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Well we were sure getting it in the comments, so we decided to kick Leroy into gear! We're going to get him up and going for Rocky Mountain Race Week 1.0 this summer!
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All right ron, l from woodbine georgia you're getting a turf, keep throwing in your order brother. He bought some of sam's spray wax. That's two orders now: in the month of freedom that have uh, got a random turf, ski from sam spraywhack, guys you're, making sam real happy buying the spray wax and honestly, i'm so happy to see all the customer reviews. When you guys get that stuff.

You love it, it's the real deal, but hey enjoy today's video hell. Yeah brother you're on the pleasement front, youtube channel all right guys, we're here at uh tbm brakes looking at doug cook's collection of cars that never stops growing. We can never have too many. What are you doing with this? Never never too many notices.

Yeah i mean it. Is the right look. I'm waiting till you start on your next project, so i can come race you with this. Oh yeah.

Well, you know the fox body body was mine. I know you sell me the fox body, and now everyone loves it. It sounds like it's getting the godzilla. I think it's a good thing.

I mean that's like all the comments like 98 of them were godzilla's. It's like a perfect combo. The motor's easy. I said in yesterday's video: i'm like we need to figure out how to make this godzilla drive by cable, throttle body.

Then i realize motion already has the adapter. We can run that the rest of the car. You can pretty much buy every part for the fox body yeah on our website. All right.

Well we're here, really, though, to give people an update on tbm brakes yeah. Most importantly, it's just like an empty warehouse right. It's an empty warehouse, we're sitting on uh card tables out here: yep. We moved it in january, but it's come a long way and now skadoosh freaking three brand new rippers.

We got them wired in right now. We've been machining everything up at motion in iowa and then just pallet shipping it down here, but now we're actually gon na be able to make everything here, which means we can make like crazy stuff. So motion is already so busy like the machines to fit in the tbm brake parts was. It was tough, and now we have three right here: yeah make parts put them on the shelf.

Literally four years ago, motion had one cnc machine. Now we have 13. right now. Pretty well.

Amazing, well tell them too, because when we bought tbm brakes merely months ago, but it seems like we've had it forever yeah. So tbm was located out in like north of l.a in california, and they had like all these shops around, so they would outsource all their parts out there too, everything, basically every single piece, and now we basically move ev everything in house except for brake pads yeah. So we make all our own parts in the lead times of yawn from what, when we got when everything landed here in january, their normal lead times like eight to ten weeks. Now it's about one to two weeks and by probably by the time you see this video it'll be like a couple days yeah, but then this week we should be like shipping same day like he said two and a half months.
Wait when you ordered your brakes before now with everything being in-house emotion and even here soon, you can order your breaks and get them in a couple of days yeah. So we got outside of a couple like part numbers backward like that's just so cool, because nobody wants to wait for their parts right, no liking. Everybody else is going backwards and we're trying to make sure they're. Looking i love it.

It's fun, it's so nice to be the guys who can give you parts in a day or two yeah. These are bad units. Look at that sam! You got to put some wax on this puppy. Look at that brand freaking new dude! This machine will do nothing but machine rotors for an entire year.

Right now, like we have enough rotors to make that it'll take an entire year of just running this machine 40 hours a week holy toledo. This is super sport, yeah super sport, super spicy. Whatever you know, z28, just all super smart. We went all ss, it's so sick and we got that ac yeah.

So we got ac. It's a constant temperature because you got a machine parts at like a good temperature. That's consistent, otherwise, they'll move back and forth, and solo machines. Oh wow.

I didn't know that, plus these machines put out a bunch of heat. Nobody wants to sweat to death. All that's a lot of sense. Oh we got.

Another cool band saw yeah, it's automated bandsaw. So you can like type in different flanks. I saw that motion. I think it's sick inventoried up yeah.

I don't know if you know this but brian's a big shelf guy. I know shelf and racking like dude, loves, shelter, yeah, look how organized man all brackets for mounting up calipers and stuff golly that is so light too yup, so sick, doug, literally leveled up tbm. So fast i mean it was great as it was, but yeah they had great products now like infrastructure. You know, as far as like shipping products making new stuff.

