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At least we're onto something with Ruby! This has been a super frustrating problem! The Blazer is hurt, but won't be missing the Christmas Tree Race this week!!!
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Guys it's time i formally introduce miss madison, mcfarland maddie and i got married this weekend and we filmed everything and we're so excited to show you guys. Video it'll be a little while till it's out, but you know we did a burnout, so freaking pumped, but we got some racing again too. Let's get to the video hell yeah brother you're, on the policeman for on youtube channel all right folks pulling into gainesville raceway. Never raced here before so this is a new spot for me and the gang got ruby coming off the trailer it's official testing day for the 98 millimeter precision, turb speed, hell, yeah sam.

What do you think i'll tell you what it's race day, yeah it's day to day it's a racing day better than any other day we got new tires on ruby. We got a new turbo on ruby. We got a new crank sensor, new crank wiring. We got a new boost controller.

It's going down, blano's diaz, gainesville florida way up north up here by the chattahoochee. How you feeling today buddy feeling fired up five years, uh ruby, ruby redder than ever 2001. I haven't driven this car. You know buyers is up there ready to do a wheelie, what about them bleachers.

I know right gainesville, big time over here, this big top fuel top fuel type stuff over here, yeah we're about to show them. How ruby does things this place? Is nice all right guys here we go first pass in ruby with the 98 we're just on wastegate boost, not gon na make a lot of power here. Well, we can all see what she's gon na do. Hopefully it does not backfire.

That's the biggest thing really hoping to avoid that good news is. I got a danger to manifold shirt on not sure how it's good news, but oh ruby, looking good, my goodness she's so red all right there we hey go now here, not good! You just roll! It down and see what kind of boosting they just float break it yeah. I don't even hit the transmission again yeah you're in the water, ruby, damn still doing it brother. What are you doing brother, this guy's out here at the racetrack yeah? We don't have turtles at our track.

This is awesome that dude was straight chilling, not ideal. It's not it's. Definitely. What was that two or three times it blipped out i tried to like it seemed like it.

Did it a couple times? What is the deal? Did you do a system logo on that one? No, that was a normal data log. We need to do a system log and see exactly yeah. We probably just make a drive through the pits and make it do it for sure all new components. It's really hard to say: i mean the reluctor wheel on the engine looks perfect.

The sensor looks perfect. It's brand new brand new sensor brand new connector, hey, my name is what you doing yes, things over here. It'd be cool. If you uh did something cool today, yeah, oh, it's gon na hey.

What are we doing to get this thing to not have a massive nitrous backfire well hold on hold on this man shifted this thing at just about 6: 200 rpm, oh yeah! When you're, i don't have much nitrous, we got ta we're gon na need the rpm. You got ta wait we're winding around. Have you seen the video? You should see the footage i mean he may be shifted 6200. My guess he's saying it was higher yeah.
We need to go higher, seven thousand yeah, seven thousand or something to the right. I don't know if it's the same yeah i mean we got all day. We got three or four bottles yeah. We only have four bottles.

We're gon na put some heat in the motor there. You go fire me up what definitely almost caught some real damage. Basically, the two step was not activating off the button, so ruby was about to just blow through the converter and make, however much boost. She could.

Maybe ruin the converter, but i think we're good now, so we're gon na test it hit it with the two step, i'm gon na test. It make sure it's good and it's good. I'm gon na just drive down the parking lot and see if uh the sensor is still having an issue, because we tried to fix that too uh all right got a little data got a little data, all right guys, so we determined the issue with ruby. After doing some more system logs with kevin that the crank sensor is actually picking up the counterweight on the actual crankshaft, the counterweight is sticking out just far enough that the crank sensor is reading it.

We tried shaming the crank sensor that still did not work. So the solution now to fix ruby is putting a crank trigger on the front of the balancer, so we went ahead and ordered that, but you won't see ruby racing, unfortunately in the rest of the video. Well, let me go ahead and give you guys a quick rundown on all buenos dias rocky here i went ahead and drilled a hole in the steering wheel. Put the nitrous button in there we got the progressive controller.

We got the purge button mounted, so i have so. I don't have to go fumble around looking for it and that's pretty much it. We got the buttons mounted. That's going to be a big big difference, actually change the jets again.

It's got fresh plugs because we burned up the two plugs um we burned up two and four on this side spark plugs. The strap was completely gone so now it should be acting like a whole different animal. All right baby. Here we go in the blazer, got good old george in the blazer see.

