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All right come on guys. I haven't really showed you much of our merch room here at the new shop and, as you guys know, the holiday seasons are on the rise. Holiday seasons also mean it's our busiest time of the year, we're gearing up for a merch shop we're doing later this week to serve you guys for the holidays. Christmas presents whatever you may get just awesome good, looking merch but hands down christmas.

Our busiest time of the year, which is also a good time, to bring up the fact that today's video is sponsored by shipstation, which, just so happens to be the exact shipping software we use for all the clickspringfront.com shipping. Being that's the busiest time of the year. Being able to process orders, keep perfect track of inventory, create shipping labels and communicate with customers as fast and efficiently as possible. We've got ship station to have our backs and get us through these crazy times and if you've got a small, internet-based business, where you're doing some shipping now is your opportunity to try out shipstation guarantee it works.

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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the last i guess portion of the boat challenge. We are done with the water challenges. What you're going to see today, so the final challenge is, there are four of them, one of which is the drag race which we already filmed. So let's show you that all right boys today obviously we're at the drag strip, because we need to see whose combo is the fastest.

I told you guys weight would be you know, part of this challenge and not only did weight help you on the water. In some cases, like the race, it's gon na help you today at the drag strip three points to the fastest crown victim boat to go down. Two points, a second one point to third place, but there's a bonus point for fastest reaction time. All right so pull up we'll do uh whoever's got the lowest points.

First jack stands so then you'll be second we'll be third for points. Uh, no pal you're in third all right drag race challenge time, boys, burnout, solid burnout. All right, i just saw something: are we allowed to stage with the trailer tires? Okay front tire, dude he'll, take the gray area. You got to make sure you define the rules before jack stand.

Goes all right. Jack stan see what you got son, oh, that thing's a turd his reaction time. What was it three seconds to the 60 foot? A lot of water coming out of that thing, dude dude, 20.69, at 70 miles an hour grab that oh you're. Next, you guys definitely got the fastest crown vic all right.
I do i mean our boat's, probably the lightest right. I think the flamingo is lighter. So so james went 210 on the tree. That's gon na be hard to beat quarter mile 20.69 screenshot that we need to keep that so 0.21.

That's actually pretty good, like with the boat with a boat and a crown. Man is really good. Oh that's both tires. You got to warm up.

The trailer tires too enough power for that. This thing haven't dumped all the water george going with the deep stage now. I think james got him at the tree. Oh, that might have been slow on the tree.

What's he gon na go eighteen? 6 dude? What's your reaction, 361, so james, getting that bonus point as right now, all right hard to beat come on, you got it dude. It is running strong, go the moment. Those yellow lights turn on just let off and make sure you deep stage too. We got ta get that that was a good technique.

It's about what the blazer is gon na roll to when it leaves the bottom end at the 660., hey you're about you're, about two tenths too slow. Let it burn brother, let it burn! Why are you shaking? This is alex's first time down at dragon strip more than that kind of a weak burnout, dude kind of a weak burnout for my team, dude watch ally just knock down the reaction time here. Oh, that was good. That was really good.

That's my boy, that's my boy! What do we got? Damn it nightmare boy. What is that 19 8 dude almost ran slower than james three points. Two points, two points pull up the reaction time. Oh wait, pull up the reaction time.

Oh boy. What point? Oh? Forty down the tree, oh, he doesn't 140. Let's go three points for you three points for us: how does your go faster than all of ours because it wasn't race? Maybe that was a good thing. I mean james crown.

Vic sounds like a turd, but yours sounded good like yours was a full rip, hey. Well, we were second fastest, but you won the bonus point really yeah. No way you slept on it. Yes, sir, no way, yeah all right, good, pretty good! Are you joking? No! You got it all right, guys, welcome back the dragon.

Race went pretty good. Now we have three challenges left, which leaves enough points on the board for anyone to still take the lead in this race. So those consist of a reverse slalom course. A two lap reverse race with all of us on the track at the same time, two laps in reverse and then finally, a five lap death race, no rules, whoever finishes the five laps first with their boat and trailer wins that last challenge.

So it's the same points layout as before three points for whoever finishes first and each challenge. Two points for the second place: finisher one point for the third place: finisher and then whoever did the drag race already did one of your challenges. So you kind of got ta switch off, so whoever did the drag race gets to do one more of the challenges and then whoever didn't do the drag race gets to do two of these challenges. You guys can pick between your partners, who should do what i got dibs on the death race alec, but you and i can figure out vice versa.
Who wants to do what stands for the death race is the forward race. The death race is a forward race. We doing the reverse or inside of one big oval for the rivers. Oh yeah, so two high speed, reverse race.

Right yeah. I mean it's no limit, so try and keep your boat on the trailer until the death race, because if it falls off i mean you can't compete in death race. You have to get skid steer out, put it back on, but that's all right. My trailer also.

