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As if the Blazer wrecking itself wasn't bad enough, Ruby and Mullet let us down too! Little issues that could've been fixed in the shop totally destroyed our weekend of racing! We will come back bigger and better!
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Today's video. Let's get to the live action hell. Yeah. Brother you're on the policeman for on youtube channel already knows.

Technically hello. How's this david yep hi david i'm calling about your used car warranty and that you're just about two weeks out on having to renew that for the year dude. If he blocks my number i'll die sorry david it was a joke dude. I said i'm kidding.

It's cletus. I texted him come on david don't do this to us. Damn you what's up david hey. What's going on man congratulations brother.

You own a jet boat. I cannot believe it well hey. Most importantly you own a crown vic now a minty crown victoria. That's what that's what i'm most excited about walden where are you from pennsylvania and are you a boat guy at all or yes.

I have my boating license got all that stuff oh beautiful dude. I mean i've never had a boat. But you have one of the best jet boats like ever made probably this is like this thing is incredible wait till. You see it oh i can't wait dude.

When the law firm called you did you believe it or what did you think no they didn't even call me. Oh yeah email yeah we didn't have your phone number on your order so we we had to email you yeah so first i thought it was a scam email then i emailed you guys trying to confirm that it was real and then uh because james's wife called me back. Said yeah you better go answer that that's awesome dude. What do you do for a living a mechanic.
Oh so sweet hopefully you don't have to work on the boat much. But yeah i mean if i did i'd figure it out there you go dude all right dude well uh congrats david. We'll uh we'll be seeing you soon buddy sweet man thanks happy all right so shout out to everyone who purchased some merch from the jetboat giveaway what a fun one and david from pennsylvania. Congratulations can't wait for him to come down because we're going to take him out for a rip and go jump.

Some logs put some miles on that thing before he leaves. But uh hope you guys are enjoying these giveaways. If you want to see more and have some ideas. We're open your comments so drop them even if you got something crazy.

We'll do it so we just really enjoy doing it you know we don't change our merge prices or anything to do these we just it's just a fun way to you know give something back to you guys. And you guys obviously get merch out of it too so it's it's just awesome and thanks for all the support so we'll be seeing david soon by buying just one t shirt. A year you could keep this blazer running even with ls george trying to destroy it on every single pass he makes down the drag strip now but really guys on a real note buying a t shirt ai. N't gonna save the blazer from george but we did get some new t shirts check this out brand new ruby it's never big enough t shirt and this is true in a lot of aspects of life you know especially your turbo.

Though it's never big enough. And we got one of my new all time favorites cleve has been falling on the front legalized burnouts on the back. You've probably seen this on other shirts. Before i just love this saying.

And it says this message supported by cleese mcfarland and his friends because america. If you didn't know we have onesies now fresh unit onesies. We got a little baby we have officially brought back stand back i built this myself t shirts our most popular shirt of all time is now back in stock and we also brought back this og cleese mcfarland just retro t shirt. We got a ton of hats and other cool stuff restocked we got heat waves back in stock you guys want some of my favorite heat wave sunglasses.

These are all back in stock. And that's not it we have free shipping on all domestic orders. Until the end of the month. That's enough advertising for today.

Watch your boys struggle out the drag strip for the rest of this video. All right guys so we ended up the last video with the blazer getting wrecked from a wheelie. We're going into round two and qualifying for street car. What are we doing to the elco because it's fun so we're gonna lower the starting line boost just a little bit yep because it spun probably five feet out yeah.

We're gonna lower the overall boost just to like get it out a little bit. So that we can roll the boost in a little bit later 100 foot. I'll start rolling yeah because we need to get some kind of drive shaft plot so that we can set up the traction control. Yeah.
We can't even set up our traction control because we haven't made a clean run since we installed it made one in orlando. But there was an issue with one of the sensors and we did but now that's resolved so we just need a clean run. We did switch it because it was still set up for 16 pulses. So now it's set up for 32.

