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WORLD CUP FINALS!!!!! Let's get these puppies ready to rip! Leroy and Mullet are planning on running freaking fast up in Maryland!
-November 19th, 2021 2.4 Hours of LeMullets
-November 20th, 2021 Cleetus and Cars Championship
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Hell yeah brother you're on the policeman for on youtube channel: hey, listen, dude! I was editing the uh boat challenge, video glad to see you're alive. You know i don't feel alive. I play that all right guys. We got mullet's engine back in the shop today.

Here's the deal i messaged, texas speed, told them the situation. They said, you know what we got some rods on the shelf. We got some pistons on the shelf and we got some heads on the shelf. So this thing has new rods, new pistons, a new set of their heads, and it's all back together.

Thanks to fast forward race engines, reassembling the whole thing they decked the block, put the new rods and pistons in after they balance it and everything, of course, and uh. You know what we're upgraded. We got some better rods. We didn't have the mack daddy rods in it.

We got upgraded rods. The pistons were all pretty much good, but we got new pistons, a couple of them rubbed the walls with the tweaked rods and we're also looking at the data log. And if you heard in the past, when it went at 720, it was blowing through the converter. Real hard, so we're going to put some hydraulic fluid, which is like a thicker transmission fluid in this thing and hopefully tighten up the converter.

If that doesn't work, we might just have to put a whole different converter in mullet because he's making so much power. But these boys are going to get started on slapping it in buddy, nothing like a fresh engine, dude good old, dart, 427, going back in real glad one of those tweaked rods. Didn't let go and put a hole in the side of this puppy. Also another thing you should know the type of head gasket that was in the engine before.

Basically, if they start leaking, they don't really stop. We put a set of mlx gaskets in it now. So, if you do lift the head a little bit, they can weep. Some water and then they'll clamp back down the guys that fast forward think that the head gaskets were leaking for a little while we're gon na uh definitely make sure we torque down these heads again and make sure we have no water seepage, because water in cylinders Causes bad things: we don't want that to happen again.

It is officially time to put the bald eagles back in their nest. All right, well mullet, definitely wins easiest car in the shop to put a motor in it was one shot. Yeah and the bolts hand thread. It's too easy, too easy.

We should pull it out and put it in upside down, at least so we have some difficulty. I thought you retired from working on this car and i thought world cup. You know you have to work on your boy leroy a little bit. I mean the last world cup is six differentials.

I ended up building one out of four broken ones. I know look at us now, so guys our shocks on leroy were just absolutely cooked. As you know, so we got them rebuilt, so we got brand new rebuilt shocks, we're gon na, be running the old springs and then we're taking the big cooling system off the front of them. Putting on that little baby radiator so that we can be lightweight i've.
Todd build us a wicker too. What a what beam tripper! Oh yeah! Then we got here on the bench, mullet's old transmission that he twisted some stuff on and we're getting this fixed up. So we have a spare for mullet because we know he can kill a power glide in just a few runs all right good morning, guys we are putting the oil in the mullet putting in some breaking oil because he's got some fresh bearings and we are going To run this thing start it up here. In a few minutes, old jackson's neighbor has been going hard on the paint on this thing.

Dude it looks so good. He even shined up the cover back here. Look at that looks incredible, go ahead and let it rip sir. It's usually tradition that we leave the turbo drains off so that we spill oil everywhere, but we didn't have to take turbos off nope yeah, i mean science kevin.

Has this thing figured out technically? This isn't a 427 anymore. You know all the cylinders are board five over. What do we got 430? Now they boarded out yeah. They board them out five over well, just because they cleaned up the cylinder walls, new pistons, dude, never a perfect startup we've.

Never once in the shop had a perfect startup. Never once take two: oh yeah, that's a little more voltage. I want to see these curves keys, we'll be back for. Take three momentarily folks.

Welcome jack stan. How are you doing today? Buddy, oh fresh shaved, my haircut oh shaved, your face. I was like something something's. Looking clean, hey uh! This is probably one of the most requested items ever on old leroy about four years of not having one all right.

So what we got here guys sorry about the spillage there hold on hold on gp1 racing, sent us one of the most demanded items to ever. Go into leroy, everyone said we needed one a long time ago. It is a strain gauge shifter, so see these wires coming out of the shifter. That's because now there is a pressure transducer in the shift knob.

So when i pull on this, it cuts ignition which allows me to go and whenever i want to shift it cuts ignition and makes the shift without having to let off the throttle or anything like that. As you guys know, before, we were just running into the rev limiter, not sure that's the move anymore. So after several transmission breakages here we are so um one or two things are gon na happen. It's gon na work or we're gon na break another trench yeah.

What's the worst light today, too, oh yeah and zach's wiring and he wants to wire in a shift light round. Three dude come on. Oh yeah pressure, oh yeah, oh yeah sounds pretty dang good boy. We also went ahead and hooked the intercooler back up we're going to be using that now, even though we thought we didn't have to, we decided the cooler, the air going into the engine the better.

So we are going to continue to use the intercooler, even though we're on alcohol. Let's go woke up fire me up overall, pretty good fire up the cutest radiator award. Little honda goes to leroy bolton dude. Look at that.
We still have the og bracket yeah from world cup two years ago. That's ready! Well, i think we're going to an import race might as well use an important part yeah. We got our honda radio we got to blend in dude. That was oem paint.

All right, guys check it out, leroy's pecker extender as they call it or beam tripper as you're supposed to call it. We got the new hella horn installed. We almost have a front bumper. Now we almost have a front bumper dude, i'm afraid to walk by and tweak it.

