The Christmas Tree drags are always a BLAST!!! Can't believe mullet went that freaking fast with a tree on the roof... or at least part of a tree!!!
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Hey guys Merry! Christmas and I Wanted to say since the Christmas tree race has gotten so big, we can't film every single race. So if you want to watch the entire 40 cars shootout, go to Cleaves for the full race. Well Merry Christmas guys hope you enjoy this video. Hell yeah brother! you're on the please before on YouTube channel you know I Gotta say it would have been awfully smart of us to uh, try and help the Blazers wheelie with this tree weight instead of making it a lot worse.

Got more counterweight than ever back there Brother: Yeah, some people might think we should have put it on the front but they don't know a physics like us. I know my car. Yeah yeah! I mean guys, if you take the angle on the tree there, it's gonna perfectly catch the wheelie and also spread is maximum amount of Christmas Joy While doing it, it's definitely going to spread some. Christmas Well we do have a bigger pulley.

we have the Blazer fixed. We had to repair the motor plate. we got a bigger pulley up top. We'll be making a lot less boost anyway.

we need to fire up Mullet. Dude it's been a hot minute. Mullet has just been chilling. We never pulled the motor out because Steve told us to keep it in for this one last race.

I know we told you guys we were gonna but Steve's like you know what race Christmas tree race and then we'll take it out. So this old girl she has not ran in a minute. let's get her fired up brother and Mike we got a 275 tire back on it. We got the other rear ending and the 325 rear here.

so this will be our last run on this motor. Send it off! you look like you're ready to do some Christmas Tree Racing. Damn right dude. Don't go grabbing that shifter in this thing now bro.

I Love this car! I Love this car. You gotta get you got to drive Leroy over down there get down to 30. I do love it. Yeah brother erased it yesterday.

Unreal seven PSI so it's pretty light out the hole. we got the smaller Tire There's gonna be pine needles all over the starting line tonight so I hope this tune just goes down all night. I might not even change it. Oh okay, we know that truck.

the diesel went a 440 in the eighth which is 670 or so I Know the green Mustangs here. so some fast cars wow look at Leroy's shining dude. beautiful satellites hand zip ties by Zach himself. Kind of wish they were colored lights.

Yeah, it's all right. We had to get the trees looking rough. The tree is looking real rough. she's been through a lot.

It's okay, you know it could be worse. It's crazy driving here. I Could just hear the wind hitting the tree so hard it's gonna sound crazy. How did the rear end repair go? Uh, pretty smooth.

Ty Got the bolt swelling in there. Yeah, you put bolts through it and welded them in and I mean it still went on fine. We got the axle bearings replaced to crack both those, but it's fine. Ready to rip brother.

All we can do is try and run a six tonight. It would be ideal. Well we got the Christmas spirit behind us. Who wants to see a six tonight? Anybody want to see a six? There we go.
That's what we're gonna do. Same tuna. We're gonna go back to the one that we had and when we went at 708. let's see if we can get down.

at least you know what I mean yeah Jackson Got the little Dino in here. we got some hot rods out of here. There's so many cool cars out here tonight. This is awesome.

Blaze Is gonna have to get really lucky tonight because pretty much everybody's faster. You got the green Mustang gang over here. Oh dude, this guy. Okay, we're talking full disc in action.

If the wires are dragging in, if you drag the three, it's a great area. You know what I mean I mean we're not going to disqualify. so if you pull off the big end, your tree is still attached to the car attached to the car, not tumbling close to it attached to it. You can walk it back on and move on to the next round.

But if your tree completely detaches, you're done. You're out okay. when you pull up in the water box, your tree has to be lit for the first round. Let's say that okay, do your burnout and the tree lights go off.

It is what it is. But as long as you pull up to the burnout box. First round with at least a six foot tall tree and the lights working, you are good. From that point on, we don't really care.

Little Rippers first driver meeting. Ain't that something? Look at the contemplation going on with the fingers. He's like, what are the gray areas very Mustang Got Frosty the Snowman Ride the shotgun. Let's go All right guys.

First round, we're racing this 2JZ powered 240 Dude, this thing looks like a race car. freaking carbon fiber hood. I Got this big old blazer with some lights on it but you know what? one thing's for sure we got tracks hopefully. so before you gonna see how it goes, please.