So this will be accurate. We'll be able to hopefully get down get some good data and then we can start checking out. Yeah. What do you think for ruby just try to get it to build some boost faster you're going to get a bill boost.

Quicker and bulk smoother that's it that converter seems tight dude. Okay come on i know you can do it let's go especially first time in the car. I'm like come on come on yeah you did good how'd it feel it felt good. It was fast.

Yeah. I saw it kind of like left and right was that you or was that just move just a little bit. But once i was like up speed. It was something what was the 60 foot on there 29.

I think that's not bad for retirement. Yeah. I mean 129 60 foot coming out of retirement for ruby rolling to an eight one yeah. It's not bad literally.

I i saw an eight mile cone. I was like just shut it off yeah 140 so kicked it in all right well let's go make another lick. Yeah. So we got to get a good lick from mullet.

Ruby already has a good run and we don't want to go too fast with her because she's supposed to be in the slower portion of the streetcar class. But we might have already broke into the fast one with that one let off at like the 3 30. We're just going to leave we're going to try and get some data all right make sure it doesn't like yeah. We're trying to fix the wow.

Weirdness as if today wasn't going bad enough the black stone's broken unreal now we can't race and we can't eat god damn a fantastic right on the corner all right here we go round two hope we get a clean qualifier here all right we got some racing second qualifier for today obviously i'm not in it. But i can tune them all and cleater in it so. Oh my god oh my god i think you just did a wheelie down there well it wasn't damn tires again for the weird thing there on the first run i bumped and bullet like bumps way through the beam. It's never ever done that before and then they're like oh you're done you can't take another qualifier.

But i just backed up i made a little lick because i wanted to see what it was gonna do if though what in the world out. I got the jump box on her. But she's showing no crank signal. No rpm all right guys so looking at the data turns out i did let off the trans brake button for a split second that's why the car jumped through the beams.

The reason. It spawned is because we overpowered the track nothing we can do about that maybe loosen up the suspension. A little bit. We didn't touch it last time so we're gonna try that and hopefully that'll fix it they're still not bad with ruby.
They're trying to fix it right now so hopefully. She comes around all right. Ruby. Let's go.

Let's make a. Good rip. Oh. Buddy oh.

Had it and we lost. It. Lost. Your rpm.

Again yep. Well guys they're following. My clients. Freaking ruby is broken now too her crank position sensor of all things which we thought we had repaired a while ago is now giving her issues and they can't get it to the crew.

So we're out on the indy track. Where we ran the indy 800 and uh. We have to run like 20 laps to prove that our car is a street car and mullet's the only one left standing and he's still having problems so wow. It's just really lame.

A lot of situations. We got a lot of pressure really we're really blowing it today no one can go from three cars to one and qualify is you did a good wheelie. I mean. It's impressive regardless of what you broke yeah ruby.

I don't know mullet hasn't made it full pass. It's just it's no boy. Though yeah. We'll get it figured out now we can put all our attention onto one hopefully you dial in all right here.

We are ripping laps and mullet. There's like 30 other street cars out on the track ball. And it's with turbo cl. 1.

All right we've dug like 10 laps. I think no one's falling out yet. I'm impressed all right we survived it survived the laps. What happened dude so went to do the burnout first yeah time for the second qualifier shot off of the burnout.

So i pulled it off zac grab the crank sensor swapped. It started right back up. They're like hey you can make another hit real quick. I'm like all right i'll make the hit come back.

Yeah. Meet you go to the street crews ball leaves. First here like halfway through first gear. Just shuts off so i pulled the log you can see rpm comes up.

And then just goes perfectly straight line and stops. So i i don't know if it's a voltage. Thing or what the hell. It is right now we don't have any rpm stuff again what a bummer man dropping like flies out here hey well we got to focus up on this thing.

Because oh no they're sizzling dog oh. Nice never counted the black stone out there for about 12 minutes. Oh no all right. We got a little workshop session.