I'm gon na have we're gon na have to be real careful with that trailer, because if i hit it it's just toast, i mean we know that so slalom challenges. First pick who's going to drive, let's get to it: yeah who's, driving and what big backup guy here, yeah big destroyable thing, so you're doing the death race i'll see you all right who's doing what for you guys zach's doing the uh, i'm doing the death race. I'm doing that, let's go and you're doing the slalom and the two lap back up you guys might be taking for granted, though i know the freaking spikes dude death, race, baby, all right, so i'm doing the death race and then which one do you want to Do it's either slalom or the two lap reverse i'll? Do the slalom? Okay, pretty solid on that we got this oh yeah, so guys, here's how the slalom is going to be scored right now the scores are alec and i have 13. zach and george.

You guys have 12., you guys only have eight points. Dude yep! You got to step that up dude all right. Let's just got ta stay on the trailer through all of this. Those are the scores after the drag race.

Here's how the slalom is gon na go down, whoever can reverse to the finish the fastest, while not hitting cones, because each cone is a five second penalty. So you got ta, be clean, precise, but also quick and make it to our ending, which will be down there. We're gon na set up some cones right now and we'll run it practice run to see if it's possible he's taking those out. I will say it's super easy to back up with the crown fit, because that baby turns on a dime and give you 9 cents change in the water dude yeah.

He did 30 seconds, okay, totally doable, very doable, very doable. Is it backwards and then back forward or just back into that good stuff? You just yeah just so you guys know we're gon na count these side cones as one cone for the pair, because if you hit one, you basically hit the other, but they kind of indicate. So this is the slalom you got ta go through here through here. Through here through here and park, the trailer down there in the corral, alec you're up first buddy, get her done when you start moving.
Timer starts. Oh you going the easy approach. Oh no! No you're! Good! You got it alex! Oh perfect nailed. It bud get it harder harder.

There we go dude, let's go alan cut, it cut, it other way, keep going got it got it mine, oh yeah, hey you got to zoom in on how bad his hands are shaking. That was good dude. That was hard. That was not horrible, two two cons, so 125.

115.58 plus two cones, so 125., one one minute and 25 seconds. That's with the penalties. What are the odds on zack jackknifing right now, eight out of three literally jackknifed twice going down the straight vote. He was take slapping going down backwards straight at the boat timer's ready whenever you are zach.

Oh he's off real relaxed here, oh man. This is not setting up good luck, not setting up good here. You got it zach cut it hard cut it hard. You got it not making that, let's see if he can get in there clean, not bad what'd, they get he's 123., oh three cones or four yeah, so you're 138 dude tough break dude.

You killed it, hopefully actually james bo. You can see over the easiest thing. Who's doing that ty ty yep go get him ty the the whole boat challenge zach's like i'll, do the backing up. I've been practicing for this.

My whole life, i get the jet ski in the water. No problem, first, try every time every time. I think our tactics about the payout watch, this real quick and it's going to take us all about 15 seconds to hit all those cones and just cruise through all right. I don't think they got it dude you realize no, i can.

I can hear them their plan is to hit the cones because they're only a five second penalty, yeah, which won't add up to your score, so they could win by basically gray area, cheating right now, yeah, but they've got at least hit the cones. We can throw some more cones out, dude, that's fine! If they wan na you got ta yeah, let them you know what guys let them have the points all right, you're, good ty, as long as he hits those cones dude. If he doesn't hit him, doesn't count. You're getting last place all right, he's first he's through the first here we go now he's gon na start, just creaming the cones yep all right, there's five seconds five seconds, there's another five seconds unreal.

These guys are cheating right now in the box in the box. How what's the time here, 27.28 plus how many 47 for the dub - that's unbelievable? Hey rules are made to be raised. Hey we're hiring an attorney next time. We compete against these losers.

Dude i got ta say is: if you go to a race to race the rules, you lose every time you race between the rules. You win unreal, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, you guys win the slalom challenge. All right, ladies and gentlemen, gather around for the next challenge.

We have the reverse race, two laps around the freedom factory in reverse, on the track. You cannot come off of the outside oval. If you come off the outside oval, you must re-enter where you came off. No gray areas, no cheating allowed the first person to cross that finish line on their second lap gets three points.
Second person, two third person, one point: full contact allowed. There are no rules. Besides the fact that you must be in reverse to gain position on the track, okay, everybody clear with that. Are there any gray areas you're thinking about, he would ask questions.

My whole goal here is to protect my trailer. I got ta make sure she doesn't just take a hard hit because whatever happens to your trailer here, you got ta race, the death race, with the damage. Okay, if your boat falls off, we'll put your boat back on, but if you damage your trailer, that's how you're going into the death race. So just keep that in mind.

Boys keep her off the wall. Keep your foot on the floor all right! Let's do it! So we're on the same page here that pink boat gets three points are two points: they lock in the first position for the entire event, jackknife straight off the bat, so we can pass them no problem, we're only one point behind them: yeah that we can't catch Unless they can't finish the death race, but it can't score more than one point this round for anybody to win. That's a big target to have on your back yeah big target. You hear that sorry, i got spikes, i'm not worried it's just so.

