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All right guys, the pay-per-view this weekend's gon na be extra special because we're using the new lighting system for the first time, and we just got the burnout pad lights, here's one of them, you can see it. It is freaking massive they're kind of small up here on the pole, but they're huge and look at how bright and beautiful the freedom factory looks with all of its lights, lit up, really hope you guys tune in to the pay-per-view. Like i said, this is the last day to buy the pay-per-view for a cheap price 14.95 and that includes drift, knight, spectator drags and the danger ranger 9000 by summit racing all in one package, 15 bucks. If you buy it today, 20 bucks, if you buy it tomorrow or saturday, check out after the video hell, yeah brother you're on the policeman for on youtube channel.

Oh little racetrack, i thought you could hit that corner fast. I just made a huge bastard. Oh, my god, oh my god, i'm such an idiot dude just leave. It won't tell anybody.

Dude! The girls are gon na kill me. She looks very pissed. We should probably get out of here. Go go, go literally the throttle got stuck.

I was trying to turn the corner and the throttle got stuck and the wind pushed the boxes yeah i had. I had no choice but to crash through i broke my mirror. Do i have that the wind? Thank you. I thought you were lighting a fire.

I actually just went near it and the wind blew them all out of yeah. Look at that that's kind of nice. They didn't realize this up. It needs a wrap disconnect.

I didn't realize it was going to make such a mess. Oh, i realize there's pallets in there dude who put that wooden box in there dude my bumper out a little bit too dude watch out for this. The huge gust of wind just came through here so guys. As you know, we got this second building on our property and it's a fork in the road to either go to the shop or the other building, but we added this uh little roundabout road.

So we could do some. I don't know racing honestly. It makes it easier for the delivery guys to get in, but now we can use it for racing too, so, first unofficial race, how many laps we doing three laps, cobalt, verse, chevy, spark! Let's run it a little nervous about the obstacle down there not sure how it got 300 feet, i'm little pre-race interview. What do you think this is the turnover this race is going to be? Tell us about your hot rod.

I really feel like the hot rod. Uh 2.2 liter cobalt is going to take. The w could be wrong. A little pre-race interview i mean george - has been talking a lot of smack since i got the sparks.

Oh, the cobalt can whoop that thing this and that this thing may only have 80 horsepower, but it's about the driver. You know what i mean so really hoping that he is in flip-flops as long as i squeeze off the first inside corner, because if i can beat him to the first corner, there's no way he's getting around me all right. So i'm playing saw playing oh no shot, i'm taking the left lane hey. I already called left lane dawg.
I called left lane. No, i'm not giving him the hit. What i have 80 horsepower. What do i got way? More broken that thing made 200 horse on the dyno say: win all right, he's done he's done.

Wow slater stole a hit on that one. Oh, my god, you might want a buggy, oh on the outside, oh a little bumping! Oh, i don't want to watch how this backstreet gets a little hairy coming in hot tires working. He is coming in on the chip, all right, that's lap, two cleator's still in the lead, george right on his oh, that's tail, big w! Oh no! Oh a little tab into the turn, put him in the grass oh and he passed him on the inside for the wind dude. He did you dirty on that last turn.

The last turn dude. There's a contact out there there's contact down here. There was a bunch there was a bunch of contact. Oh dude.

Oh this will thistle bow. Oh, that's nothing. That'll buckle your mirror. I don't know, that's not bad.

We made some contact yeah clean enough i'll i'll. Let that one stand. You know i kind of had some dirty contact on that one, and then you got me on the last lap so give him a little give him a little kiss. He saved he saved the payback little kiss, bro you're, exhausted way faster than this.

I hate this place. You got bondo on your plastic, bumper, literally bondo dude smell it. I know it's bonded. I don't need to smell it to see that you can see they like etched it out with some good sodium sticks, pretty good for a while.

That was on there for several years. That's why it sounded so crunchy when you guys were tapping over dude. The contact sounded. Oh sounded worse, like whoa dude.

Oh it's, a piece of pipe. Your headlight might be sunk back in there a little bit, oh that yeah. I didn't notice that that's what happens when you run into a chevrolet spark still purge like a kitten. I'm gon na get some mods i'll, see you next week, all right, i'm gon na leave it just like this ty.

