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The $2,500 boat challenge has begun!! We didn't make it real far on this trip.. but there's many more challenges to come!
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Listen guys things don't always go as planned. As you can see here, jackson's got the big block torn apart on the jet boat, guys in life. Things don't always go as planned, and today's video is sponsored by simply safe, because security doesn't always go as planned. So it's important to have a great security system for your home or business.

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When you sign up for the interactive monitoring system, all you got to do is use my link in the description below simply save dot com. Slash cletus shout out to simply safe for sponsoring another video here at the police farm youtube channel. Let's get to the live action. Hell yeah brother you're on the policeman for on youtube channel dang big boat day, big boat challenge day heard you had some problems with this unit: yeah she's good.

What are you doing now? Cutting this out of the way oh he's taking the spare tire off must be nice to have a spare tire. Oh man, all right, so the jet boat's good to go. The nightmare is looking like the most reliable unit in the fleet. Right now, flamingo was having some trim issues.

We got that fixed uh we're pretty much dialed, though i think the only thing i'm worried about is my trailer. Primarily, we got about a uh 45 minute drive today, boys not ideal for my trailer, but i didn't want to change rules now. Just because of my issues today is the river day of our challenges. We're gon na have an ocean day.

Today's the river day and uh, we got three challenges on the board for today: you'll earn points in each challenge and uh i'll tell you about it when we get to the boat ramp, because that's going to be the biggest challenge right here. So let's get hooked up to our crown vix and head over there, so guys james in the process of getting this thing kind of oh james, in the process of getting this thing, timed up damage just flywheel, but it's got partially good under further investigation. It wasn't the motor that was locked up. It was the flex plate, weld it with rust to the starter, yeah, so uh after getting it running and freed up and all that stuff.
It's it's just the flex, plate's so weak that every time it starts it just takes teeth material away. So now there is none except for in one spot, so you got to manually turn it back. Oh, it did and then hopefully it starts should have tossed the flywheel on. Don't you have a little bit of budget left? I do, but i just don't, have the means to get one yeah at six o'clock on a thursday wait until the end, all right, dude that looks sick, hell yeah.

What are you talking about? There was stuff with the steering wheel. It was all rusty and we didn't have any see shoelaced it. It's uh the parachute uh place. Oh hey watch your leg, man dude.

What the hell is that don't come at our trailer tires. What is that look at this hold on? Why do you put spikes on the trailer? Well, i had this idea. I was like cleats gon na come for our uh tires, so i got ta make sure you are you kidding me there sure it's possible that is it right there dude. If y'all get pulled over i'm telling the cops all right.

I don't get no ideas. I know how strong a crown pick is, i am afraid, nice to know we have a dead battery to get things started right. Hey the boat's got a good battery, though i fired her up sounds clean dude, no dude, my mirror is broke. No, i promise it's broken unbelievable dude george is such an idiot for doing that to us all right, so james, your biggest concern is the flywheel.

My biggest concern is this: my trailer making it the hot, not ideal, situation for the trailer. This you got a better tire than they got. I got brand new tires, though came with the boat, and then i got my my fence post might have a nail in it. Oh, i think they honestly have the most reliable boat yeah.

I don't think they're going to win, though, because we can really earn our points in the drag race, and you know some of those other times yeah. I know you know james is concerned about his flywheel, i'm concerned about my trailer. What's your biggest concern out there before you hit the road today we haven't tested our new prop, it's custom-made! Oh, you haven't even tested it. Folks, considering my baiting, you have any on the new prop.

No, no y'all are screwed, that's kind of going to be all right should make it faster. I don't think he's got enough power for that prop. That is a lot of that's a lot of pitch. If you look at the rpm range because we got our attack fixed, we had plenty of rpms, so we had her pitched a little more pitched and rolled and then look at how smooth that baby better watch out for stumps today, boy yeah yeah.
That would be bad. Those will get you is the river shallow. Oh yeah doesn't have to worry about that right. Yeah james is the only one who doesn't have to worry about running the ground today at the dock.

All right boys ready to hit the water ready to hit the got your water marine shirt. That's how you know you're ready! This is going to get crazy james jackson you're going to blow on the tires dude sucks not having this mirror, don't want to drag. My actually, i should not be dragging my trailer across anything dude. My axles are very weak, oh boy.

This is he's coming for us. Go ahead, let's see if he even makes it off the gravel road here. If he better not hit our motor i'll, be pissed. He's probably gon na go for it.

Yeah he's uh he's back there going for it. His cover looks like he's about to fly. Oh my god. His cover is about to fly off, it came undone.

Should we tell him the hell already fallen off. Cattle is already falling off the cover's flying off my county. Oh come on my axle's made out of balsa wood dog. Thank you.

There's rust falling off the trailer. You can see the right side. Axle actually looks like breaking even more yeah. I don't know if we're gon na make it that far got some boats they're not bouncing too crazy.

We got about 40 40 minutes to go 37 miles. I think we'll make a feeling confident everybody look at this trailer one. Last time. Oh man, oh boy, already getting frisky yeah.

