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The boats are PRIMED and RIPPIN! Good to see even the Jet Boat running right. This was an epic day of competition!
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What are you looking for? Don't worry, you lost your belt, they lost their alternator belt, not gon na be good in the poker run. That's a real, tough brake situation. Huh yeah, i think she's cleaned off. What about uh? Did it fly off the boat? What's up guys welcome to the second boat challenge? Video? Thank you so much for watching the first one out video killed it.

We tried to get you guys to vote for who won the smooth operator boat, ramp challenge. There was a ton of conflicting comments because there's james fans, george fans, cletus fans, so all of us agreed in the group that we could hit up one of our buddies, dads who's, a big boat guy. Everyone in the group knows him, and he gave us an honest, unbiased opinion that the flamingo got first place, george in second and james in third, because he broke down, although james did do a pretty good job docking his boat with it broken in the current. He said you know being that he broke down delayed all the challenges he's got to take.

Third, we have three points. George and zach have two points. James and ty have one point want to update you guys, let's get to the live action. Hell yeah brother you're on the policeman for on youtube channel.

Oh god stinks. It's got his name on it, son of a gun. Ty! What's going on here, why are you washing your interior? There was a mess in the back seat from the children. What happened? I heard a: why are they hosing out their car dude? Well jack stand put an open can of tuna in our car.

Little did he know i knew so. Let it bake in their car. Oh you put so it's just james tuna. Well, ours.

Ours thinks pretty bad still, though too. Oh really, i just sprayed some bleach. Was it that bad ty you have to hose it? I had to drill a hole in the floor to get the tuna really backfired like the marauder. Well, you see, i bought cans of expired goods from the gas station.

We stopped that to throw at them. I did throw one can at them about, took out their back window and then on the way back. The opportunity never arose to throw the last two cans. Oh somebody was harping on ty a little hard, so he was like hey.

We should put the tuna in that's how they ended up, though their car, and then somebody got a little bitter over it and put it back all over. Oh my god everywhere. But it's okay, because i got a better plan. He's gon na get your daily driver.

Next, hey red ripper's, looking dialed big block jet boat life has really been a treat huh. I really wanted one, but then now i see how unpractical they are in the waters. We have here now i really don't want one yeah hey! You still got one though you're going down today: boy, oh wow, okay, i'm really only just worried about jackson's piece of crap, ruining it for everybody again. I know yeah.

Well, hey we're running without him. Today. We gave him a shot. He got came all that jungle.

He did if he didn't pull it together. That's for him and ty a good two-day grace period yeah. That was nice of us. You guys want to hear a joke: hey george guess, what roger dawn big ocean day, boys rolling in at salt water, big moment of truth for jackson.
He did a lot of work to that day. Hopefully it pays off. Let me undo our handy dandy strap here. So here's the deal we got drag race today and then we also have maneuverability so we're going to be dropping in some buoys and doing figure eights through the buoys timed course.

You know the jet boat. We don't know the reliability of it. Yet we're gon na go, try and rip. This uh drag race right off the bat.

It's gon na be a little wavy out there too. So hopefully, your boat's gon na handle that this ramp's a little steeper. Hopefully my freaking bow: don't fly off nicely done, alex yeah plugs in we're good, oh no, our bunks, dude you're plugged. Aren't it oh you're, already spinning! That's okay! You got your plug in today bud.

What is it real early fire up, boat's running good, hey, rookies, bam boy? Oh no dude! Thank god! One thing i don't like is that boat turn it off? No, what you think about this drag race off what we've seen so far, not looking bad for us. No we'll see, though i don't know that thing if it rips it's gon na rip, we'll see, we need to just hurry up and get this knocked out before we're towing them back in water. Well, yeah. I got bad news that thing's definitely faster in this boat.

Definitely faster than us were you a whole pen or i was full pin, but i wasn't trimmed up and they were still like driving off on a nightmare. Nowhere to be seen, you should call your mechanic. I don't have anything to find that's a message. I have no doubt you're doing 70 mile an hour because i was wide open and you guys were driving away from us, i'm guessing.

