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I'm scared for my life. Do you suck at boating? Do you often find yourself running into trees or even the boat ramp itself, or are you just scared to go boating because you're worried you might mess up your boat or have you just been waiting for the right opportunity to perhaps win a boat? Is that great or why she floats that's a good sign. Well, ladies and gentlemen, you found yourselves in the right place because today, i'm here to tell you we're putting up the world's baddest jet boat for grabs in a giveaway guys, two of my favorite things in life, jet boats and crown vicks. You know the deal so introducing probably the internet's best giveaway ever a crown vic and probably the world's most badass jet stream jet boat check.

This thing out also want to mention that ain't, no normal crown vic, that's a p-71 2011. last year they were made. Sucker is meant, i cannot even begin to describe what level of a jet boat this jet boat brings. This is the bald eagle boat boys.

It's got a bald eagle on the front and it's got a bald eagle on the back american flag: wrap 300 horsepower supercharged rotax engine in the back same engine, that's in my boat and jackson's boat and guys. This is the four-seater model, so check out this interior. Four seats for partying and don't worry if you suck at driving boats like a lot of people do this is the boat for you. Basically, indestructible don't hold me to that.

This thing can jump logs trees slide across land. You can bump it into nearly anything. It is completely made out of aluminum ready for battle, and you know guys we were talking about building a jet boat for the giveaway, but ours would leak and just not be right. This is built by torchcraft marine, the sucker's equipped with garmin electronics.

The engine. That's in it is nearly brand new everything works, builds pump, lights, gps systems, the whole nine. It's got the nicest interior i've ever seen in a boat period. In my life, it's covered in american flags, bald eagles.

It's got electric trim, you name it this boat. Has it literally every single goodie you could possibly order on a jet boat, this boat? Has it this boat cost sixty thousand dollars, that's right, a twelve foot, boat cost sixty thousand dollars, and and look guys you get a two thousand dollar crown vic to go with it i mean, could you imagine a better deal and you can enter for a chance To win it today by visiting cletus mcfarland.com every five dollars you spend for a t-shirt just like this or a sticker or a hat, gets you an entry to win this entire package. If you win, you'll get a call you'll end up right here at our shop. Picking it up and driving it home to wherever you may be, we have a complete list of rules for the bald eagle boat and crown vet giveaway listed at clevelandmcfarland.com.

Like all giveaways, there's no purchase necessary. You can see more information about that on our website, where the rules are the link's in the description, but the gist of it is you spend five dollars. You get an entry, you buy a t-shirt for 25, you get five entries to win this package and it goes up from there and it's all automatic and our prices haven't changed. These are the same prices.
We have whether we're doing a giveaway or not. So no additional work by you if you buy a cool t-shirt which there's tons of cool t-shirts, tons of cool hats and tons of other products that are amazing and every five dollar increment gets you that entry to be entered for a chance to win this jet Boat and crown vic enough about the giveaway, let's get to the video, because we got a lot to show you about this jet boat. So i mean it would have been wrong to give it to him without it right i'll, do burn out that boat ramp, guys, but just know that hell yeah brother you're on the policeman for on youtube. Look at the interior chris wow dude over the top yeah.

How do you like getting those beauty? Shots of this dude looks like teak maiden voyage today, dude this thing's an absolute unit. That's how you know we're going boating today. Boys. Look at this.

I know see how many layers it is. It's four four layer, bald eagle front end. You know what i'm curious to see, too, is how that garmin works because we've been lost numerous times now, we'll have uh. What's it called breadcrumbs to see where we came from right there? I know four seater.

So maybe today we should try and ride it with four people. Today, too yeah i mean it's the baddest unit you can get. I mean diamond stitch, tri-color seats. I know we went all out dude and then you know what's nice is it's got freaking cup holders? We don't have any cup holders that dude so sick.

I love how they powder coated that yeah beautiful nice little touches. Supercharger is a little bit easier to access on this one yeah, you got a lot more ring. Ain't got a lot more room. You see she's got coolant too.

This is a fully closed loop cooling system. So if you're in salt water - nothing - i mean you can take this thing anywhere. No salt through the engine, no sand through the engine, it's freaking, so nice, so clean torch craft killed. It got the big sand separator on there.

Everything they use, like all their fittings, are all stainless yeah i put the plugs in it too, so it shouldn't sink. That's good should be good to go bad to the bone of the billet fuel hunt. Dude sucker's clean, even this like these - are stainless and steel. You know well, you know this is like fully emissions compliant.

This is a real register. This is the real deal. Yeah, it's got the actual sticker. It's a real deal.

You get that sticker. You got ta go to the coast, guard all right check my boat out. This thing has an auto build. You have to turn it on.

