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We're pretty pumped to be working with Steve on this insane new SMX! Mullet is about to have horsepower on tap!!!
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Hell yeah, brother, you're on the please before on YouTube channel. Is it empty? It feels empty. Come on brother. Hold on.

Oh brethren. Oh I know I Know this box Expensive. this is. This is the most expensive box in the history of boxes I've ever touched or been around.

What about that one time you bought that Mystery Box off of eBay cost this month guys. What you will see here is S. M. About a year ago I pulled the trigger on a Steve Morris big block for mullet.

We went from rebuilding our engine basically weekly from either tweaked Rod or bad head gasket to a very reliable big block. and when we got the big block from Steve he said hey, this thing's good for about 3 000 horsepower. 40 pounds of boost is the max I Think you guys should run or it's gonna break Well As the year progressed we got up that 40 pounds boost and as you guys saw, we threw two rods out the side of it even after it got refreshed because we were running 50 pounds of Boost after the engine blew. you know I Spent a lot of time thinking, what do we do? Where do we go from here? We've already been 647.

Is that what our record? Yeah, 647 at 224 One World Cup one FL 2K Won all these races and now it's like are we gonna stay capped to 647 because if you look at the data log from that run, we're basically running 500 more horsepower than what Steve says. The engine's good for the whole run so it's just not sustainable. And for us and you guys, how do we grow from there? So the engine blew. We spent a lot of time thinking about it.
a lot of time on the phone with Steve he's like there's only one option. brother. it's the SMX This is the Top Dog engine from Steve Morris You don't you don't go up from here. This is a Pro Mod engine that is designed for the street.

It is 100 Billet aluminum and it this is a 5 000 horsepower engine. This engine right here is capable of pulling mullet into the five second range and that will be our goal with this engine. So saying it out loud sounds crazy, but there's a catch. This is actually Steve's engine out of his wagon I know I'm doing a lot of talking.

You guys probably won't see the engine but him and I made a deal that if he pulled this engine out of his wagon and refreshed it and got it here in a week's time which is what he did that we would get him to 400 000 subscribers. So our goal is to get Steve Morris engines on YouTube to 400 000 Subs which he has 207 000 right now so all you guys have to do is go over and subscribe to his channel. Not only was that convincing for him to do this, but if we hit 400 000 subscribers on Steve's Channel within seven days from this video being posted, he's not going to charge me for the upgrade. So this is a big I'm telling you guys I'm telling you guys basically I had a spare big block the same engine that was in that car last year and that it's very expensive engine and he was like listen I'll keep that engine it's already 100 paid for it so it's not gonna be in this engine for free but I'm getting it for a hefty discount and then also keep in mind that this is a scratch and dance special.

This block has had rods through the side of it, been welded back together and was driven down the road in a bunch of events in Steve's car. but hey should be good to go for us. So let's pop this little scratch and dance special SMS Drive Open This is a big moment. This is a big moment.

You took forever to say that I'm sweating I'm sweating dude I'm sorry I had to get all that information. Oh all right, All right, come on, come on. it's killing me. He's killing me.

Oh big reveal here we go. one another two. Come on oh my Atlanta Holy smoke Small look at the size of the cylinder head brother. I've never seen one of these outside of the car.

There's a lot of Billet dude oh my gosh, are they so big yet at a fifth point on his uh motor stainless I think oh yeah, he did Freshly welded. Are these all the water ports right here? So we got a we gotta pump water through the head there and then we pump through the block right here. Holy crap it's everywhere. All right, let's take this box apart.

let's get this thing out. That's a bad unit right there boys. dude, they got this thing freaking in there. It's like a jail for this engine.

Could have shipped the rips off this thing. Definitely some rips off funds going into this puppy. You know what I mean Steve has some custom valve covers and intake on his. Obviously he took that off, you know.
gave us an OG SMX black intake and some SMX valve covers. What we got here is this a Sharpie that's custom right there. Well even smears a little bit. Definitely crap.

That's exactly I think it's gigantic. What size is this? One inch rails, one inch rails. And then we have to run two of the big dog injectors that we've been running out per cylinder. So injectors are already in the bottom.

Yeah, those are our injectors in the bottom. These are so much easier to surface. Yeah, so much more room. Crazy thing about this engine is it's just not.

It's not a manufacture engine. Steve Fully designed this engine as his own. It's just a Pro Mod Engine with water jackets so you can Street Drive I Mean this thing. This is designed for exactly what we're doing.

This is not a big block That Was Then Further designed to be a race engine. This is just a race engine. It's not a big block, It's not a Hemi It's kind of a combination of all the best things from the best engines all over the world down here. We got you dry sump so we'll have dry sump oil system.

We've always had a wet sump. That's some of the problems that we have the old setup on D cell with the parachutes out. mullet would lose oil pressure because all the oil would go to the front of the pan and I would just turn the car off. It was kind of not the ideal way to do it.

We'll have a cam driven fuel pump now. it's a 572 cubic inch. Holy crap. I Don't even know what size.

How much horses does this thing make in a I don't know. over a thousand n a probably. Definitely you know the old engine. He said 40 pounds of boost was the max.

He told me around 70. is is where we're gonna have to chill out and I don't think our Turbo's even make it there and we have twin 94s I think we'll need I mean what size turbos would realistically get to 5 000 horsepower? Dude? come on, it's aluminum. It can't be that heavy foreign. That's a lot of horse tours right there about horse towards my back out.

Yeah! oh look at all them Allen bowls you're gonna rattle loose on that. Oh look at that dude. holy crap what are all those? That's the access. all the waterports water jackets out.

