Wahooooooo!!!! The #4 got me to the winner's circle at this year's Summit Racing Freedom 500!!!! It was the most fun I've had racing in a long time!
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We had the most amazing weekend at the Freedom Factory This was our fourth Freedom 500. if you can believe that how fast time has flown and after the second Freedom 500 I Decided to start my own pay-per-view company company called No Breaks and if you watched the pay-per-view this weekend, it was an absolute Banger I'm talking about one of the finest Productions I've ever seen. I Just got done watching the whole thing and I am just so proud of my team. From the guys who are building the Crown Vics to the guys who are setting up the cameras, to the guys who are running the fiber optics around the track, to the guys who've set up the Wi-Fi to the guys who manage their production, to the guys who clean the track and everything else in between we had the best pay-per-view we've ever had.

We sold more pay-per-views than we have in years and everything just went amazing. The drivers had a blast and your boy got a love you. It was just an electric weekend I Threw some Snippets of the pay-per-view in this video but you can watch the entire Freedom 500 and Cletus and cars if you go to Clevelandfron.com What a weekend! Thank you for all of you who watched and supported enjoy the video! Hell yeah! brother! You're on the please before on YouTube channel. You know what day it is.

It's a Freedom 500 day brother. Hey Bud, what's going on? How are you? That is awesome I Just want to get my day going right? Yeah, what do you think of this prize? Crab! It's a ripper. It is fast as hell. dude.

I Was looking at this a few years back. We had one race. the Champions I was like man, it just it accelerates. It's just so like just like a it's a go-kart from the street.

Yeah, it's supercharged too. We just tuned it up. it rips so I'm pretty pumped a little. Roman Atwood Podcast in the shop right now to get the day kicked off with Trav So learn all about Travis Pastrana Mr Vice Grip You ready to rip today? I am so fired up.

These cars look amazing. Oh really they are dialed. We'll see in qualifying. Buddy All right brother, What is this rattle can job you got here that looks sick right here all Heavy Metal that's the name of her.

Damn. Ty that's a nice rattle can job dude. Oh is that TIG Welds right there that is so weak man. what's going on guys.

We got Leah block and Ron from Hoonigan Yeah, are you ready for this? Leo You've never done any oval stuff? No. Okay, we'll get you a rundown on you know, turning left. Yeah, you done much to left turning. I would definitely try not to turn right.

you know that's where the wall is and Ron how are you feeling Buddy? I'm so excited because I did Bristol and I cannot stop thinking about that. It was one of the best times I've had in a car and that. was my first oval race too. It's gonna be a great day so we'll get you guys some spray paint for your car.

so you got some decals going on we're ready to rip! BJ Baldwin Out at the Freedom Factory man it's an honor to have you. Thank you I'm uh I'm excited you pumped up. You're a little scared. What's your asphalt career like I mean it's probably been a hot minute? Yeah, it's been 10 years I did uh road racing I hit one road race? uh race a while ago I ended up winning but there's not much of an advantage you can have tonight because all the cars are the same so you just gotta drive the wheels off it and they're all have fun.
Yeah yeah, put a bigger Jet and drill out your jet or something. Yeah man, you got a good car though. Hand painted Man this is interior paint from Home Depot So we figured you wanted some Sleek color. you know, dark color actually I like it better than the rest of the cards.

This is like super that's metal gray. Yeah, we got it right for you Man, we had to so have fun tonight. Dude, just enjoy it. See you out there! Bucky How do you feel about today's race? Are you bucked up racing? I Thought we were just like detailing painting cars.

What are you doing right now I don't know I'm kind of going with the old like GTI look with the red with the whole red clean red daylight. Okay good call. Yeah yeah my brother, how are you Dude these cars look like brand new I know did you see my new car too far? So I think everyone believes it's theirs. Hey Diana hey this is actually perfect timing because you are probably the safest, most safety prone friend.

I have I want you to take a look at what we got going? Yeah! I'm actually like super impressed with the cage. First of all, yeah, boy's been busy. Our boy Ty has been welding good I see the mounts look super strong. Oh look real window now.

