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We're back with another McFarland Science episode and things got HOT... literally! Don't try putting gasoline in your crank case, it can go wrong very quickly! Good thing we're expert scientists.
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Foreign, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the grounds of the freedom factory where today we'll be testing a very extremely scientific, controversial matter out here today, we're going to replace our engine oil with gasoline and see how long the car will run. This idea was given to me by the one and only whistling diesel we're gon na, be taking all the engine oil out of this puppy, refilling it with gasoline and can run as many laps as we can. How many think it'll do so? I think it's seven. Seven, eight laps we'll see hell yeah brother you're on the policeman for on youtube channel.

Now everyone knows the ford crown victoria is the strongest well-built vehicle on the streets. This car is 175 000 miles, but it still runs. Is your seat now bolted down? Docker? Oh, i do believe it's a little loose, but it's good, but this thing still runs perfect. Now this car was in a crash during one of our races, so it's totaled and today we're gon na probably total its engine by putting gasoline in it.

But we want to see how many laps around the freedom factory can it go right now we're heading to the gas station to get ourselves some fuel and we'll be right back to the track, all right so guys we came here, we're going to drain the oil And do the gas right into the engine but we're going to go back to the freedom factory and do it because there's a lot of people here and in case we have like some sort of small explosion. We need to be in a controlled environment for sure plus. Then we get the true amount of laps. It can do right off the head.

I mean i'll, we'll fill it at the track, go right into the laps. Oh dude! This is definitely a short gun. It's a short gun. Oh my, oh god! Last steps with engine oil.

We are cooking buddy, don't worry! I'm a doctor bleachers look expensive over there, but i'm still gon na drift it. That was impressive! Nice all right here we go. Let's cast this baby up boil her down. We got to use oil drop and the gas drum right here.

What could go wrong? Perfect, where's, your lab coat at doctor. I can't lay on the ground and get it contaminated. That's a very good point. Gon na be a little a little warm about, i guess just a little hot yeah, we found a shortcut through the power lines, got her up to temp, so the oil came out fast.

This is going to be a wonderful experiment. I mean the oil is as thin as gases right now, so basically it's just got to be wet, yeah, everything's, already nice and hot. So it's all nice and loose doctor. You have your fire suppression suit, wearing a little fire suit for action.

How'd, the oil. Look the oil uh dr j, said it was a little thin. Dr j said it was quite thin really like water, but thinner, it's hot. It's not cold, very hot clearances.

Nice thing it's going to get a nice cold. Few gallons again, i'm kind of scared, the engine's hot we got to put yeah gasoline in it all right that spontaneous combustion could kick in at any moment. If the chemical reactions are hot, then fire fire. This is it we are doing this.
This is the greatest experiment ever yeah that oil uh it's black, but it was full of mentally look how clean it! God is! Okay, you know what else kind of scared about this nah, but you can do it and i'll stand back and film it yeah. I guess how are we gon na measure that pretty accurate yeah? Well, i think a gallon is four quarts doctor one gallon's about five coins. That's your hypotenuse james bond, all right! So about 1.2! All right! So maybe one point four: throw a little like two gallons that we're going for just everyone knows that this works. Amazingly, this is pump gas 93.

So if we prove that engine oil, this whole time has been a hoax and gas works too now you know what to use ooh. This is sketch dude. Go there chill scare, myself dude. It's literally steaming tell me when we're at a quarter of a gallon uh that can't be right.

Dude! Oh, my gosh, 1.375 gallons 93 octane gasoline okay. So i think we should get everyone in position. Yes, i'll get in suit it up. I'll start it and i'll.

Just start running laps, everyone has to guesstimate how many laps she's making until complete engine lockup i'm going with 13 laps. What do you got? What's your hypotenuse seven, seven, three, three: seventeen ten two sam saying two eleven and three eights i'm going to go five: five! Laps on the last one i think, she's going far dude, i mean two and three were taken: i'm going full rip like we're in a race situation, because that's how you drive these crown decks at all times. You can't not floor them the moment it starts. I'm bombing in and just laughing until she dies with or without the nitrous.

I might use the nitrous here and there i mean okay come on, we need a little bit. We need a real test, all fire proofed up, huh doctor i like where this is going. I'm feeling really good about it. Change of plans we're going full face helmet full face.

Just i had a good point because open face helmet, we just put gasoline in the engine. I was like yeah. You know what fire you're a voice of reason around here, not a scientist, though it's hard for me to trust him on that, but i hope it runs for more than just like two seconds. If that happens, we're grabbing another car immediately and trying diesel dude diesel.

I feel like would go a lot. Okay, everybody ready assume positions. No, no must have missed something doc surgery for you. What do you think it was? I was over there i was like it's probably flooded.

Definitely flooded, definitely flooded too much gas. Take the air filter out. I wonder if it's got something to do with like this evap yeah like it's seeing too much vapor in there. Oh, my fuel yeah.

Let's take this out real quick out of the valve cover and then there's is there a van on this valve cover yeah all right. Let me try it. Oh it's still in there look at these guys fire team over here. No, it's still on fire right there.
Well, okay, guys hypotenuse dude. I dropped it in gear to try and go straight up. Fireballed yeah, all the raw fuel that got into the cylinders came out the exhaust and just like boom. Ladies and gentlemen, our hypotenuse about the car potentially catching on fire has been confirmed.

However, we did not do responsible, doctor stuff there, scientist stuff, we started the vehicle right next to the fuel tanks. Pretty much everyone was right there. We didn't think she'd go up in flames like that. So what we're gon na do is we've moved her to a safer spot and i'm going right.