We got a little radiator in and then we also uh went ahead and raised up the shift light. I was having a hard time seeing it because it would kind of get behind the steering wheel when it was low, so they raised it up. So now we raise the roof on the shift light and we're getting it out all right. Let's fire all leroy up real quick, make sure he's good.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, all right! So that got this all wired up. I got to go into the settings and get this set up and we'll be ready to wrap all right, guys check it out. The shift knob is set up, it's right there on your strain and then i'll just pull on it a little bit so watch the number pulling shoe shoe it's reading. We just got to calibrate it in the settings to work off of kind of what we think.

The shift pressures will be all right, guys, first strain gauge test, so we're going to start up the car beautiful. Now we're going live okay, so the strain gauge is sitting right there. I'm gon na push the clutch in so i can push the shifter once i put some force on it, it should shut the car off. Oh check that out, so that's pretty cool the eye started pulling on it not side to side, though not side to side.

Only for it shout out to gp1 for helping us set this up and uh. We should be ripping boys. I don't know if you know this, but the whole back end of the car was seized up. I didn't know that check this out.

Dude look at this. Now you just put a little bit of pressure on it. Dude, oh nice! Isn't that crazy, it's so loose! Now, i'm telling you guys, that's what i'm hoping for i mean like literally you had to jump on it and be like yeah. I remember it would like fall down.

That's good. Now we got some weight transfer yeah, so i'm gon na pull this thing out right now and it'll be ready, make a couple. 60-Foot hits today man, it's kind of weird the sun's coming in the shop kind of makes for a weird uh, weird lighting here, but that's what happens early in the morning. Ty tell me about what we got going today.

We got new bar angles, so we got new bar angles, we lowered the front of the upper bar and then we went ahead and went to mensker shocks in the rear. So now it's you lower the whole car. This is what you wanted it to be at yeah. This is where we want it.
That's freaking, low dude, the higher a car is the more it tries to wheelie. No, so you get it nice and low and get it hit real hard yep. So we got some mensker uh canister shocks back here, check that bad girls out, and then they got a uh air canister on them to actually push the rear end into the ground when we launch so we're gon na test that out today too. So all right.

Oh, oh yeah, it gets it every time like you come accustomed to that when you switch to m5 m5 is oh, it's a nitro in there right, oh yeah, it's insane! I got ta stop like taking deep breaths after i do that the m1. You know i could pull the car in the garage running now. I can't even do that. I got to push it in the garage.

Did i run into the garage with m5 in there? It smokes out the whole garage. I bet all right. I didn't know you're allowed to upgrade your boat in the challenge. Oh yeah, hey, dude.

I know it's heavy, but they know it ain't about ready for world cup yeah. It's been a couple years, ready to be uh up there, florida boy, cole. I know it's gon na be freezing it's like 40. The whole time we're there good boost weather, though in the 30s during the day, it's like 40 50, something all right, guys we're going to do some testing out the track.

Some 60 foot hits make sure these cars are good, but that's it for now. Thanks for watching do it for dale, we'll freakin see you later, you.

By Cleetus

17 thoughts on “Leroy and mullet are ready for world cup finals!!! spicy upgrades you didn’t see coming!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 229 water mafia says:

    Hey if you see this cleetus I need help rebuilding my top end on my Honda four trax 300 just repile if u see it please

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Raleigh says:

    Yeah it is pretty chilly here in MD today especially when working outside in it. Didn't even know there was a race at Budds Creek this weekend. Guess I'm gonna have to make it out

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farmer Fpv says:

    I was having real serious Leroy withdrawals. They were so bad I was being attacked by domesticated giraffes in my sleep. Thanks goodness for todays fix.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darrell Coy says:

    REALLY, yall are using that DRIVEN JGR oil when i used it to break in my motor and wiped like 3 lobes. lol . Makes me second guess what i did for timing, fuel, break in.. ETC… Think it was the Summit lifter i cheaped out on though.. GL Guys!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve just Steve says:

    How has a fan not made some decent time lap music so Cleetus doesn't have to use that crappy stock track?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skwisgar2322 says:

    I got $20 that says he pulls a Kyle and rests his hand on the shifter causing it to cut out.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dustin .coleman says:

    Men skurs???? Y’all mean men sirs…… as far as pronunciation…. Either way… big upgrade from the afcos.
    2 way? 3 way? 4 way adj????

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chloe Hennessey says:

    Have you tried that Lucas Oil transmission additive? It works pretty good on tightening up the bands and clutches.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darrell Coy says:

    LOL that mistake on not retorquing heads cost more than the grass on half the track. HAHA

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick O'Brien says:

    I’m guessing the shifts didn’t go well for leroys test session. Mullet will pull off the W!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PARKMAN15 says:

    If u saw his story post earlier, they quote on quote " f@@ked up " leroy apparently.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars smartycummins2500 says:

    I’m assuming by your insta story about “Leroy ain’t making it” that the pressure transducer install didn’t go as planned.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marthaller's Misadventures says:

    Should the transducer cutout be disabled when the clutch is depressed so you don't accidentally stall the car when staging?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TenMan72 says:

    You guys have built the most amazing team. It’s amazing to see the people who put work into your cars. From Jackstand and Sam, to Dr T., Zach and the boys. You are going to be unbeatable!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Bernstiel says:

    The one thing your channel has been missing since good ole Ed the neighbor was an elderly chap. I’m talking like only speaks carburetor elderly, James’ neighbor just looks like he sweats gas and pisses wisdom! Love it!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J GetsCensored says:

    Fell asleep with headphones in watching political junk. Woke up to youtube auto play blasting cleetus revving one of his engines at 90 decibels in my ears.

    Not upset. Guess I’m gonna watch this video and go back to bed.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Turbo65Coupe says:

    Curious why you guys don't just switch it completely to M1 when racing and have it doing a fuel switch on the brake.

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