I was doing about 62., so i'm thinking y'all were doing about 71. and then there was a no waiting zone. So we have to go slow james boat, though once he got some 10 minutes running a lot better excited! Oh yeah, it's pretty crazy! How hard it pushes you back in this inside every time. It's like all right, george and james are drag racing.

First. They got ta race to us, we're gon na, be the finish line, we'll go down there and then you and george race. You guys get just to a spot kind of out of idle, and then you, someone do a three two one same points thing. Basically, winner gets three points.

Second person gets two points. Loser gets one point, so my boat's cavitating super hard on the plane out, not ideal. We got to shift some weight up to the front and take out the cooler dude our boat's planning out worse than ever yeah like, i think it's, because we got the cooler and the fuel you know we're trying to help everybody out got ta, throw it up Front and we're being the nice guys and look at us, our boat won't clean right. So we'll slide that stuff under there he's nose weight dial, that's key dude, i don't know.
If we're gon na be able to beat jet, though we got ta get something for george yeah: oh, we got george all day so find the gas i waited for you to go. Then i went, i gave you the hit a one. Two three go and you said ready go all right. So now i got ta run george yeah, hey george, you wan na hear a funny joke.

The nightmare alex come back one two three that was about three flamingo links. I think you guys messed with my boat about three flamingo. Would you say that was lanes one of those casino cruises? I was three flamingos so about one of those uh like six level cruise ships. You know a little bit with the little one, yeah hey.

So now, if i'm racing you and you have some crazy backfire, once we say go i mean: do i get the w? If my boat goes rough and shuts off, then it's a win odds of that are pretty good. So let's do this george? How you feeling about that last place finish well, not good. Have you ever noticed how's, the loudest guy? Hey you waited until thursday night totally down for you son. Every group.

You got yourself a nice minivan there we'll get y'all home. Don't worry when y'all blow up the boats aren't even like the best part of this. It's all the trash talk, it's just too good. The look on ty's face says it all.

Oh he's gon na blow our air drops out yeah all right, so uh oh looks like the axe man's in the lead. Again, hopefully he was talking casino crews out, like an aircraft carrier. How bad was the gap? Looking like an aircraft carrier come on, i'm so pissed that we lost that, because if we wouldn't cavitate we're going to the choppy water for the maneuverability competition, he goes ain't worried, i reverse totally blown out see. Can we deduct the point for all this guy's gon na owe us points? Hey watch this real quick, this try and try and just count how long it takes my engine to start.

I got ta tell george: anyone can buy minivan boat foreign, all right guys for our next challenge. We've come out to some choppier waters, we're going to be doing a little bit of maneuverability, which my boat doesn't do great. I don't think jack sands does real well, but i think they might have the advantage on this. Oh steel, just cavitates when i turn hard nice, dude uh.

So what we're gon na do is we got some booties we're gon na drop them looks like james actually got his boat figured out now it runs and stuff. It's pretty good glad we fixed it before we did this stuff because it just made a lot more fun, all right. So here's the situation. Basically, that's the start, cone right there.

Okay, so you got ta idle up to that and then you got ta go around the middle one right off the kick then race to the end around that. Come back figure eight around the back again and back. I know that makes no sense with me just telling you, but i'm going to show you i'm going first, so i'll set the run and then we'll watch these suckers try it set the best run. All right, so zach is on timer duty storm's coming there.
We go let's rip it. Oh girl come on big circle around the first buoy all right. Oh, what a beast! Oh! No! Oh and time dude, he didn't even go around straight over dude. You totally did not go around that buoy yeah.

How many seconds is up, if you hit, did that feel way faster than a full minute? It was not a minute. We were done. Horrible easy on the elbow, not gon na, be bad from all those freaking throttling down got the judges over there. As soon as we pass this buoy it's on hit, it hang on boy.

We are we're, oh boy! Oh no! You crossed go! Oh what happened there. I don't know what they're doing they're false starting hit it clean pass. Oh, the cavitation is real. Just like our boat.

