Leroy is knocking on 6's AND 200mph... we're ready to go back to the track already, so brace yourselves for that 6 second run, IT'S COMING!
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Hell yeah, brother, you're on the please before on YouTube channel. let's go tell them what we got. We got a whole slew of knowledge now. Well that's the boring stuff.

Tell them what we really got. We got a brand new unit in this thing. dude. So guys we hit up Advanced clutches and we're like hey, we probably need a spare anyway.

Can we just buy another one? They're like brother. we got one in stock, they sent it to us, we sent them the old one but Leroy is back in Action So we don't have to wait to run this six second pass because there's other people trying to go sixes too. I Think we should just go for it. We gotta go for it tonight before we wear out this clutch.

let's just go. Yeah, we gotta. We gotta make it happen. So if this thing can just go even a 1 10 60 foot 109 in that range, we can throw some power at it mid track and I think it'll do it.

so we are just getting the car prepped up Zach Threw the clutch in and we're feeling pretty dang good. We got everything we should need for tonight. We're gonna head to the Drags trip. We got great conditions.

It's a nice cool day. The track prep's gonna be awesome because we're gonna wait till tonight to run it. If everything goes well, we could be. We were also able to get some fresh Bonifante Friction American-made Fudge This These look a little better than the old roasted units we had in there, so we got these overnighted.

Sucker's gonna rip some water I got you. Oh, it ain't Yeah, here we go I Want to see them roasting man? put your foot in front of it James Oh my goodness, you made chocolate dude. Whoa! So we got a fresh clutch. How should we go about this tonight? I would put that 725 tune up in Okay.

back it up? Yep. get the data. Change what we need to go 687. Like you're saying.

Go Full rip first hit. Yeah. I mean if the clutch holds I mean it's gonna be a little spicier too. Well, the clutch is going to be different.

We don't really know what we're dealing with. Yeah, think about it this way. like a racing situation, you're gonna go fast down the track. say E2 yeah, your clutch change you're trying to go faster for E3 You're not gonna slow down throughout the day.

Well I know, but it's brand new clutch. so but I guess if it goes down I might as well run it out. yeah I would say a 725. that would be fine.

That or you could put that tune up in it and only go to the eight. Okay, I'd feel better about going today? Yeah, yeah, but I would start with that too if there's no point going slower than that out there. yeah. George and Ty heading to the track Leroy is such a diva bro.

He used to drive all over Tampa and now he gets pushed around. Hey Bud, how'd the drive go All right turn traction control along with the spark back there. you know what? I'm saying fired up. Okay, don't mind if I do make sure your power is on.

it's no Blazer but yeah no Blazers Real healthy. Don't know if it'll be healthy by the end of the night, but you know rip it is. Porsche is nice but something about grabbing gears I mean I shift faster it man. Yeah, that's true I didn't even think about that dude.
Big Brother Shift guys. Six seconds. We had a car this light with an auto in it. could be a fast 60 foot should be gone into the sixes, but this is the battle we chose.

We want to be the first LS and the sixes with a stick. We're gonna have to fight this battle. Yup, tonight. I'm feeling good about tonight man.

I'm fired up. If this clutch is good then we're primed and ready for tonight. Yes, sorry Bob Sam got Leroy freaking shined up with that Sam's metal polish which you can get at Clevelandfront.com and Leroy does looks better at night. Something about it.

Here we go baby. First burn out with the new clutch. Oh like it was nothing. the tail lights.

man that was a good idea. it's so cool. Oh my goodness. Oh all right, got out of it but goodness 109.60 First time out with the new clutch.

Let's go. Oh, we got here buddy. He was worried about making a rip on the clutch assistant. put that 725 tune up in it.

It's 109 304-464-151 Let's go. First Hit: 109.60 Boy holy crap. First hit. That was insane.

Brand new Clutch 109 60 foot Zack You are a beast Brother Zach Said that clutch up in a couple hours and he got it right. Let's go. That was fast. That was fast.

What brother? What was that? eight? Well that had to be Pride on par 464-151 465 That's a fast Eighth Mile it's ever made 109. Ripping 111 when it went to 725. Yeah I mean that that was a 17 or 7-0 I mean give us some. Give us some beans now.

run out the back 304 to the 330. So we just got everything back on the first run on a brand new clutch. Good job it was ripping. Dude.

Yeah. 109 60 foot 304 to the 330 464 at the eighth at 151. Yeah, yeah. everything.

let it cool down. Turn her up, Give her some beans. No, let's go right now. Yeah, we got to keep her down.

