LET'S GO MULLET!!! FINALLY, after all this time and savagery, Mullet pulls off his first of many 6 second runs!
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Boy, i sure thought that running a nine second pass was tough, but we got done in a couple months. All right. I got a knife and i was like hell: let's go for an eight couple months later boom. We got it as the world doubted.

We then went for a seven second pass and yeah we made it happen. It took a couple years, did it with ruby yeah, it did cost a couple engines, but we eventually got an eight second pass come on, come on he's so close. Oh that looks like it yeah and then, as you guys know, that beautiful red auction corvette ran a seven honestly. It's hard to believe we had two seven second race cars, but we all knew that wasn't enough.

We needed something that could run a6 and that's where mullet comes in and boy did he make it look easy early on beautiful pass. Oh, let's go 8-5 at 160., oh my gosh, 79. 169.. I'm gon na be honest.

I had no idea, it was gon na. Be this hard to run a six second pass: it took so much power, precision and time and after multiple head gaskets tons of parts, you name it i'm proud to announce that mullet has. Finally, now you know what i'll just let you watch the video hell yeah brother you're on the pleasement front, youtube channel. We bout to do this or what about to do something today, big testing day for the malay? What are you doing? I was just making sure your sensor.

Data is right, but i can't mom doesn't need to come up. I got you covered, you sure hundred percent, confident, 100. Confident just did them all myself sensor issues before i know. That's why i'm hitting them all myself.

Let's start off white: let's not get crazy yeah! I want to start off light anyway because we got the no intercooler brick. So i kind of want to see how much yeah we got yeah hood on we're ready to roll yeah. I say she's burning right now. My eyes are burning right, so i'm just running into the 60 foot right, yeah, all right, boys, 60 foot hits let's go.

Hopefully he's got the patience today. Oh, we got patience to bear with what it takes to test might have to have to go back and get them in one of these start from the beginning. Let's see if you can practice the tree a little bit too sharp that pencil so solid first rip, who we get 130 flats, one: three: zero: zero: it's not bad right back together: okay, 130 flat backwards! I went 135 to the 60 one three zero zero! You spice that up a little bit. It left good though, and it just yeah right off the street, we're gon na look over the data a little bit and smack it a little bit harder early and see.

If we can get that 60 foot down yeah. It looks a little quicker. A little bit sounds like it's got a spark issue, yeah a little better 124 to 4. On that one, not too bad, not too bad a little spicy all right.

We got some of our own rubber here on the track. Yeah you got to see, i don't know if you can see it in the video yeah right back and stopped. It picked up a bunch of rubber and you can see where it got up under the rear tire. So you think we're going to leave the same thing.
I think we'll leave it yeah, we'll leave the same thing, we'll make a small suspension adjustment. Try it again, it's the gate of the day. So if we can go down out here in this, we should be fine perfect. We can get a low mid 1964.

We should be good, starting even more. I wanted to dude. I wanted it for a second, oh, when i go 69 on the 3063. all right, so we spun the tires.

What's the plan now, i'm just gon na simmer down just a little bit somewhere down somewhere down was that ten pounds that was twelve twelve? Oh final jump there, big um, there's a couple a couple: few pounds i mean we're, leaving about nine on the last one, so it'd be nice to get that one 17 60 foot and then we'll go to the 330 yeah. That's what i'm shooting for trying to get it back to there? Okay and then suspension changes. I think we'll leave it for now. Okay, i'm gon na make a little bit of a boost.

Ramp change sounded a little spicy on the booth. Yeah whoops should have tested it. You know what they say. I always test your two steps.

I tried to tell you you didn't want to do it, i'm the one who says it too, give me ignition a lot of hopping and popping it's alright. Wow. 125.. 125.

60 foot, so last one was the 125.. Let's see if we can do this sounded way better. That's the last one that was five more pounds tiny little bit. That's it yeah four numbers is all picked up.

We're gon na need about ten more. We gon na need more five more it is. I mean it went 319 to the 330 and 5.0. I really need to go like a 3.0 to the 330..