It automatically turns on all right, too fancy back up boom. Stomp grace. You know the deal yeah. Look at that look at that twerking gas cap vent.
It yeah hear this stuff is insane man. This boat is like unreal. I remember how much of a project ours were. Imagine this one what it took to build this, even if you had a team of six guys building this, it's still probably taking two months at least yeah.

No, it took him longer than that it was a nice machine. I love the walk through window too. That is sick. Look at that combo dude.

What a ridiculously awesome thing! Oh! Look at that dude! Oh, wait! It's got engine information on it! Look at that! I didn't realize this had engine info on it too. Now that it's freaking awesome. Oh look at that! Sam yeah, she does here. Oh brother, that's pretty perky mile per hour, like it's nothing, wow sam how's, your first jet boating experience going.

We hit that tree pretty good. It's the ultimate jet boat experience. Anything it's delivered too. You know it's a giveaway! You ever intentionally crashed a boat not yet not until today, so yeah and now we're done yeah.

I haven't done it so now i have done it there you go and it was great yeah. I hadn't done it before we're good how's, your boat definitely leaking. It's. Just spraying out there you could see like the splatter and oh yeah, i first put on the water.

I got pictures and you see it just like start to get wet around it. Let me get a video of it all right go ahead. I'm scared for my life holy: let's go you're pretty up there dude up there dude! That's for me in this spot. This is for someone who's willing to fly off because well you're up there you're about a foot and a half almost two feet taller than like the back of the bus seat.

You know where you hit a bump in it like we spun out dude and, like the centrifugal force, i was like hey sam you're, natural i'll. Take what i love it like. We said the odometer it's not miles or hours it's by trees and there's only six trees on this boat. That's pretty good six trees and three circles, so you got plenty of circles left plenty of stuff.

It does do a great circle, so i think circles, like three million donuts, look at the reserve. You have on that. I love all the handles. This is so smart.

I'm gon na weld some handles in before our boats leave. I think you have those handles for your windshield, i think they're just sitting in a pile them handles. I know right where they're at i need them for this. I'm jealous, though, that isn't nice nice like if you park on layer like this, you just fail.

You don't got ta get feet, wet all right. So when you guys go to cleesenfront.com you're gon na find here some live action. We have straw hats back in stock, finally, and they're new and updated with the new cleator logo they're looking good freedom factory hat same as always, but looking good sam spray wax maddie t-shirts back in stock support your car guy, it's fourth of july season. You need to find me on the water dry, fit mcfarland marine brand new ripper right here, dude with the giveaway boat.
My boat runs on freedom, clean dude, with the new cleator logo. Then we got the official fourth of july shirt. Do it for america, you guys have been around for a while. We did a do it for america's shirt way back in the day, this is update version.

We got the madi tank top out here coming in new when in doubt throttle out new jh diesel t-shirt. Coming in clutch jack stand flip around fire in the pipes t-shirt. We have dr tuna malls. Doctors orders t-shirt two turbos 25 pounds boost methanol injection 200 shot of nitrous dr two in the mall, these rain jackets, so sick.

I'm i'm definitely wrapping this in idaho because it's gon na get wet and uh. These are real nice, high quality rain, jackets, they're pretty pricey, because just getting stock on them was insanely expensive, but check those out. We got the baby gear now guys. This is courtesy of the females up there.

They said it's finally time to make baby gear happen. We got the little cletus baby hat girl hat here. If you got a girl and then we have the fresh unit onesie for the little fresh units out there. I could probably fit in that one and the little cletus one too ff cleaves fourth of july jack, stand jimmy speed, demon, garage, cletus, cletus, cletus, leather, patch hat and then an embroidered blue, cletus hat.

That's just some of what we got like. I said we got jack stands shirt, we got teeth and turbo shirts. We got dr tuna mall shirts, we got georgie's shirts, there's just a bajillion items on cleesforfun.com and you guys should check it out after the video to get a shot at winning this jet boat and a mint crown victoria. All right guys got a little weekend wedge project going on, while zach and sam are working on the elf kill.

I am going to be putting some c-channel on this wedge right here, see that right down the middle so that we can guide the jet boat trailers up this, because we are about to send this puppy out to idaho. So we got some work to do on that got to run c channel of the whole freaking thing and it'll make our lives way easier for loading and unloading. The little trailers nice thing is this wedge is equipped with a winch, so we should be able to just hook it up to the jet boat, pull the winch pull the boat all the way up to the top. Hmm, all right guys got ourselves a piece of c channel.

I even measured so that it would be sort of straight. So you guys didn't give me too much crap, it's a little crunchy at the end, i'm not going to worry about that. We're dialed in so i'm gon na. Take it outside and paint it with mr sam and then try.