Oh and then they seal it up. Yeah what the hell dude. this is insane. The Old Scratch and dance special.

best scratch of net special I've ever seen. Oh we got o-ring of header flanges, no ice, o-ring valve cover, gaskets really nice. Well guys this is gonna be crazy I mean we're basically at the point where we committed all the way we we have. We can't turn back now.

So Steve got us this obviously in the fastest time possible of all time. Like you can't get an engine this fast and that's because he pulled it out of his personal car. so sure he'll build himself a brand new freshie but it just worked out that uh, he was taking his car apart I was like hey what do you think about the Old Scratch and Dent sending me that unit He's like dude that could work. So now we just have one week to get it ready for Tx2k.
We gotta shove it in mullet which we've already been preparing. If you want to take a gander up here, we got a dry sump tank up there. you know we got the turbos off, but it's coming. it's coming together.

it's gonna be here quickly and the story is we freaking pulled the trigger on the big dog engine and all we need is you guys to go subscribe to Steve Morris engines to try and help us out on the bill. This was obviously a big big move. a lot of money to spend on an engine, but hey, how can we stop here? We got to do what we gotta do. So what we're gonna start working on right now is putting this thing in the car.

Steve Said it'll fit in between our mid plate and motor plate, but from there Ty's got a ton of fabricating to do. We got to do headers. We got to redo the the whole turbo kit basically. besides where the turbos are mounted, Zach's got wiring to do James has a lot of Plumbing to do if you take a gander up here.

James Wants to count on how many lines you're gonna have to make there? it's probably 25 to 30. Move on so you know there's just a minimum amount of work. We have to be ready in seven days. From the moment you're seeing this video, Tx2k, we will be there.

Freedom on three, one, two three four while they get ready. Sam You start polishing the flap is saying the car and it'll be running in a few days. All right. But before this video ends, we got some action over at the Freedom Factory Claim your bus.

Can you tell which one it is? Uh oh no. What bus do you guys want? Do we get a pig? Do you guys get a pick any of those? I don't know. we should probably asked before we just go paint buses. I Mean we know which one's mine.

Old, Trusty. looks like you say trusty or crusty. Yeah James is here to claim a bus. You ain't cherry picking buses over here.

Oh guys! a tour of Destruction event starts today at the Freedom Factory Tonight at 8pm you can watch live on Cleaner Vision Or you can come to the track in person at the Freedom Factory We got plenty of tickets for sale. get some tickets on the foe.com and either go to the track the Freedom Factory Tonight or tomorrow night or watch on Cleaner. Vision We got some big stunts coming for you guys. Tour of Destruction tonight and tomorrow March 10th and 11th.

Don't miss it! Oh nice. Hey this one runs way better than the last one. Hey gonna work? What do you think? Bob's about to run a lot better? Is this one yours? apparently? I've taken to myself do some stuff too to change that flat tire for me. You want to run it right now or what? Oh dude.

I'll cut it right now. You got a helmet I Will find it. Yeah, sure do Dude, let's just have a little pre-race rip right? figure eight Style Still gotta see. Is it bolted in? Yeah.
Bolted in. It's kind of swept out. Runs like a top. You hear that everything got a new bags.

38 100 444e that's 3 800 horsepower. Go in there. the wires. Foreign.

Scariest bus driver ever. Oh real nice. Bud Nice. Real nice.

Nice. Don't do that where we're going. What the hell? Imagine it's stuck. This doesn't sound I think there's a sensor.

You just right when you hit that sort of purpose, wiggle the wires on that little sensor there. Hey here I Know what to do here? Just take these and just start. There goes all the wires before. Jesus Oh yeah.

Oh come on dude. why we got the Raggedy one. This thing sounds freaking bad to them. Oh tuned up dude.

there we go. First bus out on the track. Oh the power is back. Oh JH was a very bad start.

Oh the jump of him. Oh Nikes I Believe we have Jack stand in first place right now. Oh we're good. can't even tell that's oh nice.

Thank you. All right finished products. Nice little five minute job there. Watch out Jackson I'm trying to get a shot of my freaking sick paint job Freedom Factory with the Nitto logo.

And then we got the cool bus. Okay, wow. dude. Capital.

Okay. let's see the front and what happened about putting the number on it. You guys decided just to not run a number. You know what number it is because it'll be in the front.

Yeah, oh wow. that was pretty good. That's cool. Yeah, we only got four teeth done and then you need a delight.

Nice. Most important teeth done right here. Ah, the gold tooth. Nice.

Looks good boys. All right ladies and gentlemen, our buses are ready to rip Foreign.

By Cleetus

13 thoughts on “We bought the most insane street car engine ever for mullet… 5’s here we come!!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Easton’s amazing adventures says:

    Subbed to Steve, looks like you got that free motor!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kirito says:

    Didn’t take long for Steve to hit 411k subs 😂

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Respected Prophet says:

    Im here 6 days later to say hes at 410K subs now

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim says:

    410,000 steve subs i just seen march 16th not even 7 days

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Schibblez Gaming says:

    Update it is now 6 days after this video was posted and Steve Morris is at 410k.
    Cleet got it!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Napo9302 says:

    Sieve is at 410k subs. Looks like no charge.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BIGWayne2234 says:

    Goal Met

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Billy DaGoat says:

    I think you’re gonna need better TBMs for those Bald Eagles

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Krieb says:

    STEVE HAS 409k SUBS!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Syk Widdit says:

    i just wanna say at time of watching and reading cleetus steve 207k shout out, steves now at 409k thats insane dude, 5 days later and everything he worked so hard for 207k he just doubled it for free! and made another 100 bands! When i grow up i wanna be just like you!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dale Pawlowski says:

    Steve Morris Engines


    409K subscribers

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blackburd says:

    It's time to find out the weakest link in the car now that it's not the motor! Goodbye transmission, it's been nice knowing you!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BackTheTruth,FreeSpeech says:


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