Oh hmm, oh man! This is looking bad. Oh we're going to take the l we're taking the hell. I got a minute and eight seconds did they hit the buoy, though oh, oh, my god, brother gas, it's supposed to start when you get on the gas it starts when you cross the buoy. Well, you guys got a minute and eight seconds so you're you're behind the flamingo wow, okay.

I thought it was way slower than that you were cabbage yeah once you hit that throttle, then that's the rule. If you hit that throttle, there's so much throttle. Actually, oh he's having trouble. Oh there, it is oh, come on baby shut up 59 seconds.

All in all. Today, zach and george have gotten two points between two challenges: we've gotten four points with the flamingo. They earned six points today. Damn what are you looking for? Don't worry, you lost your belt, they lost their alternator belt, not gon na be good in the poker run.

That's a real tough break situation, huh yeah! What about uh did it fly off the boat and it flung off because of the fact that it was missing? Like six feet, after putting it back on, you want to borrow my shoelaces get a shot of my shoe. There's some paracord! No lace is the wind brother they're. Just i can hear him now. Where'd, you get your crotch look last time we were towing them in.

They chucked this metal socket up here, throwing roosters. They just came here, annihilated the competition and we're hitting the tiki bar what oh you're about to get cut. Oh, i'm sick of those guys toledo, typical boat day, yeah kind of hard to see well uh a little bit of rain there to finish off the boat video yesterday got wet yet again, yet again, right in your carburetor, it's not a bull! It's not a boat challenge if you'll get rained on yeah, the rain has been relentless. So here's the deal guys the standings are james and i both have seven points georgie, on the other hand, sitting at him easily four, but we all agreed we're gon na give you one bonus point for towing james back two times, so that would be james.

Doesn't james doesn't seem too happy about it? I mean i would have just sunk it. If you knew this, then i would have got all his points there. He is you still be sitting at four. You right up that towing bill.
Yet it's up there, but i'll take a point. Instead, we can use it deal so five points, seven points. I got seven points uh these next couple of challenge days are gon na be big. I mean it can go either way at any point and uh.

I was impressed by the jet boat. I got ta be honest. I i really didn't think it'd come around that strong. No it's about at eighty percent.

I know imagine at 100 they might get a little scheduled. There's budget left more boat challenges to come. James may have nitrous on his next one, who knows but uh we're having a blast and thank you guys for watching all the episodes, but that's it for now. Thanks for watching see you later, the biggest thing is you budgeted nitrous, but you didn't say how to be on the boat.

Oh for the on on-road challenge. We got the on-road challenges coming. You.

By Cleetus

8 thoughts on “$2,500 Boat Challenge Ep.2 – DRAG RACE DAY + High Speed Maneuver Competition!!!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Barbee says:

    This video on your boat challenge was very entertaining and so hilarious! I needed this after having a tough week at work. Good work guys! 😂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars a m says:

    Why didn't james fix the flywheel and cam before putting it in the water. Next, he can see the belt was loose and he knew he had a broke bolt…why not fix it before you waste your time and everytbody elses time at the ramp, AGAIN?. I think he has the better boat but not a better boat owner. James loses again. Preparation boy!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cory james says:

    I think the final drag race should have been two hits. Once cleetus waiting, second jackson waiting. Bet jackson would have lost the race waiting and trying to restart. Opinions appreciated I hope.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars seeni gzty says:

    i'm really keen to see what James does with his boat once the challenges are over. Should defs put some work into it and a supercharged big block and maybe run it on meth

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Egbers says:

    Next challenge. Each gets a certain amount of fuel (lets say a gallon). Then start going up the river to the dam at low tide. See who makes it the farthest on gas and/or gets stuck

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zeake13 says:

    I am sure someone pointed out that there is a total lack of safety gear. A minimum of life jackets should have been in place at all times. Lead by example. . . . . . .

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars asioe kiou says:

    Surely George and Zac deserve bonus points for repping McFarland Marine shirts and the extra loud board shorts? 🤷 Cool series guys and heaps of laughs!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iBOOST BUILT says:

    On that jetboat I'd just run the headers dry, chrome not the best and doesn't look there is any noise restrictions where you guys at. 😎

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