All right, so we turned her up a little bit guys, but strategically, so we're really trying to get it down the starting line hard, but smooth he's kind of letting nate do his thing. It'll come around. It really. Will it just takes time man once this car is set up it's good, but we're just changing so much all the time.

It's tricky we're gon na give you some compression they're, just changing suspension all right. We just gave it three clicks of compression we're gon na. Try it on the same tune-up dad had to be a team 118., something in the back sleeping water ice chest. Maybe everything no left in there maybe blew the lines out, maybe not enough multiple times.

Let's go we're getting there. Buddy yeah a little bit of compression on there. If i'm not mistaken, i think the best 330 before this was 315.. The 313., i think 311 - is the fastest.

You have a picture of the slit from when it went 7, 30., 7, 24 or whatever. Is that the fastest hit yeah, what a 724 one time all right so now that we got our 118 60 put back we're leaving the 60 foot alone, turning up the power a little bit past that we just had our fastest 330 ever so now, if it Goes to 118 again we're going all the way to the eighth mile see what it can do down there. Halfway there yeah the fastest eight mile i've ever had to 469, so i'd love to see like a 460 flat or 465. Something like that all right.
Let's see if we can get that 1960 foot again: foot 310 to the 330 467 at 156 to the eighth: that's eight! No! 169! We need to get that eight down if we're gon na try and go for that, six, i'm well in the bed. Now it's the fastest eight mile, this car's ever gone, i'd, be surprised if that was not faster than a 469. like that had to be 310 467. he's gon na go down, there's still water coming out when you're bumping your either water comes down under the tire Somewhere between every rain rail, fastest, eighth mile we've gone yet 35 pounds of boost son 35 pounds hell yeah, it's pretty smooth! That's why you don't look your intake air attempts on a methanol car? Okay, it's like! Oh okay, that's well boys we're going for 40 pounds of boost right here, 40 pounds! That's the plan is that the most we've done so far.

This is gon na be the most boost. It's ever made right here, yeah it's 40 and then rounds up to 50.. No, no, we made uh 35 at the end of that run. We're gon na go for 40 and we're going to hit it early and just get her down through there son high gear, then we're gon na tame the leaves just a smidge.

So it'll go down every time and then we'll have a good tuna good old 690 tuna on our hands. Well, there's no point in going to the quarter mile, yet right we got to get that 460 flat. So there you go. If it takes this one, it should do that it should go if it goes up 460 flat high 50 on this pass.

That's all we need. If we get that number the next pass, we can go quarter, get that six baby come on, come on, so we're actually turning this sucker up, i mean listen guys. I know this is testing for texas, but at this point, if you can't do it here, i can't do it in texas, so we just got ta. Do this thing, i see two clicks well, give it twelve twelve clicks.

I saw fix the problem all right so guys. This line right here because we took our intercooler tank out - has been dripping a little bit so now that we have the source we can fix the product. Yes, the ones for the drain. No, no you're done all right.

Well, at least we got that figured out. I wonder how much i was affecting us. Nate, hey, leave it alone, leave it alone. Let's see what it'll do we're not here to turn cars down we're gon na turn them up.

You know what you're doing a little bit yeah all right, good luck, wow! What is it? What is it 308 to the 330.? I think that's two nights. We did that before the eighth, though, and still went 466 at 145., get that shift buttoned up yeah. I don't know why it wouldn't shift there. They made the one two shift, but not the two.

Three didn't know what to do. It's fast, it's ever been yeah, that's true! It didn't shift god, damn it. Oh that sucks there they go. I guess being all suspicious.

Like 466., you were out 45.. We were way out of it, yeah in a 330., 308. first 30 to the 330., all right! Well, let's pull up the logo, pull the i mean. I think the shift is only by time now.
I thought it did both, but i'm gon na look right all right so guys we watched it back and the shifter actually got stuck, which has never happened before basically went there there and then got stuck like that. So when it kicked in a third time, see that how it's got that little lip there, it was just stuck like that, so when the shifter kicked in going to third, it was just pushing against itself. That's really strange, that's how it should be, so it may be that close together on the two three i may just have to move rpm up for the secondary activation, make it happen, brother, all right so now that we have this figured out. What's the uh yeah, what's the situation with boost how much we make you asked for 45.? No, no, the past before when we saw 40.

we did see 40.. Do you want 45? I mean i kind of want to compromise with you and i'll, give you 42 and a half okay safety. Is it basically half the safety is at 50.. We are just sending it out here too.