Let's go right up it. That was pretty easy, sam's wrapping up the last spot. We got her on and painted. Oh, we missed the spot.

Dang, that's one spot, i'm sure there's a few spots once it rains and some rust pops up we'll see it right on the end, but we're all done and actually never mind see another spot. We missed so we're uh we're almost there though, and then we go. Then we got ta, try and put some jet boats on it: good little latte lampoon here, okay, lampoon yeah, something like that. We're gon na do some jet boating party dang, look at the sparkle in that unit dude.
What's this, the bass, busting shining out of breath in the nightmare yeah come on. This is where you got the nightmare for him. Are we ready for this brother heather? Really i don't know that we are but we're loading them up and sending them. We've got to get them there, first dude.

So what so? What is going on here? We're going to the idaho, the idaho and uh we're taking all the boats with us, including a giveaway boat, because wouldn't be right of us to not abuse the giveaway. You know you guys saw the marauder, we drag raced it 50 times before we gave it away because we had to test it same thing goes for the giveaway boat. We're gon na go hit some boulders with it make sure it's boulder proof. You know what i mean and then we'll feel better about getting out.

Yes for sure you got ta bolt down, it'll be fine, it doesn't get abused. It's gon na stay here. Yeah, we all know crown vic can take abuse plus we like when people tell us how stupid we are. I know i definitely love that i got ta say this is working perfectly dude that little middle beam there i installed it myself.

Did you nice? Look at that thing: dude! Oh my gosh, as you guys have seen, we are giving away probably the best jet boat in the country right now. This giveaway goes till july 5th. So about three weeks a little over three weeks and i'll tell you right now: the boat, the details are insane and we're also gon na be abusing this boat, so don't enter if you think you're getting a dent free boat, because we are actually going to have This thing in idaho, in the next video you see, and it may come back with a dent or two you ought to test you got to test them out. You can't just give somebody something untested.

You know. Oh the hell. Is this trailer wider than the wedge? Dude yeah, i mean once you got a pontoon trailer here brother. How is that possible? He says the pawns are the calling oh yeah it's on the inside.

Well, this is trailer here for chris craft all right guys. Well, we clearly have a lot of work to do we're gon na try and get these boats mounted up and send them off to idaho check out all the rules for the jet boat giveaway on cleveland.com. We're really excited about this hope. You guys are too and you're about to see some live action, jetboil content.

I promise you that, but that's it for now, thanks for watching later bye.

By Cleetus

18 thoughts on “This is the world’s coolest supercharged mini jet boat… here’s why we bought it!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ideas says:

    Sam is a straight up savage 😂 that guy has been the best addition to the channel

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars randy durga says:

    When i decide to watch this while im at work now, and watch the drag vid later when im home on the big screen

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars k ray says:

    day 14 the Mountain Dew Freedom Factory shirt is not on the website

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Motor City Fats says:

    i wish they didnt choose the ugly boat… they other style would have me ordering some freedom socks

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Dunlop says:

    How do you keep using that wedge trailer after having a watched one of your buddies flip theirs so easily. I'm not a fan.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald pulcine says:

    Dude it has to be the most epic thing to work for you! I’d never wanna go home Lolol

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars taylor mccoy says:

    Hell yeah brother your just something else been watching you since day one

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy says:

    I think its hilarious when Cleeter gives things away, its like if he was giving a Russian bride away but before he does he shows every member of his staff pumping the A** off her TWICE!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The White Rabbit says:

    Cleeter always taking care of us!!!

    the 2011 P71 is mint!!!!

    Thank you for being an awesome American!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brett Ash says:

    Welp now that you've made baby gear you know what that means don't yah….Cleet Jr. coming soon

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars English Fam says:

    I don't know if it's just me but Sam is by far the coolest guy ever

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IShowedUmyglockPlsRespond says:

    It's so funny when Cleetus was scared of Sam driving haha
    Sam was like "lemme show you a fast guy ya hear"

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mopar Tom's Garage says:

    I would enter but I'm in Australia, crown Vic would come in handy for a truck body swap I want to done day

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Williams says:

    Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some month up sees time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Graham Smith says:

    Fuck I see 60 grand and think my disabled ass could live off that for 3 years or more. Don't get me wrong I work as hard as I can just wish I wasn't mr. Burns at 40 years old. I had some very bad luck. Rad boat tho.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simon T. Duval says:

    Include Canada in the giveaways!!! Yee yeee Awesome content keep it coming brother🤘

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars minterfab says:

    Dang this should be a hell of a birthday present for me, which by the way my birthday is July 4th don't normally enter giveaways but this one's going to be on my list

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars runforitrun says:

    Anytime sam is behind the wheel he goes savage mode. It's awesome 🤘

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