so everything yep dude. This thing is gnarly.

Yes, i'm glad you're tall too, because yeah yep yep this car uh, just we just won a championship with it at mid-america and oklahoma. Oh man! Now it's really on me. It's good dude! It's improvement, yep yep, we'll we'll get you in it and get fitted and make sure uh your head hits the roll cage every time he hits the ball. Oh yeah.

That would be perfect, pretty useful. All right so he's gon na make sure the clutch is good, and if it is, then i'm gon na hop in and just tag her for a spin. This is just practice day. You know what i mean getting a feel for it: big ripper everyone's getting all fired up all right guys, so you saw yesterday's video turns out.

We did not get the practice. Basically, cody ran the car and had some issues they actually ended up canceling. The second practice, because they had big dog cars driving over time whatever, so the car is dialed, now cody drove this morning. It's good.

However, that means that i'm going straight into qualifying without having to race the car at all and we get one qualifier and then we race to the final race today. So you know really just gon na have to get out there for it, which i'm not that worried about. I love flooring it, and so we have one shot to get a couple laps in the last chance qualifier and then we go into the final race tonight. But so we're gon na get suited up, go ride, qualifying right now in here fueling up the car dude.

They use ignite racing fuel too. All right we got scotty, giving us the run down on the track map. So all right start lines here, start line's here, yeah, there's the grid don't go over this. That's the big jump down all right, so you're going to come around right here is where the entrance to the joker and the entrance to the normal track.

Yep inside this pavement take that one time you want to take your first line out of how many laps in the four laps in this semi-final, so three out of four you got to take the outside. Okay and one time you take the joker it's about three seconds quicker, so all right, they made a change right here. So remember: yesterday you saw this one went down. They got rid of this 180.

You come up and turn right in now. Okay, so get ready to get it load up right. There got it get into that turn all right. Thank you, good! We'll! Try it out! Dude, see you out there officially on the team, kevin smith in the house, happy birthday! Good luck! What's going on happy late birthday, thank you! Oh yeah! Oh yeah.
I thought he was gon na draw something else for a second, oh mullet, flip yeah, we're good, oh yeah, just hug, hug them harnesses down. You'll, be fine dial brother. All right click, his first boss. All right well here goes nothing guys.

I mean we're trying to just rip it. You know at least we got a new drag strip. It's like it's a straight line, new road course not a straight line. Oh here is it's a 90 degree right here.

You can see we've seen um real hot, come on front of the stands, but notably cletus mcfarland. You can see him right there, so it's that part that that excludes mcfarland behind the wheel, so he's third place, but he hasn't taken the joker left so, notably again. Four laps, so all thriller, no filler and look at this. Let's see and please mcfarland can't jump up a position now how many people are we taking on and there you go, let's go, but no bilcoe takes it back.

We got ta fight for the lead here, calling yeah. Oh my, the drive shaft came off in the air i let off before we hit, but i think i stayed on for too long. Damn it dude, i would have held first. They all didn't joke your lap on me.

I'm sorry bro! I would swear to you. I was off throttle when i landed yeah, but when i took off i did stay on it all the way off liftoff, so it might have got that wheel, speed under it. Yeah and then landed with it, even though i wasn't on the throttle, it's the same thing effectively yeah. Hopefully we can fix this yeah dude, really good dude.

They all took the joker lap, she first laughed so i was like we're killing it and then i went to last instantly and then i took the joker lap got back in front of everybody and i missed the turn yeah that was so fun dude. The car is a ramper adjust the damages plastic dude. I don't know. If i should say i broke it or if the parts broke me, my heart hurts but dude those first two laps.

You were eating we're getting back out there dude these guys. I feel like they can do it. Otherwise we'll go get the parts off my x3 in the house. You got ta, do what you're gon na do all right.

So we know for sure we know for sure the front drive shaft broke and it like tore up. The tunnel pretty good, got the tunnel all the way over into the throttle, pedal and we're worried. The key fell out. Car won't run.

The key is like kind of hitting me, so we got to figure that out why it's not running, but that could be awesome because the throttle is held open. I don't know what happened all at once likely the causes. I had a little bit too much wheel. Speed in the air, i was off the throttle when it hit.

As far as i know, i blacked out once that green, you know, light came on as you guys know, i always do and uh we just got ta stick out. We can fix it, which i think we can. I think we can definitely fix it. She rips dude handles so good all right, so we got the culprit here: broken drive, shaft front drive, shaft goes up to the front dip, but there's a fuel leak.
So we might hit the fuel line, which may be a big problem. It's right here it broke. While i was airborne, i mean you can see the car land it broke in the middle there. Maybe something was just a little loose and they rattled itself to death.

In the air, oh look at the video it seems like i was just. I thought it was like looking at the video it looks like it came far in there, but who knows it's too much freedom, one way or another all right. Let me make sure we found some broken fuel line. We cut a clean piece off we're gon na get a barb connector to fix that.

