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The Blazer has a special mission in a few weeks, so we had to do some testing in the parking lot, it was a struggle but we may be onto something!
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Hell yeah! Brother, you're on the please before on YouTube channel. Hey yo giveaway truck Dino day the oil B4 supercharger on there you ever Dyno one of these 10 speeds. Yeah good. What gear do we do it in? Oh, hold up.

We also got to take it for an alignment in an alignment tomorrow. but today Dino stuff I'll do like fifth gear but this one having a low low back gear I'll probably do fourth. Yeah I'll just try it out. Yeah, we don't need to sleep, we just put some E85 in it too.

So it's not fully 85 but it should be a good mix. Perfect ready to ramp. So you know this thing. You can only put it in drive.

You can't put it in manual mode. Yeah. select it with a computer. Hopefully it stays and does what it's supposed to do.

That'd be nice. Computers are supposed to do that. Hey, keep the interior clean. brother.

this thing's minty. Don't put a mark on it. You got me a little thing I can put on there. Yeah, a little cover.

Yeah so guys, you know the deal with this. Tahoe We're giving it away every five bucks you spend at Cletus Mcfarland.com gets you one entry to win this truck and 10 grand cash. So we wanted to put it on the dyno and show you boys what it can make today. Plus it's got a couple tuning issues that we just wanted to sort out.

As you guys know, Killer performance. Wrap this thing up basically the day before we started the giveaway so they didn't have a lot of time to perfect the tune-up so we just wanted to have our boy Dr tune them all. Just clean up, clean a couple things up. Yeah, they did a killer job on this truck.

So yeah, it's nice. that's stock pulley too, so it's not a ton of boost. it's just nice and reliable stock balancer stock Upper: Yes sir. Nate Did you have to wear that shirt today? If you ain't bending, you ain't sending today.

We're not going to send it today. But yeah, yeah, okay, we're just tuning. dude. we're just cleaning up a tune we're not sending I Probably won't even touch wide open unless fueling's off or something like that up.

We'll just make sure everything's good. sounds good. Make sure that timing is you're lacking that dude. Straight up.

NASCAR right there. All right James this that tune I'm putting in it? Damn no, that's got to be higher. Yeah, like 45. there it is ready Old son.

I'm ready I'm reading the fall right now so I can have everything ready to go. Okay, all right, let's hope this works. We gotta be able to lock it into gear kind of driving something we haven't done before. brother.

Clean. 545 horsepower, 680 Torque didn't even pull it past 6100 RPM 6200 ish a solid rip. Pretty. Rowdy that was only 11.

Looking at the file, it looks like on ethanol should be around 16 degrees. Yeah, Oh, so it hasn't really mixed in the year yet. No, we were only like 30 so we'll let it run a little bit. Get that? Yeah, we need all that timing Brother 16 is still pretty chill.

Um, yeah, because this is a stock bottom end. Oh yeah, keep it safe. Okay, cool. but we need to get the wide band, all that hooked up and okay, all right, at least we know it'll make a poll.
What's our ethanol content up to 37.3 Oh, that's weak. Yeah I know James didn't put enough in. Dude. Well, we'll make this rip and then we might have to drain more fuel and put some ethanol.

some straight up E90 in it. Yeah. trying to get that content higher? All right, you're good. Hit the green button one time.

This thing's allowed when you get on it. not quiet, not quiet. Yeah, all right here we go boys. Get over and done with 562 614.

Boy, that's a solid horse Torx right there if you want to try and drain five gallons out or so and then put some straight E90 in it they get any higher before. Yeah, that'll give us a good hour if you think about that there. Tahoe Brewer I Think she's gonna rip Foreign speeds run on through it. that's a lot of Gears there brother fan speeds.

All right. Are you 85 content? I'm getting much better now. What are we up to? 58.8 58? Yeah, that'll work there we go there, we go. Hold on, hold on I saw 6 30.

for 32 horsepower, 634 torque. Solid. Nice solid 632 and fuel was money. Yeah, and that's only 50.

Yeah, that was uh, 58.8 So if you got a full tank of E85 you'd be ripping it'll add probably. Let's see how much time another three degrees or so. Yeah, it should be around there. What's that put in about 700 degrees? Yeah Ain't nothing how much boost around? Nine pounds, nine pounds boost.

That's all. That's it. All right. Let's drive it to lunch and uh, you can kind of get some drugs.

fix up some drivability. Yeah. I'll race you in the Raptor Okay, come on there she is. suspension, huh? Let's see what the logging about went out the windshield.

All right I'm gonna count it off. You ready? Sorry guys? I Wish I knew what to say right now. You know I have some VMP Performance supercharger Parts Sitting at the shop for this thing I Know what we're doing? Feel like bolting them on? Feeling like bolt them on right now? All right boys, we got a secret mission coming up I Can't talk about it yet, but we got to be prepared. We got a little no prep asphalt race that we're gonna be doing in the Blazer It's the only thing we have that has good weight bias for no prep.

so we got some of that juice for the street. We got a leaf blower, we're gonna clean it off. We're gonna make some hits in the driveway right now. and we got slick tires on the Blazer.