First trip third Annual Christmas Tree Drag No Leroy Foreign one Let's go Georgie Blazer Did another big wheelie did it really just as bad. give me the laptop. did it really good. Did it really just as bad? Yeah.

I Caught it a little sooner but it's got a dude less boost. I Have 18 degrees out. This thing is pulling 18 's out. It was making four degrees of timing and It still went up into a wheelie.

Four degrees of timing, 12 pounds of boost and it's trying to flip over backwards I rest in my case for sale I'll buy it. Oh we got Jimmy over here. Oh Dino Damn yes sir. Oh Spikosaurus, look at this and up against the Mustang with Santa Claus on the roof there's a sure that they look like all right.

All right, let's go Jackson Foreign. Oh my gosh, it came off the Mustang couldn't even get off the line. He actually goes to 789 at 136. slamming on the brakes.

Well he left a whole entire roll of wrapping paper on the track and one of the dinosaurs I told him that was gonna happen. a little spiky over there. Yeah, sweep it off. Sweep it off.
Let's go dude. you're done. dude. What? you left a dinosaur on the track.

He left wrapping paper out there I don't have a quarter mile car. it's all diversion. you know. make them bother we dude.

that was awesome dude. she was sounding Rowdy on the break. Yeah Oh yeah, yeah, he didn't even leave. Yeah I got out of him when a 789 at 136.

all right guys. Hopefully Molly can hold it down Leroy Not so good Blazer Done. Mullet's gotta hold it down. The Nova is still in and we need mullet to hold it down too.

Oh that sounds like mullet. Oh snap, we got the hell. go out here baby. let's go baby.

Foreign, Foreign? No. Oh, he looks like one of them angry cops. dude. he's definitely getting a ticket right now.

Cleaner's done for him. All right guys. So he pulled that timing out and then Ty loosened up the suspension too so it might wheelie. But we shall see.

I'm gonna have my foot ready for a wheelie. We don't want a wheelie this car. Yeah. Blazers One thing a lot more expensive with this fast.

All right here comes mullet. Round two, baby. let's go Yeah buddy. I'm not gonna lie I'm digging this Christmas tree in his antlers.

Oh let's go 7 53 at 138. Cleaner takes the win baby. Let's go going around three. You know my tree is still good I Still lived in early.

We had a pretty good Gap and I don't really want to go 200 with this tree just yet. Let's roll to a 753. Whoa. Whoa.

that was a 453. the 163 in the eighth. Six seven. What a 453 453..

Yes, dude, that track that suspension change you made was nice. Sure you picked up the right. That suspension change you made was nice. Yeah I was worried about it Wheeling felt it go out there and just pick up the front a little bit.

Yeah, and it just stayed I didn't have to lift. Yeah. Perfect 453 or 163. that's flying Yeah brother.

42 pounds of boost That good old big block in there still ripping right on down through there. left on seven and a half pounds of boost I Like it Snapchat Timing right out. It's my little timing ramp that I built. He would be proud I think oh my God we got a jack stand Jimmy over here.

come on Jackson A to B and he got you a W brother I think it looks terrible but it's lit. Oh no, something happened there. cleaners in mullet right here going up against 65 overcash. that's the guy who put me out so clear is about to race the 2JZ 240.

you're up against the 240 that put me in the bleachers. You better take him out dude. I'm not gonna live I'm not sure. you have to stop.

it. rips off. Oh nice. those American Christmas spirited thing I've ever seen.

look at the bald eagle. Not gonna lie, those look pretty good. All right. we got this.

Come on out here. up against the 2J 240. the Blazer raced in the first round. Oh oh my gosh, the tree blasted apart 684 210.
dude, the tree just came apart. Let's go dude. So there you have it folks. We just reset the record for the fastest Christmas Tree Top race car in the world.

The tree, uh came apart up there. Yeah well. when you're going over 210 mile an hour, you'll have that happen. Oh no, did I lose my tree? I Definitely just went 200 miles an hour with a Christmas tree on my roof.

color. all I have is a pole left I'm glad you didn't hit my tree bro. Oh no. All right, we got a 122.60 foot there, a 305 to the 330 451 and a 167.