You ask i give if something happens, it's your fault. Should we leave it at 40 and try and get it now? You want to backfill it. Well, i'm just worried now dude you got me concerned. You said you want to go with six.

All right, yeah yeah leave it. I want to go six. I'm here you go to six dude, i'm not here to go to 7-0 in case when we go out the back end. I wan na skip seven ones and seven o's all together and just go right from a seven twenty four to a six fully confident.

If it shifted on that last one, it would have been a very bottom 60, maybe a 50.. It was down 11 mile an hour. It went at 66. yeah.

So should i just run it out to the corner here or what yeah oh shoot? Dude, i'm scared as hell right now, all right brother. You got it as long as it shifts okay. So we actually found a setting in the computer that makes the air shifter release quicker, so now ready boom yeah. It's definitely quicker.

I like it. Let's go boys come on mullet, i'm feeling good we're going all the way. Oh well missed the shift again. Not today, not today, duplicated 4663 brother, it's not doing this to me, hit the round 11 or again guys no third gear.

Again, i really should have guarded it with my hand again: yeah, hey lisa's, consistent 308. Again, we got everything we left all that stuff. The same, i think it's hit, you know, there's two inputs in there at the same time, all right guys so now, i'm 99 sure that nate's changes are gon na work for the shifter, but i'm gon na watch it, but i'll manually shift it if it gets Too high in the rpm i'll just shift it myself. Let's just open shift.

Oh my gosh 702 at 200. come on. We should have done 45. 458 to the eighth baby.

Let's go 200 miles! Oh it's happening 702! Oh, my god, yeah brother about didn't, make the turn now hot. Damn son, good golly! Oh yes, whoa! All right! Let's see! Oh ladies lido, let's get this baby idling. I need some fans earlier smells like tbm brakes that are burning brothers. I need a lot of breaks.
I'm gon na have to get my second parachute out sure buddy buddy. Oh i hate to do this to you. Don't tell me it's a 7-0 dude, 702 200 miles an hour. 702.

458. Today, oh crap! What do we do? Dude? More boosts 45 pounds. We got to see what that happened. Yeah shifted itself 200.

I said that what 200 mile an hour boys holy crap, that's no lockup, either no 200 mile an hour without the lock up. Let's get this trans pulling down boys we're going for a six, normally i'd say: leave it we'll. Do it later, 1000 foot, i'm not hitting the scramble dude. Let me do it 702.

How do you do this to me, world she's, good dude feels solid good. Let's go i mean, i would normally say, let's say texas, i'm done with that. It's been a year, we're going for a 6.99 all the way, toledo pull that data log up dude. What's up how much boost is we running on this so 42 hours? This is all at the end of the run yeah.

What did i go through rpm, wise, so rpm, but right before you lifted, you went 86.99 8700 yeah and you were just coming off the throne yeah 86.99. 8700 rpm 42 pounds of boost 300 degrees. I don't know we don't want to talk about that. Dude! Don't want to talk about that.

Listen. That sensor is before the fuel put some 60 foot in it here. Here's what we need to do a little bit between the 60 foot and the 330. Let's hit it hard there like three or four pounds and then we'll leave the rest alone it'll.

Do it, let's go away, we're going to see 45 out there. Let's go. Do we have another fresh set, all right, guys we're pulling the door panels off we're getting the rugged radios out fresh spark plugs, get all that extra bull crap out, get it all out. This sucker is going uh six out of here out of here.

You're done this is also done. I see it this thing's done. I actually leave that in there. I don't want to lose that all right.

What are we doing here? Cletus gon na finally open her up for business. Finally, entering that second shoot all right. Let's go time special effects, special effects in this after this all right, so we just went to 702 - gave it a little bit more see where she goes 6.98 and 200. yeah yeah 6.98.