Well these doors that clips I'm really impressed I Know there's one thing we missed and I know you wanted the two inch belts so that's the one thing I just saw one of those supposed to have when y'all wear Han you're supposed to have two inch belts so we're gonna. We're gonna fix that but we had these so we got it done. A little overspray. You don't never hurt anyone though.

don't worry about the overspray. I have this is interior house paint brother. Wings are new though. we never had those dude.

yeah we got draft pocket. Now that's since you've been here. We we build a wing so what's it do? Different It just helps make a little pocket. just let the cars behind you catch up.

Okay, what do you think of this driver lineup? It's great. Dude, it's gonna be crazy. It's gonna be a game of patience today. 100 laps Are we doing 100? Yeah, how we know when it's yeah? Yeah, they'll be five.

They'll give you ten five. We'll talk about the driver's meeting. You're freaking number one qualifier right now and now you are. Right now you are right now.

We got Kevin Smith then Travis Pastrana Leah Block and myself. These cars are flying 1980. all right right now. we got Travis Number one Leah you're number three and then I'm not playing with you I'm not playing with that I Know the game here.
Veteran out this the last two laps. Oh yeah, that's it. So where's James at? Wow, you're number one. Trap number one.

By the way, there's a field inversion that's perfect. I'm number four. Um, she chilled it I had a dollar. she was gonna go outside.

Um I Love that. That's awesome. Yeah, let's go guys. Three to five hundred.

Let's go. We are starting fifth from back because they inverted the field. Okay, someone needs to turn on the grandstand side lights. We are about to go green.

Are you ready? Freedom Factory Make Some noise. We are ready to set it here at: Freedom Factory Freedom 520-23 Jared Deanna Nick Savage Your tour guide's up in the booth spicy Spence down on the ground Cletus McFarland The Mayor of Freedom Factory he's in the field 21 Vehicles Only one can win Amanda Sorensen Tie rod one and two. Here we go. Let's go.

All right that was Leah Blah doing man I'm getting this Bulldog cheering for Cletus Emily Myers Watching home. What a sick setup right there on the latest. McFarland's car got those type S lights underneath there. the red, white, blue.

come on, who said his brother? Here you go little bro. All right look at the chair. look hey guess it's Tyler Tyler from New Jersey says let's go Kevin Cletus Of course. Oh yeah brother.

white flag is out. Next time they go around from that Crow's Nest the green flag will go. We'll find out who holds on to that lead. Will it be again? Kevin Ksr talk about Falcon Junior James Diesel Travis Pastrana Brad to Purdy the other star-studded cast Brett PFI Speed Derek Vice Grip Nick Seuss Dr Parker please McFarlane Jackson Jimmy Ty Brown Lea block Jim York Looking at the 11 that would be Nick Seuss he gets in the back of Cletus Give him a little hate tap.

There's nothing lovely about that. No love Taps Here that was a heat tap so he gets in the back of cleaner the number four across there you still got Yes sir. Kevin He's having a little Redemption I feel like you know after Bristol he really? uh Came in Like Miley you know, like Miley Cyrus getting like a wrecking ball and uh, you know he has some Redemption he's got to prove Kevin from Ksr. Every time he comes out here the dude can just drive.

Yeah, it doesn't matter what he's racing. look at that right there. Parker Golf Course Teeth and turbo is able to keep it together. Comes back on.

looks like there was some heavy contact on that yellow car. B.J Baldwin glad he's still out there racing competing hard against Cletus McFarland Look at this. I mean just the separation Ksr out there man. 72 laps into 100 lap race? she's still got Kevin Ksr Your Leader Followed up from Brent from PFI speed, dropping down into turn three trying to make up some ground against Kevin from Ksr.

Really good racing. so far it's it's you know it hasn't been an absolute Runaway by by a Ksr cabin I think he's done a really good job. he's he's racing really well now. Pastrana's on that front row.
look at that. Summit Racing Truck pulls off Pastrana for the first time on the front row right behind him Claritus McFarland and again the 33 Brent PFI speed. Now this right here is going to be big to see if Kevin does any type of blocking or if Brent's gonna try to shoot down. go low on the apron to try to sling him around.