It's just like the old days. you know, like the old days. man. she she loved the Slick Tire Life? Yeah, just be careful because that road is Narrows If this wheelie's on the street, I'll personally give you each a hundred dollars.

All right. put that tune up in there I Just don't think that's possible. You put this down with those down. it might all right.
Let's go. All right. Uh George You're driving. we'll meet you at the end of the driveway brother.

Also a couple things from Streetcar Takeover: We found a wiring issue with the shifter and the head gasket was not bad. It just had water in the pan like we thought. So hopefully today it runs good, runs great I think it will I believe so. And we upgraded our brake master too.

So we got this thing's dialed except it's missing the whole front end but that's in the mail. Foreign boys. Well we've been waiting to use this. We've had this launch pad here forever.

never done anything with it. So today's the day we get a test out the launch pad. Look at that dude. So we squared off the end of the driveway here for future prep so that we can just put some prep down right here, and race all the way down the driveway.

There you go. All right, my shoes. thank you. We need to tie out here with a torch.

doing that. Yeah, lighting the road on fire. James What should I do with the tunes already? We'll just try it the way it is with tires and some little sauce and see what happens. But it should.

It shouldn't have all the torque knocked out of it. It should be pretty slow. Okay, do you want to loosen up the front end in no prep mode? It's in no prep mode. We don't really know what we're doing, but we're trying.

Yeah. A good thing. it's nice and cold today. we'll pouring the stuff in front of your tires, pull you up a little bit, do a little burnout in it, then we'll back you right up into your tracks.

You let that thing rip nice wide. Road No fence holes or telephone poles or trees. Yep. I Like the Blazer doesn't go perfect every time.

So let's get it. Yeah, yeah, we're looking nice and cleaned up now. Dude, this driveway is actually always hooked. Pretty good.

So trying to break the uh, that blue forces Street uh. driveway speed record. Oh yeah. 100 I Think you'll probably be that we're gonna just leave the tune in it.

That was in it right? Perfect. Show us how loose we're talking Ty Oh yeah, let it rise, brother, let it rise, Normally it's like two places. Oh good. What tire pressure is we thinking? let's try like 14.

14 . if I wasn't nervous, we wouldn't be doing anything cool, right? That's true. You're nervous right now. I'm excited.

Never been no prep racing in a thousand horsepower. Blazer Tell you that this is the best car on our Fleet for this. I promise. Yeah, there we go.

We got a fire extinguisher. Two of them All right You ready? Yep, off the trans brake wide open. So the service that we're going to be racing on for our secret mission. Damn those guys making a rip.

It's uh, it's gonna be pretty bad. probably worse than this. So we're just trying to get that big climb hit. You know what I mean let it rip.

that'll work Sticky. Is that what we're supposed to do? Yeah, you're supposed to just do the burnout where he won I think he's gonna do a burnout I Don't think it's gonna work all too much. a little too much spice. The trains were got on the tire just spawned on.
what do you think? it's pull more power for longer? All right I'll pull some power out. that was nothing didn't work. Come on dude. I'm a prep guy.

No I know I know. all right temp. Number two. Here we go.

Burnout second, Burn out. Yeah, we're getting our own prep now. Feels good there. closer closer we got going here.

Ty Tightening up compression. So when it starts to separate and the tire starts just again, it's a little initial spin. It'll help the front end wanting to fall back down and unload the tire using a lower RPM launch or just I would definitely lower the RPM launch if we can a little bit. I Think that would help it plant a little longer.

Once it starts to roll out and you can pour power in, it should be okay. It's just that. get my feet are okay. It goes.

I Can't believe I'm saying this, but we need a wheelie. This is kind of like always what you wanted. No wheelie. that's true.

I think I I Don't know if I'd rather do a wheelie or a burnout I Think we need to do a wheelie. we're going to Ruth's Chris for lunch. You hear that sooner. Wheelie Tune-up If this thing does a wheelie on the street I don't know what I'd do.

Oh yeah, inches say what I won't do is lift No. I'm just kidding. they got gas in it. Uh, we could probably top it off.

So what kind of PSI are we going for here? Just put it back to where we were on that last trip. What was that? They grow 12 pounds. These flicks grow. He's fast.

It's gonna feel very slow on this one. Slow as fast in this scenario. RPM Out of launch, it's gonna be a lot less power. All right.

Your burnouts are looking spicy. Dude, that was a little one. No, no, keep them big I Like that. All right here we go.

Round three: we're getting there. dude. we're getting our own little spot now. Oh okay.

we gotta get him right in that. hey, come on. Blazer Okay, a little too much. a little too much.

It didn't do a burnout, but I definitely pulled too much power. Okay, I'll blow off this area real quick. Someone got the blower. Well, that was a lot better.