Hopefully you got some new stuff coming here really soon for different platforms. So i love it. We don't have any on here right now, but every single caliper that comes through this building and then gets shipped to you guys gets tested. So we pressure and leak test them for 30 minutes every single caliper, so that like when you bolt it on you, don't have to worry about leaking.

That's. We run them up to 800 to 1000 psi, depending on which caliper it is and hold it there. For 30 minutes it's like quality control, brother man, so clean and just freaking amazing yeah. Our calipers are infinitely rebuildable.

We have guys from the 90s still running the same yeah, the same calipers you're, telling me that they just keep sending them back. So these are from monster trucks, so these guys abuse them worse than anybody on the whole planet like they just get 12 000 pounds moving fast and trying to do endos and stuff, like they just tear things. Yeah they're trying to stop a tire with the largest rotating mass. You can even imagine, and then the truck weighs 12 000 pounds and they're trying to like do front flips.
So you can see that they're like they're taking them apart, they're cleaning them, we re-service them. Re-Test them put new seals in them and then basically give them a fresh fill health yep. So you buy a set of tbms. You know they're, never gon na start splitting and yeah moving on yeah.

You just keep sending them and you might have the same set of calipers for life yeah. They don't wear out and flex, so you can just infinitely reuse them, which is pretty cool, sweet man. I should have brought some parts to breaking this ultrasonic cleaner. They got over here yeah i did.

I was trying to get him to make us some camshafts with the new lathe. I got this profile. I need to try real, quick, yeah james would be sending over a file with the biggest loaves on a can and get everybody putting the board in. We should get a cam grinder for how many engines you've been tearing up lately.

We could definitely benefit you know. We need service, we need a robot that can put bearings in engines for us sort of we're. Just a head surfacer, a head surfacer would be huge, freaking, awesome, dude. So, what's next working hard man uh just releasing new kits dude yeah and we got so all kinds of new stuff.

I don't know there's a little side by you can get a little t-shirt. You get a little teaser come on, don't drop those quality, contrast, quality controlling look at those big old units yeah, so we actually like a lot of people, think we're only drag racing but like ultra four king of the hammers, all kinds of different like scc cars. Late models, everything you can think of yeah, it's just so we don't really talk about as much. We got stick boys.

You need all the stopping fire. We got. You look at that. One look at that yeah, so we also got a side-by-side here doing some products and development on there and also on motion 10 days of motion side-by-side parts releases so yeah every day, the rest of the week we're releasing parts for a side-by-side every single day.

The month of freedom is just yeah overload, k names, xp pros regular razors. Those are three that we're going hard on right now. So if you guys need parts check that you know the deal well, this has been your tbm brakes. Update here.

We'd stop by show you guys the new goods, the new machines firing me up we're just getting geared up: whoa whoa whoa, all right! No one can say anything now, leeroy's on the lift back on the living coming off. Until it's got a little first yeah back off everybody, we read the comments back off. I thought someone was gon na freaking, kick the door down on the front of the shop and do it themselves. Listen guys.

We've heard what you're saying you want. Leroy back in action, luckily remember how we were talking about putting ruby's engine in leroy. Well, we took so freaking long yeah that leroy's engine that saw 62 pounds of boost and bent every rod showed back up fixed from texas speed. This is the motor plate right here we are going to motor plate this car.
So i don't know you know something like that: it's going to be holding the engine in old leroy so that we do not have flex. We've been rocking these cts v1 motor mounts for a long time. Original set was a cts v-mount and then we got some corvette ones in ruby, they're, pretty much exactly the same whoa different type of breaking oil. There performance breaking oil 15w50, a normal breaking almost like a 10 30 10 40.

yeah, so that maybe they're like you know what these guys are hard on them. They said we're giving them better oil even tex speed knows the deal he's back, leroy tweeted. His rebuild same deal, lsx block, prc heads from texas speed, put a set of our new full floating mountain trinions in your rockers. Yours were worn out.