Look at how fun stuff they are. A tip to tail right now: three wide turn one Kevin Ksr trout is trying to sit in second Kevin Ksr still your leader Travis Pastrana takes a while look at that. Oh look at that first leader for so many laughs Kevin from Ksr spins out all right. We gotta pull these tires down boys.

we gotta pull these tires Now we're in third place. Come on 24 laps to go. let's go. Can Cletus make the pass on Pastrana he's trying dips down low Travis Not gonna be able to pull them off going for the pass.

he gets in on the inside of the 199. cleaner takes the lead by just a nose body, get up on your feet. oh he's waving. Okay, don't get cocky now cleaner.

he's still got about 19 laps left to go and then half Pastrana goes high on his line Cletus Able to block him off right there. Can print from PFI Speed drop in as Cletus is battling against Travis Pastrana might open up the door for Brent for PFI speed Pastrana Trying to create that line to pass McFarland right there. Okay, I'll tell you what's gonna happen here Brent from PFI Speed good under both these guys is they're fighting. They're not even thinking about him.

so look at Cletus now Travis Dives back Travis tries to dive in on the inside. He forces them over. Come on everybody, get up on your feet. Come on now.

make some noise Freedom Factory out there just putting on an absolute Clinic fighting off Clevis McFarland right there Grant from PFI Speed third place Bond Getting Junior hasn't really went anywhere. he's went first the back cleanest, jumps up front and looks like Travis might have car issues. Let's go 15 laps to go. We got to leave.

15 laps is all These tires are definitely getting to be guys. I've been pushing them pretty hard the last 30. I'm gonna try and hold on man I need these tires? Hold on for me. We got a full bottle of nitrous.

Oh I got bread behind me red so I'll share the car with your promise. Let's go brother! here we go. This restart Cleatus hold him off. Looks like Clayton is able to hold him off on that race card but pocket Jr challenging up look at Fawn almost getting in the back and Cletus McFarland Brad PFI Speed going Wow really high.

look at that little contact there with Grant from PFI speed Bond Getting Jr is ran from PFI speed gets into the back sideways. we know Cletus is not afraid to win his own race. by the way, Kevin from Ksr has made his way back all the way up to fifth, he fifth. He's challenging the 11.
of Nick Seuss Those guys right there definitely have some. uh, definitely have some, things to work out. so let's see if Nick Seuss keeps it clean, he might put him into the wall you go to counseling is every time they got some things to work out, we're about to see that's right. Now tell me about your feeling that's a pretty, uh, pretty aggressive line right there.

Kevin Ksr better get to move and Nick Seuss might get heavy on that bumper. Oh Vonkin Jr he goes high on the bank. He gets pushed back Kevin from Ksr Are you kidding me? he is up to seconds? Well, they're battling it out back there. You got Nick Seuss right behind Kevin from Ksr battling it out for that second and third position, but you got Cletus McFarland right there still edging him out with only eight laps to go in the Freedom 500 seven and a half.

not Kentucky Here a yellow flag comes out. Ah what a bummer. Well guess what, we're gonna Bunch him up and Kevin at Ksr moves his way all the way from the back up to second place. That gentleman's got some special sauce man but makes a noise for all of our Racers here tonight.

Make Some noise here we go Cletus McFarland with a great restart Nick Seuss right behind him, pushing hard. look at that. Kevin Ksr once again gets heavy into Nick Seuss's bumper playing a little defense there for Cletus McFarland Kevin getting really aggressive. As you said here we go as he crossed the finish line.

get loose and there he goes for Kevin Smith Ksr but right now all eyes are on Cletus McFarland Everybody's on there on their freedom. Factory again please. McFarland win his own event that he currently put on the Arrow at him up for grabs and of course the Full Eagle Trophy contact right there Darren From Vice Grip garage drifted, turned three and four Nick Seuss Able to fit him off? look at that. Lots of contact.

yeah that contacted fourth and fifth Let It Go Four laps to go Nick Seuss was your leader Cleanest spot back, cleanest and big suits out there. absolutely battling right there. Coming out of turn four it's getting Brave he's giving him the nose job of the business end. Look at those.

