Leroy’s new heads are insane! look at all that freedom!
CLEETUS MERCH - https://goo.gl/d2j71j They look even better on the car! -Leroy's ECU (Holley Dominator) - https://goo.gl/JjvakM -Precision Turbo (turbos,…
Hell ya brother!
CLEETUS MERCH - https://goo.gl/d2j71j They look even better on the car! -Leroy's ECU (Holley Dominator) - https://goo.gl/JjvakM -Precision Turbo (turbos,…
CLEETUS MERCH - https://goo.gl/d2j71j Casey with Double Z's Trailers - 785 259 6350 https://doubleztrailers.wixsite.com/zztrailers Big thanks to Casey and Quality…
CLEETUS MERCH - https://goo.gl/d2j71j Changing up Leroy's freedom boosters! Here's the brakes I was talking about! - https://www.powerstop.com -Leroy's ECU…
CLEETUS MERCH - https://goo.gl/d2j71j It's insane how much the shop has come together! -Leroy's ECU (Holley Dominator) - https://goo.gl/JjvakM -Precision…
CLEETUS MERCH - https://goo.gl/d2j71j Such a stupid ticket... my fault in the end :( -Leroy's ECU (Holley Dominator) - https://goo.gl/JjvakM…
CLEETUS MERCH - https://goo.gl/d2j71j Discount Code "FREEDOM" gets you $125 off any clutch! monsterclutches.com Please check out Motionraceworks.com for literally…
CLEETUS MERCH - https://goo.gl/d2j71j If I was that Valet I would have NOT hesitated haha -Leroy's ECU (Holley Dominator) -…
Check out Truck Central here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkgw2Yd52tOKHqareJOOwVg Bruce’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdp8kJ2dDBMe48BdfE55vSg CLEETUS MERCH - https://goo.gl/d2j71j
CLEETUS MERCH - https://goo.gl/d2j71j Well those are some HEALTHY numbers! -Leroy's ECU (Holley Dominator) - https://goo.gl/JjvakM -Precision Turbo (turbos, BOV,…
CLEETUS MERCH - https://goo.gl/d2j71j Sorry not sorry... Leroy LOVES boost! -Leroy's ECU (Holley Dominator) - https://goo.gl/JjvakM -Precision Turbo (turbos, BOV,…