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Check it out guys four bottles of the good stuff whole bunch of nitrous for old jack, stand to fill all these bottles for lay mullets. You got one more over there too yeah we got one out, got the freezer out, start freezing bottles. Look at that dude james tall's, knight for filling service at your service got the right shirt on today too. Just for this big check, big checks, dude big checks, ain't, no fiero, but it's a solid prize dude.

What are you doing here? Dude, i'm here to do. Donuts in your parking lot with my minivan, you got a minivan. I love those minivans. That thing is sweet.

I said i'm real worried about you, guys, cheating, so you you cannot go on the freedom factory property, where your crown vic is. You have to stay over here. It already sits ready. It's fine yeah! It's good wait.

What? What about that supercharger! I got in the back, it's already on there all right guys! Well, we have steve morris here so we're forcing him to work on the toast against his will told him we'd disqualify him from my mullets unless he worked on it, so we're just gon na get this thing fired up. It was sounding a little weird. Even so, you know we don't know if we burnt up a valve or something in houston still it did run good. I mean it cooked the tires, but we're gon na get them fired up and just see the steep things crazy.

All right, so we were still struggling, so we flew in the next best guy. We got stevie fast. Now, hey we're ready, we don't get it figured out now. First thing: we're fixing to do is take this big children's pulley off and put us.

Oh, oh geez dude. We can't blow it up that quick because we can we can, and we should you all ready. Guys was just these nozzles were clogged up and we just never freaking checked them. Steve's like let's pull them apart.

We pull the first one out. Can't even see through it clean the ball and now it runs perfect. Hell yeah brother you're, on the pleats before on youtube channel laser season, baby, big dogs sold a bunch of laser shirts man. How do you feel about that? I feel exactly how they feel fired up still available too.

We got plenty of blazer shirts left show us what parts we're dealing with here. Dude come on all right keep playing around. We got some laser parts guys i think one's not hooking up earlier play time's over all right towel track son. We got us some.

Some serious go fast parts here: okay, suspension, split model leaf leaf spring here, all right, yep, yep, yep, real race, car stuff. We got us some cow tracks, put a little pressure on this here leaf spring because uh, you know we want it to go. We wanted to wheelie, so we got us some contracts. We got some sliders here, so we don't get all that up down slippery slappy.

Going on with the shackles we got sliders all right, so this lovely spring when it needs to, but without all that, yes, sir, yes, sir, these babies, real ones too caliber cow tracks, um, so we're gon na get these babies. Both we got shock tabs now shopping mounts, so it's gon na be awesome, and then we got the right nitrous jets now, so the tune up should be a lot more to leave all at once. Oh and and the thing you told me this morning, putting slicks on it, putting slicks on hell yeah all right, so i mean jackson, i'm going to show you how to do this, real, quick and then uh next thing, you know what we don't have any roll Bars still, though, right yeah who needs it, you got cal tracks, maybe you tighten one losing the other yeah we'll see little bob doodle beat wheelies all right come on. First things.
First, get this baby supported, then get our u-bolts unbolted. Next, we'll get the front bolt out of the leaf springs then we'll move on to the dangerous ones. In the back. These things been rusting in here for years and years as we expected, the rusty bolts were extremely difficult to get out uh but they're all out.

I had to take the gas tank down and get this upper shackle bolt out, but got the new leaf kind of put together cal tracks on there all right. We got our roller bearing on here we got our shafts kind of greased up here now we can just get the leaf spring up pop her right into the sliders. Get a little rust in your mouth. Perfect dude looks killer.

Man fired up about this, oh yeah for sure big afternoon race. Today, yeah the blazer went from freaking nothing to something real, quick, something real, quick, nine inches yeah, oh first time, dropping her down she's on slicks, buddy all right just took her for a ride around the parking lot. So get the get the suspension settled in yeah. I did nothing: uh rattle loose bent broke came off it on the test, drive preload set.

I have to rip it up the track make sure she drives straight still then dialed in so we just set the preload with me in the seat. That's about as good as it's gon na get right there that changes the whole car shifts over quite a bit when you get in yeah a lot of mcquarries, dr tunwall is saying he wants to dyno it. Oh you are, i told you to say no. If he asked you, he said he wants it.