You know pink boat, can't get two points. Then it locks in first. Oh, i'm gon na try and take it out. Hey, hey real quick put it in your motor.

I'll put it in my motor all right guys we're getting ready to pull up. Do the reverse race just found out from jackson that uh the pink flamingo gets any points basically other than one right now we're gon na be locked in we won't be able to win. Second will be the best we could possibly get so guess. I'm gon na have to take them out all right guys.

So, as you see come to win you make rules, i'm gon na find a gray area. Some people call it cheating, i call it getting ahead, uh, that's what rules are for they're, not they're. Not rules. Aren't made to be raced on they're made to be race between that's how you get ahead of everyone else when you got a set of rules, so now we're back in the runnings, but the only predicament is if the pink boat or cletus and alec get anything More than two points, two points or three points in this race: it locks them in for first, no one can pass them.

Let the other drivers know that and uh best way to get points is to play blocker in a race like this, you got a boat that can't back up good. You got a car, that's slow, be a blocker, stop the other guy from winning. So that's a tie strategy for this round. Uh, it's two two laps reverse around the outside oval.

The nightmare is ready, those spikes they put them spikes to use because he can't win this one. We have to take the trailer out in this race. Take him out that way he's set up for the next one. He can't get first, all right, nightmare's, ready old red, rocket's, ready, flamingo, hopefully not right.
This is gon na, be amazing. Sorry, it's great for that reverse race. With the boat, hey.

By Cleetus

18 thoughts on “$2,500 boat challenge ep 4 – drag race and precision back up challenge points are tight”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NOT a youtuber says:

    Can we just get to the video without merch plug enough we have to watch forced YouTube ads

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chrisrnz says:

    In a time long, long ago: Setting Christmas trees on fire with Supra 2-step
    Not too long ago: Christmas tree drags
    2021: Boat & trailer drags
    2022: Crown Vic towing a Crown Vic towing a motorhome drags?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JJ Legend says:

    I know crown vics are legendary, but if they become too scarce, please don't buy charger interceptors. Yawn. LOL

    Go for the Taurus interceptors.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Lee says:

    If you're not cheating, you're not trying. If you get caught cheating, you weren't trying hard enough!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric says:

    First 3 cones should be 5 second penalty each. Next 3 ten seconds each. More than 6 is a 30 second penalty each.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric says:

    It’s too bad 2 of them can’t drag each other at the same time for safety reasons but it’s awesome the track even lets you do timed drags with trailers.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Billy Badazz says:

    He lied cause if cleetus came in second for the final 3 races even if jackstand came in first for all it would be tied no winner lol but hey that flamingo 🦩 ain’t finishing the ☠️ race

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Acaidia says:

    Please make this concept into a reoccurring series. You could do it with dirt bikes, go karts, off-road vehicles, golf carts, or any other motor vehicle. The challenge of finding the best vehicle without breaking a set budget and doing head to head competitions with them makes great content. Imagine a series just like this one instead you all have to get a 4×4 SUV or truck and do a trail ride, hill climb, mud bog, tug of war, or anything else you can think of. You could even add an extra $1k just for upgrades on top of any money left over if your vehicle was under budget to spice things up.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars trythistv says:

    James jetboat is still my favorite. Even if its completely trashed and split in half that thing was a killer deal albeit a little rough and the most interesting boat in the bunch!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars W says:

    Great content. Super entertaining.
    Love the way James instantly sees the loop hole and locks in the win.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CannibalCowboy51 says:

    As SOON as they said a cone was 5 seconds, driving through them was my very first thought.

    Come on guys! 🤣🤣🤣

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sam Boeckman says:

    One of the funniest videos I’ve watched in a long time. You guys are livin for sure

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Connor Martel says:

    i like shipstation for your parcel shipments. What do you use for LTL, Full trucks, and any container stuff like shipping toast? I can help.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andban92 says:

    Dude i've been freaking loving these soo much,lmao.
    Cant wait to see with what they are next come up with!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ralph Gaudio says:

    ya know jackstand. anyone can cheat and draw on 2 but all youre doing is putting a bigger target on your back. i can cheat and stab your tires just before the race then go for you and get you completely off the track before the race starts. but thats just gonna piss you off.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Taylor May says:

    How were the cars chosen? James was at such a huge disadvantage with that turd of a car. If this is a boat challenge, it should have been each team using the same car to pull their own boat. This is assuming that picking the car wasn't part of the event.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G MF W says:

    Y'all may have just invented a new and entertaining method for waterproofing yer watercrap in big, billowing clouds of freedom. Very inspiring thanks for the laughs

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tyler97GSX says:

    Loved the boat challenge. Should have weighted points heavier toward boat water activities. The driving is entertaining but you could have won the comp with a boat that never even ran.

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