Look at those lights on those deck. Lids they're heavy on that nitrous out there. Cletus McFarland Still your leader. Followed up by Nick Susan at number 11.

here we go everybody. Two laps, two laps to go. Let's go here we go. Dick Savage Spicy Spence I'm Jared Deanda The final lap three quarters of the way done Cletus McFarland Going for it.

the checkered flag. Ladies and gentlemen, come on everybody feed for cleaners. The house that Freedom builds Cletus McFarland puts him together after a treacherous, crazy battle. many different leaders Devon from Ksr led the most but unfortunately retires as Cletus McFarland gets the victory.

Thank you so much to all the drivers. Come on down. Let's go two years. Oh let's go Awesome! Drive Dude Finally dude.
two years ladies and gentlemen I'm down here in Victory Lane We clean his big farthest. he did it. You guys ready? I swear I Never saw you use your nitrous till the last four laps. Obviously a strategy, but you killed it.

You saved the vehicle. You're the only one that didn't have to come in for tires overheat anything like that. What do you have to say to your fans? You know it's been two and a half years since I've won one of my own races. It was time.

Oh my gosh. I'm cramping up literally since the very first Freedom 500 Three years ago I have not won a race. Everyone was starting to question whether I could drive or not and honestly I thought I had no chance because I was in the back of the pack for a lot of the race and then as everyone wore out their right front tires, my car, the number four. dude, she came.

Oh them, things are almost done. Hey, who thinks we should give away the aerial atom? That's what's happening Dude I'm not keeping it. We'll run it for a month and this will be our next giveaway car for you guys. it'll be one of yours we're going to.

Disney Boys, we're going to Dizzy. Hey this will be our next giveaway car I'm not keeping it dude. this is the people's car. Yeah it was fun you tipping over me right here.

Oh yeah, you were in my grass bro you know I wasn't paying attention. All right out here. Got a trophies thank you. Such a big environment.

Uh so proud of the team. We got the targets together I don't know how I got through all that dude. look at your car. My car looks good.

It looks good. I'm really happy I'm happy dude. the losing streak is over. That's it for now.

Thanks for watching over now! We'll freaking see you later! Thank you Foreign.

By Cleetus

17 thoughts on “I finally won the freedom 500 after 3 years of losing!!!! battling 100 laps for the w!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shanco73 says:

    Yay go Cleeter Wowowowowowo

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tristan says:

    If i was cleetus and i looked back with 8 laps to go and see Kevin behind me id be sweating BULLETS. 🤣

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve G says:

    I want to see you race rob dham in his rotary race car, that would be sick !

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars danny d. says:

    I agree! I watched the ppv… best to date!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PFI Speed says:

    Such a great race!! thanks for having us out! so appreciate it! Seeing you Win i couldn’t be happier!! Great Job to the entire staff and all the fans for making this Americas Race!! U.S.A!🇺🇸

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars popsicle33 says:

    Everything is great except the announcers.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn Mcclure says:

    Cletus sure knows when to let back cut down low and let the bald eagles scream 🤘

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars philsm109r philipstrom says:

    You definitely wanted the winning cat 😁👌

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars popsicle33 says:

    How about a Tahoe winner?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Nemley says:

    Do it for Ken!!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OutKastzDotCom says:

    sounds like stancil

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wannabe Ranch says:

    Dude, Kevin is a good racer.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zane Rasmussen says:

    So cool to see Lia on the track!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Hustings says:

    I was there in person for the first time, and it was awesome. definitely 10000 times better in person for sure. the only crappy part is the 4000-mile round trip lol but definitely worth every mile.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B H says:

    Congratulations. Can you look into fixing air cast? It was brutal. Super glad you won n

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Savage Compilations says:

    Cleetus, you should add VIP boxes around the track. You could get prefab or refurbish shipping containers, with some small bleacher seats in front. I bet people would love to rent those for corporate or birthdays.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex Elrod says:

    Well, looks like I'll finally be buying something to win the atom, I need it

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