I got a straight shot to the track, so we're gon na, hopefully not burst into flames, go right for the racetrack. I can't believe we're trying this again. Oh, it's working great. Oh my gosh, it's running seems like she's a little down on power, guys shut it down.

I don't have my seatbelt on cuz. I wasn't expecting it to go. Oh you weren't flooring it! No! Oh okay! Okay! We're about to, though i think it just got really flooded earlier, yeah from sitting. Well also, we poured the gas in the top of the motor, so it all just kind of sat at the valve train.

I just don't want to have too many reckless things in one video all right there we go. Oh my god! No way this thing is running this good. Oh, i hear tires. Squeal he's pushing it we're doing it not skipping a beat.

This thing tires screeching around the turn he's coming in full speed. This might be the best lap times yet folks, a lot less drag on the engine. Now pressure line me: okay, so yeah, no timing! Oh my god! Oh oh, we're making noises! Oh it's knocking! Hey! Get ready knock it so so! Oh, oh just a little bearing this placement, that's all going a lot slower now, oh, and we got a hole in our oil pan guys. Originally the problem with why i had that big uh backfire and caught on fire is.

We had the evaps hooked up right, that's what you guys changed. We had them unhooked yeah, they unplugged those a lot of fuel came out and the fire started, and then we just restarted it and it went dude that had to be 17 laps. I think adam was right. Yeah i had my foot to the floor, the whole last two laps.

That was all she had dude. That was amazing dude. That was amazing, so much farther than i thought what in the world this goes to show you can wreck them. You can burn them, you can drift them and you can even run them off gas.

So i mean yeah, it's incredible and how many so? How many laps did we end up doing 17. Wow nice guess close to it so 17 times, 3. 8. Anyone got the math on that 6.375 miles.

She made it dude after a fire. Let's give it. Let's hear it for the cabinet. Dude come on.

Everybody way to go. Look at that all right! I guess adam's hypotenuse was correct. It can run on gasoline, but only for 17 laps. So that's another! You know if you're in a pinch and all you got gasoline tosser in the crank case, you got about six miles until it's going to be rod.
Knocking real heavy at that point, you're going to want to switch back to oil should be 100 fine jackson. Why do we need oil? Can you give a quick, uh, quick learning tutorial here, because it's a science video? We need to teach them something. So it's a lubricant right, yeah motors are built with what they call tolerances. You got clearance where there's oil cushions to keep metal from metal contact happening.

That's why it's so thick the most important one. Is your oil cushion around your rod, bearings and main bearings to your crankshaft, because without your crankshaft spinning you ain't getting no moving yeah! No moving, you ain't got no, no powers, that's why we started hearing that. So what was happening is we had no cushion there and that cushion got tighter because everything was getting hotter and then the bearing was eating away and then getting looser, running better and then it finally just ate the bearings out of her and sent parts. You'll have that that's why they say they always run best right before they come apart that lap 15.

You were cooking 17 before we started, knocking hard, shoo, tough break time, yep all right. Well, this is how you're proven science once again guys thanks for tuning into the mcfarland science channel, thanks for watching see you later all. In the sake of science, boys dude, your hair got roasted dude some fire socks yeah next time.

By Cleetus

15 thoughts on “We replaced our engine’s oil with gasoline!! do not try”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stern12 says:

    When you started it by the gas tanks……….. DO NOT SHOW MADDY THIS VIDEO !!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicklaus Garren says:

    “Ya we found a short cut, through the power lines!!” Priceless!!
    Buuueeenooossss Diiiiiaaaaaassssss!!!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Helping Hand Auto Repair says:

    Man Alec wasn’t wasting ANY time getting on that fire. Thought he was gonna slide under the Vic.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tubeyourself says:

    This is why I chose the 4.6 mustang over the 5.0. I'll be making more horsepower in the end because the engine has to run to make horsepower 🤣

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars william deaton says:

    See the fact you did something that sketchy and still posted it. Now that’s awesome. Frig I love this whole team!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Weitz says:

    I'm in the process of getting a degree in mechanical engineering and this video has taught me more in 20 minutes than I have in multiple years of engineering courses.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Just Rolled In says:

    Coolant in the rear diff. Trans fluids in the brake reservoir, brake fluid in the engine and Mountain Dew for coolant. That would be a fun one also.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew White says:

    The Hypotenuse is the longest side of a right triangle opposite the right angle. A hypothesis is an educated guess…

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benjamin Hogervorst says:

    By the way, in case you want to get a more accurate hypotenuse next time, you can calculate it by taking the inverse tangent of Bald Eagles over Freedom.

    So it would be: hypotenuse = arctan(Bald Eagles/Freedom)

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wickd Ghost says:

    You know I was disappointed that George didn't lick the dip stick before tossing it aside hahaha

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jeebah jeebz says:

    Blowing up next to the fuel tanks safety first also visor fully up jeezo 🤣😂

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al says:

    Should start stripping any good body panels off the totalled ones. Start stock piling stuff so you’ll always be able to build a fleet that’s around the same weight

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Roy says:

    This could be a whole series with various car fluids. Coolant, brake fluid, ATF, blinker fluid..

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oliver Duenas says:

    Ok but that drift into the pits coming from the entry road must’ve looked sick from outside

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cleetus McFarland says:

    I honestly don't know if we're doctors or scientists of if James is just a Chef this is all really confusing.

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