Why do you got ta? Do this to the elko show the world how fat she is? Well, i hate to show our weight, but uh. We need to know for traction purposes, yeah it's going right, real hard, so because it's going right, rear hard, real hard. That normally means that you are light on the right, rear corner. Oh and the car is trying to drive around ripping up more over here, so this tire is basically trying to spin and that one's hooking.

So it's skating around it right. Well, let's see what we got going here. Luckily, we got a set of skills. We got from old summit i'll, be doing the thing that fat kids do on roller coasters, where they put one foot kind of on the ground.

Yeah i don't wan na. I don't wan na face this reality right now, dude, oh nelly, i'm popping park all right tim park. How are we looking? Let me see dude those numbers are big. Thirty, three hundred and twenty pounds - god leave, go ahead, get in there get in the driver's seat.
Now i can tell you it's 35 50 with me in it. Oh nelly. Let me see that shoot, buddy all them chocolate, chip, cookies boy. We just even have the tire pressures and now look.

We got 827 pounds on the left, rear 757 pounds on the right rear, so that's kind of yeah. There you go. There's your problem, there's your problem, so you want the right rear to be heavy. Now ty yeah, you want it to be uh.

Typically, a good starting point would be like 50 to 70 pounds and then at the track. You would crank a flat in every time you make a pass until it starts to run straight. Okay, we're way off this thing's heavy and it's got a really really long wheelbase, so we might have to be heavier on that right. Rear than you normally would be all right.

Interesting, stuff, uh right front is 9 16., so they're about 115 pounds off each other. All right guys, so we got, we got our scaled up now, we're 835 pounds right, rear 757 left rear. It was way off way way off. So ty put a bunch of cranks in the indie roll bar.

This thing is going to drive way better. Hopefully, all right guys so we're working on the blazer project and uh yeah we've decided the optimal route to go. For this thing and george has been, i mean george has been pushing us hard to go supercharger. What do you think dude we're not going? No baby, blower or stock.

None of that nonsense. We're going right to the real yeah we're going to the real deal, so this is actually toast's old, supercharger and so tow superchargers and sitting around obviously he's got the aussie motor now so we're like dude. We got to pull out the old blower shop american flag, blower. We got an ls lower intake, already ordered and uh we're gon na show george this.

For the first time, he's gon na be fired up. 71., he's gon na lose his mind, probably because we were trying to tell him we're like no, we got a turbo, we got turbo, no we're doing supercharger. Meanwhile, we've had this in our in the back of our heads for a while. So this is going to be pretty epic.

You got any like dirty underwear, you cover your eyes with or something here just just hold your hat over your face. I'll close them. Just don't worry, don't there we go all right i'll i'll, be your guide all right! I got flip-flops on so don't let me stuff my toe. No, some dirty toes boy.

All right come on dude! Oh, that's a splinter right! There he's peeking dude paying attention all right come on back. Here we got remember. I was telling you. I had a plan for the blazer yeah yeah.

Well, today's the day, all right, we're gon na shimmy through here, watch it golly. Sorry about that. You know how tight it gets in the shop face this one yeah when you open your eyes, the blazer's gon na be right in front of all right. All right.

Take it off yep, take a look. We sold it nevermind's behind you, that's what i'm talking about. That's what we're thinking dude - oh my god, dude the old 1071 off the toast dude 100 - has to happen. Don't know exactly how we're gon na get it to fit in there, because if you look, you know we're gon na have to do a little bit of cutting a lot of fab work, but you know, but we figured if we're gon na supercharge it like you, Wanted dude, we got ta, go all the way yeah, and we already have this, so we might as well use it here.
Why buy a supercharger when we have probably one of the coolest 1071s ever built sitting in our room? It's already american, as can beat yeah big buenos big house, diaz yeah, and then we have that little rod piston six liter. It's nothing crazy, but i mean it'll pretty it's a good start. Six, though you know good old, six liter might as well toss it in here, so we just got ta, pull it out of parker's, mustang and uh. The goal is to have this thing ready for florida race week, dude yeah, we got ta get a couple good test hits in on her yeah, but but listen.

Here's the other thing. We got a rear end that'll, be here. Next week we got ta see what it'll go on the stock motor with nitrous. We got ta max it out until something blows, probably be the stock pistons yeah and then we upgrade and then ty was was already saying.