We need a mirror dude. There we go now we can hold that out the window unreal alec, holding the beer out for him. That's hilarious, dude got ta. Have him here definitely got ta.

Have him here. Let's see what james up to pull out my trusty old mirror dude there. He is all right. We made it dude, we made it like 35 minutes.

We got about 10, more minutes to the boat ramp, but damn hell yeah. We all made it. We have officially made it to the boat ramp, threw my seat belt into my car. It was so moldy all right, so guys.

Here's the deal. I wanted to bring you to the river, because the first test is going to be a little bit trickier in the river you're gon na have some current going down the river it's gon na make it a little challenging to control your boat all right. So here's the deal you, the people of youtube - will be the judge of the first competition, and that is how smoothly you and your teammate can get your boat off the trailer and into the water and then the second half of that will be putting your boat Back on the trailer and pulling it out of the water first place gets three points. Second place gets two points, third place, one point.

So basically you know if your partner has to readjust their backing up, or you know, they're crooked, on the ramp. That might be, that might be a point deduction or if your boat doesn't start, you know what, if it's not smooth when you're at the boat ramp on a saturday, it's busy your wife's yelling at you, she's pissing, you off, you got to be smooth, quick, swift. You got a line of trucks, so today guys you got to prove to us. Are you a smooth operator? Can you get your boat in fast smoothly and get out on the river and then also bring your boat back in put it on the trailer? No scratches! Nothing like that number one baby takes two people to start those that just take third place.
All night you're gon na have to figure that you're gon na have to figure that out all right don't mess up the backing up, because they're gon na they're gon na crucify us the pressure's on. If we don't have a perfect backup, so pull up swing around nail it, it is nice and straight and then once the should, we go no strap and just send it right in i mean you know how freaking light the front is. I don't know if it's just gon na, like with the pitch of that either you sit up here. We got to act like pros.

Let's go no strap pick out the back glass get out here on hooker. Give him a push off yeah. You might have to give me a push because remember the reverse he's having problems. I tried adjusting it, but i don't know i just don't want to put the freaking crown vic in the water yeah like second dude all right.

Let's do this hey! Let's just act like we know where we're going yeah focus on their strategy. They don't ever go past. Oh, oh yeah! You probably don't got it. Oh look at that! Dude wow! Oh the trailer jack! You don't need that.

I don't think the boat's ever coming back out easy all right. Florida man throws motor in the water starts right up. Oh okay, so it looks like we have george in the boat zach driving the uh crown vic yeah we're ready all right here. We go focus on time, smoothness everything like that guys little wobbly on the back up dude.

You know his wife be yelling at him right now, they're in the water splash down hold on two startups dude that crown makes in there pretty deep, dead water coming in the door. Oh man, oh! No! Oh no! Is he gon na beat it? Oh it's in! Okay, all right drain plugs in drain plugs in panic attack. This is most funny thing i seem to have their dream plug in they headed in the hole right here, pretty good. You had two startups tires: squealing your wifi.

Definitely on the wheel backing up not not so smooth a little panic attack about a drain plug that you've had in since bradenton yeah. I would not consider that smooth operator, i might have a chance. You might have a chance to beat them. I don't know if i'd consider that smooth operators - i don't know if that was smooth.

You know, george - had a panic attack. He thought he forgot the drain plug too so i mean it was chaos over here i put it in there. I even did it unreal. How'd, it run good uh, a couple startups, but yeah.

Now it's pretty good all right. James and ty are next they're matching in their turbo nova. Shirts. Let's see how the jet boat does i never seen ty back up a trailer, so i've never seen ty with the trailer.
True, okay, we got ty driving james in the boat. Let's see how smooth they can be nice and easy. I, like the approach not too aggressive. Okay james is calling to keep going come on, hey the slow and steady, though i mean he's got it smooth, looks like he's.

Gon na be a little a little crossed up here. Oh, he saved it, hear the trailer dragging a little bit. This is looking pretty smooth. Oh, he got it running right away, damn that was really good.

Uh-Oh hold on. Oh, we got a fire. We got a fire that was smooth for a minute dude. I thought we were in thirds hold on folks hold on folks.

James is already going down the river. We got a situation on our hands. Folks, hey ty! You got ta hop on brian uh, we're bringing james his co-pilot because it seems they already have some issues on their hands. Yeah, this whole boat running good thing is pretty sweet.

If it starts, we got ta unhook this just so. You know pull him up next to you, get him unhooked and then, if he starts, we can just let him go. Oh ginormous fireball, so they keep getting temping and it might come around seems like he really knows what he's doing, though, he's gon na sit here and do this for the battery guys all right guys. Unfortunately, jack santos bo is cooked.