684 at 210 and a quarter. Tell you what? Ty There's nothing better than a data log with a lock up on it. Is that just that? That little spot right there? I Love the lockup. dude.

Uh, we got a tree. We got a tree. Oh wait. is that my tree right there? Yeah, yeah, they found it.

They strapped that thing on brother. There ain't no point putting another Tree on. it's gonna ruin mine. It just bolts and then it was full.

It's yours. rated for over 210. or yeah, okay because mine was only rated to one or 209. Yeah, all right guys, here's the deal.

We got some fog setting in so we're trying to get the race done because we had an uneven amount of cars. We had like 39 or something. There's five cars left right now including mullet. so I pulled bullet out of the competition.

Now there's only four, two rounds and this thing will be done. So let's see who gets into down to the final four. It's actually five. but Cletus just pulled himself out because as you can see down there it is getting extremely foggy so he was gonna pull out anyways if he won.

So we got the S10, we got boosted boy Kyle Camaro glue and the Mustang so one of them is racing one of them for the W. All right we got boosted board Kyle and MR2 and then we got the S10. Oh let's go! Oh dude, Foreign gets a five four five eleven at 1 40. this is the final round.

We got the FID Camaro versus the S10 You know I'm still pulling for the old S10 Foreign ER the F-body Camaro S10 Couldn't put the power down man. Good good race today. All right guys. Well you can see it's pretty foggy down there at the end of the track so we didn't end up running mullet again.

Thank you guys for tuning in to the stream and thank you guys for watching this video. Shout out to all the cleaner crew guys! This was the first year of our Cleaner Crew pay-per-view subscription where you can pay 99 bucks and get all the pay-per-views for the year. That was our last stream of the year so until 2023. Thank you guys so much for watching and all the love! Have a merry Christmas and happy holidays.

That's it for now. Thanks for watching Do it for Dale Will freak and see you later foreign.

By Cleetus

17 thoughts on “Mullet just set the christmas tree 1/4 mile world record deep into the 6’s! christmas drags 2022”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RC Gusto says:

    Blazer Wheelie with sparks and Christmas tree on a shirt. Do it

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert ? says:

    If you set playback speed to .25 and watch his run, it looks like he started before it was green

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Haydo’s Channel says:

    When are they gonna put a fricken wheelie bar on the blazer

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Lundberg says:

    George needs wheelie bars

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars keegan rondon says:

    I think it’s time you upgrade the engine in mullet to a bigger Steve morris engine!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Pierce says:

    Just idea if every subscriber donated 1 dollar you could do alot of community service . I want to build tiny houses on wheels you can pull by hand or bike no one should be homeless we are the USA! You have the the power to do it I have the ideas but I'm almost homeless . Me and gramp delivered 50,000 trees and alot of Maine wreaths to new York city I've dropped them flat bush av. Brooklyn . New Jersey to Baltimore . Passed up eastern Canada to Laredo trees 1 year . 1 48 ft tree went to queens 1 year not sure what used for maybe time Square.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Danks says:

    Next year, Zach needs to make the X-mas tree lights equal to the RPM gauge.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The BigBlock402 Channel says:

    Awesome races, I was pulling for the S10 on that last races also. Congrats to the winner and to Cleetus for setting the new CT Drag record.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YouLikePandas says:

    That quick glimpse of Justin Swanstrom with that tiny little tree

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D&A Adventures says:

    Anyone put a Christmas tree in a wind tunnel?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars justin parker says:

    Hennassy performance is trying to claim a world record doing the same thing but 15mph slower wtf

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yessir says:

    Put some epic wheelie bars even a shocked wheelie bar to absorb the big wheelie hit and ride out better

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vanslyck Gaming says:

    SilverStreak sounds good for a name cus that's all you'll see

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Suzieash82 says:

    There is no shame in making a wheelie bar system for the blazer. I think the time has come lol

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris hanel says:

    Make the blazer a wheeling mf. Wheely bars and 1/ 4mile on 2 wheels!!! WHY FIGHT IT?!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SlithenTurtle says:

    Should just post the full video on here or the second channel for people who would watch it all

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cleetus McFarland says:

    Merry Christmas guys!!!!

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