Let's go dude wow there. It is 303. 303. 455..

Let's fly! Oh that's! 61.62 wow holy hell, somebody's on it that might have done it. I hope it did, because i saw some water. I saw a little bit of water. Hopefully that's just moisture.

Let's run this thing over on the starter. Real quick wouldn't be a track day with mold. Without a hurt engine huh, it's gon na be a two lumped valve at this point, so i better see a good time slip one. Sixteen sixty put a ham ass, that's not a biscuit over oh dude! That makes it so much better because it is definitely hurt.
Listen to this hey, it could just be a road, it could just be a rocker. Let's stay optimistic here. Let's stay optimistic: let's go yeah! My boy, hey! You know. I got a plug.

First off my boy, kevin kxr performance. You know i asked him to build me, a six second car. He built one hell of a car, and today it officially ran a six granted. We went through about you, know five engines, yeah three to five same block, same block a lot of head gaskets.

Maybe just another one, a lot of bent rods, but we kept the block together the whole time same cranking block from texas speed, but uh aluminum rods - i mean god, damn it there's so many renditions, 200 flat 698, a 3.03 to the 330, a 455 at 161. In the eighth, let's go 62 16 60 foot and a 030 reaction time dude i mean it's just crazy. I think we've smoked so many transmissions, so many engines, so many parts sensors this - that tons of man-hours i mean just like today - was trials and tribulations the shifter like we would have thought it was shifting too close together. I mean just crazy things, but i never doubted i know nate never doubted.

I don't know you guys, never doubted a lot of people did, but today we prove them all wrong. So that's all i got ta say thanks for watching doing, prevail, we'll preach and see you later. You.

By Cleetus

12 thoughts on “Finally!!! mullet’s first ever 6 second pass!!! over 200mph *bald eagle screech*”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason James says:

    Let's go 5's!!!!!!!! I love this. Was so excited for ya when you went 7.02 and then boom 6.98!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Miller says:

    Now we just need to bring back the myth the legend Leroy back to match that time and then ruby then no one can doubt that you can drive the wheels off anything

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Batte Mann says:

    I'll never forget Leroy's 7. End of the day – heads buckled – no water and ALL the boost. Congrats on your 6!!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Twarken says:

    Congratulations Team McFarland! Top job as always! Also, well done to Kevin @ KSR for a monster build, loving it!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farmer Fpv says:

    CLEETUS! We need a 6 Seconds Pass Mullet Summer Hoodie! I knew it was going to happen in the next few days. That's what I said in the last video. I'm so proud of you Boys & Maddi. You guys truly are about the fans. Always making sure we get quality content & lots of it. Congrats Cleetus McFarland Team! Mullet is still a Jet Car! I hope you see this & make it happen!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Craven says:

    The only thing that would have made this video better would have been Dr. TuneEmAll eating a cheeseburger as the outtro.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NLoff44 says:

    My sod Pod bundle was delivered today that I bought the night while on vacation in Sarasota I drove by the Freedom Factory and took some killer pictures of the big helmet sign! Hell yeah brother! Iโ€™m not really one to go on vacations and even though my timing was bad for being here for an event it was still so awesome just to drive by the track and get some great pictures!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raddestdudealive says:

    The boost safety โ€œ42.5 โ€œ I saw James as the devil on the shoulder and Nate as the angel ๐Ÿ˜‚on cleetus shoulder

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reice Newson says:

    It was awesome to see the day finally come, but it was also really cool to see what a difference the little changes make, like the shock compression adjustments. Congratulations boys. There best have been a McFlurry run after that. Or a run for some Baja Blast

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jawandi87 says:

    So pumped I had watch it on the big screen. So nostalgic to see this happen. Thanks Team McFarland for the years that passed and Manny more to come. Congratulations ๐ŸŽŠ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivana Notyers says:

    Unbelievably juicy. The best Youtube video I have ever seen. EPIC. Big shout out to everyone including KSR Kevin.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Mac says:

    Congratulations Team Mullet Y'all did it.. Can't wait to see what this next TX2k will give you guys.. Cleetus you put together the best team you could find.. And it shows.. Congrats..

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