Uh, we'll still allow you guys to vote on the one challenge of the boat ramp stuff and we had some more stuff planned, like some actual uh cool stuff for today, but i'd rather run with all the boats running good, so just have to delay. You know you watch tv and this stuff happens like top gear episodes. I promise you their cars are breaking and take days to fix, but i'm not going to scrap the footage, and rather you guys see it. This stuff just happens when we're out doing crap like this, so this is what it is, but hook it up when we head to the boat ramp typical.

These guys hang on now george that rope ain't that strong all right starting to storm yeah. Of course, we got broken boat starting to storm they're gon na try and pull them up on a plane, we're about to get drenched. It is coming down what a pathetic ending to a video dude. The way george drives the boat just either full throttle forward or back hey we're still.

Judging this, you know you guys are actually doing this pretty smoothly. Hey competition's, still going, you got to be smooth, oh, come on, got it dude our boat's a lot heavier. I hope we can make it out all right here comes zach, picking up george, it's gon na make it a little more hectic with the rain zach's getting a little crooked here. Let's see how george can do he's got the cross current.

This is going to get tricky for him. Let's see what he's made of coming in sideways, oh see! If he can recover this one, it's looking like we're gon na have a reattempt. You do. George george can't get off now he's stuck.
Oh he's going for a full retry, full retry tap here. No there's no way james has to get last right. You think the viewers will vote there. He goes looking way better georgie there you go that there's money george brown fell over.

I wouldn't call it smooth. Wouldn't call it smooth, no style points on the exit, all right, we're up alex the hook and bullet trailer hook. 9000. I got reverse so we got ta pretty much nail it on the first try.

He is coming down the ramp a little crooked little crooked. Bit now, what is he gon na? Do get her crooked, the other way, because you can't see it all right door catches, the ramp on the side, rips it off big jeep, guy huh, no door, life favoring, one side, a little crooked, no big deal! Oh, his bunks are floating away, they're, both floating off always coming in hot, oh, not enough gusto. You got to get it right in the back windshield of that crown vic watch. Oh it's shut off.

We have to trim up that. We've all got some deductions, so it's going to be some good dutch work. It's gon na be up to the fans good thing about it. You knocked your bondo loose on this thing and dude watch out.

Thank you my prop, though, all right guys, here's the deal so since all this happened, we're obviously still gon na score on the smooth operator. Since the boat broke down, we're not gon na be able to do the drag race and the figure eights and other stuff. We had planned we're gon na consider the rest of this a testing day so that jack stands high and fix their. Don't worry about that all right! That's a lot of water! Pan away from that, um we'll be back for another round of the 2500 boat challenge, but that's it for today, thanks for watching dude for they'll freakin see you later, you.

By Cleetus

8 thoughts on “$2,500 Boat Challenge Ep.1 – Boat Ramp SMOOTH Operator Challenge (James Boat Catches Fire)”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fred D says:

    Those boat trailers are why our auto insurance prices suck…..
    No transom savers on the outboards is crazy… No trailer lights …
    Crazy Times

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin Tullos says:

    The first one it was okay but I would say 8 out of 10 and then the second one horrible I'll say like four out of 10 and then the final one the best 10 out of 10

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Witkowski says:

    Yous have all the tools like a welder a grander and a few thick sheets of metal it will take u a hour tops to reinforce that trail come on now boys don’t be lazy lol

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guyle Langlois says:

    Surprised everyone remembered hull plugs. Or did they? I used to take my lunch breaks watching the launch ramp for the laughs when I worked at a marina. Best shit ever

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rodney Johnston says:

    I can see why there's nobody at this boat ramp and no one on the lake cause there's somebody with a pink boat And they must be a🍍🥭🍓🍌🍊🍉

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sipdachery3 says:

    For unloading, I'd say cleet 3, George 2 and Jackstand 1 for loading I'd say Jackstand 3 George 2 and Cleet 1. The stall and failed trim killed it.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GuidesAndMetal says:

    Honestly I think putting these kind of videos out, ESPECIALLY FOR THESE TOP GEAR STYLE MULTI CARS WITH SET BUDGETS IN TEAMS OF 2 OR SOLOS, whether thing go to plan, or not. Is a factastic idea. It makes these challenge series far more economically viable, and it's great content, where we really don't know if things are go to plan or not. Top gear, for example, was a big budget profuction, so big costs, and long waits between series. This way, you produce content either way, it is much cheaper therefore for each video of the series on average, as this footage doesn't get scrapped, or become a mere blooper clip. We are properly immersed in the challenge, more like an adventure, as I'm sure it is for you guys in reality. So I think including these videos will mean you can do more of them, or have more budget when you do, not have so much worry of risk that footage won't be good enough but money was still spent. And again, it takes away the asumption things work out, or that some big significant thing comes at the end or idk. It's more personal and real, and I think it will enable you guys to do it more, and be able to do ever more crazy stuff. Loving the series, and all the videos. Lots of love from the UK

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dylan Ray says:

    Everyone in Arcadia hates that 70-72 gas station. They’re rude, over charge people and put things you didn’t buy on your bill, have had bad gas often, and every time there’s a hurricane or something they price gouge everything especially water. Whole town hates them

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