What are we thinking about that? The uh drive shafts, i mean uh. We got a new one ready to go. We're gon na throw a new one in okay. Mine has been on the end of its life or what do you think happened? Ah, hey, i think he's got a heavy foot, guys too much freedom too much freedom yeah.

All right guys. Fuel line is fixed. The startup issue is fixed, had some bad wires under there they're plugging in the driveshafts right now. Some of the car panels are starting to go back on and this thing will be ready to rip by event time.

The actual race fire up see the old fuel pressure gearing up in the x3 turbo. Well, we ain't qualified the best. You look good dude. Well we're gon na stand there hard slightly messed up the qualifier.

You know slightly, doesn't put us in optimal positioning but hey. We will do what we have to do. Are we literally last? I think we're literally live second to last. Those are very expensive, pinatas and, of course, a very expensive time underneath these vehicles you'll come on the time to be spent tired of matching radicals.

First um. Oh no cut it right. Oh yeah uh got that inside. Oh, he hit him.

Oh he's on two wheels. So so so you got a good distance, though he breaks too much a little charge pipe or something holy cow. That was amazing. Well guys we blew a charge.

Pipe of some sort was so fun dude. That was amazing. I feel like it was a boost pipe because it lost all boost. It wouldn't make any boost, and i heard like a so it's all good car still runs not broke.

It's all good, i mean it might be a simple thing. Well, you'll learn with this guy still killed it all right, i said: hey, i don't care. We came in a friggin. Ella was shocked, hell yeah, so much not even it's.

Just the clamp came off. Blew it off good old v man, that's not the one we messed with either hey. What happens? That's racing! Hey! Look at some dude. There were some really fun passes back there too, like in the joker lane dude everyone in the joker is like coming in together.
It was just sick man, it's so fun. Thank you for the opportunity, i'm so glad you had fun man. Thank you for the opportunity, but i can tell finally, after like watching being able to look down and watch the car yeah definitely want to sign up for next year. Somehow, hubert how'd, you feel felt pretty good.

You know what felt the best passing you while you're broke unbelievable on that no we got ta leave. So thanks for watching new video, we'll freakin see you later bye.

By Cleetus

17 thoughts on “I entered a pro nitro rally cross event in a highly modified can am x3 and broke it immediately!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Evan Barner says:

    Gotta get a new saying. Anything with 4 wheels. That's a t-shirt for ya

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Bulldozer says:

    The joker would be the outside no? I remember playing dirt for years growing up and the joker was always the longer section not the shorter but i may be mistaken

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MoistGoat says:

    It's obviously the universe not allowing you to finish the race, because if you stayed in you'd probably have won.
    Those poor drivers need all the help they can get! Get ready for the next one Cleet haha!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Logan says:

    Time to turn the field at the FF into a rally cross track it seems.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam B says:

    This was awesome. I would prefer to watch this over drifting any day!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keith Martin says:

    That's badass my uncle works and help build alot of that mid America outdoor park in Oklahoma

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars José Acuña says:

    I see beyond the good driving, Cleet is an athlete, he’s is competitive AF

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Erwin says:

    I get so pumped watching you drive man, No matter what wheel you're behind. Thank you for your videos.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Mielke says:

    Man I would love to see you do racing like this. You are a driver man. You can literally drive anything. It was so much fun watching you do this. I would be all for you doing some sxs racing and would be your huge fan and supporter if you ever decided to do it.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pathos Bedlam says:

    This boy Cleet can drive the wheels off anything. Next year I wanna see you in a V8 Supercar taking on the Bathurst 1000. It's a hell of a track, but I have no doubt you could do it with the right car and team behind you. You should have a chat to Chaz Mostert who just won it this year. That would be so epic to see you and him take on the mountain.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zac Goraczewski says:

    Who was flying the RC plane? I heard that electric motor buzzing around.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vertex Jeff says:

    I admire that Cleetus can drive ANYTHING he straps himself into at a high level!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy Reinhart says:

    This video and watching you run Leroy into a world record with no coolant in the engine are my two favorite videos now

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James. says:

    “I think you have a heavy foot”

    Dude, I think cleetus has the heaviest foot…

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jslate98 says:

    The song choice behind the racing reminds me of Dave Mira’s bmx on game boy. Had hard techno beats playing the whole time 😂😂😂

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike James says:

    I got a buddy that's real big in Demo Derby. He is from PA , but every year in January he runs his Mum's local derby for her birthday in Crystal River, Homososa area. How would you like to try full blown Pro 650 horse Super Stock Derby Car Cleatus? I may be able to talk him into building a car and hauling it down for you.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Thomas says:

    Well, when you let a Florida Man with Bald Eagle DNA, who is being watched from heaven by Dale Earnhardt drive your car…. It’s going to get rowdy!

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