Going on here. Zach's under there working on our wheel speed sensor we got a fresh tune up from dr tuna mall and we're gonna we're gonna head into round one slow but fast enough to still win well shoot boys we drew the fastest car in the class number one qualifier. We're a little untested a little outgunned but uh. We shouldn't do our thing you know might have got the fast guy first round.

But wouldn't want any other ones to take care of that guy you know right now and then we all got to worry about later all right well. I know this guy's been like made high sickness. So we just gotta run our race. I think a seven seven twenty would probably do it.
But he went seven one earlier. So i don't know nate's confident and we got a scramble button. If we need it so let's just do our thing. Oh yeah beautiful beautiful burnout.

So come on baby. Oh. I heard. A little pop.

Heard. A. Little. Oh.

No oh come on dang that baby was out of there. Too man. This thing. Laid over super hard.

Ah. I am. So frustrated dude today went so badly. I have my grab the scramble.

We started kind of evening up and then the car coughed like it did on the last day of race week when we tried to make that second hit. Yeah we got to win these races in the shop. And today uh. The blazer was a track incident.

But freaking the el camino and ruby so if you want to look at the data. I'd be curious to know but like yeah and then i just naturally threw the shoe. But i was like the fact that the car still like failed is frustrating after everything else today yes. It's very fresh gosh dang.

It we gotta get back to the shop get to work yeah. Hey that just goes to show everybody we're just like everybody else our stuff breaks. All the time obviously i know i like that little winning speech. We were on though the big block has been me we got a classic case of what happened on race week.

The last pass our fuel pressure is dipping and then spiking so when it dipped. It thought it was going lean. It started throwing fuel at it and then the fuel pressure spiked went super rich drought motor at least didn't go lean yeah so we don't have a hurt engine. But we may have a fuel pump that's cavitating like it's getting air or something so we are back to the drying board figure some junk out.

But that's it for now thanks for watching do it for nail. We will freaking see you later do you.

By Cleetus

15 thoughts on “Ruby has major problems and mullet gets whooped… mcfarland racing fails miserably at sct indy!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Koerner says:

    Drag and drive giveaway

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin R says:

    It's racing, it happens, can't win em' all. It's still fun to watch. Trials and tribulations is what has made this channel unique from the beginning.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donald Halls says:

    If everything always went well there wouldn't be a winner, all would be equal, shit happens, fix it, try again, all the best to yous and your loved ones

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Spencer says:

    How about an International engine give-away? 🤔

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andrew freer says:

    Ruby missing james

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Stone says:

    You gotta get back to the shop and get 100% focus on Leroy! Don’t care what you say, don’t care what you think, Leroy was the first 7 second stick shift car and did it with blown head gaskets and no coolant. Leroy ain’t never let you down and made you. Wake up!!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Lukemyres says:

    You should do a his and hers giveaway, same cars same build different colors but matching
    Duo built mitsubishi builds please lol

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Logan Mineer says:

    Dude I bought a floating key chain for the boat, can't believe you picked the wrong guy.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Mattisson says:

    If it's easy everyone would be doing it. Just keep up grinding a way!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Walter says:

    Really letting your supporters down go back to the old shop you seemed to concentrate better 🤦🏼 you are known for drag racing and winning I've seen alot less of all

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FlaxedWrist McMerkin says:

    Live vicariously live through you and letting that dude bang that Blazer to the sky. I was kind of lost in life tonight but just fucking video got me supercharged there's too many ads though stop what the fucking heads Jesus Christ or can I come and wax cars fucking bored and broke. I quit drinking for 4 years but now I'm a drunk and yelling at you online so f your face hopefully the algorithm never mind. I want a job I'm tired of being homeless I would like to be feel like a normal person

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Assassin Racing says:

    Kevin needs to take over tuning duties he seems to be the only one to get mullet to work

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darin Terwilliger says:

    If your not breaking cars, your not racing ..

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Laxton says:

    That's a tough break

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Strane says:

    Little Brother…ha…im old enough to be your daddy or atleast granddaddy…fondly watching³ over your shoulder ever since the⁰ rhe/2twith the nitrous keychain fidgit splinnerrsvlol

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