We got a little Ripper out here milk junk before she brings them to the track. This is all the action. Yeah, that shirt. that's a classy shirt he's got on.

This is going out sir. Pretty solid rip. That's a very solid rip. so that's a lot of uh, a lot of mile an hour.

That 60 foot is sick dude. Oh yeah, all right guys, let's take a gander in our data log here. We made some boost. second gear was ripping.

look at that yellow line boost Rising hard 32 pounds in second gear. third gear. we had that little boost drop again. 28 pounds there.

so even that out. and then you can see where the g-force meter really peaked right here. that purple line. So from where it peaked out and started dropping.

I added Boost from that point on. So I think we're pretty solid on the launch. I Added 100 RPM to the lead. All right baby.

Here we go: LeRon 7 15 at 190. oh so close dude. Leroy Just PB after PB Tonight is the night. Tonight is the night.
Dude wasn't banging and popping like nobody does up there on the start line and slow down to 111. when 303 though. 461 at 154. So he picked up three numbers here in three mile an hour.

one 715 for a new PB at 190. Come on an hour one night. Thank you. That was a ripper badly.

Roy two in a row. All right. I Saw a 111 60 foot. so we lost a little bit to the 60 foot, which that's okay I felt it just slipping the tire a little bit on the way out, but at least we got him all The way through the corner so we got some data.

Damn, that's two good runs in a row for sure. You picked up numbers through the middle 7 15. Yeah, 461. yeah, 154 Dude.

So yeah, so lost a little of the 60 foot 303 to the 330s. we didn't pick up there. No you, you lost three numbers to the 60 but picked up a number today. Give it a little bit and then 461 at 154, 7 15 at 190.

Yeah, I'm just rolling down. Yeah, throw it. Throw a half turn to base that. Oh yeah, all right boys.

added some more boost in on this puppy. added one pound of boost on the leave, another 100 RPM and then tried to just get the Boost to come in first a little bit more versus waiting till second then having to do this huge rise so it may spin. But we shall see I don't know exactly what was going on up here but I was like out the back see that Ryzen RPM and it's been in the tire, the tire up at the top of the track. so I think I heard you say something along the lines of if it takes it, it's going sixes I think so I think if it goes down this, it'll go six.

Another crack at a six seven six second pass. Thank you Oh My Gosh! 708 at 192. 708 at 192. Oh my Gosh.

So close dude. 708 went slow to the 60 again, but picked up today. Oh yeah, oh my. God my parachute.

A parachute didn't come out. What the hell? parachute? TBM Brakes for the win. All right. So we were 111 to the 60 foot again, but we picked up all the way down through there when 3005 to the 330, a 456 at 155 picked them on out of the eighth 708 with the 7-0 192.93 mile an hour.

Almost 193 mile an hour. Brother, You need a little bit more Bud Golly! 3.00 to the 330. 708 192 Boys, we got this rolling Super super close. You got it.

Seven O's you gotta tell me something though, you're not going 7-0 You gotta go Six Nine Now we gotta make his next one is Six Four Fifty Six at 155 in the eighth. Holy cow bro. if we had that 106.60 foot, that would be a Six. Yeah, that's where it's all at.

Let's cool it down and I'll look at the tune up and we're going back. Hey Zach Check this out All right. So we got it. This is a problem with many race cars I Pulled the parachute, but because we have an uncovered end on this parachute cable, it's actually caught on one of the little ends of the parachute cable underneath it so it didn't deploy.
Motion Race work sells a cap for that. We just, uh, we just don't know what's going on. Wow The cap is useful so what we'll do is we'll put a zip tie behind that for now or something. but take the one off my car.

Oh yeah, Parker's got one on his car but I had no shooting. It was a little sketch. good thing Leroy don't weigh nothing and them TV and brakes were ripping Peak G-Force on that pass was 2.51 so it's actually less cheese than the pass prior. and then the boots just ramped in way faster like I wanted.

We made 34 pounds in second, then it dropped down to 32 and third and 32 and fourth. So getting the Boost under control which I'm happy about Now we just need to get the Boost in a little faster. 60 foot in a little faster and we will sneak our way into those sixes this here brother. Yeah, I just want to let you in on a little secret loose here.

This is six second tune-up It looks like a it is Flash into this here race car. Okay I mean I've never made it six seconds two of my life you know I've worked out the one that was built and I'm I feel like this is my first six second tune I've ever ever fully designed bike leader so I added 100 RPM and I added a pound of boost so we're back to where we were. We loosened the clutch, the clutch loosened itself just slightly by wearing it. so Zach checked the base pressure and it went down a little bit from what we set it up.