If we can keep this thing down, big buenos dias, 10. 28. At 127., i thought you were supposed to die dude that thing carried it out that one's going there, you can see where it fits the trailer hitch on the ground. We got to get this thing out to some no prep going left.

Yeah. I'm telling you right now if we took this in the parking lot. Oh my gosh. Oh, my gosh did not see that coming new pb dude new personal best in the wheelie uh i was out there did you do a big one, huge wheelie? What i had to shift it, i it bounced like off the hitch, i'm like! Oh my god, what's going on no way, i think two of them all.
Finally, with the progressor aggressor, no way huge williams and it's still in a 10-28 holy crap. That's awesome! Massive wheelie really dude, i missed your biggest wheelie. Oh yeah, you got some good rubber on the hitch dude. Did you see mullet running? That's right, dude that looks scary little sketch what'd you change on the blazer.

This is less bottle pressure yeah. I want to get less bottle pressure too much bottle pressure on the bottle pressure, which is like super super hot okay, so we're gon na knock it down like a 950. That was worth it. What you think about this one come on son, weak burnout, all right blazer! Here we go baby, let's go georgee, oh, oh, but that hurt came down hard.

We got oil pan on the track. Well that got real out of hand, real quick, all right, yeah brother. What happened? Dude that hurt a little bit? Well, not really it just. I felt the freaking jam that yeah you went up so hard it like picked up the tire yeah.

I picked up the back wheel on you. It looked like damn slay them down pretty hard. Huh dude: oh man, rip it. Oh okay! Here we go better than the wall: okay, better than the wall.

Someone pick up this headlight yeah. Can we test the progressive, real, quick yeah? I don't think it's working. It's got to be 100, just give it ignition real, quick test. The progressor real, quick progressor is still working, one tarnation's having 20.

It should not be it didn't do that. I cannot believe this wheel is not bent. I thought he might have been to the wheel for not yeah uh boys. We got a little more gap here than we used to oh damn, oh my god, this side's, not so bad.

I don't think you should run like this. We got ta secure this stuff back up. That falls down into your tire or something i think it's time we turn this into a race car. My friend, okay, hey, yeah, hey can't blow it up.

We got a wheelie death out of it can't blow it up. Okay, all right! Well, hey! I don't think that's a bad thing. I think it's a good thing. We're gon na finally make the leap literally.

The wheelie was the depth of it. You see this extra gap. Wasn't there a minute ago, hey it's a megan in a race car brother, hey, you know what you're done you're a dive done all right guys. We are going to load up the blazer.

We got some ideas, we're going to try getting ready for uh race week. Florida sick week, that's what we got to do so all right guys we're going off there thanks for watching, see you later so i.

By Cleetus

14 thoughts on “The blazer went for a wild ride and came down hard!!! frame damage??”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack Lougheed says:

    Last video everyone was talking about where ruby started, and where the blazer is headed, gotta say that I am starting to see that trajectory make a steep climb towards mullet.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ada 1812 says:

    Seriously those cars have never looked so damn good. Ruby is looking clean AF

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott says:

    Congratulations to you both. Wishing you the best with many baby giraffes in your future.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crasher91 says:

    Dudes you already have a receiver hitch ,build a y bar wheelie bar with wheels .:)

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joshua bergeron says:

    Whatโ€™s the odds the reluctor wheel is moving on the crank? Sounds like everything else was ruled out. Couple tack welds on the wheel is a big thing on the sbe cars

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Kinder says:

    Cleetus "That gap wasn't there a minute ago"

    Dr Tune 'em All ::: waves hand:::

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wozzle says:

    Coconut George! massive stone, I couldn't stay in it that long when all I see is Blazer bonnet ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gustavo Heredia says:

    congratulations, pretty soon we will see a couple of twin turbos running around,lol

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ron J says:

    I often feel bad for racers who damage their vehicles because of accidents, engine problems, etc. However, if the owners feel that it's all a big joke . . .

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew Brunner says:

    Sam is a national treasure. He seems so happy to come along and watch u guys race

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles L. Barrows Jr. says:

    Congratulations to you both.. Hope the best for the future.. That's a beautiful picture

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars younggun484 says:

    I mean, we all saw this coming ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ a small wheelie Bae in the hitch could've worked

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Dodson says:

    So I think I speak for all the fans…we need a mini SAM biography!!! Whats the full story? Whats his past? He's gotta to be cool if you guys bring him everywhere. Is he just trying to get away from the wife? Or does he have a crazy past? Inquiring minds want to know the story of Sam.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cleetus McFarland says:

    Thanks guys weโ€™re so pumped for you all to see the wedding video. It was insanely fun ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

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