Let us know if you like them, been having good luck with them. Thanks pope our engine guy protects the speed. What a nice feller yeah that is, fancy well gosh dang it so, instead of using that other six pull block, we'll throw this one back in, and i know you guys were thinking you know what about mullet's engine. Obviously, we're gon na be rebuilding that we did think about putting in leroy, but leroy is destined for a lot of street driving.

The plan is to have this puppy done by rocky mountain race week and putting the aluminum rod engine in it. We just don't know if that's a good idea, we're gon na put the old six bolt back in there until this is maxed out. We never maxed out this engine. We just blew it up because we're idiots yeah we put that new, bigger turbos on game.

You get to use them really yeah. I know and turns out guys parts have been much harder for this to get than we thought. We've been still waiting on transmission parts, but here's the deal we have a transmission, we're gon na use. Some might recognize it somewhere.

Yeah, so old, faithful out of the nail truck we'll just use this puppy. For now, people want to see leroy in the month of freedom. They get leroy james, just hopped on uh summit racing and ordered a bell. Housing slap bell housing on this, at least we can get our test fitment together.

This is a straight cut transmission, so it'll probably hold more power than the old corvette transmission. It's got the geforce gear set in it pretty much up. The tie chop do that one more time. Let's see, let's see the chop shop that easy huh, the rest is uh a big process.

Once we get the bell housing tomorrow, we can start trying to shove this thing in there just look. Look at that and then look down there. You tell me if that's gon na fit, oh it's gon na fit. You know why we don't need any of that where we're going.
We don't know that where we're going so guys, this is no small project and here's. The deal we have another very, very big project, it's not as big of a project, but it has to be done in three weeks and that's that to go to midwest drags and then race. Week is just a couple weeks after with this. So a lot going on a lot going on plus month of freedom.

You know the deal, you know what that empty lift is for right there, this one for the blazer, because the blazer has to make it to rocky mountain race week two. So we have leroy and the blazer gearing up to go on race week i mean. Obviously rocky was born on race week to us okay missile. We can't miss it georgie's out here, painting the front subframe yeah, so we got to get freaking brakes wiring engine and fuel system.

The thing about this one though the rocky yeah 95 of what it needs to be done, is here yeah. That's just your update on these cars. We're going to freedom factory and talk about crown vix, because we just had a whole shipment arrived got me a fresh batch boy. Look at that there's a whole fleet of shiny moves over there.

Did you see the gray one? I already got dibs on it, dude absolutely they're functional. Look at all this guys. We are stacked up, oh, that black one is in the ground, vic department, that is a fresh unit yeah. I think it's sweet look at these bad machines.

I know there's three gray ones, three, that nice gray all right, so here's the deal we got bristol september third and fourth, and instead of bringing 20 crown vics, like all of our races historically have been 20 crown vics we're gon na jump it up to 30 Crown vics and that's because being that we're on these bigger tracks, i feel like the gap in the action you know when the pack is going around. I wanted to amp it up a notch, so indy went amazing. I want to say that we had close to zero, maybe 10 or less customer complaints about the live feed like not being able to get connected or watch it. The live stream was incredible.

I cannot wait to post it on youtube for those of you who didn't buy it, so you can see it. The quality level was insane. It looked like a nascar race and overall, just extremely excited about that. So proud of the team, the guys of project, prime, the guys on our team, it really really was impressive in order to thank you guys, we're gon na up it from 20 cars to 30 cars for bristol so drop in the comments.

What kind of influencers or who, who i should invite to this next one, i'm going to keep the same core 18, guys that we have now and then we will add on another 12 drivers to have a full 30 car field for bristol. Also in indy, we were blowing front right tires, not because of the tire, mostly because of the driver now going to bristol it's going to be extremely banked, like daytona style banks, and i feel like we're going to be on the throttle. A lot more wearing out front right tires, so we might even throw in like a 50 lap pit for all the cars. So i don't know if you guys have any ideas there.
What would be the coolest way to stop everybody and change out? You know 30 cars. I think if we have teams of a couple guys each saying rap rap switch, maybe the front left and front right or we just bring enough spares, but i think for sure fuel is going to be an issue if we're going a hundred laps at bristol we're Running out of fuel like 80 laps in indy, so we're just thinking of cool new ways to find stuff. You guys drop comments on who you want to see race. Certain race characteristics you'd like to see and we're going to make it happen for you.