So now we're just gonna leave that where it was at. Put that bound to boost 200. RPM it should pick up. maybe a 108 60 foot.

That alone would probably get us into the sixes. but I added four pounds of boost basically through the whole ramp. So I mean this week, let's go on. Six.

Six seconds baby man. I Feel Really? Is she good? She good now? Yeah. I'm feeling pretty good about it too. Come on.

Leroy True, All right, we're rolling Golly boy. 766 at 136. Oh that fell fast. it's one on the one two shift and I got through it.

but then I decided in my head I should probably lift. Well I do since it's fun. There was no point. Yeah I heard the little pedal when you went by me see what it went to the eight? Still yeah.

464. so slow down. made the right call, got out of it. Yeah.

the mile an hour though. Yeah, I mean the mile an hour. It was still gonna be a seven. probably seven one or something.

but no point putting her in fourth. Win No no today, brother, last brother and I mean if Leroy was gonna do it be the last front of the night, could it be any other way? No man, don't see Leroy doing it any other way? So odds are this is it. I mean I can't think of the same thing that go wrong right now. so we pulled it back down I fixed it to an issue and brother I Really want it I really freaking want this sick Oh this is it.

Drop It Like It's Hot Here we go Fire Mia All right Leroy Come on. Six seconds, Six seconds baby. Come on Leroy Oh let's go baby. Time to shine Leroy Oh what the heck dude man lure was ripping foreign.
110 We picked up just three very very small numbers because we want 111 0 on our last pass. that was 110 with the seven and then uh, something that happened there with the shifting and they couldn't get in the gear or locked them out of here or whatever might have happened happened and how to afford to run what is it at 3 30. I didn't make it if I went 305. it happened right before you know what happened is I got greedy and I tightened the shift 100 RPM I missed third because I just I wanted a little bit less time between the shift.

Yeah hey, we're testing. You gotta try this stuff one more time. All good 110 60 put everything was rolling nicely and I did my exact same procedure but because the shift drop was a little bit tighter, it wasn't enough time to make the two three. tough break.

And now you know what? the limit is on that though. So come race day, yeah you don't make that mistake. I mean I haven't missed a single shift in Leroy 2.0 until of course the money pass. All right.

Great Hey Aussie tonight guys we went from seven Twos to Seven O's so another great day of testing. We dial everything in. loves that go through the clutch. Everything's obviously in good shape.

We could probably run it again but we're not gonna because we want to overheat it and ruin it. We will go back to the shop with this data. We will come back better. We will run a six but that's it for now.

Thanks for watching. Do it for now. We'll freaking see you later. You know what that means.

That was inspirational dude. I Just have the Christmas miracle of six off the Christmas tree race. Maybe the tree on top will give it the air dynamics it needs to go. Sixes might need just that more aerodynamic I Never know.

Honestly, those last two runs all on me. those could have been better but happens rather have it happen on test day instead of race day.

By Cleetus

12 thoughts on “Leroy 2.0 got so close to 6’s, but i blew it!!!!! his new fastest run ever by a lot!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dust N Reichu says:

    Just put saran wrap around the cage for arrow dynamics lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rp Cratchet says:

    I can’t believe how straight that thing goes very impressive. Leroy has come a long way!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jez Hall says:

    If that housing development does go through Cletus you must make them feel every single rev of those big cars you can get onto your track make sure they can feel what they just got into

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shaq M says:

    Anytime I need to slow down ASAP and the brakes just don't cut it, I always downshift usually twice at first to get the RPMs up and wait a little to downshift some more until its safe speeds

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donald Widmayer says:

    are those times from green light or when he leaves. If it's from geen , a better reaction time would have had him in the 6's

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bowl of Light says:

    Solution for housing! Fill the houses with ALL FF members!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TankEater says:

    Best way to cheat a time slip is by NOT rolling so deep into the beams…

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars j moore says:

    Just take more stuff off like rear lights lighter clothes….more chassie bars and panels…..Oh I know…..strap your engine to a plank of wood

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chewie Pac says:

    Ide love to see John Force behind the seat of Leroy I bet he would love to bench race with ya sometime, you should check out some of his old track times

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chewie Pac says:

    Sounds like the gearing between 3rd an 4th are a ratio or two to tall bring 4th gear down about 500 rpm in the shift point I bet you can get into mid 6s

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lolli gaggin says:

    imagine leroy with a 1 piece fiberglass corvette body for aerodynamics…. he would be smacking 5 second passes in his sleep

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cleetus McFarland says:

    Have a great Sunday!!! It's a special day, Madi and I have officially been married for 1 year!!

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