I would like to make it like good. Before we go to the track. It looks like you need it. Just street dyno it street all right, let's slap on the dial specialties, a little fireball out there.

I see you got water pushing out there. What are we working with there? 245 max horsepower 245.. It's pushing some water out yeah. I don't know what that's all about.

Maybe the reverse fan situation yeah. Unless you got a bad head, gasket impossible. Good point better. You could be watching jack from driving, so funny, oh he's so mad.

Is that happening bad guys feels bad. That's hit the valve cover! Oh you're good, so you got the nitrous timing in it. So it's real light. That's what it was on the first one yeah now you're putting timing back on you're back in it put a little bit of fuel to it, so we'll get the fuel dialed in dial it in our motor and then we'll pull the timing out for that.
Okay, i like it round two really hoping water doesn't come out again. We had a little bit of water blow out the radiator, not a good time. It's fine, nothing came out during the poll. She does a little overfill.

She likes to be a little low. I think you're right how'd that feel it doesn't have enough injectors for the motors. Oh, no still lean hold on 312 horses, 312.. Golly 312..

All right right here, we're about to take everyone back to the leroy days and throw a booster pump on the blazer. So this takes your 12 volt output and bumps it up to 18 volts, so we're gon na get a lot more out of that little blazer pump. If we wire this thing up, what do you think you think we need it? We better get to work, make sure it's working all right i'll go back there. Yeah.

Okay, hear that i hear factory yep sounds about the same, so you're doing this on all motors yeah we're on motor, because that'll tell me if the pump's working okay, the numbers i have in the fuel map they're like higher than they should be but they're trying To have a fuel pump fall off, so if it's got more pump, it should be rich, okay matter, yeah, all better you're hitting the nitrogen ready there. You go. That's gon na be a good pull right there all right. What do we got there? 562 son? That's pretty good dude 562..

It's put water out. Oh two. Let's just switch horsepower. It's fine still got pressure, so head gasket's, probably not blown or it is yeah or it's leaking.

Let's put something on that, though so it'll catch it at least get a mountain dew bottle a little bit mountain dew bottle, let's hit the racetrack son, come on rap i'll shut it off for you. You know why i love the blazer so much dude, because it's so fun watching you get so fired up about it. So i hope it runs good today, because i want to see you fired up quest for nines dude. I mean that's a big task for this little engine, so we'll see we'll see, okay, see what this thing can do.

Let's see we're gon na get there blow up tron. Let me see that jack stand jimmy shirt. Are we going to be doing a wheelie today? No wind light but i'll be doing a wheelie. It's a win! That's true! Also.

We have dr tuna mall merch, which is on our website, and then we got george. Let me see a shirt danger to manifold. Yes, sir, my sport, vine dude, let me support mine. If it's leaking, it's got oil dude.

They have the freshest shirts dude out here swagging. I love our shoe designs. So if you guys haven't already checked out our merch seals, we have a bunch of bundle deals. Now you can get a shirt hat glasses for cheaper than normal and our black friday sale has begun so 20 off orders over 100 bucks, 10 off orders over 75 bucks and then free shipping on orders over 50 bucks.

So you know we just started up a little holiday season deal. We don't normally do it, but we figured might as well this year 20 of all over 100 bucks yup. So you buy the family shirt. You basically get one free, that's right! Georgie! You buy kids, a shirt.
You buy your grandma's shirt, your kid, your dog, your mom, your aunt, your uncle grandma, grandma, great grandpa, step, dad neighbor doctor uncle yep. You buy them all a shirt you're, getting 20 percent off can't beat that big slick. Skye looks nice. All lowered now george, let's kill her dude fire me up.

There's gon na be some danger to that manifold. Today. Now little rod knock blazer. Yeah.

Did you add it rodnock rodney if it gets close dude we're just going to throw some timing at it dude. I am slightly scared for this engine's life right now, it'll be fine. You need to try to kill him forever. That's right who's, throwing the switch someone's got ta, throw the switch on.

Can you do it? Nitrous is open fuel. Is there blazer's running good? Oh, i'm fired up right now: boy, let's go georgie all right. Baby here goes nothing there. We go.

Let's go! Oh 10. 59.. My boy george, i need a c in this thing. Oh my atlanta, i came up the freaking button.