There's a front k-member kit we can put in this thing so that we cannot have these freaking super tight spaces to work with and we can actually put a set of headers on it. That'll fit and just make this thing work good. So i already got an intake ordered to adapt this to an ls engine instead of a big block, and i got a crank support for an ls so get rid of all this other junk dude. I know there's so much junk ac has got to go.

Oh all that crap got ta go windshield wiper motor. Looking like it's got to go buenos dias to you, adios to all that. Yes, sir, we'll just name this blower buenos diaz, that's his nickname, take a seat in there, dude get it get a nice view. Look, i already had the racing seat in here mocking them up.

I see that oh yeah, oh dude, it's big that is so good. Come on. You got ta. You got ta, be able to pick it up.

You wan na put it on your car dude. Oh, it's brand new, it's brand new, it just got serviced. It's been that they feel how tight it is. It's tight.

I tried to spin it on the car. No, it's super tight. It just got serviced dude, it hasn't even been rammed. Isn't that crazy? That's crazy! Yeah it takes a few horses seems a little tight.

It's it's set up for you about this. It works out. You just slap some new things in there yeah it's set up for uh methanol, but i told him we might be running down pump gas and stuff on the street. This thing is gon na scream.

It's gon na rap. You.

By Cleetus

14 thoughts on “With One Simple Upgrade, Our LS Swapped Blazer Is About To Wheelie to the MOON!!! *BALD EAGLE ALERT*”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MFPanduh says:

    I feel bad for cooper. Mans dissappeared and the whole team has come up heavy the past few years

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hondatech5000 says:

    Maybe remote mount the cooling system. Since the belts and pulleys stick out about 4 inches past where you could sense able mount the rad. Of course you could just mount the rad way out in front of the bumper that would kinda go in line with y’all style.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ray BERTOVICH says:

    Does George have a YouTube channel? I wanna see the progress on the blazer if he does have a channel

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Logan Newman says:

    Just wanna put this out there. An 8 to 1 collector would be rad af. The visibility is way too good. Needs a tangled mess of equal length header tubes diving into one collector.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Enns says:

    Finally! A supercharged drag car! I'm so excited for this project and LS George is the man!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars M4D_MARK_XTr3Me says:

    Oh yess I'm loving this supercharged blazer idea…
    Wonder if you could fit the old chunky big block from toast in the blazer…
    9" rear end, chopped firewall and tubbed?
    You got yourself the fastest blazing saddle in the Texas west 😂
    Don't get more hill Billy then shoving a big block in a pickup truck 🤣

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian George says:

    Blower name Buenos Cyahs! Everything in this episode is the whole reason I started following this channel, epic stuff gents!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Foster says:

    Finally brining George in full time! Love to see him in the videos. Now, just get Brent to Florida and you've got the dream team!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThomasJ De Beer says:

    Hell yeah brother , I'm 100% with Audio tool George was and is definitely a big part of the team I'm so excited to see what that Beast does Benious Dias brother 💪💪💪🤟🤟🤟👌👌👌

    And then as well , I like am obsessed with your merch. , but South Africa does not seem to be a option for delivery and that where I'm from. Please if theres a alternative I would LOVE to have some merch especially your American straw hat with those glasses….please if there's a way I would be the most happiest person alive…Hell yeah brother 👍👍👍🤟🤟💪💪💪

    Straight from South Africa 👌

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donald Frught Jr says:

    This was one of the best videos on the channel as of recent. Don't get me wrong i love the channel but this kinda went back to the roots. Keep it up cleet!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Kingsmore says:

    I love how much you've done for George! He so appreciative and makes a great addition to the team! Buenos Dias!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gotthiis says:

    Its crazy to think how far they've come. from just making video's about how many things he can ducktape to his corvette exhaust. To now having a fleet of cars, a car hauler, drag racing like a pro, having his own shop, track, and team of tech's. Not a damn thing I don't love about him and his channel. I hope to one day see him in person one day to thank him for getting me into cars. Living up to the power and not slowing down. Thanks cleetus!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Horowitz says:

    That Race was EPIC! Top 5 races on this channel…LS George with the W! Thought he was out for the count!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex DoyZ says:

    George content is gold, love the mixture of personality’s in the team everyone is cool nobody is trying to be someone they ain’t.

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