A lot less power. I Think it's gonna take a lot more than that. The car doesn't transfer anymore? Yeah, yeah, this sounds like a fine balance of enough power to transfer. Yeah, wait.

did it break loose out there? Yeah, right, it did eventually. Oh okay, it's hard to tell him. Here it goes. You know? All right? George We're gonna unhook the anti-roll bar back here.

Brother: That'll get you going. Yeah, they brought me a fan while they're doing the Andy roll bar. Hey, all right brother. Another burnout.

No burnout. Now we got more power in it. But no. Annie Roll bar.
You want more power? Okay, yeah, it didn't sound very happy about that. I didn't want to get it, but it didn't spin. Okay, all right, Ugly Bud I'll throw some power in it since we went hooked up. Yep, looks slow I Put six degrees of timing back in it so it's gonna have a lot more power.

We're honestly winging it. I I Have no idea what I'm doing so it's fun. Here we go. Oh, that was a good one.

All right. So now we're gonna pull three degrees back out. Yeah, but from like 0.2 seconds? Okay, all right, does that feel like the fastest one? Yeah, that's the one. We're gonna take a little bit more power out.

We're starting to light them okay down there. I mean basically like right over here I Made the ship make the shift and stay in it a little bit longer. This one, we'll see what it does. All right.

He was white. Yeah. Power He was wide open that whole time and it didn't make it to the rev limiter. Yeah, so where's good? It's just it's just riding the tire right now.

Like right here. just pull three degrees. Yeah So when it flashes and converter, there's a couple. That's what it says paced the tire.

So look at how much time pulled out of this rig a lot of times. Well It's not that bad now. All right brother, you gotta you got a tune? Let's see what it'll do. Trans is getting there.

It's at 160 now so maybe one or two more. we gotta call it. Look at these marks we got now. guys.

Like the old days back in my experience days I was all-wheel drive. Let's go George Damn you like that one. it'll stop that Haze I would probably run like a 6 40. All right, let's let's have them grab second.

Yeah dude, we just got to tell him when he get I'll just I'll just show him right here like when he gets to here if he shifts the second right here. All right, All right. I said one two shift coming at you boys. Oh still a little too much.

Line them up. Come on. pull in there brother. You want to make a hit.

huh? You want to make a hit? Yeah, we're making drag passes right now. Oh yeah, yes, yeah. I'll take a package FedEx Guy said I'm not making a hit today. All right, let me pull a little bit out.

Oh, you're gonna hit it. You gotta let it cool down a little bit a degree. You got it Too far forward though. Yeah for sure.

Well, we're not gonna have this now. We got a track prep now. Okay I just pulled a little bit out where it's starting to spin. How'd that last one feel? Oh the last one was perfect.

Dude, we're getting there. we're getting there all right. I pulled one degree. All right.

All right. we're good. Just fired up. dead Here we go.

Thank you. That was money. No, that's perfect I think I'm sure you're not going to be on a really yeah you can see it at the Airport runway. That's solid.

Wow, that was sick. Let's go boy. I Think we got a solid solitude that was sweet. All right Well guys, we got the Blazer tuned up a little bit for a top secret mission we have here in a few weeks.
So the Blazer's ready. He's got to put the grill on the front end back on it. We'll be ready to rip McFarland Racing's first attempt at no prep. That's it for now.

Thanks for watching new for now. We'll freaking see you later.

By Cleetus

14 thoughts on “We tried no prep racing with our supercharged ls blazer and it was not easy to go fast!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ThePhilosopher says:

    That driveway does hook pretty well for real lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Weber says:

    Airport runway?!?! Are we gonna see a this vs that with the hoons?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Westfall says:

    It's easy for money to go fast on a preped surface. But if you know anything about drag racing history and where it started you shouldn't have much trouble. And you have one of the best chassis to go no prep racing with. Cry and whine but these are facts.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek g says:

    After yall di the no prep and back go normal racing fhere is no class yal can enter with wheelie bar. Yal need to max this thing out which mean wheelie add a wheelie bar so u can ride the wheelie out

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Derek g says:

    Problem is those no prep street races they do fhey figure out how to launch and be super fast so once yal get it to launch and go down without spinning its gunna be so slow gunna lose qnyway might just have to spin on launch and reel em in back half. If yall keep the power abd when he launches and spins and shifts to hook if yall can vet the power there after the shift so it doesn't bog yall can't reel them in half track

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Connor says:

    Top secret no prep mission? Hoonicorn VS the world S3? 🤔

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Durant says:

    Ha, the FedEx guy thought "do you want to make a hit" involved a crack pipe! Only in Florida.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Goku Quail says:

    GMC front end.?.?.?.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Gauthier says:

    Do it for Dale lettsss goooo Boyz

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Haboush says:

    I love you god

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jamie L says:

    That Tahoe was built right, beautiful truck!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mason says:

    Netflix fastest car

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars local fentanyl dealer says:

    All the OBS Chevy needs is some upgraded Cunningham machine door bushings. I can see the infamous OBS door sag

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Green says:

    You need to pore like 6 feet out on the street in each tire mark and light it on fire with a weed killer sprayer and keep spraying on the fire I've seen it get real sticky doing that

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