It's freaking, zip tied on there. Dang it that was a wheelie 40 60 foot on the back tire yeah cuz. That was the back tires going through the beam yeah brother come on. That was so sick.

That was insane 10 59, letting off yeah dude. I got off the button. I didn't see you in this thing: stat you about, fell out of the seat. That was incredible.

That was incredible incredible to say the least. This is what this is. What i was looking for, dude dude, so i love coming to shine, stop screaming. I think i might have cried a little bit.

Oh, hey james, follow the video real, quick dude. I got to see that video bro them cal tracks worked. Oh yeah, it didn't twist as much as it just drove out dude. She was riding out little chicken foot.

I was just getting closer: oh oh yeah, dude dude! Don't come off that nitrous button. No, i didn't mean i didn't do it on purpose. You blacked out just nitrous. You came all the gas too well cause last time that happened.

I blew an intake manifold, so i i like freaked out dude, hey, don't turn the wheel in there dude new nitrous bottle for extra wheelie distance. Oh there, it is. What are we going to do? What are we not going to do? Let out that's right. You better put some weight on his leg bottom tens brother come on right here, he's got to purge it.

Let's go georgie, let's go georgie ten ooh she laid over hard yeah. I lost a lot of mile an hour if it starts to lay over just lift. He did not do that. It uh made it further this time on 147 of the 60s, so definitely got on the back yeah last one was 144.

Damn you need to win another about six. Eight foot before the tires touched down: oh dude, not good! On the whole uh, the break up there yeah stock bottom instead with nitrous, is hard for that last, like what do you think that was just maybe a piston melon? Maybe half straps may not have straps left on the plugs. We're gon na see hot rod right here dude it went a tenth and a half faster to the eighth, but it laid over. I had to get out of the nitrous early okay yeah, that explains so it only went a 10-4 yeah, but now you're in the bottom, half of the tents and the wheelie was sick, dude yeah dude that was sick.
That was sick, so didn't feel the cooling overflow, so the head gas, it's good, activate fuel pump, boost a pump engaged. So we checked the spark plugs now they look good yup, all brand new ones, yeah all brand new spark plugs, and why do you think it broke up so the plugs were used up. I mean the straps. Are all there? No dog, no input.

There might be extra clearance throughout the pistons yeah. It's a long one all right, let's see what it does. Unfortunately, we didn't get an in-car cam of george on the last run, because our gopros keep having problems so i'm open to recommendations on new in-car cameras. Let me know what you think guys.

We just are repeatedly having problems with our gopros. This drives me insane, but we're up for another pass. Yeah buddy, look at that thing, glossy together system. Oh, it's breaking up again, damn yeah something ain't good with rocky right now.

I don't know what it is, but he's laying over pretty hard. It's not liking. Something did not wheel, stand either like last one that bottle's a little bit light or it's compromised all right. We have a consensus on the sidelines.

Does it feel all right still feels good? It died up top though it uh was laying over okay. So here's what we're thinking it's running out of nitrous. We think it's running out of fuel pump when it gets to that high load. Third gear stuff, because really dino did in second gear, remember so you're gon na be breaking up like that out of fuel, though yeah i mean it's very well good, it's hard to say.

I wonder if the bottle is just really light and it's just because i just picked that one up and it's like empty okay, so it could just be out of nitrogen out of nitrous, which we don't have any. You have no more knife. I don't think we have any more. Do you think we have any more nitrous hard to tell because all the bottles, all the bottles for the crown vicks are ransacked right now.

So what do you mean they're in it like we're? Getting all the balls ready all right. Well, we got ta end it off we'll have to come back. You know i mean we had some good games. The loss of camera footage wasn't cool, you know what i mean it did a huge wheel.

It did a huge wheelie, three wheelies in a row back to clean, runs, except for a pass about a thousand feet. It's not so good. No, so we'll get that figured out three tens tonight yeah what was our best pass? Uh. 48.
10. 48. That's pretty good! Dude, that's pretty solid yeah, so all i got ta say is make sure you go get your blazer, beautiful, beautiful. All right sounds good.

All right guys, we're gon na do some work to the blazer and we'll be back. We just keep coming back at this thing. We're gon na keep going on the stock motor until it just can't go anymore, but that's it for now, thanks for watching do it for dale, we'll freakin see you later. You.

By Cleetus

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