But let's go around back because we're going to pick up kilaby and also look at the damage to some of those cars all right. First things: first, we got to check. The big blocks. Definitely sounds like it's misfiring, oh, did it lose the belt? That's how we put that freaking electric water pump on it, because we knew that belt was gon na go flying off, get the battery up there.

After that, all right, we got a couple changes we got ta make on this. We're gon na put a motion. Raceworks catch can system on it. We're also gon na do some motion.

Raceworks big block valve covers that'll just take care of all that kill a bee dude. This is awesome, scratches it's just this car is actually wrapped if you guys didn't know so that is simply an easy fix. We will just scrub that off, but there ain't no real damage like it didn't move the bumper up into the hood or nothing like that. So so firing pipes, work, twerk, great oil pressure.

Look at the blower frozen over. I'm gon na pull the filter on this and just check it out. Yeah little kill a bee oil filter chick your shirts are fresh, that's safe. Everything in here looks really good.

Oh yeah sun looks a little different than mold, because this does have a different oil in it. Yeah, it's more of a green brown tinted oil when it's new versus the gold color looks like we're going to bristol with two blower cars brother, but not even not even the least bit concerned about this unit. That's awesome been no gas, steve nogas, building the hell of a hot rod. I know it runs so great.

Isn't it crazy that we have both of these freaking blower cars now and dude, and not to mention rodney killed it this weekend, killed him running so good, dude unbelievable? I think those turbos are just meant for that truck yeah, no more amazon, turf keys brother. Even your burnout before the uh race, amazing, all right guys. Well, we get a bunch of parts tomorrow. So today's video not that exciting tomorrow we start thrashing start putting these cars together.

We're gon na be pulling the motor out of mullet and showing you what came for it, but that's it for now. Thanks for watching new for dale, we will freaking see you later bye.

By Cleetus

13 thoughts on “The long awaited return of leroy the savage!!! fresh engine arrives, transmission plans, etc!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Salty Canadian says:

    10 000 views in 5 minutes-

    The Cleeter fan base is crazy about his content.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CarbonSickle says:

    Doug: "Now we can make crazy stuff, like……."

    Cleet: cuts him off for legal reasons

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 808 G8GT says:

    Please for love of God, make a carbon roof panel for Leroy for rocky mountain race week. Lol. No more cardboard roofs!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tk Boyd says:

    Sam in the background, checking out the machines… bet he shows up @TBM every now and again.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gegs tv says:

    Im looking.. some people.. to help to buy my dream car its suzuki wagon minivan its so cheap.. in the dealer .. but i dont have more mony to buy my dream.. car Im here Im looking some.. people. Good samaretan.. to help me to buy my only one dream.. car 🥺😣🙏

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars justin newman says:

    It’s about time happy to see it ready for him to get the world record again maybe even 6s

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ssportugal says:

    I dont know whats going on with youtube, i clicked on this video cause it appeared on my recommended, but if i pull up your channel its not listed there lol

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dustin Tea says:

    Makes me sad seeing my boy going to ford! Thought he was going to be a Chevy guy all the way!!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Complete Femboy R.N.G says:

    Build that fox body save the ute for an evan cooler project I love burnout cars but old cleeter is a beast behind the wheel

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mason Piddock says:

    The OGs of the channel have been waiting too long for the return of the king! Let's retake that GM stick shift record and remind the world why Leroy is THE savage!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SVT Junkie says:

    So, you Coyote Swapped It I Hope..

    I’ve heard about VG pushing that Coyote stuff on you..Just give in and start winning.

    Unopened, Sealed Gen3 Coyote went 7.9x..No Big Hog Cam, No Aftermarket Heads, No BS…Sealed Coyote…

    No…No… Factory Unopened LS is doing that..

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Campin Cruze says:

    Hey cleet what's up with the telegram thing in the comments that I was included in?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iSeabeck says:

    Does Sam get a commission on the wax? Seeing how it has his face on it, I hope so!

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